presidential shout out

I just want to give a shout out to Washington and Lincoln for making it possible for me to sit on my ass all day at home, instead of work today. You guys rocked!!! I will hopefully fulfill my goal of doing absolutely nothing today.

James and I MAY go to the Atlanta botanical gardens to see the orchid exhibit; since I have gotten Sarah Jessica Parker, my mind has been nothing but orchid this, and orchid that. I have heard that this exhibit is one of the biggest in the country, and that just gives me happy tingles all over, especially in my downtown bonanza. Here’s hoping we actually go, now that I have talked it up so much.

Also, we are planning on hitting up the Sweetwater tour today at 4:20, if anyone wants to join. $6 for 3 beers and a glass you get to take home, is worth hanging out in the cold. And, I get to stand there and gawk at the beer making equipment and wish aloud that this is what I really want to be doing, and how I would love to get started with my own brewery… ah, dreams are great, aren’t they folks?

Oh yeah! AND (as if I am not talking about doing enough, considering that I started with “I will be sitting on my ass all day”, but I digress) I will be going to make a deposit on my tattoo consultation today. I have made the appointment for the tattoo (April 1st), and can’t wait to see what the consultation brings. I have a great idea that I am really pleased with, and can’t wait to see what this guy can do with it. It isn’t the little animals that I posted before; I didn’t feel they had a cohesive enough theme to them, and from the moment I saw them, I liked them, but always had a little reservation. My newest idea is the best I have had, and I am more happy with it now than I was when I first imagined it. I am planning on ginko leaves and 2 koi fish. You will just have to wait and see how it pans out; I know I am waiting with bated breath.

Well, that’s all for this Monday; let’s see how much of this I can actually get done. As usual, if we do anything exciting, there will be photographic evidence. Happy Prez Day folks!

Songs for you Monday (I have been holding onto these for some reason, now it is time to share!):
Morningwood – Nth Degree (TRY not to love this song… I dare you.)
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek
Daniel Powter – Bad Day
David Gray – Ain’t No Love
Willie Nelson – Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each other) (Yes, I went there… but it is well written)

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