Month: June 2009

5SF: june 12

I am kind of a little out of it today, so please forgive me; at least I’m not skipping another week, right?! Whatever would you do? Oh yeah, go on as if nothing happened. Ha! Anyway… There are some slow songs, some up-tempo alternative tracks, and even a blast from my high school music past. Interestingly enough, all of the artists today are also male. Well, let’s get this party started, alright?

Hayden – Let It Last
I got a huge, welcome surprise when I looked at the new release list on iTunes this week; one of my favorite Canadian folk artists, Hayden, released a new CD, The Place Where We Lived! You may remember that his amazing In Field and Town made my year end list for 2008, coming in at number 7 on that list. While I was surprised that he was releasing another album so quickly, I wasn’t surprised when I listened to it; it is beautiful, and has the same amazing quality that permeated In Field and Town. With this album, Hayden has crafted another brilliant album full of songs that do not stray from his tender style of folk rock. This is my favorite track on the album, and it is a sweet and subtle duet between Hayden and a female singer. This was a GREAT find, and will definitely be somewhere amongst my favorite albums of the year.

Matthew Barber – Where The River Bends
Well, it looks like this week, we have not one, but two Canadian singer-songwriters! I mentioned Matthew back in May when I discovered his AMAZING track, Easily Bruised. Well, after falling for that song, I went and downloaded his album Ghost Notes, from which the song hails, and I found many more amazing tracks. His style reminds me a bit of Hayden at times, as well as other folk-rock acts like Joshua Radin and even Bob Dylan. This song is achingly beautiful, and it reminds me why I love searching for new music; occasionally, I stumble onto something truly amazing. This song is just that; truly amazing.

Jack Pe̱ate РPull My Heart Away
I have featured Jack on the 5SF in the past, but I quickly lost interest in him because of how many of the songs from his debut where a bit too similar to stand out for me. Well, I heard that he was revamping his style, and releasing a new record this month, and after checking it out, I must say that I have regained my interest in him; big time! I love the changes he made to his sound, and I find myself really liking this album. Pull My Heart Away is my favorite track that I have heard so far from the aptly titled, Everything Is New; which is out June 22.

Patrick Wolf – Hard Times
I was late to come to the church of Patrick Wolf, but honey, I am swaying the pulpit now! I liked several songs off of his previous release, The Magic Position, but overall, the entire album didn’t resonate with me for whatever reason. When I heard he was to release a new album this month, I was excited to see what he would bring me next, and I must say, after listening to The Bachelor, the entire album resonated with me on a much deeper level. It took me a minute to appreciate the often avant garde style Wolf harnesses in his music, but once I did, I realized how fantastic he is. There aren’t many artists out there carving their own niche anymore, and Wolf really reminds me of the innovativeness of artists that came before him; especially those like David Bowie. Watch this kid, because he is doing some pretty amazing stuff with music.

Blur – Slow Down
Lastly today, I wanted to pay homage to one of the greatest bands ever, the almighty Blur. When I was in high school, Blur was one of those bands that made me really realize how much music meant to me, and it helped me appreciate really great music at the same time. This song, from their AMAZING debut, Leisure, is a fantastic reminder of so many good times from those days, and a welcome stroll down memory lane every time I hear it. Leisure is one of those albums that I can listen to from beginning to end, and it will always be amongst my favorite records of all time; along with many other Blur albums too.

I hope everyone found something they loved in this week’s 5SF. I really like all of these songs, and think they are all pretty amazing. As always, let me know what you liked, or didn’t like, and please tell me what YOU are listening to. Unless it is the Black Eyed Peas; and in that case, I couldn’t care less. HA! Have a great weekend!

what would you do in that situation?

Fair warning: I will be talking about a movie (The Reader), and discussing the plot, so if you want to avoid spoilers, do not keep reading after this sentence.

Last night, James and I watched the Reader. After the shock of the sheer amount of nudity there was in the film, I have to say, that I was struck by the way Michael handled his relationship with Hanna. It was made clear that he definitely loved her, but he was truly the only one that could have saved her from a lifetime in prison, and yet, he said nothing. Yes, she deserves a LOT of the blame; she committed herself to the SS and 20 years in prison because she was ashamed of the fact that she couldn’t read or write, but I couldn’t help find fault with Michael as well.

I can’t tell you what I would do in those circumstances; I didn’t live through the Holocaust. Do I grasp the enormity of the events that occurred during that incredibly dark time? Not by a long shot. When I try to wrap my head around the fact that the majority of a country stood by and assisted in the murders of MILLIONS of people, just because of who they were, my stomach turns. It is disgusting. With that being said, I felt it was clear that Hanna, while she was a part of the whole machine, shouldn’t have taken all of the blame; she was the only one who had the long sentence handed down to them.

If I were Michael, I think that I would have spoken up for her. Also, if I hadn’t of had the courage to do it when she was on trial (or if it was because he was too angry at her for being at part of the Holocaust), I don’t think I could have ignored her all of those years, and just “went on with my life”. Maybe I just have a big heart, but it would be hard for me to love anyone and let them rot in jail; even if they committed a heinous crime. I would at least visit. I thought that by sending those tapes to her, he was fully admitting the amount of guilt that he had; so why not visit? Yet, again, I can’t say what I would do in that situation for sure, because I wasn’t there, but I just couldn’t help but feel angry at him for not doing anything. I guess that was the point of the movie, so I guess that’s what I took from it.

What would you do under the same circumstances?

sony fail: let me count the ways

So I finally caved and bought a PS3. I was hoping there would be a price drop announced last week at E3, which is what I have been waiting for before I bought one, but there wasn’t even a hint of such a thing happening any time soon. Since the PS3 is only $100 more than a Blu Ray player, I felt it would make more sense to get the PS3, so that I could have both, and so I did.

After un-boxing the mammoth console, I got my first taste of what will surely be a long list of Sony FAIL. The PS3 has been, and continues to be touted as THE system for HD; and it continues to claim itself as a revolutionary system with the highest quality video for games and movies. Well, some of that is true… and some of it is not. First of all, I think that it is almost a slap in the face of the consumer to ask them to pay $400 for a machine that will revolutionize their HD experience, and box the motherfucker with composite cables; which any A/V geek knows does NOT have the capability of displaying HD! Additionally, the companion HDMI cable marketed and sold by Sony for the PS3 is $60. For shame, Sony; you expect me to shell out ANOTHER $60 just to get the HD quality you promised for $400? Assholes.

Luckily, I have an HDMI cord that I wasn’t ass raped for (ahem, I didn’t buy it at Best Buy), and I just used it to connect the PS3. Crisis averted… HD was mine; and you know what, it is impressive. We played a few Blu Ray movies, and they were impressively crisp. I really can tell the difference in standard DVDs being upscaled, and a true Blu Ray HD DVD. Again, very impressive, you break even, here Sony.

Now comes FAIL #2. I bought Little Big Planet, and Resident Evil 5 (RE5 was for James, and I figured, since the PS3 is new, why not get it for that system?!) because I wanted to have at least a couple of games for the PS3. LBP is really cute, but I noticed the graphics were a little rougher than I was expecting; after all, it is plugged into my TV through HDMI, so it should be just as amazing as the Blu Ray, right (ESPECIALLY on a title like LBP, which is exclusive to the PS3)? WRONG. Turns out, Sony doesn’t really have the goods to back up their claims. The best they can do is 720p on most games, and the two that I got both fall into this category. Even though I have the PS3 output set to 1080i, and my TV can display 1080i, it can only display these games at 720p (this is a known, but quiet, issue). I wish that I would have gotten RE5 for the Xbox, because even my Xbox 360 exceeds the PS3 by upscaling everything to 1080i, and I can bet the graphics would be a little better. FAIL FAIL FAIL. Sure, it is only a minor thing, but when you buy something that expensive that is supposed to be so “AWESOME11!!1!!”, then disappointment is pretty much the word that comes to mind when you think about the whole scenario. When it comes right down to it, Sony, you do not have the HD system that you claim to; at least, you aren’t letting us use it to its full potential, anyway.

Needless to say, I am a bit disappointed. I will be making sure I keep a close eye on games that I get for the PS3, because if I can get a better version of the same game for the Xbox 360, Xbox will win this battle every time. Also, as of writing this, my Xbox 360 is only hooked to my TV through component cables, and the games look better than the 2 PS3 ones I have tried. Sure, there are some out there that will do 1080, but I am just shocked that PS3 doesn’t upscale ALL games like the Xbox does; especially when they claim the PS3 is so much better than the Xbox 360 (which, judging by the two titles I have, certainly isn’t true game wise).

As far as I am concerned, while I am glad I got the PS3, I can’t believe how much fine print, and blatant trickery Sony has instituted into their “AMAZING!!! SYSTEM!!1!11!!!!”. Seriously, Sony, you need to really get over yourself and stop the quick slight of hand, which I am sure has made customers other than myself more than a bit peeved as well. This leaves Sony with a score of negative one; let’s hope that time will allow them to break even, and make this consumer happier with his VERY extravagant and expensive purchase.


ladies and gentlemen…

The Moody/Robinson household now has Blu Ray.


UPDATE: I decided making a Blu Ray specific page was silly, because I will most likely get a lot of them; so I will just put a BR next to the title in the DVD library if it is a Blu Ray disc that I own (this will also be done for HD DVDs with the exception that HD DVDs will obviously have a red HD next to them, and not a BR.). I am also considering getting rid of the regular version of the movies I replace on DVD; I need to make room (I probably won’t though, as I still have regular DVD players in the house)!!

taking a week off…

Sorry folks, but a migraine this morning sidelined me, and I am going to have to take a week off of 5SF. I will be back next week, and make sure you check out previous entries, because there is more than enough there to wet your appetite for great music!!

Sorry guys and gals. Have a great weekend. It’s James’ birthday weekend, and the celebration starts tonight!!!

use a blackberry and hate the internet browser?

Then this post is for YOU!

I was informed that there is an alternative to the “slow as dial-up” browser that I have been using for almost two years on my Blackberry Curve; Opera Mini. I downloaded it, and INSTANTLY, I was getting the internet speed I have been paying for, but never getting all of this time.

If you have a Blackberry, you MUST get Opera Mini; I can tell you that this means I will actually use the internet on my Blackberry for more than just checking traffic and google now!!!!

Thanks Opera Mini!

this is the week!

As God as my witness, the bathroom will be done (or as close to as possible) this week. People are coming over on Saturday for James’ birthday, and as such, the bathroom MUST be in working, usable order. So… it will be done!

We are so close, I can taste it. LOADS of pictures and what not (stories of trials and tribulations) to come in the near future. I’ll actually blog something worthwhile; go figure!