Month: October 2008

a slice and a confession

This morning, I was eager to enjoy a tasty beverage, specifically a Vanilla Coke Zero, and when I went to open said beverage, the pull tab slipped, and sliced the everliving fuck out of my finger. Now, I understand that said pull tab needs to be made of metal, but I don’t understand why said pull tab needs to have a sharpened underside, that is waiting there, innocently, to make you bleed if you lose your minute fingernail grip on said pull tab; even for a split second. The best part? The slice occurred underneath my fingernail. Needless to say, I grabbed a spoon to get the darn drink open, and will think twice about offering up my tender digits to future torture from beverage containers.

I have had a bit of a revelation lately about music. I think that it is a pretty interesting, albeit debilitating thing for me, and I think writing about it is a bit of a confession… and hopefully, I can overcome this condition. See, I have this thing, that whenever someone gets a bunch of hype, and everyone under the sun seems to be singing their praises, for no reason at all, I am instantly turned off at the prospect that said artist could actually be that amazing.

Case and point: Sia’s actually quite brilliant CD, Some People Have REAL Problems, came out very early this year, and while I liked it, I didn’t pay it much attention because of what I perceived to be an over saturated attention for it. My subconscious kicked in, and it was almost like something in me didn’t want me to like it as much as I should, because everyone and their mother liked it so much. After giving this some thought, I think that I will call this the “Dave Matthews effect”. See, I never got into Dave Matthews for the very same reason. Technically, he’s very talented, and has a huge following, but I have always been sort of “eh” about him; mostly because of how amazing everyone else seems to think he is.

Through this kind of recent revelation, I have decided that I am determined to overcome this, and as a first step, I have recently given Sia another chance; and you know what, I am glad I did. Her record is brilliant, and deserves the attention it got; and the attention it is now getting from me.

You know what, I guess it is the same thing as when I scream from the rafters about an artist, and no one really seems to take interest on the level I do… maybe they have a touch of the “Dave Matthews effect” as well. Maybe my “over-hype” turns them off, for reasons even they don’t understand. Either way, I hope that I can open my mind a bit more about potential musical artists, and not let what I consider over-hype to get in my way of enjoying their potentially brilliant work. My apologies, Sia (and everyone else that has been affected by my missteps in the past)… I am definitely listening now.

we’re back!!!

Thanks to a well placed government holiday, I have all day to relax after our wonderful cruise to the Bahamas.

A great time was had by all, and the consensus is that we must DEFINITELY do future cruises. It is so nice not to have to worry about a thing, other than, “what am I going to eat… since there are so many choices!?!?!”. The only thing I didn’t like about the cruise (other than having to drive/ride 8 hours to the port from ATL), was the Bahamas itself. It is definitely a very poor area that has been consumed, and the culture has been completely displaced to make way for touristy trinkets and duty free shops. It was kind of sad to see, so I don’t know if I would want to cruise back to the same destination.

We did learn that gambling doesn’t really pay… however, I only lost about $200, so it wasn’t TOO bad. Needless to say, that will not be the activity I will use to pass time and have fun with in the future.

All in all, we had a blast, and can’t wait to go on another cruise. Let’s hope the next one doesn’t include the first day at sea being turbulent, and causing all of us to feel very dizzy and disoriented. Thank goodness it was calm for the rest of the trip. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and remember, the 5 song Friday will be back this week, so stay tuned!!! I will also eventually get around to posting the few pictures that I took on the trip… stay tuned for that as well.

sailing… take me away…

I have some sad news for my five song Friday readers; this week, there will be no five song Friday. I know, I know, you are very distraught, but it is for good reason… We are setting sail to the Bahamas! Okay, perhaps “set sail” isn’t exactly the correct turn of phrase, more like embarking on a journey to the Bahamas? Whatever you want to call it, James and I, along with some good friends, are going to take a trip of sheer indulgence and opulence, and head out on my very first cruise vacation. I am excited to be getting away for some much needed R and R, but I am a bit nervous about being on a big boat; seeing as I have never been on a cruise before.

I hope to take lots of pictures, swim a lot, eat a lot, and see some pretty things. I will probably buy some things in the Bahamas that I don’t need, and I will probably drink way too much; but dammit, I am determined to have a great time. Five song Fridays will resume starting with next week, so if you are hunkering for some music to fill this very tiny void, check out the archives; there are more than 200 songs that I have already featured, and those should tide you over until our return.

One thing is definitely for sure… I will be wearing lots and lots of sunscreen!!!

See you when we get back!

music releases and a nice surprise (or two)

First, I will bring out the surprise: remember how I was complaining about my Microbiology test, because it was so hard? Well, I must be a good guesser, because I got the highest grade in the class… a 97. Um, wow?!! I am happy about that, to say the least. Also, the professor sent out an email saying that this was the hardest material that we will cover, which is basically a big sigh of relief for me!!

Secondly, I was super excited about at least one music release this Tuesday: the release of of Jon McLaughlin’s second, highly anticipated CD. His first record really struck a chord with me, so much so, that it made a solid spot on my 31 CDs of 2007 list. I love piano rock, and this guy is cute to boot!! Needless to say, I ran out to Best Buy during lunch to pick up his newest CD, OK Now, because when you make good graces with me musically, I generally keep paying attention to anything you have going on, especially that which you may have coming up next.

Well, while I was at Best Buy (mine and Deb’s usual Tuesday ritual), we were looking around per usual, and I noticed that there was an Aqualung CD on the end cap that I had never heard of. A quick flip over of the CD case, and I noticed that it was released in 2008! What?!?! Aqualung has a new CD (called Words and Music) out?? Well, according to Amazon, not only does Aqualung have a new CD out, but it came out today! Score!!! I totally didn’t know that, and I am totally jazzed that I saw it. I snagged it as well, because Aqualung not only made my top 31 last year with his amazing Memory Man CD, but he made the top ten as well; the album is pretty flawless. Now, while I didn’t know he was coming out with a CD today, I can’t say how happy I am that I was able to snap it up, because if it is anything like his previous work, I am sure it is going to be good. So this is a bit of a surprise too… especially for other Aqualung fans that didn’t know he was coming out with a record today… like me!

So here’s to surprise A’s, and surprise CD finds when going out for other potentially great records from favorite artists!


James and I were invited to go see the Tech game this weekend with the lovely Mr. Pbody and hakeber, and after sitting in the direct sun for a few hours, my head is BURNED.

The worst, is that I cut my hear very short (buzzed), and as a result, my actual scalp is burnt. Since we are going on a cruise later on this week, I am going to be sure to pack two things indeed; sun screen and hats. Lots of hats.


In school related rants, I am half way into this Microbiology class, and I am more than over it! The questions on the most recent test were so detailed, and the amount of information required for the test was staggering to say the least. I will be happy when I have this one behind me for sure. The lab midterm is this week, and I hope that I do really well on it; especially considering it is 50% of my grade. Why do they have to do that in these classes? I mean, if you want me to LEARN it, why make it so I have to cram, and am more likely than not, most likely to forget most it? I don’t get it. I am still waiting to hear about nursing school at Kennesaw, so I want to be sure and do well in this class; but I don’t see an A in my foreseeable future, which does stress me out.

5SF: october 3

I can’t believe that it is already October!! Regardless, there have been some major albums coming out recently, and many of them are amazing; I truly love this time of the year. Recent favorites include Kings of Leon, Will Young, Jennifer Hudson, and the list just keeps growing with stuff that is on the horizon. What does this mean for the five song Friday? It just makes it harder for me to pick what to bring, because there is so much that I am carrying around! Alright, enough talk, let’s get down to the music.

Janelle Monae – Many Moons
First up today is a song by someone that I have seen a TON of hype about, Janelle Monae. I have to say, that initially, I loved her style and her look, but I wasn’t really sure I cared what she had to say musically. Well, after seeing the video for Many Moons, I am sitting here, struck with complete awe; this girl is a fucking artist, and she deserves all of that hype she is getting. The song is what you might expect if you took Outkast (circa Hey Ya) and Gnarls Barkley (circa Crazy), put them in a blender, and threw in a dash of spunky young spirit; the end result is brilliance from Janelle Monae. I can’t stop bopping my head and dancing around; this song is like a virus: infectious! Seriously, this is one of those occasions where the video completely sold me, and while the sound quality isn’t the best in this clip, I felt it would be a travesty to keep you from seeing it. Fantastic.

The Saturdays – If This Is Love
I will openly admit that I didn’t really like this song initially, because of the blatant sampling of Yazoo’s Situation, but after a few listens, it is exactly that same reason that I have come to love this track. They have taken a great 80’s song, and freshened it up enough for it to be a hit for this generation. These girls are a lot like their fellow music scene rivals (?), Girls Aloud, so I hope that they come up with something sort of unique so that they can last; Girls Aloud are definitely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to girl band pop super groups. The Saturdays have an album coming out this month, so I guess we will see when the record drops… here’s hoping it impresses, and that I like it as much as I have grown to dig this track. I do think that it is funny that another take on a clearly 80’s track can be a hit in this day and time; I guess it shows that all things really are cyclical.

Jennifer Hudson – If This Isn’t Love
Yes, the choice of this and the aforementioned Saturdays song are intentional; I love how the titles are so similar, yet so opposite to one another. I wanted to post a great song from Jennifer Hudson’s fantastic debut album, which came out earlier this week, and seeing the Saturdays song, and the title of this one, there is no way I couldn’t choose them both for today’s selection. I should start by saying that Jennifer Hudson has been a favorite of mine since her season of American Idol, and I have been watching this girl, just knowing that great things would come from her. Well, I have to say, that I have not been let down yet; her performance in Dreamgirls was amazing. Additionally, her new record, which is infused with ballads, pop songs, and even a few hip hop numbers, is a showcase that has succeeded in allowing her to show off her amazing voice. While this track admittedly isn’t the one that highlights her amazing instrument the best, it is a really fun track that I keep coming back to, and one that would most certainly be a hot single if it is chosen to be one. I hope that this record is just the first from Jennifer, because, based on what I have seen and heard so far, she is a real star, and a true talent, and one that should be around for a very long time. I am very pleased with her record, and glad that she took her time putting it out; every time I hear her sing, I am really, really impressed. I do have to say, however, that I wish T-Pain would quit with the vocoder. There is a song on the record that he guests on, and it is just too much. End the madness T-Pain!

Will Young – Let It Go
Okay, I am going to make a pretty grand statement here, so get ready… This is probably the most powerful, well written, and amazing pop ballad of 2008. Will Young has released his fourth record, and he has proven (again) that he is way more than a flash in the pop pan; he plans on sticking around, and making some fabulous music while he’s here. As I mentioned last week, his record is a fantastic blend of jazz, pop, soul, and just overall musical greatness. It is definitely one of the albums of the year, in my opinion, and one that was well worth waiting for. Congratulations are in order for Will, who has succeeded in making another amazing album. And this song… well, I just cannot get enough of it. It is one of those songs that you hear, and think to yourself, “wow, that was pretty amazing, let’s hear that one again”, and then you listen to it again, and you realize not only that you were right, but that it was even better the second time around. It just keeps getting better with each listen for me, and it really makes me wonder why acts like Will Young aren’t popular here in the States. Oh well… at least I know about him, and can educate at least some of you about the pop brilliance that is Will Young.

Brett Anderson – Blessed
So here’s the thing, apparently, he was the lead singer of a famous Britpop band called Suede… who I’ve never heard of. Okay, that may be a bad thing, considering how much I love pop music, but it is what it is. Now, I heard this song somewhere (I think it was iTunes), and I have to say, that it is literally, quite amazing. I have almost posted it several weeks before now, but it always got bumped for one reason or another; but this week, it is on the list! I love the feel of his vocals (they’re almost haunting me!), and the gentle piano that accompanies him on this track. This song is from his recently released solo album, which is his second one. Perhaps I need to spend some time exploring his past, and see how he got to this point, because this song is just amazingly beautiful, and I have been enjoying it for several weeks now.

Alright kids, there you have it… listen up, and let me know what you think. Doug, you are definitely a reason that the Saturdays made this week’s list; so all you other kids with your suggestions that you are keeping to yourself, let this be a lesson to you! Your suggestion might be in next week’s line up… but only if you let me know about it!!

city and colour/tegan and sara @ the tabernacle 9-30-08

On Tuesday night, James and I threw caution to the wind, and went out on a school night to see one of the most amazing acts that I have come across in a long time, City and Colour; as well as Tegan and Sara, whom he was opening for. In case I haven’t gotten you to listen to Dallas Green’s solo project, City and Colour before now, you must do yourself a favor; this guy is the real deal. Check this out:

Amazing. His set, albeit short, was amazing. His sound is so beautiful, and his voice literally makes me weak in the knees. I am so glad that he was on the Tegan and Sara tour, so that I could see him perform live. After his performance, James and me went to the merch booth, and picked up his CD in hopes that he would come out and we could meet him. James asked the merch guy (who was this hot tattooed from head to toe guy) if Dallas came out after the show, and he told James that he does, and usually just walks around… he told us to keep an eye out for the flanel. Well, about 15 minutes later, James and I spotted Dallas walking around the Tabernacle, and he was kind enough to pose for a couple of pictures, and sign autographs for us, and some other fans. It was kind of funny, really, because he seemed a bit overwhelmed, like he didn’t expect anyone to want to meet him or anything. He seemed like a really humble, and incredibly sweet guy. I was glad we met him and got autographs; I love meeting artists, and it is certainly great when they are as talented as Dallas.

After the meet and greet, we went back in and enjoyed Tegan and Sara for a while before heading home. I have to say, that I liked them before, but I am definitely more of a fan after seeing them live; they were cute and very good live. Overall, the concert was great, and while the first opening band Girl in a Coma, was not my cup of tea (the lead singer did this really creepy look with her eyes the whole time!), they were very good as well. It was a great night of music.


While we were watching Girl in a Coma, and waiting for City and Colour to take the stage, this annoying fucking drunk bitch pushed her way up behind James and myself, and proceeded to shout everything she was thinking or feeling at the moment to her douchebag drunk boyfriend. It got to one point that they were fighting about her standing too close to some guy, and something about her cheating, and she was furious, and just shouting over City and Colour at that point. I literally turned around, and got about a foot from her face, and I put my finger over my mouth and loudly said, “SHHHHHH”, in her face. It shut her up for the moment, but it wasn’t long before both of those assholes were talking over the act again. Everyone around us was frustrated as well, because you could see people turning around to see what the fuck was up with these two who clearly had never heard of the word “tact”, and were fighting in the middle of a standing room only concert. The girl in front of me turned to them as asked them to be quiet, and they got uppity with her, and I turned around again, in both of their faces and yelled, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”, to which the asshole boyfriend informed me he could do what he wanted. I told them to shut the fuck up, and go to the back if they wanted to fight, because I payed to see City and Colour, NOT to listen to them run their mouths. After that, I was literally shaking with anger; if that guy had of kept talking, I think I would have decked him. I don’t get mad very often, but when people act like they did, it really makes my blood boil; especially when I have paid to see something, and they are actively set on ruining it. Overall, I don’t know how people like that make it in life, because they were so fucking rude, I doubt they have any friends or do anything outside of their own selfish lives; being considerate is apparently not a trait learned by everyone. Needless to say, I let it get to me, which made me madder, but I couldn’t just stand there any let them ruin an otherwise amazing performance. If you watch this other video (below), you will also notice in it how you can hear people talking; which I just don’t get why people can’t shut up and listen to the act playing. So what if they are the opening act, they might be the one that someone next to you is there to here; show the respect that they deserve, and be courteous to your fellow concert goer, okay?!

I am glad we high tailed away from the couple from hell after City and Colour left the stage, because they started back up as soon as he was done. Assholes.

dallas green and meEither way, I got to meet Dallas (see here to the left, it’s me, and Dallas!), who was super nice, and all in all, I think that it was worth having to put up with inconsiderate assholes in order to see him and Tegan and Sara live. I really, really hope I never encounter people like that at another concert, because it really ruins the fun that you are supposed to have at a show, and has the potential to ruin an otherwise good night. Thank goodness we got away from them when we did, and I am just glad that I said something, because if I hadn’t, I would have been even more angry.

On a final photography related note, if you want to see the other photos that I took, be sure to check out the set on flickr.