birthday, birthday, BIRTHDAY!!!!

Yep. Today’s my birthday. WOO HOO!

Thanks to everyone that is helping me celebrate, has helped me celebrate, and will help me celebrate, both IRL, URL, and whatever. YAY!

Something interesting for you to think about (well, it was interesting to me, anyway); yesterday, I went to get a mani/pedi for my birthday. I wanted to be pampered, and all I can say, is that I will definitely be getting these things more regularly from now on. But what was interesting to me about the experience, is that when I walked in, there was an instant feeling of “what the hell is he doing here” in the room. Then, I was ignored by the people that worked there, because they thought I was with the girl in front of me. After I was finally seated and being pampered like a queen, I could still feel the awkwardness related to the fact that I was a man doing something traditionally enjoyed only by women (at least in this shop). In fact, they continually asked me throughout the hour how I knew about the shop, which one of my girlfriends told me to come there, and so on. It was a constant questioning of my motives for coming in to be pampered. Interesting. I just found it interesting, because while driving to get the mani/pedi, I was actually a little skittish because I was going alone, and wanted to avoid the very thing that happened when I went in; those feelings of “what is he doing here”, and the “judgement”. It wasn’t a negative experience, and I would (will) do it again in a heartbeat, but I just found it interesting that feeling that goes with participating in gender specific activities if you are the opposite sex that normally partakes in them.

I was told that next time I will have to go to midtown to get one, because I am pretty sure I won’t be an anomaly… the gays love the mani/pedi’s! I can’t wait till my next one!

Also, as a final note, if you are leaving comments, I know that the site can sometimes take a few minutes to load and whatever, so just hit the button ONCE, and wait. If you hit it several times, it posts it that many times. It is my stupid server that does it, not my site stuff, so please be patient. I appreciate it in advance!

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