gays in the military really are a danger due to their homosexual distractions… you’re right!

I usually don’t (see never before) post you tube clips, but this one literally made me laugh till I cried a little. I need to start watching the Daily Show again. It just goes to show, that if you give them the forum, and the right opportunity, the religious fundamentalists and right wing nutjobs will do a fine and dandy job of hanging themselves without any help from you. That is a better message than any bad thing we could ever say about them, right? Although, for some, I know it won’t mean squat, because look at Bush, people still support him, even though the stuff he says is wrong and ludicrous a lot of the time. Shame. Oh well, here’s the clip! (found on

(my favorite is “I know I would rather die in a terrorist attack than suffer through an uncomfortable shower with a gay.” LMAO! oh, and definitely, “trying to intromiss his rectum with a penis”)

Also, I posted two poems I wrote today after the jump. The Indigo Girls really bring that out in my for some reason. Either way, one is a little sad (about how I was feeling the beginning of the week), and the other isn’t (about how I am feeling now). So, that’s a little bit of both for all of ya! Also, for anyone in the area, apparently, the Indigo Girls are going to be at Criminal Records this afternoon at 6, and signing records after their performance. Anyone want to swing by there with me? I would go if someone wants to!

hiding buried thoughts for you

Learned to chain up my feelings,
Lock them safely down,
Be a good boy like I should,
And turn my frowns upside down.
Wait for forgiveness,
When I have been bad,
And pretend to ignore,
That I am still sad.
They don’t want to hear,
Is what they will say,
That you are unprepared,
For another bad day.
But sometimes it isn’t easy,
Being misunderstood,
Especially if they knew I would change,
If only I knew how, or could.
But that is happenstance,
Because it still appears,
That I will march on,
And hide my tears.
But in the end,
I know it will be fine,
You will have yours,
And I will have mine.
Speaking and saying,
Showing and knowing,
May not be what is wanted,
But it is definitely growing.
But I will do my best to hide in the present,
And give forth fake offerings,
If it is only to make you comfortable,
Around me and my suffering.

hopeful promise of enlightenment

I feel autumn breezes
Blowing past my ears
I may still feel all my doubts
But it registers more than my fears.
The conspiracies as of lately,
That prepare me in strange ways,
Somehow fall to the wayside,
These lovely autumn days.
It must be the seasons change,
As the hot turns slow to cold,
That helps me feel more alive,
And frees me from this mold.
I want to break out of my shell,
And behold my world anew,
I’d even settle for before I sank,
In my overexposed shade of blue.
It this glimmer of hope,
In the form of that breeze,
That lightens the load on my heart,
And fills my mind with ease.
Perhaps the summer of unhappy thought,
The summer of worry and doubt,
Will fade into a season of change,
And make my depression fade out.
I can only hope this theory be proven,
Which hints at hidden excitement,
And perhaps my foreshadowed thoughts,
Will turn to true enlightenment.

4 comments for “gays in the military really are a danger due to their homosexual distractions… you’re right!

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