a wednesday mish-mash

— I am sad today; two good friends (and their partners too, I am not forgetting them) are going through pain. I hope they feel better soon. One is physical, and the other emotional, and I hope they both feel better soon. Love and kisses. Things like this make me think about how fortunate I am, and it bugs me that I am not happier about that fortune.

— Last night I watched the Notebook. Goddamn that is a good movie. Too bad it made me cry like a little girl. As deb suggested, it is probably best not to watch intensely emotional movies when you are depressed. But it is a great movie though! How could I resist?

— Thanks for all of the suggestions yesterday about thwarting thieves. The whole thing just makes me feel violated, and even more pissed because we try to make the neighborhood nicer, and this is the thanks we get. And landmines may be a bad idea, I tend to be forgetful, and I would hate to stumble drunk in the yard one night and find one. Or if Sydney found one… that would be bad. I will just hope they got what they needed and won’t come back. Here’s hoping. And that maybe they will just go and steal all of that sod at the house one street over. A sweeter treat nearby is bound to work in our favor; I hope. Side note: you guys’ comments made James feel better, so thanks for that!

— A friend of mine, deb, has come up with a cool little thing for us to do; we are going to make a mix cd only with songs that we would never hit skip or next, if they were to come up on the ipod or in the car. This means, you ALWAYS want to hear that song. I think this is going to be interesting. In fact, post some of the songs that fit that criteria for you… I would love to know what you guys’ must hear songs are!!

— Sweetwater today. God I love going there.

— I had something else… but it’s gone. Oh well!

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