random thoughts that struck on a thursday

— Birthdays should be changed to birthmonths; then you could get more presents. I have already taken it upon myself to practice this new tradition.
— Indian food rocks. Big time.
— Somedays (most days), I would rather just stay in bed all day long. Anyone else feel like that?
— It makes me mad that music doesn’t just come out everywhere; I am in love with that Will Young song “All Time Love”. I had to buy the CD on ebay… I should be able to get it at Best Buy. Well, at least I can get it on ebay, so I guess I am not that mad.
— I get my new phone tomorrow. I literally can’t wait. (yet another present for birthmonth)
— Isn’t you tube one of the best things ever? I do want more fun videos to watch though (hint hint).
— In addition to these thoughts, I wanted an excuse to post the picture that you see here. We watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? last night, and it was, well, weird. Nothing will ever top Mommie Dearest for me when thinking about Joan Crawford (even though it really is Faye Dunaway). I have the real (actual Joan) version of this photo on my fridge (thanks to Parley). God I love that crazy bitch (even though Betty Davis was WAY crazier in WHTBJ).

I may add more to this list as the day goes on. Oh yes, I may.

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