the last of the questions

Somewhat bittersweet, I guess, since not that many questions were posed, but here are the answers to the last two. First, Terry asks if I believe in love and first sight, and the possibility of there being “the one”. First of all, I want to believe in love at first sight. I am a total romantic. I eat it up in movies. But in reality, I don’ t think that you can truly have love at first sight. What you feel may seem like love, but it probably isn’t love. While that may sound cynical, I just think that relationships take a lot of work, and if people base it off of their first meeting, it is going to be an uphill battle to say the least. It is great to think about, but in reality, hard to translate. As for there being “the one”, I also have to say I don’t believe in that either. I believe that there are many, and if you are lucky enough to find one of them (or if they find you), then there is no reason to “hold out” for this one person that you think exists. I have seen relationships (some of my own) end because the other person was looking for this one, and sometimes, I think that you can have something better if you just see what is right in front of you. I think that a lot of people fall in this trap, and if they start dating someone, and that person isn’t everything they had hoped for, they back out, and a lot of times, miss out on a potential great opportunity.

Now, I’m not saying date a douchebag or a loser because you found out they sucked after you started dating, and you want to see where it goes. No. If you don’t want to be in it, get out. But I think that a lot of people don’t give things a long enough chance. I also think that there are people that give things a chance, and then, because things aren’t going the way they thought they would, or because they have some internal issues, they want to sever the relationship, and go out to look for the one that will be everything this person isn’t. I don’t think that this is a realistic or mature way to handle relationships, as I have found it always ended up getting me hurt. I am the opposite of those two scenarios; I give people a chance, and I am the one that usually wants to make a relationship work. One thing that people seem to forget (or just don’t want to know), is that relationships are very hard work. Some people aren’t cut out for that, which is fine, but then, they probably aren’t one of your many, either. So basically, I believe that there may be one for you, but I don’t think that there is only one. Find one of your many, and hold onto them; that’s the key.

Second, the question was who is the person that has inspired me the most; and basically, I have to say that was probably one of my graduate advisors, Dr. Kozaitis. She really made me believe in the power of humanitarianism, and made me want to strive for what is right. She also made me want to help people in a capacity that would allow them to help themselves. She taught me that people have the potential to grow, and with the help of those like us, they can excel. Other than that, I would have to say Paris Hilton, because I want to be rich and not have to do anything for it. (for the record, I want to be nothing like Paris Hilton, that is, except for all of the money and free time)

What are your thoughts? Any other questions my pets?

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