sydney’s thoughts on the year of the dog:

Since today marks the beginning of the lunar new year, and since this is also the Chinese year of the dog, I thought that I would enlist the advice of a close friend, who also happens to be a dog, as to his thoughts on the upcoming year. Here’s what he had to say:
“This year, it would be wise to take posing for pictures seriously. How else will one be able to catch such striking beauty as I portray here? Learn from me. I have much to teach.”
“Hold those you love close to your heart this year. Let them know you love them with lots of hugs. And, feel free to chew on their head if you feel the need to do so.”
“The year of the dog will also be known as “the year of the dog fashion”. I will design a collection, and model it personally. Watch out Project Runway. Watch out New York Fashion week. Next stop, Milan.”
“This year will be all about being outside. I spend too much time couped up in this house. I want to go out there, and run and frolic with the other animals. But not at the dog park. I don’t like being humped.”
“Finally, this year, you should seek enlightenment on all levels. Search within yourself to find a mission of worthy cause, and follow it. I will be here to guide you. I am your Sherpa. I am your strength. Go forth!”

update: Amber alerted me to a major oversight; sydney definitely has thoughts on drinking for this year.
“This year, enjoy the simple things; beer, vodka, gin, rum. They are all strength builders, confidence boosters, and most importantly, hobbies of mine. I enjoy my drinks tall, and always get the last drop. Are you finished with that beer? Mind if I have a sip?”

Happy New Years, everybody.

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