maybe, not winning was a good thing!

Usually, every year, the winner of the Best Picture Oscar always takes FOREVER to come out on DVD; something about capitalizing on the fame the Oscar brings at the box office. So, naturally, when Brokeback lost, a little bit of me was all, “sweet! now they HAVE to release it soon!”. And, today, I just randomly came across this, which says that it will be released on DVD April 4th! That is just a few weeks away! I certainly hope this is true, because that is like the fastest theater to DVD release I have seen in a while; and good for me, because now I will be able to watch it again (and again)! If there is anything that Annie Proulx can breathe easier about (since her panties have been in an uproar lately), it is that she can buy the DVD and enjoy her story on April 4th! I know that I will be at the store on that day, DVD in hand, ready to buy… I wonder if they will have a collector’s edition; I normally don’t care about that crap, I just want the movie, but in this case, I may have to spring the extra dollars for more features with Jake!

Now, I really want that new TV… that’s how I’ll spin it; “James, we NEED the new TV to watch Brokeback!!” Yes… it’s all coming together now…

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