Month: October 2008

5SF: october 31

I guess this is the Halloween edition of five song Friday, not because it is Halloween themed, but simply because it is happening on Halloween this year. I am wearing a cute orange shirt today that has three ghosts on it, and when you turn off the lights, the word boo glows in the dark. It was too cute to pass up… and it was orange! I guess Halloween should be a favorite holiday of mine, since orange is everywhere, and it is an excuse to eat lots of candy, but I never really get into it to be honest. We are going to give out candy, and check in on our neighbor’s party, but that’s about it. Whatever you are up to this ghoulish “holiday”, rest assured that I have some great songs for you today, none of which have anything to do with Halloween, but are great nonetheless. Alright, here it goes…

Horse Feathers – Curs of Weeds
I first heard Horse Feathers on the indie channel of XM, and I thought they were mellow and delightful. I downloaded their most recent release, and after hearing this song once, I freaking loved it. The vocals remind me of the smoky/raspy vocals of artists like Ray LaMontagne, which are coupled with a backing female vocal that take something beautiful and make it gorgeous. The delicate nature of this song just makes me want to close my eyes and absorb it all. The violins are achingly beautiful, and the tenderness and composition of the instrumentation is fantastic. The rest of the record is quite good, and being that this song was such an instant favorite, I am happy that I could share it this week. I love discovering stuff like this.

Nicole Scherzinger Pussycat Dolls – I Hate This Part
Now, I was originally a skeptic of PCD, but they wouldn’t go away, and eventually, I was lured into their pop web, and ended up becoming somewhat of a fan. Given that I loved the first single off of Doll Domination (When I Grow Up) so much, I had to give the rest of the record a chance, and in my time with it, I have found several great songs on the record. However, my favorite BY FAR, is this amazingly beautiful ballad that pretty much proves what we knew all along; not only is Nicole Scherzinger the voice behind the Pussycat Dolls, but she pretty much NEEDS a solo career. Seriously. Watch the video for this song. She’s definitely carrying this group, and that doesn’t bother me; so as long as they make fantastic songs like this one. I just hope that Nicole is happy, and keeps bringing the goods like she is doing here. Damn she sings the shit out of this song; just listen at about 3:10 in… wow.

P!nk – I Don’t Believe You
As I mentioned earlier this week, I was excited to snag P!nk’s newest album, which came out on Tuesday, and I will say that this record is definitely a grower. With the first listen, I liked it, but with each subsequent listen, many of these songs are really sticking with me in a great way. This song in particular is beautiful, heartbreaking, and perfect for her smoky voice. I have liked P!nk for a long time now, and with this record, she has just further solidified her fan base; it is a great album, and is already among my favorites of this year. I hate that she had to endure a break up, but at least she was able to channel some of that energy into making Funhouse such a great record.

The Saturdays – Work
I was originally skeptical of the Saturdays (lots of skepticism this week!); mainly because I felt like they were a bit of a Girls Aloud wannabe. However, their first single, If This Is Love, found it’s way onto my ipod, and I found myself really liking it, and even featured it on a previous five song Friday. My buddy Stu (thanks Stu!!!!!) insisted that I check out the rest of their record, Chasing Lights, and I am VERY glad that I did. There are some very well produced pop songs on that record, and Work, by far, is my favorite. That chorus is just fierce. Girls Aloud have definitely got some competition from these beauties; but I am willing to bet that the world has room for more than a few studio-produced girl pop super groups, right!? With songs like this, I know that I definitely have room for them on my ipod!

Lady GaGa – Starstruck

Okay, it is no secret that I love Lady GaGa. I gushed yesterday about her amazing performance on Wednesday night, as well as her CD’s release earlier this week (FINALLY!), and since it was such a GaGa week, I felt compelled to bring at least one more track from her amazing record to the table. This song was the song that she closed with the other night, and she fucking tore it up! In fact, since the show, I have been playing this banger on repeat. This song is a new song for fellow GaGa fans; it was one of the two new songs that she put on her already impressive record for release here in the states. I have to say, that she definitely has my vote for best new talent of 2008, and if she keeps churning out impressive pop like this, she is going to be bigger than huge. I am so glad that I got to see her live in such an intimate setting, and I was (and still am) starstruck by the amazing Lady GaGa. Also, make sure you go and check out the video for Poker Face, the second AMAZING single from The Fame… it is FIERCE!

Well, there you have it; another week on the books, and five more songs to tantalize your ears. This week ranged all the way from the acoustic to the banging-est beats, and I hope that everyone found a little something that they enjoyed. As always, let me know what you are listening to, and let me know what you think of these tracks! Have a safe and happy Halloween!!!

Lady GaGa @ Bazaar Atlanta 10/29/08

Lady GaGa @ Bazaar ATL, 10/29/08Last night, I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the amazing Lady GaGa live, at a very intimate venue, the bar Bazaar, in Midtown Atlanta. The place was standing room only, and the place was packed with eager fans waiting to see Ms. GaGa take the “stage” (which was just a big plywood box that they put up at the front of the bar).

We arrived early, so as to make sure we had a great view, and ended up being in the front “row”. After waiting a couple of hours, the white limo pulled up outside, and the tension in the room grew; we were ready for our diva to take the mic and turn out the beats. I have to gripe here for a second, though, because people who think that they can just come up to the front, and stand in front of people that have been patiently waiting for two hours can get a freaking clue. Seriously, no less than 3 people tried to do that, and I told them to shove off… I usually just deal with it, but I was NOT going to stand behind someone at this show. After waiting for a while after the limo pulled up, and after telling several people to move to the back where there was plenty of room, Lady GaGa busted in, and seriously brought down the house. Just before she came out, her dancers came down to make sure they had enough room, and the one dancing in front of me said, “make sure to keep this area clear; there will be a LOT of dancing right here”. Hell yes.

She was full of energy, dancing and gyrating through several of her major songs, like Just Dance, Beautiful Dirty Rich, and her current single, Poker Face. After an energetic performance filled with complicated choreography, a dance with a disco stick, and acrobatic routines, the Lady treated us to one of the songs that was included on the American release of her record (which was finally released earlier this week), Starstruck (which I absolutely LOVE).

The beats were massive, the sound was booming, and her vocals were flawless. I consider myself extremely lucky to see someone as hugely talented as Lady GaGa in such an intimate setting, and I enjoyed the concert thoroughly; as did everyone else in the place by the feeling of all that energy. I was also completely happy that Stu, John, Michael, and Broderick were there… we all had a blast. GaGa came in, completely delivered, and even stuck around for autographs after her show (which was incredible, considering that she opened for the New Kids earlier that night before playing for us!).

Overall, it was a massive show, and it was amazing. When I met her after the show, I excitedly told her that I loved her, and she simply told me that she loved me as well. *squee!* This is definitely a show that I won’t forget for some time. I’m glad that I had the chance to go out and “just dance” with the Lady that is GaGa.

Be sure to check out the other photos that I took on flickr; you can get there by clicking on the one above. I got some freaking great shots, and I am so glad that I defended my up front position so that I could get them!! (note: a post similar to this one is posted on Jiingo as well!)

CD review: Sara Bareilles: Between the Lines – Live at the Fillmore

As I posted about yesterday, there were some pretty major releases coming out this week, and while I was very excited about all of them, there was none that I was more excited about than the release of Sara Bareilles’ live CD/DVD, Between the Lines – Live at the Fillmore. When I first heard that she was going to be releasing a live album, I was immediately ready to plunk down the cash as soon as it hit shelves, because if there is one thing that is true about Sara, is that she is not only an impressively talented musician, but she completely delivers live (not to mention that I am a HUGE fan of hers).

Now, I have traditionally not been a fan of live recordings. I don’t feel like they maintain the quality of the show, and fail to capture the energy and presence of the artists; at least, that has been my experience in almost every recording that I have come across. However, with regards to Sara, the very first time I saw her live, I bought her first independent release, and on it, there were several live versions of her work, and all of them were impeccable. In fact, you could say that almost all of those songs were indistinguishable from her studio work, other than the clapping and audience involvement. I’ll say it again: she really delivers live. Having seen her many times over the past few years, and thoroughly enjoying each show, I became very excited at the prospect that she would be capturing one of the most amazing parts of her talent, her live performance, for me to listen to at any time I chose.

Well, after a couple of listens to Between the Lines – Live at the Fillmore, I can definitely say that she has managed to capture something beautiful, and wholly Sara in this recording. If you close your eyes when you listen to this CD, you get what I really believe is as close to an experience of seeing her live as you possibly can without actually being there. The emotion, the talent, the fun; it’s all there. On this disc, she has delivered a brilliant live performance, and has provided fans with an album that she should be very proud of for making.

If you have seen Sara live, then you already know about the raw power she has in her vocals, and the sincerity that she portrays in her performance, and I am pleased to say that it is present on this recording. I am very impressed with this album, and I am extremely happy that it came out as well as it did. Having the accompanying DVD is definitely the best icing on an already amazing cake, and it makes it impossible for me to find anything negative to say about this release. This album/DVD set is a solid five out of five stars (), kids, so run out and pick it up today. This is definitely one of the best live performances I have ever heard recorded, and it has definitely made me think that there is hope for live albums after all.

big music tuesday

Today is a pretty decent day for music releases, as there are four CDs that hit shelves today that I had to pick up:
big music tuesday
I will confidently say that no less than one of these albums will make my year end list; you can count on it. I can’t remember a Tuesday where four CDs came out that I had to pick up, so it’s definitely a day of music worth blogging about.

I also wanted to get Guitar Hero World Tour (the drums and everything!), but I had to leave empty handed. The douche at Best Buy just disappeared when I asked for his help, and came back to tell me that Guitar Hero didn’t come with drums (which made me angry, because all he had to do was pay attention to his surroundings, especially since they have it out for everyone to play, and the drum kit is clearly sitting three feet from where we had the conversation… but I digress). So, I will have to wait until later for that one; I am going to try and get it after work, because it looks ever so fun, and we played Rock Band the other night and had a blast with the drums, and the Guitar Hero ones have cymbals (and no crappy pedal)! Looks like I found something to do for the rest of the week, eh!


Sydney put on his Halloween sweater today, headed out to a dog festival, and got micro-chipped.
ready for halloween!
James said that he wasn’t happy when they pricked him with the chip, but I am glad that he has it now. I have been thinking about getting him chipped forever, and it was only $10, so I figured we should go ahead and do it. Hopefully, this makes him just a little bit safer, in case he ever gets lost.

He does look incredibly adorable in that sweater though, doesn’t he?!

5SF: october 24

Today really is a rainy, kind of poopy day out, but no worries, that won’t stop the music. As for this week’s selection, I have been really getting into each of these songs, and there are definitely a few that come from amazing albums by amazing artists. I hope you enjoy these tracks as much as I do.

Rachael Yamagata – What If I Leave
Wow. Pure. Raw. Emotion. You can literally feel it in each downbeat, and in each whisper from Rachael that she is contemplating something so intimate and difficult, that she almost doesn’t have the strength to utter it. Then, the simplicity of repeating, “what if I leave?”, is so palpable, that in hearing this song, you can truly tell that she has been through some shit in a relationship with someone who clearly didn’t understand the ramifications of their actions. Wow. This is such a powerfully contemplative break up song, that I was blown away by it. I absolutely love it for it’s simplicity, which actually makes it so elegant and sophisticated. If you liked this track as much as I do, I highly suggest you pick up Rachael’s most recent release, Elephants… Teeth Sinking In, because it is chock full of bittersweet gems like this one.

Wild Sweet Orange – Either/Or
This song initially didn’t sway me, because I was skeptical (as you know I can be) for no real reason at all. However, there was something about it that I liked… the guitars, the way the used the starting and stopping of the riffs and the beats, the tenderness of the lead singer’s voice… something kept me coming back to this song. Whatever it was (perhaps the amalgamation of all of those things), I have been listening to this track over and over, and I can say now, without a shadow of a doubt, that I freaking love this song. It is so catchy, and so well crafted, that just begs to be played. I love the toe-tapping beat, and especially enjoy the lead singer’s voice. It is just a great song. After a few listens to the rest of the Wild Sweet Orange record, I definitely think that I have stumbled onto something here, and I am very glad that I kept going back to this track and gave it the shot it definitely deserved. Let this song grow on you if you don’t love it instantly… trust me. It is excellent!

MuteMath – Typical
This is one of those songs that I have heard many, many times, and even though I really liked it, I wasn’t motivated enough to download it (what can I say, I’m lazy). Maybe it was because the song is kind of “old” (out in ’06), or maybe it was because it is played a LOT on XM, but whatever the reason, I didn’t pick this one up until the other day (after I heard it again on XM). Well, I have to say, that I am glad that I did, because after listening to it on my ipod, I really realized that this song is MAJOR. This song harnesses some great rock power and great guitar riffs, and it sounds like a blending of the best of Filter with the raw power of Fuel. Now I can see why XM loves this track so much… it’s freaking great. Oh, and after listening to it once, you WILL be singing along. It is infectious… don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Ben Folds – You Don’t Know Me
Oh Ben Folds. How I love thee!!! I have loved Ben Folds for MANY years (since back when he was with the Ben Folds Five), and my love only grew after his first solo release, Rockin’ The Suburbs, which is a fantastical album. Well, he just released his newest solo effort, Way To Normal, and even though I wasn’t initially blown away, I have definitely enjoyed this record more and more with each passing listen. There are so many fun things about Ben Folds, and his quirky stories and silly lyrics really make him a joy to listen to. I absolutely LOVE the teaming with Regina Spektor on this track, which is a fun, and almost sugary piano-pop track that just can’t be listened to without a smile on your face. There aren’t many artists out there like Ben Folds who are willing to take a stab at music, and make it less serious, and ultimately more fun… he is a welcome addition to my music collection, and has been for quite a while. I am glad that he is still bringing the goods, and making fun music that I definitely enjoy.

Shiny Toy Guns – Ricochet!
I was torn about featuring this track, because of the response a fellow Jiingo writer had to this song. He felt that this was a major departure from the synth-rock style of previous Shiny Toy Guns recordings, and at first, I really agreed… and I was really beginning to worry that a band that released such an AMAZING debut record was completely abandoning their sound for something kind of, well, off-putting. Well, I downloaded the song, because I wanted to really give it a chance, and I have to say, that I have really changed my mind about it. Yes, it is hard, yes it is a bit different, but I can still hear the Shiny Toy Guns that I love in there. I was lucky enough to see these guys (and girl) in concert last year, and that show was fucking AMAZING. They completely kill it live, and they met and exceeded every one of my expectations. In this track, they have really brought some of that raw power of their live shows, and infused it with something fresh that will no doubt attract new fans; even if it turns off a few previous ones. Yes, the new female lead is a bit different, but I think that she really melds well with the other lead singer; much like the previous female lead did, and much of their trademark that was found in that melding is still there (even if it is harder, and more powerful this time around — I really feel like they are moving more in the direction of Le Disko; which was definitely a hard track). I can say that after a few spins, I have definitely changed my mind about this song, and I actually think it is a great track… it also has me REALLY looking forward to their next record; which is only a few weeks away from being released. I guess the proof will be in the pudding, but I for one, can’t wait for a taste. I am SOOOO glad that I gave this another, well deserved, chance.

Well kids, I hope that you are staying dry today, and I hope that you enjoyed this week’s five song Friday. As always, let me know what songs are blowing up your appropriated music device, and I look forward to discovering more music and bringing it to you in the future. Have a great weekend!

uninspired, or just stuck… just fix it

I have been wondering what is keeping me from doing things that I like to do (like taking pictures) recently (and for quite a while now), but I don’t think that it is because I am uninspired so much as I feel a bit stuck. I feel like I am waiting… waiting on things to materialize on next steps for some things, and here I am, trapped in the interim, and I am just stuck. I have felt a bit in a rut lately, but I think that I am just beginning to really notice it; I think it is bigger than even I see.

I need to pull myself out somehow. I really respect other people that seem so adept at doing that for themselves, and hope to take some of their success as motivation for my own use. I guess I tend to get caught up in the goings on of every day, and find myself waiting for the next day… EVERY day. That is where the rut comes into play, and it almost always sneaks up on me, as it has done in this most recent case.

I am writing it here, because I want to make an effort to try a bit harder not to be so complacent, and to motivate myself. Perhaps putting it out there will make a difference? Who knows. It has and hasn’t in the past, but at least it’s a step. ANY step feels like a success right now.

I think that part of it, is that there are so many things that I want changed, that I start to see all of them, and I let them overwhelm me, and I end up not doing anything at all… and I hate that about me. I’ve always been that way too, so I don’t see that as something that I can change, so much as I can just deal with it. It’s weird, because I feel like I am all or nothing in some things; like when I was so obsessed with my weight, that I worked out 6 days a week, and weighed a crazy-skinny 160 lbs. Now, I look at myself in the mirror, and wonder what the fuck happened? I have gained so much weight, and feel so lazy because I am not doing anything about it. Yet, instead of going to work out and fix it, I just skip working out and sulk. This is one of the worst aspects of the rut and the complacency, yet I can’t seem to shake it. I feel like writing it down may make me a bit more accountable, but I don’t even know if that will make a difference.

I just wish I could tap into some (SOME) of that tenacity that I used to have… some of the old me to help the new me shake this rut; even if it is only for a little while. I’m telling myself right now that I am going to try, and honestly, that’s the best that I can do. I hope that it works.

what’s going on?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Well, at least, that is how it feels. It feels like all I do, is get up, go to work, listen to music, come home, hang out with James, and then repeat the whole process. I guess it is something to be said about things being a little “slow”, but I feel like I am kind of in a rut again.

This weekend, James was out of town, and I kind of shifted into “spring cleaning” mode, and decided that we needed to get rid of some of the clutter that we have managed to shove into every available cabinet and closet space in our house (which sucks, because our house is kind of on the small side). I managed to clean out a little bit of stuff, and made things at least feel less cluttered. I also took a foray into utilizing freecycle, which I signed up for a long time ago, but never utilized. I am excited about the prospect of taking something that I don’t need, and passing it on to someone who does need it; rather than throwing it away. I am awaiting a “meet up” email from the first responder, so we will see how it goes; it will determine how I use the service in the future. Perhaps I should see if there is anything on there that we might need… but I think that clearing things OUT before bringing them IN is a good idea for the here and now.

Perhaps I should explore some of James’ things in the attic while I’m at it? Watch out!

5SF: october 17

After a relaxing weekend in the Bahamas, and a week off from bringing the music, I am glad to say that the five song Friday is back in a big way this week! All five of these songs are poptastic in their own way, and they are all great songs that have recently taken me by storm.

This week is also the “turning of a corner”, of sorts; I think that I am going to completely phase out posting videos from youtube as a part of the five song Friday. If you read yesterday’s post, you know why, and due to that frustration, I just don’t think it is worth my time. I haven’t looked back to see which videos I have posted in the past that have been removed, but I am sure that at least a few of them have, and that bothers me. So, we will focus on the music, and if the video is a must see, then I will try and post a link for it, even though I won’t be posting the actual video, mmmkay? Either way, the music will keep playing!

Beyonce – If I Were A Boy
I am going to start this one off with one word: Amazing. Seriously, Beyonce has captured my attention with several hits in the past, like Crazy in Love, and Baby Boy, but it wasn’t until her belting the SHIT out of Listen in Dreamgirls that I really fell in love with her. After that, I knew that Bey was the real deal, and ever since, I have been paying closer attention to this diva. With the buzz around the interwebs talking about Bey releasing a new record soon, my newfound dedication clearly sparked my interest, and after one listen of If I Were A Boy, I have to say that I was very impressed. This song is beautiful, powerful, and very well written. The accompanying video is magnificent. I am glad to see that Beyonce is doing songs like this one, and really showing some pop range, and some beauty in vulnerability. The jury is still out on the other song that is being simultaneously released, but I can definitely say that If I Were A Boy is an INSTANT favorite. One more thing, I have to say, that I can’t believe how instantly impressed I was with this song, it is seriously major, and it gets even better with each listen.

JoJo – How To Touch a Girl
While we were on the cruise, there were two channels that were dedicated to music on the TV in the room, and I found myself watching them from time to time when we were relaxing at night. Well, the video for this song came on, and I was about to change it, when I decided to let it go through to the chorus (seeing as I had never heard the song before). Well, cut to me being pretty impressed. Here, JoJo has a bona fide pop anthem on her hands, and I have had this CD all this time, and didn’t even know this gem existed!!! Needless to say, I quickly put this one back on my ipod, and I have been enjoying it since we returned home. Sometimes I ignore stuff for a while, but it is nice if it eventually comes back onto my radar screen; especially when it is great like this song!! Luck be a lady named JoJo in this case! Be sure to check out the video too.

Aqualung – Arrivals
Last week, I blogged about how I was extremely surprised and excited by the quiet release of a new Aqualung record. However, after a couple of lessons, I feel that the record sounds a bit incomplete and rushed; it is no where near as polished as Memory Man is. Now, I hadn’t written it off forever, but I was having trouble finding anything that could be considered redeeming in this release; it is kind of a disappointment. Cut to my blog-buddy Steve mentioning the final track, Arrivals, on his blog, and me going back for another listen. HOLY SHIT. This song is epic. It is gargantuan. It is massive. It is beautiful. It is flawed, but yet somehow perfect. This is Aqualung at his best, and I don’t know why it was reserved for the end of the record, but I am happier than a pig in shit that it is there. This song may not be a full fledged redeemer, but it is as close as this record could ever hope for. This song is poised to become an all time favorite.

Antony and the Johnsons – Another World
I had kind of a love/hate relationship with Antony when I first heard their material. I didn’t care for Antony’s voice, and there was no consoling me… at first. I decided that maybe I was being hasty, so I listened, I mean really listened, and I felt and heard the ache and tenderness that is so powerful and unique about Antony. I quickly turned on my heal, and became a HUGE fan of Antony and the Johnsons, especially their previous record, I Am A Bird Now, which is pretty much a flawless record. Well, when I saw that they had released an EP of new songs last week, I HAD to have it. I am glad that I snagged it too, because in the same vein as I Am A Bird Now, Another World is full of amazing songs; my favorite being the title track, which I am glad to present to you this week. The part where they make it sound like a whale call with the distortion is an amazing touch. If you haven’t heard Antony’s stuff, do yourself a favor and check out this truly amazing artist.

Noah and The Whale – 5 Years Time
I know what you are thinking… is it something like, “Hey!! I have heard that before! In a commercial, right?!”? Well you would be right!! It is the song from the Saturn commercial, and it is fantastically catchy and fun song. I tried to resist this little gem for a while, but I have heard it again and again, and this song is such a damn ear worm that it wouldn’t give up until I went ahead and downloaded it. Well, I am glad I did, because I do quite like it, and I like how it really is like what a smile would probably sound like, if it were transformed into a song. Good stuff, eh? Be sure to check out the super cute video as well.

Well, there’s your five songs for this week, children. I hope that you enjoyed them, because there are definitely some AMAZING songs in this week’s collection. I am glad to be back, and I hope you didn’t miss the tunes too much last week. As always, be sure to let me know what you think, and definitely tell me what is playing on your appropriated musical device!!

embedding disabled by request

As I was thinking up the list of songs that I will be featuring on tomorrow’s 5SF, I pondered the potential of at least one of said songs having a video on youtube, as I always do. One song in particular (which I will not name, because I have to have some secrecy to bring you kids back, don’t I?) has a fantastical video that I would love to post, but due to the nature that it is by a major artist, I am sure that the video will be either yanked off of youtube soon, or it will have the lovely “embedding disabled by request” where the code to embed said video on my blog should be.

Now, I have to say, that I really do not understand this move by record companies at all (this assuming that they are the reason, since I can think of no reason an artist would want to restrict the viewing of their video to youtube). Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t a video practically a commercial for a song; it represents the artist, and provides more incentive to listen to the song, and more likely than not, increases interest in buying the artist’s CD when it hits stores? So, when you put the video on youtube (especially since the “usual” way to see videos has drastically changed since MTV doesn’t play many these days), aren’t you attempting to put this piece of work out there for all to see? By the same logic, one would also think that by allowing that video to be reposted (through embedding youtube links, of course), that you would be increasing exposure to the video and the song, and there by, allowing FREE publicity for your artist. But no. For whatever reason, many major labels insist on keeping the content “safe”, and will not allow you to embed any of their videos. Again, this makes no sense.

If I posted a commercial, or an advertisement on my website for free, and received no income from having the banner on my site, I would be providing FREE PR for whatever the advertisement was for. I would think, again by that same logic, that the company that sold that product would be more than happy to have me do such a thing, since again, I am publicizing it for free.

I guess my rant is just a venting of the frustration that continually comes from dealing with the recording industry (DRM, lack of embedding, piracy issues, etc). They try so hard to lock down everything, that many artists have a hard time releasing their music, and even the ones that manage to get it out there have a choke hold placed on their material; which is interesting, because without them, the record industry would be nothing. I say, that if you are going to even post a video on youtube in the first place, that allowing people to embed it on their websites is just a common courtesy to your artists, and at a minimum, a free advert for your product; after all, it is again, FREE PR!!! I mean, it’s not like youtube is so secure that I can’t use a software to gank the video, and post it from my own server; which is actually “stealing”, and what I am assuming you are trying to avoid, right? Because that is easier than actually changing the code to make the video fit into my page parameters, just so you know.

Ridiculous much? Methinks so. /rant