arighty then…

It seems there is some hotness with the whole blogger meet up thing, so here is my solution, and I am going with it:
— There has never been and never will be an affiliation between and APWBWGTTD. Done.
— There should be a regular meet up place.
— There should also be a regular meet up time (e.g., Every 2nd Wednesday of the month).
— I also propose less emphasis on organization and more on having fun with it; since that is what it is supposed to be about.

I am also floating the idea of a specific APWBWGTTD website. It would post things about the meet up, like reminders, provide a place for you to sign up for reminders, flickr photos and crap like that. Does everyone think that would work for you? Keep in mind, you don’t have to come to every meet up to be a member, and you don’t have to drink if you come. It is just what some of us will do as a part of the meet ups.

I am officially taking votes for the place and the time. I vote for Manuel’s Tavern on the second Wednesday of every month. That is pretty middle of the road, and accommodative, based on what I have heard from people; and it is a good place for meeting up and generally hanging out. We could increase the frequency of meeting up (making additional meet ups on a different night) if people would like that as well.

Let me know what you think about this game plan. I had no idea that opening this can of worms would polarize so many people, so I just want it to get back to drinking with my friends.

Also, on a different note, Little Miss Sunshine is on DVD today. Buy this movie; it is the best movie of the year IMHO!!!

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