Month: March 2009

5SF: march 6

First of all, I’ll address the question that I am sure is on everyones mind: IT WAS AMAZING. Yes, the Britney concert last night was amazing. She performed so well, that I was blown away; it was an audio/visual spectacle that I doubt I will see the anything that high caliber any time soon. I was expecting it to be good and fun, but she vastly exceeded my expectations. If you get a chance to go, you should, because it was amazing. I wish I could go again. One thing is true about Ms. Spears: she can put on a fucking show. Alright… enough about that, as I will probably write an entry this weekend with pictures, so stay tuned for more juicy details… now let’s get down to business, here’s your Friday five!

Britney – When I Found You
You know you expected this; of course I had to post a Britney song, I still have Britney fever!! However, instead of just posting something off of Circus, I wanted to post one of my favorite B-side/unreleased tracks of hers, and a song that many of you have probably never heard. This song was released on the deluxe/international version of her self titled 3rd album, Britney. I haven’t heard it in quite some time, and yesterday, in prep for the show, I was listening to lots of Britney, and this song popped up, and I instantly remembered how much I loved it. This is such a sweet pop ballad, and it makes me wonder why I wasn’t on her official release of Britney. Either way, this track is fantastic, and I’m glad that it came back into my life. Britney fever continues!

Natalie Bassingthwaighte – Why Do I?
I discovered Natalie randomly through one of my many music blogs that I follow, and after listening to her recent release 1000 stars, this is by far my favorite track from the album. At my first glance of the title I thought it was a cover of that Liz Phair song, but I was extremely surprised and elated that it turned out to be something totally different. I love the beat and the haunting synth that pops and moans throughout the song. I do have to comment on her last name, which is somewhat of a doozy; how do you even pronounce it? Any Aussies that can help me out (Natalie’s from down under)? Well, regardless of how you pronounce her last name, Natalie has released a decent pop album, and this track struck me, and as such, I had to get the word out about it. It really reminds me of a great early 90s track that has been refreshed for today; and the result is music to my ears.

BBMak – I Can Tell
I was riding in the car the other day, and BBMak came on the radio. I instantly got out a pen and wrote BBMak on my hand, because I have completely forgotten about this amazing boy band for far too long, and I wanted to rectify that as soon as possible. When I got home, I put both of their CDs in the computer and ripped the mp3s for my iPod, because I have missed these guys, and didn’t even know it until I randomly heard them on the radio. I had a serious love affair with BBMak back in the day, and I was very sad that they disbanded after their second CD. Both of their albums were very great, and each one of these boys is very swoon worthy. I did some scouring for info on the internets, in order to find out what they are up to these days, but didn’t find much. I hope they are well, and are still making music, because they are just far too talented to let it end with BBMak. I wish that I would have gotten the chance to see them in concert, because I have a live DVD, and they are amazing; they all played like 3 or 4 instruments, and their harmonies are just incredible. Welcome back into my life BBMak! I’ve missed you!!

Katharine McPhee – Love Story
I guess this continues the “blast from the not so distant past” theme of this week’s 5SF, and I am glad to keep it going; there is so much great stuff that I have in my music collection that has been collecting dust for absolutely no reason. I read that Katharine is working on a new album due out later this year, and I hope that she has more success with her sophomore release. I have no idea why her self titled debut didn’t do much better than it did, because it is an impressive pop album, filled with fantastic vocals and very well produced songs. Katharine was my favorite on her season of Idol, and I was glad that she got through to the final two because I knew it would mean a record deal. Her debut album is great, and actually made my year end list in 2007. After listening to it again this week (I have to say, I am glad that I am going back through my massive music collection and dusting off some old favorites… I have no idea why I didn’t do this before!!), I am still scratching my head and wondering why this album didn’t make her an instant superstar. Katharine McPhee is arguably one of the most beautiful women on this planet; both in appearance and voice, and I would have thought that to be enough to propel her to the stardom that she deserves. Here’s hoping that her next album will allow her star to truly shine.

Siobhan Donaghy – Don’t Give It Up

Yet another album that I have been wrongly ignoring is the amazing Ghosts, by ex-Sugababe Siobhan Donaghy. This was another album that made my favorites list in 2007, and deservedly so; it is an interesting electro-pop record with haunting vocals and infectious rhythms and song arrangements. This song is just so beautiful and unique that I couldn’t help but love it, and it makes me long for more great stuff from Siobhan in the near future. This is one of those songs that you hear, and you think to yourself, “self, that is a weird, beautiful, strange, and interesting song, isn’t it? You know what self, it is… and I LOVE IT!”. Well, that is at least what I said to myself when I heard it the first time… what do you think?! The whole album has a similar weirdness that this track possesses, and that makes it unique, interesting, and actually very good!

As a result of going out last night to see Ms. Spears, I managed to re-aggravate my bad head cold, and as such, and hacking and miserable today. However, it was worth it, because as I said, she was amazing, and I am glad that I FINALLY got the chance to see her live.

I am glad that I have been giving some ignored music in my collection newfound attention lately, because I have been “re-discovering” some of my favorites, and it is like getting reacquainted with an old friend that you haven’t seen for some time. It just feels good to get back in touch and catch up! I hope that you enjoyed this five song Friday, and as always, let me know what you think, and what you are listening to as well. Have a great weekend!

re-introduing Mr. Pickles

re-introducing Mr. Pickles
Since his official introduction came by way of mere information, I thought I would bring the true goods and show everyone a picture of the sweet, shy, and still warming up to us Mr. Pickles. He’s a bit bigger than Sydney, but he is all IG, and really pretty. We are glad to give a rescue a chance at a better life, and look forward to many adventures with Sydney and Mr. Pickles. Welcome home buddy!