alright, this has gone WAY too far

Why can’t someone kill Fred Phelps already?? No, I am fucking serious. Apparently, in his demented crazy-ass motherfucking ass-head, he came up with the wonderful plan that he would picket and protest the funerals of, wait for it… fallen soldiers, because, wait for it… they serve a military that is fighting for a country that accepts homosexuality. WHAT????

No seriously… WHAT??? This boil on the butt of society has had the nerve to protest gay funerals in the past, and is generally known as one of the most evil motherfuckers known to man, but seriously dude, you have got to be kidding. I am not saying that this is better or worse than protesting a gay funeral, but the “rationale”, if you can call it that, in this case is just bonkers. I understand you hating gay people, Phelps, and that you are DEFINTIELY a closet homosexual who wants nothing more than to have his ass pounded; but boycotting and protesting funerals of the people that are risking their lives in this stupid war because they fight for a country that accepts homosexuality??? I think even the devil believes you have gone batshit crazy.

I can’t even begin to imagine how demented and disturbed someone has to be to come up with this conclusion, and then have the crazies to carry it out!! AND THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A MAN OF GOD????? Now, I hope that people can finally understand why WE DON’T TRUST THE CHRISTIAN REICH! THEY ARE NUTS!

I am sorry… allow me to calm down. This is completely insane, and I can’t believe that this guy, not only does he do this crap and things like it all of the time, but he happens to have tons of followers?! THIS is one of the main things that is wrong with this country; people are so vehemently against homosexuality for an UNKNOWN and stupid reason, a reason that drives them to go so crazy, that they pick and choose what they want to believe, and then just act out ridiculously, or unfortunately, in harmful and shameful ways. These people should be heavily medicated or just put down, seriously. I never wish the death of anyone, but in this case (Phelps, I’m looking at you), I just don’t believe there is another viable or acceptable option.

Oh yeah, one final remark there Phelps, and listen up buddy, this is a doozy… do you realize that this country DOESN’T ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY? What’s that? You are too stupid to even realize that the other crazies like you are out there stopping us from having equal civil rights??? Your head is so far up your ass that you can’t realize that we already are treated like second class citizens, and are quickly moving towards losing all of our rights??? Oh yeah… I guess you only listen to and believe what YOU want to.

These people make me want to just vomit. Over and over and over again. My heart goes out to each one of those soldier’s and each one of their friends and families that had to endure such blatant bigotry and hatred. Fuck you Phelps.

Read this article for more about crazy Phelps and his minions.

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