now, don’t hate me, but…

I hate Blogger. Hate it. It goes down all the time. You can’t leave comments sometimes. And then, the worst are the people that have awesome blogs (see, a compliment!) that turn off the “anonymous” comment feature (hey, I’m not anonymous, I am just not a “Blogger” blogger!). What is up with that? You don’t think my comments are good enough because I use something other than a free blog engine? See, the reason why I hate that, is because, to be honest, I don’t visit those blogs again, and some of them are really good. And that sucks! Plus, I feel like I am not welcome, and that never feels good. Anyway… Long story short, if you want some help moving to movable type (or even wordpress), hit me up! They are much better than Blogger, (but they do cost money… unless you can find free hosting, then rock on!). I think everyone deserves to be free of the Blogger hold. Or, just turn off that feature; because you can moderate comments… I get spammed too, and I deal with it just fine!! That would at least be enough to placate me, and you may even find out I have something insightful (or not) to add to your conversation. After all, that is what blogging is for, right? Interaction and feedback on your thoughts? Exactly.

If you allow “anonymous” (again, I’m not anonymous!) comments on your blog, this does not pertain to you… so no whining. Okay, a little whining, but only a little.

UPDATE: Since all you bitches hate comment moderation (I say bitches in a good way)… I am, gasp, turning it off. We’ll see how long it lasts… if I have to, I will add more plugins, but I noticed that the junk moderator is catching almost all of them; hold, while I run to knock on wood. Maybe, this will make us all happy (including me).

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