Month: October 2009

5SF: october 2

Welcome back to the weekly blogcast of the 5 song Friday! I hope everyone is having a swell day, and I hope these 5 tracks make good even better. Now… on with the show.

Hellogoodbye – When We First Met
It is with great excitement that I bring you the BRAND NEW single from Hellogoodbye!! When We First Met marks a triumphant return to producing great pop for Hellogoodbye, and if this is any indication as to what we can expect from their next release, my longing for new material from them might have been worth the wait. I have been a fan of Hellogoodbye ever since I fell in love with their full length debut, Monsters! Aliens! Dinosaurs! Vampires! way back in 2006 (!!!). Then, after seeing them in concert, I fell even more head over heels for them, and have been clamoring for the chance to get some new music from these guys; and (not that it’s a bad thing, I just want a new album!) all I’ve gotten (until this week) was a re-issue of MADV with some extra tracks. While this track is a little less “electro-pop” than most of their debut, it shows them moving in a great direction (channeling their softer, sweeter side they showed on Oh, It’s Love), and I, for one, find myself even more excited for a new album from this bunch. You can get a copy of the When We First Met mini EP by signing up at their website.

Rosi Golan feat William Fitzsimmons – Hazy (download it here!!!)
I have featured songs on the 5SF before that I heard playing in the background of a show before, and this is one of those tracks. Those of you that watched the season premiere of Dollhouse will probably recognize this one; it was played during the first 10 or so minutes of the season premiere, and I loved it so much I had to have it. Luckily, a quick google search of the lyrics, and I was in business. I love the lyrics, and the delicate arrangement. When I first heard it, I knew there was something familiar about the song, and when I found it, I discovered that the male vocal was none other than William Fitzsimmons (who I found randomly not so long ago as well)! The final bridge/chorus where their voices intertwine and harmonize is fucking unbelievably beautiful. I am glad that the music producers of the show chose it, and I am glad that I could hunt it down and share it with you guys as one of today’s selected tracks.

Newton Faulkner – If This Is It
When I heard that Newton had released a new album, Rebuilt by Humans, the follow up to his Hand Built By Robots, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t terribly interested. While I really fell in love with Dream Catch Me, the major single from HBBR, it took me a while to get into it, but when I did, I was hooked. However, that interest eventually fizzled, when the rest of the album didn’t really gel for me. Well, one of you guys (thanks Doug!) said that his new release was worth a listen, and so I listened. While I am not head over heels for the whole album, I am definitely flipping for this track. It is really beautiful, and the orchestration is massive. I love his voice, and the uplifting nature of the lyrics is certainly something to smile about. With this song, Newton has really proven to me, that I really DO need to pay closer attention to him; I like this even better than his first single.

Alphabeat – The Spell
I will be totally honest, and get this out of the way right up front; I have been sitting on this one for a while now. While I loved this song the first time I heard it, I could only get my hands on a boot-leg, low quality version of it; but that all changed this week. Now that I’ve got the goods, I am more than happy to get the word out about the new amazing single from this Danish sensation; who previously filled me with shrieks of delight when I heard their amazing single, Fascination. While their entire debut album, This is Alphabeat, never really struck as strong of a chord with me as Fascination did, I never turned my attention completely away from these guys, as I knew they were capable of repeating that greatness again. With The Spell, they have totally captivated my attention once again with an extremely strong, catchy single, and I can only hope that the second time is the charm for me with Alphabeat. In the meantime, I can’t stop dancing around to this wonderful track.

Third Eye Blind – Don’t Believe A Word (download it here!!!)
Yes, you are reading that right: I am featuring a song by Third Eye Blind, and no, it isn’t 1997! Most people probably think of the late nineties when they think of Third Eye Blind, because that was when they had the most success with radio mainstays Semi-Charmed Kind of Life, How’s It Going To Be, and Jumper. I randomly noticed they had released a new album recently, when I stumbled onto the stop-motiontastic video for Don’t Believe A Word. While the song didn’t fully draw me in initially, there was something about it that I really liked, and as such, I downloaded it. After a few listens, I realized it was the amazing riff that they utilize during the chorus that I loved. I always really liked his voice, and the song overall has proven to be quite the earworm. If you don’t count the part where he screams “you whore I’ll fucking kill you” right before the first chorus, I would venture a guess that Third Eye Blind could have another mainstream hit on their hands; more than 10 years after their successful debut.

Well, there’s your Friday five! Please be sure to let me know what you thought, and remember that I am always looking for your suggestions as well!