calling all wordpress experts!

HEY! I need your help!!!

I want to receive emails when I get comments, and currently, even though that option is checked under options… it isn’t happening. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Also, if you know a lot about PHP script, can we get together for beers? Because I need to be able to work my magic on this template and fast. Also, if you know of a very simple template or template builder that I could have access to, that would be great!!!

Thanks for listening! We are off to NC today at 3ish. I will be glad to get there, because I know the drive is going to be horrible… I always threaten to fly, and I think I am going to follow through on that if we ever go back. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and I will report back when we return. I will still have access to email though, so if you need me, you know what to do!

See ya soon!

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