Given the fact that it was a little less than three years ago since the last amazing Death Cab For Cutie album was released, news of a new Death Cab earlier this year was literally music to my ears. Death Cab For Cutie is amongst my favorite bands, because they have this amazing musical style that completely captures my attention and emotional state. I can listen to Death Cab For Cutie and literally feel better, as if a warm blanket has been draped over my cold shoulders. Couple that with the fact that the voice of Ben Gibbard is that of the ones that angels use to sing, and the nerd-loving, heart-focused romantic in me longs for him to bat his eye lashes behind those thick rimmed glasses, and sing sweet love songs directly to me.
With extreme anticipation, I started to hear news about this highly anticipated album, and most of it was mixed; a lot of people were talking about how Death Cab had departed from their sound dramatically, and that Narrow Stairsalmost didn’t even sound like a Death Cab record. This caused some concern, because unlike some fans, I thought their major label debut was an amazing growth in their sound, and was a truly fantastic work of music. Additionally, after finding out that the first single from the album, I Will Possess Your Heart, clocked in at no less than 8:35, I was beginning to worry if one of my favorite bands of all time would continue to be on that list after I heard their new “direction”. Well, after actually hearing I Will Possess your Heart, I was no longer worried; it is brilliant. The use of the extra time in the intro really hammers home the point of the song, and once again, Ben Gibbard has truly mastered the art of song writing and song production (sometimes, repetition really exasperates desperation and longing, as it does in this case). However, the buck doesn’t stop there, every song on Narrow Stairs takes Death Cab For Cutie in a slightly different musical direction (a little heavier and slightly more raw; which is indicative of them recording the album as a band, live, which I must say is awesome), but the Death Cab I have come to love is definitely still in there, living and breathing, as healthy as ever.
The hallmark rock and roll riffs coupled with the sweet and longing (often heartbroken) vocals, of Ben Gibbard make me swoon, but with a sense of sadness, as I poured over each tale of heartbreak song on this album. Narrow Stairsreally hammers home what I came to love about Death Cab For Cutie in the first place; listening to it further highlights the fact that there really aren’t a lot bands out there that are this incredibly talented and that are making music this heartfelt and truly beautiful. While I will say that this album is definitely, for me, a little more like a journey down a road of heartbreak and sadness; on a road that sits somewhere between the previous records Plans
and Transatlanticism
(a little less smitten than Plans,
and more raw, in the direction of Transatlanticism)
, There is an ache in this album that really makes you believe that Gibbard has gone through some serious shit, and his way of twisting that knife once it is in your heart is just amazing. It’s no guessing by now that I am totally smitten with Death Cab For Cutie, as well as Mr. Ben Gibbard himself, and this album completely satisfied me in every way. I just hope that it isn’t close to three more years before we hear from these fellas again, I just can’t get enough of their sweet, sweet music; even if the subject matter tries to bring a tear to my eye.
Sparkle Factor:
Stand Outs: Grapevine Fires [audio:]
Cath…, You Can Do Better Than Me, The Ice Is Getting Thinner, Bixby Canyon Bridge, Your New Twin Sized Bed, I Will Possess Your Heart.
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