Month: November 2009

happy thanksgiving, y’all

I am spending my Thanksgiving getting some well deserved rest, eating way too much food, and spending time with friends. As such, I think that I may skip the 5SF this week; that, and I still haven’t figured out what I am going to do with regards to posting songs yet. The 5SF should return soon, however it probably won’t be until the new year; since the countdown of my favorite 31 CDs of 2009 is about to commence! Happy holidays everyone; I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful!

major bandwith theft and the fate of the 5SF

It seems that it is always the few that have to ruin it for all of the others. So you may have noticed that as of this morning, none of the audio links work on this site anymore. This is a direct response to an email that I received from my hosting company that said that I was about to exceed my 400GB bandwidth quota for the month. Naturally, I was quite surprised, because I rarely ever approach 60GB transfer a month for the entire site, so I went to see what was going on.

Apparently, some people in another country, specifically the sites listed at the bottom of this post, think that it’s okay to just steal bandwidth. Well, unfortunately, since they have been stealing from me, and specifically from the mp3s that I used to do the 5SF, you guys are going to suffer; I am not going to offer audio anymore until I figure out a way to do it without leaving the back door open for these motherfuckers.

I didn’t know it, but the application that I use(d) for embedding audio gives you the URL of the file if you do a view source, a fact that I was unaware of until today. I don’t know how I missed that before, but apparently, I did. I don’t know a everything about permissions, but in order to use the plug in, you need to enable execute; which allows you to just steal the bandwidth if you know the file’s URL (which again, the plug in stupidly provides). Blocking the access to the folder is not enough it seems, and as such, drastic action had to be taken.

So what does this all mean for you? I’m extremely pissed off, and very sad to say that it potentially means the end of the 5SF. If I can’t find a way to block the use of my files elsewhere, while still making them available here, I won’t be able to post audio anymore; and what’s the point of doing a post about music if I can’t make it available for you to listen to? I don’t see youtube as a viable option, especially since I stopped using it early on in the 5SF because of the stupid rules about embedding certain videos and not others.

I really don’t want to stop doing the 5SF, so please, if you have ANY way that I can post the audio without having assholes steal my bandwidth, step up to the mic; the fate of the 5SF seemingly rests with you. The plug in that I was using was the pixelout audio player plug in, and as of writing this post, I haven’t been able to spot a way that I could hide the URL of the file; which would obviously be necessary to continue using it in the future. Again, any and all help would be most appreciated.

Here are the sites that were stealing my bandwidth: Fuck you, assholes!

5SF: november 20

Thank goodness it’s Friday; it means the weekend is almost here, and it also means that new music is coming your way via the 5SF! Today, there is a little bit of a celebration of the letter A; seeing as all of the songs featured today, are by artists whose names start with A (well, at least in some part). The A game was not intentional on my part, but hey, I’ll run with it; sometimes having an angle makes things more exciting. Let’s get down to business, shall we?

Amerie – Heard ‘Em All
I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of Amerie at first. I initially found 1 Thing slightly off-putting because of the intensity, and the way she basically screamed the song at you. Well, a few years later, I heard the brilliant Take Control (which was on her last record, that apparently, wasn’t released in the US), which gave me new respect for Amerie; which translated into me even beginning to enjoy the (actually quite amazing) 1 Thing. Naturally, when I noticed that Amerie had released her new album In Love and War earlier this month (and especially after hearing this banging lead single) I had to check it out. There are several great tracks on it, and I have been playing this one in particular on repeat. Amerie’s music has a feel to it that lets you know it’s her right off the bat, and songs like this make me want to get out of my seat and dance around. The layered big band instruments and booming bass make this a track that is just begging to fill dance floors. The energy in this track is high, and with this new single, Amerie has come back to the States stronger than ever.

Alexandra Burke – Bad Boys
The first time I heard this song was a little over a month ago, and initially, while I did like it, I wasn’t blown away by it. However, after several subsequent listens, it has grown on me, and I have been enjoying this guilty pleasure more and more with each spin. This is one of those songs that would fit perfectly on US pop radio, but because it is a UK artist, the chances of that happening are ever so slim. However, I read that Alexandra (who won X-Factor last year, the year after Leona Lewis; one Brit who famously did make it to the top of the US pop charts) is actively working with several big names in the US music industry, in order to get her more exposure on this side of the pond. Only time will tell, but having Flo-Rida in the song certainly bodes well for her potentially topping charts in the states at some point in the near future (not that Flo-Rida is in any way a draw to this song for me whatsoever).

Adam Lambert – For Your Entertainment
audio removed
Alright, ladies and gents, here is the first single from American Idol runner up, Adam Lambert’s debut album of the same name (which is out next Tuesday). While I do admit that I was skeptical at first (seems to be a theme today) of this track, I realized that for me, it was in large part due to the hype surrounding Adam’s impending debut. I was a major fan of him on the show, mainly, because love him or hate him, there is absolutely no denying that this guy has some major singing talent. However, the pressure that winning or coming in second on AI puts on that contestant’s first release after the show is staggering; and given history, unfortunately equally disappointing. There have been very few American Idol alums that have truly delivered for me, and as such, I was nervous about what Adam would do with his debut. After giving this track enough of a chance to allow the stink of over-hype to wear off, I will say that I am definitely more optimistic about Adam’s debut album; the track is a real grower, and really highlights his insane singing voice. We’ll have to see if the rest of the album delivers, but for now, I’m definitely more excited to see what he has in store for us on Tuesday.

Lady Antebellum – Need You Now
I’ll admit, I don’t really like posting “big hits”; especially if they are in the top of the iTunes/Billboard charts. I enjoy focusing these 5SFs on stuff that people may not have heard before, or stuff that you might miss because its brilliance was (or would probably go on to be) vastly overlooked. There are notable exceptions (ahem, Lady GaGa’s Bad Romance last week), but for the most part, posting what’s burning up the charts (and the radio) isn’t the central point of these 5SFs. This may seem like a tangent, but I felt like I needed to clarify, because this is another notable exception; a song that I discovered because it was the top of the iTunes singles chart. I have heard of Lady Antebellum, but never really heard any of their music; mostly because I am not what I would consider a huge fan of country music. However, after seeing this song soar to the top of the singles chart, I had to least give it a listen, and least hear what it was about this track that made so many people want to buy it. After watching the video (ahem… the lead male singer is HOT), I instantly heard why it would jump to the top of that singles chart; this song is incredibly beautiful, the lyrics are eloquent, and the arrangement is masterfully crafted. I love the sweet and tender elements of this song, and I am glad that I gave it a listen; especially because of the fact that it’s unlikely I would have heard it otherwise. Sometimes, you find something at the top of the charts that you haven’t heard, and sometimes, it turns out to be wonderful; this is definitely one of those times.

David Gray feat. Annie Lennox – Full Steam
I found out about this collaboration from my friend Gregor, when he posted a video for the song on his facebook page. I actually downloaded the new David Gray CD, when it came out a while back, but because it wasn’t really meshing with me for whatever reason, I never got all of the way through it. It just so happens, that this is the last song on the CD, so I never heard it before seeing his post. Well, I’m glad that I gave it another listen, because Gregor introduced me to a truly beautiful collaboration by two extremely talented artists. I have been a fan of Annie Lennox for as long as I can remember, so seeing her name attached, only piqued my interest in the song that much more. I love the juxtaposition of their two very different vocals, and the inherent “David Gray” nature of the song (the something about all of his music that makes it almost unmistakably him) suits the pairing wonderfully. Thanks for pointing out this amazing gem of a song, Gregor!

So, there’s another set of songs for you to digest this week. Be sure to not only let me know what you thought (comments are love, people!), but also what you are listening to, and any suggestions for future 5SFs! Have a great weekend!

comment pending approval

I just got a comment on my “just want to say hi” page from Glen (or booknut82, based on the email provided in said comment) that said:


Appartently, Glen doesn’t like my views or opinions. Well, that’s okay, Glen, as fortunately, we are all entitled to our own opinions. You should know, however, that Allah actually means God. Finally, I don’t really recall saying anything for or against either, so you see, there really is no need to shout. Thanks for you comment, though.

sotd: RichGirl – He Ain’t Wit Me Now (Tho)

I was trying to think of something to post about when it hit me; I haven’t done a SOTD in quite a while. Today I was listening to Amerie’s newest album, In Love and War (there are some really great tracks on there!), and it reminded me of the very poorly marketed RichGirl, and their AMAZING track, He Ain’t Wit Me Now (Tho). I can’t believe that it has been almost 6 months since I featured this track on the 5SF. Well, there is one thing that is for sure; it hasn’t diminished in its greatness in the slightest. This song is massive, and I still cannot believe that it wasn’t a hit for them.

I have to say, after giving this song some serious attention in the past six months, I am still wondering; where is their album? There is such singing and performing talent in these ladies (as evidenced by the typically un-embeddable video), that it really is a travesty that this song didn’t take them to number one. Regardless of the record company politics that are most likely at play here, this song is a true gem, and one that has been on every playlist that I have made since first adding this song to my ipod in May. At least for me, this is one of the BEST songs of the year by far!! What do you think? Give it a listen:

5SF: november 13

First up today, let’s take a look at a truly inspiring story from what I can only describe as a true example of what our nation’s youth should aspire to be like. That kid has some courage. I wish there were more like him; maybe someday he will be the majority, and we can all share in equal civil rights in this country. Here’s hoping! Thanks Will! You rock!

Now, I have some AMAZING songs for you today. One of them, I have literally been clamoring FOR WEEKS to get to post about! Without further adieu, here we go!

Will Young – Hopes and Fears
It’s time for some well placed gushing ladies and gents! This song is completely, utterly, and fantastically amazing. This is the new single from Will’s upcoming release, The Hits, and it is definitely one of his best songs ever; how fitting that it would be recorded for his first greatest hits compilation. Will nearly took the top spot in my best of CD countdown last year, and my love for everything Will Young certainly hasn’t diminished in the slightest. So I guess you can imagine my excitement when I heard that he would be releasing new material this year; even if it was only going to be a little bit of new stuff for a greatest hits compilation. Well, one listen of his new single, and it seems my excitement was well placed. From Will’s consistently beautiful vocals, to the absolutely amazing arrangement, to the clever video (what time would have more Hopes and Fears attached to it than being pregnant?! Brilliant!), this song is the whole package. After the first listen, I knew that I loved this song, and I am more than excited to feature it this week. This song has been on major repeat for me, and I just cannot get enough of it; it is amazing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I certainly do!!

Lady GaGa – Bad Romance
I was torn about posting a Lady GaGa song this week (since by now, everyone and their mother is sure to have heard it), but given the video’s release this week, and how good this track is, I couldn’t ignore it. When I started talking about her, it didn’t seem like many people cared, but slowly, everyone seemed to come into the Haus of GaGa. A little over a year later, and she is a bona fide pop sensation that seems to somehow be picking up even MORE steam. As I hinted at above, this week, the internet has been all a flutter because of the release of her AMAZING video for Bad Romance, the new single off of her (not a reissue after all!) new, upcoming album, The Fame Monster. Lady GaGa took me by storm when I first heard Just Dance, and I am glad to see that she is still working her ass off in bringing the true quality goods of pop music to the table. Not only does she nail it with her innovative take on pop, but she kills it with fashion and the video as well (I would personally like to shake Mr. Alexander McQueen’s hand for those ridiculously AMAZING shoes in the video too; dude, you are a genius of fashion. Those shoes at 3:30 make me want to be a lady JUST so I can wear them. Amazing). Lady GaGa is a pop phenomenon, and if you weren’t paying attention by now, I have to ask, “what is wrong with you?”; the Haus of GaGa has certainly set up permanent residence, and pop music is all the better for it.

JLS – Everybody In Love
It should come as no surprise to my regular readers of the 5SF that I love British pop music, and after hearing this song in BBC Radio 1, I was reminded of just why I love it so much. This song is incredibly catchy, and the chorus will be stuck in your head for hours after hearing it. I only heard of JLS a few weeks ago; apparently, I missed out on their first single, Beat Again, when it was released a few months back. However, with the release of this new single (which is an official UK number one!) that coincided with the release of their self-titled debut last week, it seems that I couldn’t ignore them any longer. While the jury is still out on the rest of the album, this song is getting constant play on my ipod. This song reminds me A LOT of the great pop ballad-type anthems made popular by the Backstreet Boys back in their hay-day (I’m thinking of perhaps their biggest song, I Want It That Way). JLS may have come in second on last year’s X-Factor, but by the sound of things, they are doing quite well for themselves post-X-factor in 2009.

Biffy Clyro – The Captain
This has been a good year for finding rock bands from the UK (Band of Skulls, Glasvegas and, White Lies to name a few). When I first heard this song, I thought it was Snow Patrol, because the lead singer’s vocals in this song have a very similar sound to the lead singer of Snow Patrol. To my surprise, it was actually Biffy Clyro (who’s lead singer is Scottish), who I have heard of, but I had actually never heard anything by before. My interest was peaked, because I have had some experience with Biffy Clyro, because the lead singer is a part of a side project called Marmaduke Duke; whom I posted about in a previous 5SF back in April, after falling in love with their AMAZING single Rubber Lover. While I unfortunately didn’t fall for Marmaduke Duke’s album as much as I did for Rubber Lover, I have found a new found interest in Biffy Clyro with this song, and subsequently, their new release Only Revolutions (which is quite good throughout!). This is a great, very catchy single, and I am glad that it got me into a band that I doubt I would have ever paid attention to, had it not been for this great song.

The Swell Season – Paper Cup
To say that I was excited for the release of the new album by The Swell Season would be quite an understatement. However, and somewhat unfortunately, the hype must have gotten to me, because I have had a difficult time really getting into it since it was released a few weeks ago. That being said, this song was an instant stand out, mostly because of the beautiful arrangement, and the intricacy with which they weave the melody throughout the chorus. The gentle guitar picking, and the beautiful deep bass, all overlain with the distorted keyboard, comes together to create something truly gorgeous. Add to that the sweet and sensitive vocals of Glen Handsard, and what’s not to love? Nothing, I tell you. This is definitely one of the best tracks off their new album; and perhaps shining some attention on it this week will motivate me to keep trying to get into the rest of Strict Joy (which is good, but I think I hyped it up so high that there was no way I wouldn’t be let down at least a little).

Well, there’s your 5 song Friday for this week; what did you think? As always, let me know not only what you thought of this week’s selection, but also what you are listening to. If there is something that I am missing out on that is a must hear, please, do share!

more hate from the catholic church

Check out this latest act of stupidity drowned in hate, from the Catholic Church: (h/t to my friend W. Scott for letting me know about this)

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.

Under the bill, headed for a D.C. Council vote next month, religious organizations would not be required to perform or make space available for same-sex weddings. But they would have to obey city laws prohibiting discrimination against gay men and lesbians.

Fearful that they could be forced, among other things, to extend employee benefits to same-sex married couples, church officials said they would have no choice but to abandon their contracts with the city.

“If the city requires this, we can’t do it,” Susan Gibbs, spokeswoman for the archdiocese, said Wednesday. “The city is saying in order to provide social services, you need to be secular. For us, that’s really a problem.”

They might as well have released a statement that said specifically, “We, the Catholic Church, hate the idea of gay people getting married so much, that we will turn our backs on the charity we provide to people that desperately need it. If you, the state that gives us some of the money that allows us to do that charity force us to follow your rules, we won’t provide those services anymore. Our hatred is so strong, that we are willing to publicly paint ourselves as haters just to prove how much we feel and want to perpetuate that hate. Hate, hate, hate; that is what we are all about. Erm, I don’t know how to end… I guess, Love, the Catholic Church.”

Now, the Catholic Church has a strong track record of doling out their own specifically interesting breed of hatred, so this isn’t really a surprise to me. However, it is highlighting the fact that if you didn’t think they could go lower, oh boy, you were wrong; there is no telling how low the Catholic Church will go in the name of hatred over what they decide is wrong. I am sure that Jesus would love the idea of turning your back on the needy just to prove a point, Catholic Church. Y’all truly are a “city on a hill”.

Finally, I do have to say, directly to the Catholic Church in DC; if you are so upset with being told to treat people equally, why not give up your tax exempt status, and stop receiving city funds? Additionally, the statement released accused this measure of ignoring religious freedom, which it doesn’t do; what it does, is it highlights the importance of following the covenant laid forth in the constitution, that there be a separation of church and state, and as such, one can practice which ever religion they want. If you don’t want the government making decisions, and “controlling” your religion, then stop accepting money from them and expecting differential treatment; you can’t have it both ways.

Tom Ford on gay marriage

This morning, I read this interview with Tom Ford, and I really liked some of the things he had to say; especially what he said about the gay marriage issue in this country. Tom Ford is my number one celebrity crush, so of course, any time I have a sliver of a good reason to do a post about him, I will. In fact, thinking about that, I don’t post about him nearly enough!

In the article, when he was asked if he would marry his partner of over 20 years, after being together for so long, Ford responded with:

Yes, when it becomes a federal law. Right now it doesn’t do any good in the states. A few weeks ago Richard had to go into the hospital for something, and I had to carry around all these legal documents saying I could make medical decisions for him. It was insane. The fact that we are not married in the federal sense means that if I were to die, he’d have to pay all these taxes on my estate and receive but a fraction of it and he’d have to alter his life —whereas if we were married, he wouldn’t have to face that burden. That’s disgusting. It’s wrong. But that said, I think I am in favor of terming what I’m talking about as a civil partnership. We all get so caught up with this word marriage. For me, the word marriage is something that a religion should decide. Just give me all the same rights. A civil partnership is what I’d like for everyone—heterosexual as well as homosexual. Call it what you like—it’s the rights that are important. Getting hung up with the semantics derails the cause we’re all fighting for.

It really resonated with me, because that is exactly the way that people should view it. If the word marriage makes it such a sticky and religious issue, take “marriage” out of it. Give us the rights, you can keep the religious mumbo jumbo; we don’t want that part of it anyway. Additionally, the government shouldn’t back religious practices anyway, so if this will get us equal rights, I am all for it.

I for one, am sick and tired of someone holding up a book and determining what rights I get to have because of what that book may or may not have told them to believe as the truth; the same book that also told them to love thy neighbor, and not pass judgment. Wrapping civil rights up in religious institutions is not only wrong, it is unconstitutional. When will our government take a stand, and stand up for us?

5SF: november 6

Making a triumphant return to its regularly scheduled day, the 5 Song Friday is back with some great new music for you this week. Let’s just dive right in, shall we?

Chase & Status – End Credits
Holy mother of drum & bass, Batman!! Seriously, if you are a fan of drum & bass, this may be your new anthem. The track is immensely beautiful in its execution. I haven’t followed drum & bass since I was in high school, so I was quite surprised when I heard a drum & bass song on the radio; although it was BBC Radio 1, which kind of makes sense (they play a lot of stuff that “mainstream radio” wouldn’t touch). Since hearing it, I have been clamoring to get this track so I could feature it on a 5SF; this song is HUGE. I especially love the elegant melody, beautiful vocal, sharp snare, and full bass; you really need to do yourself a favor and listen to it with a really good set of speakers, because the bass really commands the true grandness of this song. I had personally never heard of Chase & Status before hearing this, but I am all ears now; especially if they keep making music this brilliant.

The Avett Brothers – I and Love and You

I heard some buzz about these guys, and after noticing they were fellow beard enthusiasts, I looked (and listened) a little more at what they had to offer. After hearing this track, I have to say that I am glad that I gave their music a listen. This song is an excellent example of how simplicity and beauty in the arrangement, coupled with strong imagery and beautiful vocals can make for truly amazing music. I especially love the sincerity of the line that is the namesake of the song, Three words that became hard to say/I and love and you, and the way in which the singer delivers it. If for no other reason than that line, I LOVE this song; sometimes, an attention to detail is all it takes for me to fall head over heels with something, and that has certainly happened in this case.

Matt Alber – Walk With Me
What can I say; I’m a sucker for a beautiful man with a beautiful voice. I have posted a few songs from Matt Alber’s debut, Monarch, in the past, and just this week, I stumbled back onto his album, and I couldn’t resist posting about him again. The tonal quality of his voice literally makes me weak in the knees, and the delicate way in which he weaves in and out of those harmonies is magical. I have my hopes that there will be a new album from Matt very soon. As I said in the past, his debut was kind of a conflict for me, because there are some AMAZING songs on it, but there are more than a couple filler tracks that really drug it down. That being said, when you go back and listen to the stand out numbers, those tracks show a level of talent and an beacon of extremely great promise from this out gay artist. When he nails it, he does so beautifully and effortlessly; and boy does he nail it with this song.

Melee – Can’t Hold On
Here’s another blast from the not-so-distant past; Melee’s amazing debut album, Devils and Angels made my top ten of 2007, coming in firmly at number 7. I recently stumbled back onto this great track from their debut while my ipod was on shuffle, which got me wondering what these guys are up to these days. A little searching on the internets, and I was able to track down their twitter; which seems to be about the only place they are currently active on the net (at least they are still doing stuff, and haven’t unceremoniously broken up/moved on!!). This song still maintains the freshness it did the first time I heard it, and it was nice to pay some attention to these fellas again; it has been too long, and I need some more Melee in my life. Here’s hoping a new album comes our way in the not-so-distant future. In the meantime, soak up the amazingness of this gem.

The Refreshments – Banditos
This is the song that almost got away. You may recall, that quite some time ago, I had a revival of 90’s songs that I loved back in the day, and I never managed to rediscover all of them due to how much time had passed, and the fading of distant memories. I remember loving this song imensely when I was in high school, and I could vaguely remember that there was a pin up girl on the cover, but I could never remember the name or any of the words of the song. That drove me crazy. I had all but given up finding this elusive track, when this past week, James and I were out to dinner, and it started playing in the restaurant. I couldn’t believe it! Suddenly, it all came rushing back, and I downloaded this great song as soon as I got home. I couldn’t resist posting this today, because re-finding this song was just too perfect not to share. I just love how random life can be sometimes!

What did you think of the Friday five this week? Anything you want to see featured here that you are listening to, but I seem to keep missing? Please, let me know! Have a great weekend, and keep the music playing!!

Maine votes against gay marriage: some thoughts

Yesterday, Maine’s vote sent a(nother) clear message to me: gay people do not matter to the majority of Americans. I am sure that many will argue that this is not the position of most Americans, but the message is too clear to ignore. Our civil rights are constantly up for debate, and constantly, we have them taken away. I cannot interpret that as anything other than a message that we do not matter; this society does not see fit to grant us the same rights and liberties as the rest of Americans.

It’s interesting, because this same society gladly takes our tax money, our contributions to society, and expects us to serve our country, but people continue to pass laws that reflect whether or not they feel “comfortable” with the “idea” of us getting married? Um, how does that work? That’s not just “unfair”, it’s un-American.

Isn’t the constitution supposed to grant freedom; not take it away? Additionally, isn’t the constitution supposed to protect us from the government making decisions about whether or not to strip us of our civil rights? Where are the values and principles that represent the underlying foundation of this nation? They are glaringly absent when you look at any vote for or against anyone’s civil rights. This bears repeating: voting for or against anyone’s rights goes against the very foundation of this country. We are all supposed to be free and equal. By putting this up for a vote, more than half of the people in Maine have gone against the foundation of our nation, and have made it clear that they feel as if it is okay to make the decision against gay people being equal.

Again, how does this make sense?

Every time we vote for or against the civil rights of any group of people in this country, especially minorities, we are sending a clear message that their rights do not matter. No one should ever have to campaign to have the popular vote determine whether or not they can have the same rights as everyone else. It’s just plain wrong.

Shame on 53% of Maine voters for believing that their opinion matters more than the rights of gays and lesbians living in Maine. Since this isn’t the first, and it will not be the last time that our rights are in the hands of those that wish to discriminate, I also say shame on any American who thinks that their opinion matters more than someone’s civil rights.

One final thing. In looking for the results of the vote this morning, I came across this article, and I have to comment on the quote from Jeff Flint:

Voters have a pretty good grasp about what they think marriage should be. It’s not that they’re discriminatory or bigoted. They just draw the line at what they think marriage should be.

Um, what? I’m sorry, but I will never allow anyone who says bullshit like this to have a free pass. If you are against gay marriage, you are against it because of discrimination; that is what you voted on. You voted specifically in order to discriminate against gay people. Jeff, just because you are able to some how twist your illogical thoughts into what you consider rational doesn’t not get you off the hook. You represent a discriminatory body of Americans that have “values” and beliefs that are most certainly based on bigotry. You can’t take away someone’s rights and say that you did it for “personal reasons” or “personal beliefs”, and then in the same breath say, “but I have nothing against them”. Perhaps he should actually look up the word discrimination, because I don’t think he understands the concept.

Perhaps he, and others like him, should keep their opinions to themselves, and stop using them to determine whether or not someone else should or should not have equal rights. Feel free to define marriage however you want; just don’t decide how I, or anyone else, has access to my civil rights.