an end to the pussy

This pussy’s gotta go. So, remember when I posted the oh so sad pictures of Sydney from a few days ago with the cone on his head? Well, I think that I discovered what happened to his ear. Last night, I came in from work, and I let him out so he could do his business. Well, about 30 seconds after he got through the dog door, I heard the loudest and most horrifying yelping coming from outside; it was Sydney. I freaked and ran outside, just in time to see him standing under the deck screaming for his life as a black cat ran out from under the deck. I chased the cat away, and went back to console the terrified little boy. Sydney not only pissed all over himself he was so scared, he literally trembled for about 30 minutes after, and wouldn’t go back outside alone. Upon further inspection, I saw that the cat took a chuck out of his side, but luckily, it wasn’t bad enough to warrant stitches. Oh hell no. That pussy is as good as dead.

Now, we have had problems with cats in the past, and I had a hard time coming to terms with sending a cat to their death at the “kill immediately” Dekalb Animal Services center. But not this time. That cat (and any other neighborhood pussy I can catch) is now going the way of the dodo. Now, before you try and talk me out of this decision, keep in mind, that this cat climbed our 8 foot fence to get inside our back yard, in order to attack my dog; twice. Well, not on my watch. Now that I know that there is a ravenous pussy out there trying to hurt my Syd (and has succeeded twice), the conscience that I had about killing cats is over. It is survival of the fittest; and I have a cage and Dekalb Animal Services on my side, pussy. Watch out puss, because it is ON.

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