come on already!!!

I wasn’t going to say anything, seriously, because I didn’t watch the SOTU address last night, but I have read enough about the recaps and shit to get pissed off enough to say something (and Matt S‘s email prompted me to make a public statement… hi Matt!).

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

First, before we get to the rant, read this, which is from here:

Not surprisingly, the self-proclaimed “war president” spent the first half of his State of the Union Address defending his record on foreign policy issues. But it was the second half, focusing on domestic policy, that included most of the President’s new proposals. In truth, however, even many of those were recycled ideas from last year’s State of the Union or the 2004 campaign, such as a guest worker program for immigrants, expanding the use of health savings accounts, cutting hundreds of programs from the budget to reduce the deficit, extending tax cuts and renewing the Patriot Act.

Now, I have a big and very important question, okay? Are you sitting down for this, because it’s a doozy. Bush has admitted on several occasions that he was wrong in many of the things that he has done. Many of the policies outlined in the above recap, which are what he is still clinging to, are very well known as HORRIBLE ideas for the middle and working class (don’t worry about the poor, we don’t care about them anyway). SO WHY THE FUCK IS HE STILL SAYING THAT HE IS GOING TO BE DOING THE SAME OLD SHIT, AND EXPECTING US TO STILL BE EATING IT UP!?!?!?

How can he still be advocating a continuation of war and new invasion; when he admitted we went for the wrong reasons? Shouldn’t we be trying to wrap this up? Don’t feed me some of that bullshit of “we made the bed, we need to lie in it” or “the people are much better now that we are there”, okay? Save that. I am sick of hearing it. I want to hear solutions, not talking points. In fact, I don’t want to hear solutions; I demand them. I want them now, Bush Administration. Your paper is late, and there will be no extension.

How can people listen to someone make the same promises for 5 years (going into 6) now, having never followed through on these same ones he is proposing for this year; and not be upset with him for making empty promises? No wait, that part is actually probably good in some of these cases, because many of these plans are complete and utter bullshit. It is so blatantly obvious that this country is no longer concerned about the working and middle class (remember, we don’t care about the poor, they should fend for themselves, right?), given that the solution for health care in this country hinges on ideas like health savings accounts. Give me a break. If I can’t save enough money for retirement (hi there Social Security! don’t you die on me Marge!), how will I be able to afford a $250k emergency operation if I need it? Or what if a justifiable malpractice lawsuit sticks me with hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills? Are you saying I should just stock up on my insurance? What if I can’t afford insurance (isn’t that the reason people don’t have health care already)? I should be “saving money” and it will all be okay? How should I be able to afford my doctor’s visits and my medications if I need them? I WOULDN’T! Bush says he wants health care for all, but isn’t doing that. I have heard him say several times that he thinks we need health care for all, so why don’t we? Why not make it happen, rather than suggesting it for the next couple of years? Do something. I am so glad that I am lucky enough to be able to afford insurance. This “plan” is a dirty scabby band aid on a huge gaping wound, and it isn’t going to cut it, not now, and not ever.

With regards to “cutting hundreds of programs from the budget to reduce the deficit”, or as he put it:

This year my budget will cut it again, and reduce or eliminate more than 140 programs that are performing poorly or not fulfilling essential priorities. By passing these reforms, we will save the American taxpayer another $14 billion next year — and stay on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009.

Isn’t that something that Bush has been doing for the past 6 years; cutting funds and funneling them to Iraq? Does this “new plan” mean that the money he gets from cutting these programs will be channeled into all those programs that are underfunded and forgotten about (hi there education!)? He has been underfunding so many programs for years, and this announcement indicates that he may be pulling money away from additional programs we actually need, in order to decrease a deficit that was created by a war that he has admitted was wrong! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET WRAPPED UP IN HIS STUPIDITY? How do people still think that he is doing a good job?

And don’t even get me started on the extended tax cuts; those only benefit the wealthy, everyone in their right mind knows that. Oh, but that’s right, like I said above, we don’t give a fuck about the poor and working class people in this country. Fuck you if you don’t have enough money to pay your bills; THAT’s the American way.

I know that this is an emotionally fueled rant, but it is pretty much how I feel right now. These things have been going on for so long, that I think that people are forgetting that they are even happening; so much so that when he proposes to continue doing the same, the reaction is not more like the one I just had. I am sick and tired of hearing how he wants to fuck shit up, and we all have to sit by and take it. It just can’t go on.

And since they are almost definitely going to reinstate the Patriot Act, I guess I am probably under surveillance for having a brain and thinking for myself. Bring on the comments; I know you want to “rip me a new one”, but just know I have said my peace and I feel better about it. I doubt you are going to be able to convince me that I am wrong about all of this.

And if I hear Sept 11 one more goddamned time from Bush, my head is going to spin around in circles, and I am going to violently vomit myself to death. STOP THE MADNESS!

Also check out the CNN full text of the speech (where many of the quotes came from)… if you can stomach it.

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