ticked off tuesday

Today, I am going to talk about things that really tick me off, ready?
1) When people are driving, and there is a car parked to their right, why the hell must they come completely into my lane in order to avoid it? Don’t they know that a head on collision is way worse than sideswiping a car (not like that would happen if you knew the dimensions of your car, douchebag)?
2) Why does Alias have to end? Seriously? (for those of you that want to use this time to make fun of Alias, save it… you are barking up the wrong tree, fuck-pal-face).
3) Why do I have to pay bills? I am so over that. Bills suck.
4) I can’t believe that Jack Bauer didn’t make a copy of that fucking recording, let alone let anyone else hear it before he brought it back to CTU. I just knew something would happen to it. What the fuck, Jack?
5) Why does Family Guy and Desperate Housewives come on at the same time? How is that fair?
6) People stealing bushes. (Hey, if James is still on it, I’M still on it; only because I still have to hear it.)
7) People that get in their car, put their foot on the brake, and even indicate that there is a possibility that they will begin to back out and give you their spot, only to sit in their car and be a butthole for the next hour. MOVE IT!
8) Having to work for money. Can someone please give it to me? No, seriously.
9) The current government administration. Health care. Immigration. Bigotry. Hatred. ENOUGH ALREADY!!
10) The fact that I can’t be America’s Next Top Model, and the possibility that Jade might rob Danielle of the title too.
11) The fact that I have to pay shipping and handling, AND have to wait for crap to come in the mail. COME ON! Instant gratification!
12) Not being able to fall asleep until 4am.
13) Having to pick and choose what shows I can and can’t watch, because all of the good ones come on at the same time (see number 5 for an example). Seriously, there is practically NOTHING good on… why must all of the very little that is good be on at the same time? I am talking to you ABC and UPN!
14) The fact that I can’t eat chicken fingers everyday and not get fat. Hey skinny genes, why not me?
15) Blogger.com. I mean, how often do those blogspot blogs NOT work? I miss my blog-friends!
16) Spiders. Those fucking things suck. In fact, I say get rid of all bugs for that matter. But spiders first.
17) Nicole Riche. I don’t know why, but she just does.
18) The fact that when someone has an affair, the person that people always blame for the entire debauchal is the “other woman”. Famous example: Angelina Jolie. BRAD LEFT JEN! And that is how it is for all affairs! Someone leaves, and someone gets left! The person at fault is the one that does the cheating/leaving! Seriously, this just doesn’t seem that hard to understand for me.
19) People that STILL think that pro-choice means pro-abortion.
20) The fact that we can’t all be equal and just get along long enough to realize that we are all the same, we are all people, and we all deserve to live freely and equally, together. Wow, what a Gandhi statement.
21) David Blaine. Seriously, how does he keep getting so much attention. The man is literally one step away from needing a straight jacket, and people say that he inspires them. Inspires you to do what? Be a crazy fucking moron? Well, if that’s your dream, I guess. Yeah, I hate that guy.
22) Those Volkswagen and Allstate commercials where they show people getting into wrecks. FUCK THAT. I don’t want to see that shit. STOP IT! It is scary enough assholes! (Thanks Alyssa… you made me think of this one!)

Anyway… there are 21 things that tick me off. I am not in a bad mood today at all, so don’t think that is where it comes from; some of it is legitimate venting, and some of it is shallow humor. Now that it is out there, why not tell me what really ticks you off? Don’t hold back, bitches!

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