Month: November 2008

redistributing hate

I know that I already posted today, but this has me in such an uproar, that I literally feel my skin crawling as I sit here typing this. A close friend of mine who lives in California has alerted me to what can only be described as a redistribution of hate. I actually had to read this twice, because I wanted to deny that people would be this blatantly racist and hateful; especially the very people that are currently experiencing such hate themselves!!!

So listen up: GAYS!!! DO NOT become a racist because YOU think that “blacks” are to blame for Prop 8. PEOPLE are responsible for it. People voted for it, and people need to be convinced that Prop 8 has no place in the law. It doesn’t matter what color of skin they had when they voted; WHITE people voted for it to! DO NOT under any circumstances think that it is now okay to turn the hate that has been thrust upon us onto another oppressed group; doing so is so unbelievably hypocritical, not to mention insanely hurtful to the black gay and lesbians that are also a part of our community.

If you find yourself mad because of Prop 8, I am WITH YOU. But I will turn on you in a fucking heartbeat if I hear any of the shit come from that was described in the aforementioned article. There is NO PLACE for redistributed hate, and I frankly am ashamed that white gay people would act this way. You know better. We ALL know better. Let’s fight this fight together, against anyone that voted for or believes that gay people don’t deserve civil rights… the color of their skin is inconsequential, and it is outright racism to place blame on any one race; especially when white people voted for Prop 8 too.

I honestly don’t want to believe that something like this would still happen. I was born to a southern family who threw around the N word as if it were common language, and I find it unacceptable that people are still racist towards black people; especially gay people experiencing the same level of bigotry from this vote. My friend told me that he found it hard to go out and fight the fight with the rest of his so-called gay brethren because of this displaced hatred, and I really, really want him to know that I am ashamed that anyone could be so hateful, and I hope that we can stop all of this finger pointing, and focus on Prop 8; not the color of someone’s skin who voted for Prop 8. I wish that I could make everyone of those people perpetrating this behavior understand how wrong they are for doing this.

Wow. I am just in shock.

5SF: november 7

As horrible as things are for gays in this country right now, it is hard to want to write about anything else. I am so disgusted that not only is there so much hatred for our relationships that people want to prevent us from getting married, but that there are actually states where gay people cannot adopt children. That is sickening, and any “Christian” that stands behind that belief should be totally ashamed of themselves; one truly cannot actually believe that they are doing good by preventing a child from having a parent (or two parents) that loves them, rather than forcing them to grow up in foster care, can they? With each thing that comes out in regards to our second class status, I am more and more disappointed with people in this country, and I just have to focus on other things like music, to keep from seriously melting down. That being said, I have five great songs today that have been helping me numb out some of the thoughts about this hatred, and I hope that they distract you for a short time, and make your Friday just a little better (through good music) as well.

Agnes Carlsson – Release Me
This is just what we need to bring us some good spirits; a new gay anthem, right?! This song is amazing, and I am in major music debt to my friend Stu for this one. He simply told me that I had to hear it because it is amazing, and well, he is right… it is utterly amazing and the only bad thing about it, is that it isn’t longer. It is so feel good and has the perfect dance beat. It doesn’t get much gayer than this; it is practically it’s own gay pride float!! Agnes is another one of those amazing Swedes bringing us the best that pop has to offer, and she was a winner of Swedish idol to boot! Play this song on repeat for a little while, and you will definitely be dancing around and have a smile on your face… trust me; I’ve been playing it on repeat all week long!

Tami Chynn – Frozen
Okay, I have to admit that I have been holding this one back for a few weeks now. I love the song (it seems that Red One and Akon can do no wrong these days, production wise, eh!?!), but I couldn’t find an mp3, so that I could feature it on one of these five song Fridays (damn you iTunes and your mp4’s!). Well, I managed to scrounge one up, because I had to bring something peppy and fun for this week; especially with the aforementioned stuff swirling in my brain. Tami Chynn has had a couple of hits in her home country of Jamaica, but this is her first one to try and capture the US market. I have to say, that this song has taken me by storm. It is a great hip-hop flavored dance jam, and should definitely deserves to be on the radio. I can’t wait to see what else we have to look forward to from Ms. Chynn.

Laura Marling – Ghosts
This is unfortunately one of those songs that I was told about in the past, but I never got into it; only to hear it again later and be instantly taken by it. I hate when I am like that, because I really love sharing stuff with other people, and I really like getting recommendations myself; it’s just that sometimes I am out to lunch for whatever reason, and I guess if it doesn’t click then, I forget all about it. Well, lucky for me that I came back to this one, because the chorus is catchy, and will stick with you (even if it doesn’t the first time around!!). Laura brings us her great folk-pop from the UK, proving yet again that there is a ton of great music coming from those islands. It’s crazy to me that she’s only 18, because she definitely sounds older than that in her vocal styling. This is such a great single, and I absolutely love that chorus.

Semi Precious Weapons – Semi Precious Weapons
To quote Christian Siriano, “what a hot tranny mess!!”. Yet in this case, I mean nothing negative at all… this is hot tranny in the GREAT way!!! I heard about Semi Precious Weapons through Logo, and really enjoyed their kitschy style, and the way that they marry hard rock riffs with their own take on glam-rock. This song reminds me a lot of the energy from bands that I love like the Darkness and Scissor Sisters; and I bet these guys would be awesome live. I love music acts that don’t take themselves too seriously, and actually sound like they were having a kick ass time while they were recording the track. Semi Precious Weapons definitely have that vibe on this track, where it just sounds like a pretty party was going on in the studio; and by the looks of the video, I bet it was!! Be aware that he says fucking a lot in this song, so it probably isn’t a good idea to blast it over your computer speakers if you are at work.

Jamelia – Beware of The Dog

Okay, I will admit openly that I am posting about Jamelia this week because of something that I wrote on Jiingo, where I compared this track to Hilary Duff’s most recent single release, titled Reach Out. See, both songs use a sample from the Depeche Mode song Personal Jesus, but this one does it so much better, and it was released a full two years before Hilary’s copycat song. Given that Hilary will most likely get more glory for her version, I wanted to spread the word even more about the fabulous Jamelia, and her superior use of the sample. If you haven’t heard of her before, you have now, and you must do yourself a favor and check out the rest of this record… it’s hot, and it really makes me wonder why she isn’t huge; both in here and across the world. She is a huge asset to pop music, and I can’t wait to hear more from Jamelia.

Well, writing about these songs has definitely put me in a better mood, and has given me a little while to focus on something that I love, rather than on someone that hates me. I hope that everyone has a great weekend, and make sure to let me know what you are listening to! We will continue to fight, and we will prevail. Civil rights aren’t just for some; they are for ALL OF US.

Obama/Biden FTW!!!!

Holy. Freaking. Shit.

We have a black man as our president!!! I never thought that a country that keeps such backward racist ideals alive would progress to a point that something this affirming and amazingly progressive could happen. This is amazing, and I am so incredibly happy that people are changing!! We have an amazing chance at making real changes in this country, and this victory proves that Americans were, and still are paying attention. It proves that people are growing, and change is coming. This is one of the most amazing things that I have ever been lucky enough to experience and be a part of in my life time, and I am just so proud to have Obama as our president. I hope that seeing this shift in attitudes to minorities will thrive and grow, and even though bigoted actions like Prop 8 are still an issue in California (WTF California!?!), I hope that people can begin to see all people as what we are: EQUAL. This time of oppression has got to end; and this election proves that we are ready to make it happen… we just have to keep fighting.

Suddenly… it feels great to be an American again, doesn’t it?

UPDATE: The more I read, and think about Prop 8 passing (as well as the actions that passed in several other states last night as well), I am more and more disgusted by people’s outright hatred of gay people. Why are gay people so fucking threatening? WHAT about us is so harmful to YOU? Having a black man in the oval office is a HUGE stride towards overcoming oppression, but at the same time, we have a VERY public message that gay people are still not welcome. It just hurts. I will never understand it, and I will never get why someone can just hate someone because of who they are; I have never been that way, and never will be. I honestly feel sorry for every other gay person in America today, because while we have been made aware of the continuing progression of our nation, the people in it clearly don’t want us to have the same civil rights as everyone else. It just makes this victory overwhelmingly bittersweet, seeing that it was coupled with such bigotry.