Month: December 2008

they’re coming… I promise!

I am sure that at least one person out there in cyberland came to this very site yesterday in order to partake in the first of the massive year end countdown of my top 31 CDs of 2008, only to find nothing posted regarding the first disc. My apologies, as I had a TON of work to wrap up for my Microbiology lab (IT’S OVER!!!!), and rest assured that I will be getting right on top of the list as soon as possible; so check back. As for the list, I am excited and a bit overwhelmed at the same time, because there are some hard choices to be made as far as rank and order go, so things should be nothing less than interesting. See you soon!

Also, a huge happy birthday to the fabulous Ms. Britney Spears, who’s SIXTH album hits stores today. It’s definitely massive record for her, and will find its place amongst the forthcoming best of ’08 list!