believe it or not

I am still alive, just bored lately. I don’t feel like much has been going on this week, especially with that site visit Monday and Tuesday.

I am quite obsessed with acquiring a Wii though, and that is pretty much 86.425% of everything I have been thinking about for the past week. I am obsessed. I must get one. I will be camping out in front of an undisclosed retail store tomorrow from mid-afternoon on, in hopes of getting one. Here’s hoping I will! If not, I am sure there will be tears, and rants on the blog; but hopefully, we can avoid that, right?

Other than that, not much is going on. I noticed that the Pentagon no longer wants to classify being gay as a mental disorder, but rather as a defect; you know, kind of like “stammering or stuttering, dyslexia, sleepwalking, motion sickness, obesity, or insect venom allergies”. Gee, thanks you guys. This isn’t backass at all. When will people realize that being gay is just part of being normal. You either are or you aren’t; you don’t get to choose. You can choose whether or not to express it or repress it, but you can’t choose to be gay or not. Normal. Not defective. Ugh. Gotta love this crazy, crazy world we live in, right folks? (source)

Now, I hope everyone has a great weekend. The tattoo is healing well, but is itching LIKE CRAZY. I can’t wait until it is all done! Now, I need to use my brain to get back to obsessing over the possibility of getting a Wii… this just preys on my anxiety disorder, big time. I woke up at 6 am this morning because I was even obsessing over it in my dreams. Here’s hoping I am not let down, and I actually can get one!! I will let you know!

Happy Weekend!

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