so yeah…

Still not that much worth talking about going on. I had a pretty good weekend, but that was all thanks to great friends being around to hang out with me. I love my friends, and don’t know where I would be without them; well, I have an idea, probably a nut house or something. I would really like to reconnect with some friends I haven’t seen in a while, though, so if you are in that category, you know who you are, and expect that I will want to try and hang out soon. Fo sho!

Also this weekend, I went to IKEA with Lori, and ended up buying a lot of stuff for the house, including a table and a rug for the living room (or as it has been known since we moved everything into the spare bedroom, the room you enter the house in, and the room in which sits furniture no one uses), and now it looks like I real room!! Loving it! Here’s a picture. I still can’t believe that the rug was only $15. It was a must have, you know?

Other than that, things have been muddling along; I actually got a bunch of stuff done at work today, and hope to continue this trend. I have been feeling very unproductive in life lately, and I can’t seem to shake that. I hope that I can soon. Also, I have been seriously thinking about what I want to do for Christmas, and so far, the consensus is skip it. Seriously, boycott it all together. Of course, I will go to parties, and have fun with friends in the “spirit” of the holidays, and I will exchange gifts with James, but other than that, it can be skipped. No lights. No tree. And more importantly, no going “home” for the holidays.

I still haven’t made up my mind, but almost every sign is pointing towards staying here, and just saying “see you next year (maybe)”. What do you guys think? What should I say if I choose to stay here? I wonder how the rents will take that news… more guilt, no doubt. Oh well. Hope everyone had a great Monday!

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