she’s baaaaack!

That’s right, my favorite comedienne is back. June 6th, the second season of Kathy Griffin My Life on the D-List makes its season premiere!! And how did I find out this lovely jewel of information? Well, yesterday I was randomly looking at some of my ‘various links’ and I went to her page; only to find out that she had a special on last night called “Strong Black Woman“. Well, I watched it last night, and she is just as fabulous as ever. During the show, I managed to not fast forward through all of the promo spots (thank God for tivo!), and saw that her show is coming back on June 6th! Rapture! Joy! Also, there is this thing she is doing where you can vote to get her off of the D-List. While her fans don’t think she is a D-lister, I do think it is hilarious that she is willing to do things like “join Scientology” or “adopt a baby from Namibia” just to get off of the so called D-list. Either way, go vote here. I am voting on the sex tape; naughty!

I have spoken in the past about my intense love of Ms Griffin, and my utter and sheer desire to be one of “her gays”, and I must say, that the dream grows each and every day. I want to be the one that Kathy is talking about when she says her gay ________ did the gay sigh. I want to be the one that Kathy takes to see Kelly Clarkson. I want to be one of her main gays! Pick me! Even if I don’t get to be one of her main gays, I will always love her. AND, I am so glad that she and Matt are working things out… those two are just the cutest, and I hope they work it out! We love you Kathy! Now I can’t wait till June 6th! (It’s crazy how a TV show can make you so happy!)

This is random as hell: I just noticed that some of my pictures from past posts have disappeared. Seriously, not even on my server anymore. Thoughts as to how in the hell that happened? ARGH!

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