Month: July 2009

sotd: LeAnn Rimes – What I Cannot Change

I wanted to post about this song, not only because it is incredibly beautiful, but because it really means something to me. LeAnn Rimes’ What I Cannot Change so succinctly sums up such a major issue for me, and does so with such elegance and grace, that it can’t be ignored. One listen to this song instantly gives me chills. It is one of the most beautiful, simply stated, and well put sentiments put to music that I have ever heard.

The arrangement of this song is achingly beautiful, but the spotlight shines brightest on the sentiment behind the message, because it is so impressively poignant. This song is a beautiful reminder, that it is I that needs to understand, and accept the things in life that I cannot change, because that is the only way that I will ever be truly happy. Believe it or not, but this song actually has the power to make me feel better.


Perhaps my favorite line in this song is, “It’s easier to please the world than it is to please myself”, because of how closely it speaks to my own experiences in life, as well as how closely it describes my way of thinking and doing (I care way too much about what others think, and as such, do my best to make sure to put others before myself).

This song is a beautiful way of stating that there are things that I cannot change. I realize that I will have to live with these things, and as such, need to learn to accept that which I cannot change. I realize that I need to continue to learn how to, and then forgive what I cannot change. I also realize that I can change, and I will continue to work towards changing whatever, whenever I can. Thank you LeAnn for this amazing song.

5SF: july 10

I’m back!! Sorry about last week, but having a day off really makes wanting to blog slip into the forgotten areas of my mind; that, and I was driving all over Atlanta looking for a pool. Well, the pool should be ready next week, and I am ALMOST finished with BOTH bathrooms, so I am getting pretty excited about several things. But enough about that… we are here for the music, right? So let’s get right to it, shall we?

The Low Anthem – Charlie Darwin
Every once and a while, I come across a song so amazing and beautiful, that it literally gives me chills. This is one of those songs. The delicate guitar picking, the haunting vocals, and the gentle-folk quality of this song are pure perfection. The vocal arrangements of the singers is almost choir-like in its nature, but instead of sounding like church music, it comes across as a beautiful ballad with intricacies that make this a truly amazing find. I love it when I come across songs like this, and I realize I have stumbled onto something incredibly beautiful; which unfortunately, doesn’t happen very often. I couldn’t wait to post about this one!

Marina and the Diamonds – I Am Not A Robot
Here is yet another song that I randomly stumbled onto this past week that completely took me by storm. I discovered Marina and the Diamonds by watching the the video of this song (be sure to go and check it out here) on a music blog, and while I instantly loved the song, I was struck by two things instantly: one, how much she reminds me of Imogen Heap, and two, how much she looks like Kelly Clarkson (and Rebecca Romijn from the X-Men movies when she’s got all those sparklies on)! Add to those great things the amazingly-catchy chorus, and total fun of this track, and you have a hit on your hands!! I can’t wait to see what else Marina and the Diamonds have in store for their upcoming album release; if it’s anything like this, I know I’ll love it!

Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks
I don’t know what it is about this song that I love so much; the throw back sound, the weirdness of the oooo’s and ahhh’s, or the quirkiness of the track in general. It reminds me of bands like The Shins, Peter Bjorn and John, and even Vampire Weekend; all of which posses that interesting weird-ish quirk that intrigues me, and in this case, makes me love it. I saw how much hype was surrounding these guys earlier this year, and I scoffed at the time, but after hearing Two Weeks, I am definitely going to reconsider my position.

VV Brown – Shark In The Water
What do you get when you take the vocals of someone very similar to Amy Winehouse, and instead of a throwback sound, you mix it with an truly danceable, pop-rock with almost and island feel to it? Why, you get this song!! I instantly loved the energy and the amazing vocal prowess VV Brown conveys in this massive song. I am sure that the UK radio will be burning up this track this summer (too bad it most likely will NOT make it to radio over here); as well as whatever is attached to my ipod.

Band Of Skulls – I Know What I Am
This song instantly struck me for its hat tip to the intense side of classic rock, but stood out because of the unique pairing of the male and female vocals. The song literally sounds to me like Chrissie Hynde joined the White Stripes; and in the process, made a fucking kick ass single. I am definitely keeping my ears open for whatever comes next from Band of Skulls, because this song is truly fantastic (I haven’t gotten to the rest of the album yet… so many songs coming on my radar right now!!!). Also, is it just me, or is the drumming on this track like a sick, amazing heartbeat-like rhythm that begs to be danced to?

Well, there’s another 5SF for you guys… what did you think? Please let me know, and tell me what you are listening to in return! I hope you found these tracks just as amazing as I did, because this week, there was all kinds of greatness going on!!!

it is NOT sexual preference!

I don’t know how many times I have seen people refer to sexual orientation as sexual preference, but each and every time it pisses me the fuck off. Whether you choose to rest on ignorance or not is no excuse; the word preference is indicative of choice, and being gay is NOT A CHOICE.
So therefore, if you CHOOSE to use the phrase sexual preference, I may CHOOSE to punch you in your fucking ignorant ass neck. I’m just saying.

big fucking circle of dirt

So as I previously mentioned, I got a pool. It is an Intex above-ground, “EASY set” 15′ X 42″ pool. The reason why easy is in quotations, is because while it may be easy to set up, it is only easy if you have a level yard to set it up on. Well, we don’t. So, I decided that I could level it, because I was getting the pool goddammit, and shifting some dirt around would certainly not deter me.

On Saturday, my friend John helped me empty and spread the 500lbs of sand we bought on Friday, and while that was a difficult task in and of itself, it was then that I painfully realized that this was going to be a task that would be more intense than I was expecting. We discussed getting a truckload of dirt to level the yard, but renting a tiller seemed more realistic to me, so on Sunday, that’s just what I did. James and I got home about 3:30 with the instrument of death ahem, I mean, tiller, and we took turns tilling the ground until about 8pm last night.

EVERYTHING on me has been rattled to within an inch of completely falling off of my body. I am sore in places that I didn’t know existed, and the ground STILL isn’t level. While I am beaten, bruised, and certainly exhausted, I will NOT give up. When I am soaking in my sweet ass pool later this week, I want to be able to look back and think about this very moment, because it will make it seem even more amazing than I am sure it is going to be.

I hope that the ground will remain somewhat level for next year, or I making myself a promise here and now, that I will hire someone before I step behind a tiller again! Stay tuned for more, exciting pool news (that will actually include details ABOUT THE POOL!!!)!!

*cricket cricket*

Yeah, I know I didn’t post a 5SF for this week… but with good reason!!! I was looking for a pool all day, and as such, was pretty quiet on the internet. Then yesterday, I was busy most of the day with house stuff, and a party. Today, more house work.

So we’ll just have to wait and see what greatness I can come up with next week to make it up to you, okay? I hope everyone has had a great weekend, and wish me luck as I go and rent a tiller to level the backyard for my pool today!!

sotd: Gossip – Pop Goes The World

Yesterday, I was talking with my friend Deb about Gossip’s new amazing album, and we totally agreed that Pop Goes The World is totally poised to be a new anthem for the gay rights movement!!!

I posted it in last week’s 5SF, and to be quite honest, I CANNOT get enough of this song!!! Have another listen:

These are the lyrics, and I have highlighted my favorite “get out there and fight for our rights” parts:

Find yourself in a situation
Can’t talk your way out of
Stimulate the conversation
How do you rise above
You try to tell some one
But you can’t describe it
We’ll start a demonstration
Or we’ll create a scene
Make noise from our frustration
Newspapers, magazines
We’ll turn them on their heads

You can’t deny it

For once
We’ll do what come naturally
We’ll approach it casually
With no apology
For once
We will have the final say
Goodbye to yesterday
‘Cause we know we’re here to stay

Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New sensation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New creation

Give every generation
A different set of rules
We’ll start with TV stations
The radios and schools

Just try to have some fun
And don’t get caught
We’ll capture their attention
We’ll make them quite aware
Of all of our intentions
We’ll make ’em stop and stare
They’ll take a second look
On second thought

For once
We’ll do what come naturally
We’ll approach it casually
With no apology
For once
We can have the final say
Goodbye to yesterday
‘Cause they know we’re here to stay

Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New salvation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New translation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New elation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New sensation

Their new album is AMAZING, and grows on me with each listen. Beth Ditto rocks my face off. Do yourself a favor and check it out if you haven’t already!

sotd: Portishead – Roads

Sometimes, you come across a song that can only be described as purely brilliant, and utterly perfect. Roads, by Portishead is one of those songs.

I have been a huge fan of Portishead for many, many years, and I was more than pleased when they released a new album last year. While it was different from their previous material, it reinforced the simple fact that Portishead is still an innovative band, who is out there changing the face of music for the better. Roads is by far my favorite song of theirs, and it is one of those songs that seems perfectly poised for an intimate scene on the soundtrack of your life (which is why it fits so well on shows at the “right moment”). Additionally, it is one of those songs that really makes me appreciate good music, because it sets the bar so incredibly high with its arrangement, raw emotion, and overall brilliance.

I couldn’t post this video without commenting on how strikingly similar Beth Gibbons looks like a cross between Emma Thompson and Kristen Scott Thomas; it’s freaky, don’t you think!?!