Month: November 2008

5SF: november 28

I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving; I ended up being stranded in bed with my unpredictable back. All is well though, because I got some well needed rest, and was able to play lots of video games (which was fun). I appreciate all of the well wishes from everyone, and return them right back!! Also, I hope that everyone is okay today, and safe and sound; especially with nonsense like this going on out there. People. Calm down. There is no need to trample someone to get a deal on anything; nothing is worth that much. It really makes me sad for that person’s family, and my heart goes out to them.

Well, not to get everyone in a downer, but I just felt compelled to say something about that horrible incident. No amount of savings is worth that, I really can’t believe people are that desperate. Alright, enough about that… here’s this week’s five fabulous songs for you; and note that this is the LAST Friday five that will take place before the MASSIVE year end best of 2008 CD countdown, which starts on December 1!

Okkervil River – Lost Coastlines
I have been sitting on this song for a few weeks now, but I have been enjoying it more and more with each listen. It starts off simple, and the builds to an all out head bopping dance rock-pop number that I swear sounds like The Cure, Morrissey, and The Shins are all collaborating on one track. The result is something so inherently 80’s alternative, yet still current enough to really make you want to pick up the record for future listens. The song would fit in either decade, but it’s definitely interesting to hear the 80’s sound of such great bands like The Cure being updated slightly for the here and now.

Matt Alber – End of The World
I almost didn’t pick this one for this week because I picked a Matt Alber track last week, and I don’t want to delve into the realm of overkill. BUT… I saw the accompanying video for this song last night, and I shit you not, there were fucking tears streaming down my face by the end. It is an insanely beautiful song, and the video is so completely sweet, honest, and believable, that it really reminded me of the amazing scene between Jack and Jack on Torchwood (if you don’t know what I am talking about, check this out. Wow, right?!); too bad I can’t link to the video so you can see it as well. Hmpf! I am sure that it will find its way onto youtube soon enough, so do yourself a favor and remember to look it up when it does; it is exquisite, and only strengthens my already huge crush on Matt Alber.

Passion Pit – Sleepyhead
This song is weird… and that is why I LOVE IT. The beat, the clapping, the weird background vocals, the tribal sounds… all of it is AMAZING. This is one of those songs that you hear it, and wonder what the fuck you are listening to, and you want to know because it is so fucking amazing that you have to have it and play it on repeat. These guys are being compared to fellow electro rock groups like MGMT, and I definitely see the resemblance, but there is something in this song that makes me love it so much more than anything I have heard from the others so far. Also, be sure to check out the trippy, and amazing video for this song, because it is equally amazing, and really compliments the video in a way that isn’t fully describable; the video is definitely a work of art on it’s own. I seriously cannot get enough of this song, so beware, it is a MAJOR earworm.

Freezepop – Frontload (Designer Drugs Remix)

I have been a fan of Freezepop ever since I heard the AMAZING track they did for the Guitar Hero series called Less Talk More Rokk. Well, I noticed on iTunes that they released an EP recently, I was really impressed by this track. This particular remix is incredibly hot, and is so synthed out that it is just insane. I want to put on my dancing shoes and fucking gyrate all night long to this track. It is actually hard to sit still and type as I listen to it. I am really glad to have been exposed to Freezepop from Guitar Hero, and I have enjoyed pretty much everything I have heard from them.

Len – Steal My Sunshine
Poor Len… such an amazing song, and that was about it. Well, lucky for them, this amazing track was recently featured in Zack and Miri Make a Porno, which instantly made me put it back into rotation; and I’m sure, made them a small chunk of change at the same time. This is one of those songs that are perfect to drive around to, or to enjoy a great time with friends. This song made a splash back in 1999, and was even featured in the movie Go (which had a pretty amazing soundtrack). Even though it was there one hit wonder, Len sure sold a lot of albums based on this little ditty; I remember for a while, you couldn’t go to a used CD store and see any less than 10 Len albums in the used bin. I guess people got tired of the song, but not me… I’m glad to bring it back!

So there you have it, five new songs for your listening pleasure. I hope you enjoyed them, and as always tell me what you are listening to as well! Let’s share people!

one month in… again

When I was in college (undergrad), my roommate Dennis was a vegetarian, and being extremely health conscious at the time, I thought that it might be an interesting option for myself, and so I decided to give being a vegetarian a try. I ended up lasting about two years before I had meat (I was vacationing in Europe, and the language barrier forced it on me!), and it was probably 7 years or so before I had beef again. Well, recently, I have been looking at my eating habits, and I have been wanting to make some changes, so I thought about going vegetarian again.

So… a month ago (actually, 32 days ago today), I decided to go vegetarian again. Now, some of you will be all “nuh uh, you’re cheating” about this, but I am actually more accurately described as pescetarian, because I am not excluding fish from my diet; note that many doctors try to get vegetarians to each fish because of the vitamins that only come from animals, and fish don’t have legs, so it is easier for some to eat them. I will admit that this recent decision is partly because of dietary choices, but there is a large component of my decision that stems from how animals that are harvested for their meat are treated before slaughter. I always knew that meat comes from something with a face and legs, but I have read a lot about how incredibly horrible some animals are treated, and as such, it just helped me make my decision for myself. I am not against anyone eating meat, that’s their choice, but I just wanted to stop being a part of it myself.

So there it is. One month in, and I feel great about my re-decision to go to life of vegetarianism (plus fish!). I’m actually glad that I decided to go back, because I did feel great being vegetarian before, and it was unbelievably easy for me to re-embrace the lifestyle. Seriously, have you had a veggie corn dog!? They are awesome! Other than that, being a vegetarian basically introduced me to the world of vegetables, and I am much more willing to try things now as a result. I used to shun anything green because I was raised as a “meat and potatoes” kid, but now, I can’t get enough of things like Brussels sprouts because I became a vegetarian. I am glad to get back to that too; eating more healthy is something that goes hand and hand with vegetarianism for me, and I am glad to be re-instituting that in my life.

I wanted to wait a whole month before saying anything about this on the blog, so as to show that I am serious about it. I am going to do everything I can to make this a permanent change in my life, which I know will only be the better for it (especially health wise). Hooray for vegetarianism and me, together again!

5SF: november 21

It was hard not to post any of the leaked tracks from Britney’s upcoming album, Circus this week, because frankly, it is quite good. She has really worked hard this time around, and it really shows; I see big things for her in the near future. However, since it isn’t technically out yet, I don’t want to post about it yet, and as always, there are tons of other songs that I have ready for you. One of this week’s tracks is even about Ms. Spears; how appropriate, no? Now, without further adieu…

Matt Alber – Monarch
I first saw the video for this many, many months ago, and I searched the interwebs high and low trying to get my hands on this track so that I could feature it. Well, I couldn’t find anything, and then I saw it was FINALLY available on amazon a week or so ago, so I quickly ordered the CD, and now I can finally feature my praise for this track properly this Friday. This is the lead single from out artist Matt Alber’s recently released record, Hide Nothing. His voice has that husky, and sexy quality that is certainly reminiscent of fellow out artist Rufus Wainwright, and I can’t help but notice that he’s quite the swoon-worthy guy; just check out those eyes! The first time I heard this song, I knew that I wanted to hear a lot more from Matt, and I have eagerly been waiting for his CD to get released so I could feature him here, and let you guys know about this amazing artist. Definitely do yourself a favor and check out his videos on youtube; not only can he sing beautifully, but as I mentioned, he is quite a handsome guy!

James Morrison – You Make It Real
I have been told by a few of you to give James’ new release a chance, and after hearing this song on BBC 1 the other day, I can see why you wanted me to; this track is sweet and ever so beautiful. I couldn’t really get into James’ debut that was released last year, but it wasn’t because it wasn’t good; I can definitely recognize his talent, and I certainly get that he is good at what he is doing. However, it just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, so when I saw he had released another record, I wasn’t that interested. Well, color me interested now, because this song is sweet music to my ears. I am glad that I listened to your recommendations and checked him out again… also, this is a big nod to the amazingness that is BBC 1; they play so many songs that I wouldn’t expect to like, but do!!

Bebo Norman – Britney
Many of you may not know this about me, but I used to be a certified Jesus Freak (especially musically). When I was in college, ALL of my music was pretty much contemporary Christian, with my favorite band being the amazing Jars of Clay. Through Jars of Clay, I found Bebo Norman, and I still count both of them amongst my favorite artists to this day (even though I am not as “into them” as I was back then). Well, I saw somewhere randomly that Bebo had a song about Britney on his new record (which was released a couple of months ago), and it prompted me to check out his newest release. The song is really sweet, and touching, and honestly, it is nice to know that people really do see the what the media and the press can do to stars like Ms. Spears, and offer compassion for her having hard times because of it. Bebo definitely writes from a very Christian perspective (being that he is a Christian artist), but I have never gotten a sense that he is offering anything but compassion and understanding; without judgment. In this song, he’s coming from a place of compassion, and find that refreshing; especially in a time when so many others that call themselves Christian come from a place of such hatred. One thing that I learned when I was so into church, was the God, Jesus, and Christianity as a religious identity isn’t meant to be a tool used for damning, persecuting, or judging anyone; it is meant to be a tool for showing compassion, understanding, and love. Since I came out, church hasn’t been a big part of my life, partly because of the hate and hypocrisy I constantly see splattered about the news, but little things like Bebo’s music remind me that not all Christian’s are like that; some of them really are coming from the place that the Bible says that they should… a place of love and hope. Regardless of whether you interpret Bebo’s message to be love from God, or just love from someone that cares, Christians like Bebo really seem to exemplify what I came to know as Christianity in the first place; and when I heard that in this song, I really loved it. I appreciate Bebo’s compassion, and after listening to his recently released self-titled album, I remember why I loved him so much; he is a fantastic singer, artist, and musician, and he seems to be a truly fantastic person at heart… if only other Christians could see that you can love God without hating someone who doesn’t fit the mold perfectly through your eyes. To speak quite frankly, it isn’t about believing in God; it is about being a good person, and caring about others, and seeing that we all struggle through different things in our lives, and offering compassion to those in their time of need. If only those that judge and hate could show the love that they are supposed to subscribe to, perhaps we’d all be better off for it. Religious or not, I think that’s something we could all learn from.

Ladyhawke – Dusk ‘Til Dawn
In kind of a way to honor Ladyhawke’s solid debut record finally coming out in the US this week, I wanted to feature my favorite track from the record. Since there has been so much continued press and hype about her in the music blogosphere, I didn’t feel the need to focus on her specifically, because I felt that it had been covered, and that the word was out there. I will say that I am definitely impressed with her debut, and I do believe that you will see it amongst my albums of the year; but again, I felt like everyone else had already raised that flag, so I didn’t need to. Well, her record is finally out in the US this week, and to celebrate, here’s my favorite track from the album. It is definitely a little eighties, and it is a toe-tapper that will have you bopping your head and wanting more. You may not have heard about Ladyhawke from me first, but know that just because I haven’t said anything, doesn’t mean that I don’t give her a big thumbs up as well.

Merril Bainbridge – Mouth
To round out the bunch, here’s one of my favorite one hit wonders from the nineties. If you recall, last week, I said that I would pepper future 5SF’s with these little gems, and this is one of my favorites. This song wasn’t really HUGE, but it is definitely one of those tracks that is a MAJOR ear worm. I seriously cannot skip this track if it comes up on my ipod, and if it comes on the radio, I find myself singing along at the top of my lungs. I have to this day, never heard another Merril Bainbridge track, but this one more than makes up for anything else she may have done; it’s pop perfection. Even if you hate this song, I can bet that even you know the words. Songs like this are a perfect example of the one hit wonders from the nineties, and these tracks REALLY take me back there. Enjoy!

Well, there’s another five song Friday for you!! I do want to follow up and apologize if I unwillingly took some of y’all to “church” this week. That is a side of me that I usually don’t have much to say about, because of the hypocrisy in the world that bothers me so much; but I really liked the song, and where it seemingly comes from, and wanted to share it. It’s also important for me to define why I say “seemingly comes from”: since I don’t know him personally, I can only assume that Bebo writes from a place of love, and because I have never heard otherwise, I do believe that he does. However, because of my experience with some Christians, I will always remain cautiously skeptical, because I have been burned so many times. I will NEVER understand how someone could use something as reaffirming and positive as religion (is supposed to be) to persecute or judge anyone, and perhaps that is why I don’t bother saying much about it. I believe in God, and if you don’t, that is perfectly fine… and I just wish that it could be that simple for everyone else. People like Bebo give me hope that maybe, someday, other religious people can speak from a place of love and not hate. Oh well… enjoy the music, let’s not worry too much about all of that this afternoon, okay? Have a great weekend, and tell me what you’ve got playing on your music device!!


First of all, at lunch, I was reaching in my pocket to grab my wallet, and a goddamned business card turned into a rogue ninja and sliced the fuck out of my finger; under the fingernail. Seriously, it still stings. How does shit like this always happen to me? UPDATE: Literally, two seconds ago, I did it again; on the same finger (except this time, it wasn’t the business card, I was attempting to pick up a stack of papers on my desk). Leave me alone paper!!!!

Second of all, if you want to call “bullshit” on injustice, I can think of MANY ways to do that without sawing my mother fucking head off with an electric chainsaw. Oh my freaking GOD. This reminds me of those queers that lived in midtown ATL, and tried to commit suicide a few years back by sawing each others limbs off. Freaky shit! What brings you to the point where you seriously consider using an electric device to hack some of your own body off? I feel bad for the guy’s family, and anyone who walked in on that crime scene. Stuff like that really freaks me out.

That’s all I got.

a couple of quick notes about me of the now

  • As November gets closer to its end, I am more and more excited (and at the same time, anxious) about my annual blogging tradition of picking, and blogging my top 31 CDs of the year. There are some amazing records on this year’s list, and with each week’s subsequent CD releases, it’s only make things more difficult for me at this point. A wide variety of music tastes will be represented, so make sure you tune in all month long in December for each new entry.
  • I got the test results back for my fourth Microbiology test today: I got a 93. With an 87, a 97, and a 90 on the previous tests, as well as the professor dropping our lowest test, I am going into the final with a 93 test average. Let’s just say that this is very unexpected to say the least. Here’s hoping I can turn out an A in this class! I need it for my GPA!
  • Speaking of school, I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t get into Kennesaw for Summer. While I am definitely bummed about it, I am looking at it as a potential blessing; perhaps I wasn’t supposed to go to KSU? Perhaps I wasn’t meant to go that semester? Whatever happens, I am moving forward with GSU, and I am going to re-apply to KSU for fall. I am going to be a nurse, goddammit! You will not stop me! (I do have to say though, that the program at KSU is TINY, and they said that there were over 400 applicants, so I shouldn’t feel so bad about it. There just aren’t a lot of program options in Metro Atlanta for nursing; no wonder there’s a shortage.)
  • I got the shading done on my phoenix half-sleeve last night, and it is REALLY looking quite amazing now. I can’t wait for the color to be done, but that is at least a month or so out… right now, I am just tending to my tender flesh after last night’s needling. I have to say though, that it is no where NEAR as tender as it was last time for whatever reason; and I am not complaining in anyway about it!

mingafred/bobaling wedding

However you want to call it, mingafred or bobaling (the combining of mingaling and bobafred), two of my close friends, Lori and Brian got hitched this weekend. It was an intimate, and beautiful ceremony. They had their own flair, and added a crazy tradition (which was effin’ cool) or two, which made the ceremony both enjoyable, and lovely. After the ceremony, we all ate a gourmet dinner, and after dinner, there was dancing and fun; everyone seemed to have an amazing time. They also had a photo booth at the reception, which was such a great idea, and provided for lots of fun, and I am sure, some amazing memories.
the send off
I wish these two the utmost luck and congratulations… I love you guys, and thanks for inviting us along for your special day! Oh, and Lori… I will be definitely requesting some of your services for our wedding; you have got some mad craft skills!!

There are a ton of photos up on flickr, and by clicking on the one above, you can go there and check them out for yourself.

5SF: november 14

Initially, I was planning on doing a homage post of some great one hit “oneders” from the 90s for today. However, last night, as I started looking, I kept finding songs I hadn’t heard in ages, and ended up finding WAY more than 5 songs that I would love to bring back out of obscurity, and show a little love to in these five song weekly festivals. So I decided to do one or two every now and then, and that way, I can have a (hopefully) steady stream of hits from the 90s that will make regular appearances in the five song Friday’s of the future. That sounds fun, doesn’t it? Well, let’s go ahead and get to this week’s installment; I have some great songs for you to listen to!

Tom Baxter – Better
Sometimes, not very often, I hear a song, and it fucking moves me. This is one of those songs. I was reading my favorite music blogs last night, and XO unloaded this amazing piece of beauty on me, and I couldn’t be more grateful. This song is so beautiful, and so completely vulnerable, that I just can’t help but swoon like a school girl. I am so glad that there are great artists out there like Tom Baxter, making music like this that truly speak to me, and I am grateful to have fellow bloggers getting the word out about them. This is THE reason that I do these five song Fridays. I like to do my part in music dissemination, and I hope that my sharing tracks each week brings great stuff to you guys too; especially songs like this one… wow.

Take That – Greatest Day
I have to say, that I have always been a “fan” of Take That, but I have always had a hard time really, really getting into them. However, after seeing Stardust, and LOVING their amazing song that plays as the credits roll (Rule The World), I will admit that I was excited when I heard they were releasing an album next month. Well, one listen to Greatest Day, and I am even more excited, because it has the same feel and energy as Rule the World, and I am really, really digging it. Maybe 2008 is the year that Take That take my attention fully? I can say that things are definitely looking good at this point.

Logan Lynn – Feed Me To The Wolves
First of all, I will say that the first time I heard this song, I didn’t like it. However, I watched the video all of the way through a second time, and I really got into the lyrics. After watching the video again, I realized that I actually REALLY like it after all. Not only that, but Logan is kind of adorable, and I love the tenderness in his voice coupled with the electro beats in the background. This song is a major grower, so if you don’t love it instantly, please give it a second chance; I am so very glad that I did, because I realized how great it is, rather than letting it slip into oblivion. Also, I love that Logan is an out queer artist (ahem, Out Magazine), and represents another great gay musician out there on the scene.

Fall Out Boy – I Don’t Care
I have been enjoying this fun little rock number for a few weeks now, and I was instantly in love with it when I first heard it. I have had kind of a love/hate relationship with Fall Out Boy, loving some stuff and hating other stuff, but there is no denying that these guys can turn out a killer single. This song is crazy catchy, and the chorus is infectious! Also, one MAJOR bonus, and perhaps the reason that I wanted to feature them this week, was that they donated $50,000 in opposition to Prop 8. Our straight allies are coming out of the wood work, and I am extremely proud to have them on our side; and it’s just a bonus that they make great pop music! Thanks for the support Fall Out Boy, and here is some support right back at you! I will DEFINITELY be getting their upcoming CD when it is released.

The Folk Implosion – Natural One

Here’s this week’s 90s one hit wonder flashback track… and it’s a doozy. This song was in the controversial movie Kids, which I remember seeing in high school and being completely blown away at how gritty and no-holds barred it was. Regardless of how I felt about the movie, one thing REALLY stuck with me; this amazing song. I bought the CD single (remember doing that!!??), and my friend Chuck and I would drive around and listen to this song on repeat. After finding it again last night while I was looking for 90s one hit wonders, and listening to it again, I remember why I loved this song so much; it is epic. This song is so catchy, and the beat is so head bopping amazing, that even now, more than 10 years later, I find myself listening to it on repeat again. This song is fantastic, and I am glad to rediscover it. Just wait and see what else I have if you love this forgotten gem!!!

Whew, another Friday five on the books. Great stuff, eh? Let me know what you liked, or didn’t, and as always, tell me what you are listening to. I hope you enjoyed these tracks, and the addition of the 90s obscure track, and stay tuned for more songs that you probably loved, but probably forgot about ages ago!! Have a great weekend.

WTF Out magazine? Katy Perry as musician of the year? Are you JOKING?

Well, Out, you’ve gone and pulled another “WTF” moment on us with your recent choice of Katy “UR So Gay” Perry as MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR!!!!?!?!?!??! Regular readers know that I was been pissed at them before for outing celebrities (one of which has come out on her own since), so I guess that I should just expect stupid shit from one of the only gay magazines that we have in wide circulation. Seriously Out, what is going on with your writers and staff that has them so in the dark? Do you not realize that Katy Perry is perpetuating (without apology!!!) a negative gay stereotype; one that I am sure many of you had to overcome and deal with as kids in school? I just don’t get blatant stupidity like this. I have made my opinion about Perry known before on this blog, and it is still getting attention (thanks to links on wikipedia… wtf!?). I can only wonder where things will go now that I am calling spades again on Ms. Perry?!

After seeing the cover and reading the awesome post over at Dorothy Surrenders, I had to go and see what saving grace Out was sure to have in it’s interview with Perry; surely, they would confront her, right? Well, they didn’t (figures), but out of everything I read in the interview with Perry, and this was a gem for me:

Some of the opinions are just from people who are unhappy in their lives, or critics that wanted to be musicians but never fucking made it. We all know that. Unless there’s an amazing, legitimate journalist I respect, I don’t really take any of that shit to heart.

REALLY Katy? So you know what it is like to be a gay youth who gets called “gay” and “faggot” every day at school, and how that fucking hate and verbal abuse leads many gay youth to commit suicide? You know all about that, and we are all just bitter bitches, right Katy? Fuck you. FUCK YOU and your self righteous “I’m an artist so I don’t have to be socially responsible, and I don’t have to apologize for what I say” bullshit. You don’t deserve your 15 minutes more than anyone else, and I for one will be glad when the light dims over your pathetic career.

Shame on you, Katy, and shame on Out magazine for picking some dumb bitch like you as their freaking musician of the year (because clearly, there are NO LGBT artists out there worthy, right?). This is just one more reason that I will NEVER have a subscription to that piece of fluff “all about the abs, and all for show” Out Magazine. Clearly, they have their heads so far up their own asses that they are willing to just hop in bed with the same fuckers that picked on them on the playgrounds; all while laughing off the harassment that was slung at them.

I just want to say that I personally feel sorry for anyone that has to endure the bullshit that people throw at them in the form of verbal abuse; especially when it uses a word that describes them as a synonym for bad. I went through HELL in school, and I wouldn’t wish that one anyone, not even Katy Perry. Katy Perry perpetuates that very same hateful mentality in her song UR So Gay (I even gave her a lenient benefit of the doubt for I Kissed A Girl), and after hearing that she doesn’t give a fuck about what she is saying, I want that bitch to know that people like me aren’t just unhappy with our lives, or just “didn’t make it” like “she did”; we went through a fucking LOT to get where we are, and we don’t need more bullies out there being told that it’s okay to make fun of the gay kid, because hey, it’s funny anyway, right? Fuck you Katy Perry, and fuck you Out Magazine. It’s more than annoying when our own community turns a blind eye to those that will make fun of us to our faces, and then say it’s no big deal when confronted with the accusation; especially in a time that we are fighting for our rights. Way to accept second class citizenship guys… seriously. Ugh.

a little suprise

Last night, I was driving home from having drinks with a friend, and I was not in the mood for whatever CD I had in at the time, so I thought I would see what was playing over on trusty XM. A little background… I have had XM ever since I got my Acura, back in August of 2005, because it came in the car, and well, I guess it is one of those things that I COULD live without, but since it is BUILT IN, I have kept my subscription current. It does get annoying though, that some of the channels have commercials; especially since their claim is radio free of commercials. Well, for the most part, they are right, but there are a few that play ’em anyway. Overall, it’s alright, and not something I consider to be a deal breaker at this point.

Anyway, I was really excited when Sirius and XM merged earlier this year, because I have heard that Sirius has several channels that I might be interested in; specifically, BBC 1. My friend Deb got a new Jeep not too long ago, and she has Sirius built in, and she has continually fueled my jealousy that she gets BBC 1, because the programming is pretty great for someone that loves brit-pop as much as she and I both do.

Alright, sorry for the tangent; back to last night… I started flipping through the preset channels, and I notice that Upop (a BBC 1 knockoff) had been replaced by BBC 1!! Apparently, XM quietly changed all of their channels (some stayed the same) at some point yesterday, and I couldn’t be happier. I LOVE BBC 1, and it is just one more reason to keep my XM subscription now! As for the other changes, I haven’t really explored them yet, but if you are interested, here’s the 411 on all of the changes.

This morning on my way in to work, some slow guy called in to one of the channels, and asked, “what’s the deal with the channels?”, and the DJ told him about the changes in the line up and told him to check out the website, but apparently she overwhelmed him, because he couldn’t grasp why these changes were made. Some people just don’t get the technologies, do they?

Thank you XM!! Hooray for BBC 1 in my car, and in my life!

as if I needed another reason to love Sara Bareilles

There are a whole bunch of people speaking out against Prop 8, and I was pleased to get this email from one of my very favorite singers, Ms. Sara Bareilles, the other day:

Dear Californians,

I don’t normally delve into the political spectrum, but this particular issue is very important to me and I want to share with you all. As elated as I am with the current election outcome, I’m incredibly disappointed with the passing of Proposition 8, and if you feel as strongly about it as I do, please go to this link and add your name to the thousands and thousands of people that want to help California move forward and truly represent the people that call her home.

Go there, sign it, send it.

“All men were created equal…”

Love and peace.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again… I really, really, really, REALLY appreciate all of our straight allies. You all rock! Thank you so much, Sara, I have nothing but love and peace right back at you!!! Man, it really rocks when famous people surprise you in amazing ways like this; it just makes me appreciate them even more (especially when they are among my favorite artists!!)!