oh blogger, where art thou?

While last night’s ATL blogger meet up was a lot of fun, it is starting to look like the end of the whole thing; hardly anyone shows up anymore. Lori asked me if I wanted to take control of the title of cruise director and plan all future ATLbloggers meet ups, because she is tired of the task, and honestly, I don’t know after last night.

Have people just gotten tired of meeting up? Is there something else that is wrong? Let me know, because I know that this will be on the ATL bloggers website, and I want to see if it would even be worth my time to try and keep our little group together. I would really hate to see something that has brought me some excellent friends fizzle and die.

So tell me, bloggers… where are you? Why haven’t you been coming out?? Do you think our meet ups are worthwhile? Do you want to come to future ones? Please, let me know, okay?

And on that note… have a great weekend folks! I am going to go and listen to all the great music I got at Tower today!

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