bad blogger, duane! bad!

So, I feel like I have been a pretty bad blogger lately; basically, I feel like I have nothing to say, and I haven’t even been able to make myself read the blogs of my friends out there in the internets. Shame on me. Sorry, ya’ll. Some of it has been because of me being sick, but that’s not everything. c There has just been a lot going on upstairs with me lately, and sometimes, it seems that you get so overwhelmed with it, that you can’t even speak a word for fear of everything flowing out like a river. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about the blog, or the people that read it anymore… in fact, that is so far from the truth, it doesn’t get farther. I want to try and be better, and will, but there will probably be some depressing/reflective stuff in the coming posts, so I just wanted to prepare you for it, okay?

I appreciate everyone that cares enough about me to check up on me from time to time, and follow my random thoughts about life and whatnot; it is much appreciated, and often serves to get me through some hard times. Knowing that there are people out there that care about you, when you feel like sometimes those that are “close” to you don’t, is actually a wonderfully fulfilling thing… it’s weird how we aren’t supposed to care what others think about us, yet sometimes, that’s all that matters. So, stay tuned, I hope to be reconnecting in the very near future with a higher degree of regularity. Love you. Miss you. See you soon.

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