Today is a pretty decent day for music releases, as there are four CDs that hit shelves today that I had to pick up:
I will confidently say that no less than one of these albums will make my year end list; you can count on it. I can’t remember a Tuesday where four CDs came out that I had to pick up, so it’s definitely a day of music worth blogging about.
I also wanted to get Guitar Hero World Tour (the drums and everything!), but I had to leave empty handed. The douche at Best Buy just disappeared when I asked for his help, and came back to tell me that Guitar Hero didn’t come with drums (which made me angry, because all he had to do was pay attention to his surroundings, especially since they have it out for everyone to play, and the drum kit is clearly sitting three feet from where we had the conversation… but I digress). So, I will have to wait until later for that one; I am going to try and get it after work, because it looks ever so fun, and we played Rock Band the other night and had a blast with the drums, and the Guitar Hero ones have cymbals (and no crappy pedal)! Looks like I found something to do for the rest of the week, eh!
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