Month: September 2008

5SF: september 12

So, I guess that today is the one year anniversary of the five song Friday, and a hooray for bringing the music for a full year is in order!! But it isn’t stopping, and is far from losing steam… Today, I am bringing you all random finds; some are random downloads, some are random songs I heard on samplers, but ALL of them are good. Let’s get right to this, shall we?

The Stills – Being Here
I found this song randomly on a sampler CD that I picked up in a record store not too long ago. I LOVE this song. The guy’s voice reminds me a lot of the lead singer of Guster, and they use a rock sound that is a lot like Melee, one of the bands that made my year end list last year with their second album, Devils and Angels. The song is fun, toe tapping, and the video is wicked cool (albeit, a bit Sleepy Hollow). I LOVE random finds (which is pretty much the theme of today); especially when they are as radio/ear friendly as this track. I will say, however, that I did download their record, and after one listen, this song and the other song I liked a lot from the sampler (Everything I Build), appear to be the only great tracks on the record. I will give it a few more listens before I give up though, because this song is really, really great, and by all accounts shouldn’t be a shot in the pan (or so I hope).

Los Campesinos! – Death to Los Campesinos!

I was recently recommended Los Campesinos! (see, I do pay attention when you guys recommend stuff… keep it coming!), and I will admit that I had heard of them at the time, and wasn’t that impressed. I thought they were fun, but it was almost like the end of a huge slurpee; the sugary goodness wasn’t sitting well on an already sugar filled tummy. Well, the aforementioned sampler had a live version of this song on it, and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t fantastic. As such, it totally reinvigorated my interest in Los Campesinos!, and as such, I have been listening more and more, and enjoying it much more this go round. The video is absolute madness, which I have to say, matches this song to a T (SEE what I mean about sugary overload!!!??). Either way, it is fun, dancey, and a fun song; regardless of how crazy it is!!!

My Favorite Highway – Bigger Than Love
Talk about surprises… I downloaded this on a whim, for reasons I can’t recall, but after one listen, I didn’t go back. Well, enter the new, invigorated interest in using my ipod nano… as a result, I have been paying more attention to exactly what is on my ipod (as opposed to dumping 30GB on there, and sorting through, which makes for too many choices, and MANY things being overlooked). Well, I gave this record a go the other day, and I literally kicked myself after hearing this gem. Not only that, but the rest of the record is actually quite good!! I guess I was in one of my usual “I’m not in the mood for this” moods at the time I first heard it, but I am definitely enjoying it now. The lead singer’s voice reminds me a lot of what I like in the lead singer of Switchfoot’s voice, and compliments the piano-twinged rock elegantly. This song is so ready for the radio, and throngs of screaming fans… it is really, really, really good! Like the Stills, it reminds me a lot of what I loved about Melee’s record; which again, is really good as well… in fact, I want something new from those guys; but I digress… this is about My Favorite Highway!! (Note: these guys are what I think the Jonas Brothers are going for… and they are nailing it, whereas the JB are well… not).

MGMT – Electric Feel
After really enjoying their song Time To Pretend (and featuring it one Friday long ago), I was pretty quick to write off MGMT as a one hit (in my book) wonder. Well, last weekend, I was hanging out with some friends at Smith’s Olde Bar in Midtown, and Electric Feel came on the jukebox. I thought to myself, “self, I have heard this before… and I LOVE IT! But who is it?!?!”. Well, my buddy dave whips out his iphone, uses the amazing program that you can’t use on the ipod touch (BOOO!!!!!) called Shazam, and a few seconds later, I am informed that the song that I am loving is ANOTHER brilliant track by the very MGMT that I had written off only months before. Shame! Shame on me! Well, needless to say, I quickly put that album back on the ipod, and have been listening to it for other gems. It has a few, and I will gladly admit where I was wrong; and I definitely was in this case. If you liked Time To Pretend, this one is a bit different, but definitely the electro-twinged rock that they did so well in that first track. I love the flute-sounding instruments that permeate the track… they are so much fun for my ears! (NOTE: It is annoying that videos get embedding disabled by request. WTF, is up with that shit?!?! /stupid “copyright” related rant)

Sarah Connor – Play

SURPRISE is the name of the game on this one!!! I downloaded Sarah Connor’s (no, not THAT Sarah Connor; although, how bad assington would that be?!?!) CD Sexy as Hell, because it was listed several times on iTunes alongside what I was listening to (in the “users also purchased). However, I never listened to it, like My Favorite Highway, and it was largely ignored until the recent revival of my ipod nano. Well, after listening to her CD, this song is the one that really stood out to me, because the beat is just as the title of the record suggests… it is as sexy as hell! The similarity of her voice to Jessica Simpson is apparent; however, she (thankfully) lacks that annoying factor that Jessica seems to be able to only control every now and then… (oop!). Either way, it is a fun hip-hop-pop song, sure to please that pop palate that I know so many of you share with me!

I hope that everyone found something that they loved this Friday, and as always, let me know what you think, and what you are listening to… there is just too much out there for us to go it alone!!!

apple event: kind of a let down?

As indicated by last weeks excitement at the announcement of the “Let’s Rock” event, I was clearly looking forward to the Apple event today. However, is it just me, or was it kind of a HUGE blah moment after they announced that not much was changing with the ipod Touch? I mean, I waited for nearly two months, and the only real benefit is that I saved $100 on practically the same thing that I could have gotten 2 months ago.

I just think it’s weird that they make such pomp and circumstance, and say “boom! bap! shazam!” and we are expected to be wowed; even when nothing major happened. The worst, is that I KNOW that as soon as I have had this ipod touch for 2 or 3 months, they will quietly release a 64GB version, and I will of course, be pissed that I didn’t wait. You are always doing this to me Apple! Every single ipod I have gotten since my 2nd Gen 10GB (which was $400 then!!), with the notable exception of my 3rd Gen Nano 8GB (probably because I bought it on a whim, just for fun), I have been “bested” by Apple mere months after I made my informed purchase. The worst was when I bought my 4th Gen one, and the photo one came out LITERALLY 35 days later (just long enough for me to be unable to return it). I wouldn’t bitch, but it isn’t like these are purchases around $100; all of the ipods I have gotten have been over $200; which is I guess a testament of being an early adopter of technology (hello $1000 Blu-Ray now being $300).

Oh well, I know that this is “how it goes” with technology, but for some reason, I have been pretty lucky with most of my “devices”; with the ipod being the exception. I have a good track record with phones and gaming consoles (both portable and home), so I guess I have to give in to the innovation of Apple, which totally takes the bank, unfortunately.

Will I get a new ipod Touch? Most certainly. I have wanted one since they came out over a year ago; but I was hoping that I could get at LEAST 64gb… It looks like I am going to have “settle” (HA!) for 32GB. Life sure is hard isn’t it? /sarcasm I’ve been on the Apple music media bandwagon this long, I guess I should come to expect these sorts of things; but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it!

another year, another handjob from MTV

I mean, that’s the whole point of the VMA’s, isn’t it? To jerk off the pop community? Well, after watching another year of mostly boring performances, mostly lame videos getting awards, and even lamer “celebrities” presenting said awards, I am convinced that the whole point of the show is kind of like those year end required recitals that every dance company has for the little kids in their classes. It’s just a little closure on a year in music, and it is pretty efficient in ignoring almost anyone but the hot act of the moment. Sorry, but this might get a bit long, you might want to get a soda and get comfortable…

There were highlights of course… I was happy that Britney won her first (and even won three before the end of the night) moon man award for what one can only assume was the song, NOT the video. I think that MTV felt remorse for throwing her to the hungry gators last year, and as penance, offered her these awards to make up for ignoring brilliant pop performances and great videos throughout her career (I mean come on… Slave 4 U would be just as hot if it were released today). While Piece of Me was definitely a highlight from Blackout, the video just showed us a taste of what Britney was always capable of, without the actual goods. We know she can do better, because she has. Hate her or love her, one thing is for sure, Britney has had a long career because pop music is all about the flash, the glitter, the dance, and the production; fellow music peers like Madonna are proof positive that it has very little to do with actual talent (although, Britney really can dance, and can definitely perform; which is definitely a talent). With all that being said, Britney looked fantastic last night, and was very together. I am excited that this may signal a real comeback with her next record; the one that Blackout was more than ready to give her… if only she had been ready at the time it was released.

As for the rest of the VMA’s, I have to pay special attention to something that has me in disbelief: I can’t believe that it is 2008 and that fucking sagging your pants and showing your underwear trend is STILL being trotted around by these rich ass motherfucking rappers. You have MILLIONS of dollars, Lil’ Wayne; wear a goddamned suit, or at least pull up your fucking pants. T.I. looked incredibly dapper… follow his example! UGH. All it does is makes it “cool” for kids to copy by example, and it isn’t cool to show your underwear unless you are a stripper in a strip club… again, PULL UP YOUR PANTS!

On to the performances… which were fun to watch for the most part… however, Rihanna should REALLY start doing what Janet and Britney do for their shows; record the track and lip sync it live. Her voice is pretty, but a live singer she is not. Leona Lewis got her start by singing live; so she can clearly do it… Rihanna, I’ll admit that you can sing great in a studio, but that’s about all; which is WAY more than many can say. Be proud you at least have singing talent.

I will go on record again, and say that I just do not get the Jonas Brothers. They have to be more than just “cute” for me to scream my fucking lungs out like the girls are doing for these boys. Seriously… I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. They sing through their noses! How do people not notice this?!?!?

The best performance of the night BY FAR came from P!nk, who has consistently gotten better with every subsequent release in her career. P!nk is a fucking great performer, and she tore it up last night. Fantastic.

I couldn’t believe how bad Paramore sounded; I guess her voice really is much like Rihanna’s; great in the studio, and that’s about it.

The performance by Christina Aguilera was good, but she is clearly channeling Alison Goldfrapp for her “new” sound. Well, I guess if by “new” she means 3 years ago, then at least we are all on the same page. Either way, her debuting her new single is part of what the VMA’s has always been about in the past, so it was nice to see that continuing to be part of the show.

I won’t touch Kanye West, because his ego is so gargantuan that he doesn’t even exist within this realm of existence anyway. Every time he opens his mouth to do anything buy sing, I lose more and more respect for him. I guess some people really are that full of themselves.

Overall, the host shouted the entire show, and the production value of the night was haphazard at best. I remember past VMA’s that were star studded, and didn’t look like they were held in a parking lot of a Kmart. I guess it is fun and all, but it really is getting more and more obvious that MTV is really just incapable of doing anything outside of the realm of the super expected anymore. Pop music is definitely a passion of mine, and I will always have a hard time avoiding such train wrecks as the VMA’s, but hey, at least I can talk shit about it behind it’s back the next day, right?

5SF: september 9

I just had a realization that was kind of cool… next week is the first anniversary of the five song Friday!! The first one was on September 14th, which is also, coincidentally (massive coincidence) mine and James’ anniversary! This year is our fifth anniversary… it’s crazy how time flies! I can’t believe that I have been doing this for almost a year! Is everyone still enjoying the five song Friday’s? Any feedback at all? I’ll let you ponder that while I get to this week’s music…

Annie – I Know UR Girlfriend Hates Me

First, there is something I need to get out right away: I HATE when people spell words in song titles like you’re with just a “UR”. It doesn’t make it more cool, and it doesn’t show that you are hip; it makes it look as if you are too lazy to worry about proper grammar. Ugh. Alright, with that said, I actually have been digging this song lately. I actually heard about Annie quite a long time ago from such power music blogs as popjustice, but perhaps it was the defiant part of me that took over, because I just blew her music off until recently. Well, I finally downloaded her CD, and I’ll admit that I like a few of the songs on it. I don’t think it is mind blowing, but it definitely fun, and something that you can have a good time listening to; regards going to this song especially.

Van She – Kelly
Holy shit! There’s a video! And it came out in 2006? WTF?!?! First thing’s first… Here’s another find from a massive pop blog that I decided to give a listen to (given his enthusiasm, I had to see what was going on!!!). Well, I love, love, love this song, but the rest of the album is just alright for me; it gets a bit repetitive towards the middle, on through the end. However, this song struck me immediately, and I was excited to feature it this week. Much to my surprise (hinted at above), this song actually came out way back in 2006, and hello youtube… there is even a video for it! Big surprise on that one! Either way, the song’s great, and the chorus is super-fun and extra catchy. I’m glad that I read pop blogs… they really give me the goods; which is one of the main reasons why I love doing things like this five song Friday on my own pop-filled blog… share the wealth, right?!?!

Jem – Crazy
Jem, you’ve done it again! The first song off of Jem’s upcoming release, Down To Earth (release date, September 16th) leaked a few weeks back, and I must say, as much as I loved her first record, I wasn’t actually digging On Top of The World as much as I would have liked. With her last record being so dynamic and innovative, I had high hopes for her sophomore effort, but by the sound of On Top Of the World, I was worried that I was going to be let down. Cut to this week, and the official release of Crazy as a single on iTunes… yeah, Jem still has it. This song is every bit as energetic and magnificent as her first record. She builds on her sound with this track, and proves that she has more to say with her music. Also, I cannot get enough of the banjo in this song!! Such a great use of a non-traditional pop instrument. Good form, Jem, I can’t wait for the record!

Lily Allen – GWB (Fuck You Very Much)
First off, it says fuck a lot in this song, so if that isn’t your cup of tea, you have been warned. I love, love, love Lily Allen, and given the events of this week (RNC), I thought a fun political FU song was appropriate; especially since I only recently heard it. As much as I loved Lily’s first record, I have been chomping at the bit to get more stuff from her, and I was happy to find a few songs last week to satiate my appetite. This song is catchy, and I do think it is cool when people speak up for their political views, because you are always taking a risk; sometimes you get shunned for it (The Dixie Chicks), and sometimes you get praised for it (P!nk). With this silly track, Lily is saying what a lot of young American’s are thinking about our not-so commander and chief, and she will definitely get praises from me for putting it out there. I also cannot ignore the brilliant opening notes that are totally a throwback to the Carpenter’s massive hit Close To You; it really makes me smile to hear it throughout the song. I can’t wait for more new stuff Lily!

Nobody’s Angel – If You Wanna Dance (Thunderpuss Radio Edit)
I recently hooked my spin class teacher up with a bunch of “old” dance music that I have sitting on my hard drive, and I literally smiled from ear to ear yesterday when this track came blasting out during class. This song is one of those songs that originally, weren’t very good… Then, a MASSIVE producer (oh how you are missed, Thunderpuss!!!) gets their hands on it, remixes it, and then you have a dance-floor filler that is so much fun that it is hard not to shake your booty all night long. This was exactly what I needed to boost my energy in class, and I was reminded of how much I originally loved this remix. It’s a gem from all the way back in 2000, but to me, it sounds just as great today as it did so many years ago. I can tell you, that if this came on the club, I would need to clear a spot on the floor to break it down… let’s get fierce!

Well, I hope that everyone is having a great Friday, and I hope the weekend is filled with fun as well. Let me know what you thought about this week’s selection, and as always, let me know what you are listening to… you never know when you will see it featured here!!!!

…deep breath… put on a smile… there you go…

So after looking back over the requirements for applying to GSU (again), it looks like I have to take two MORE classes BEFORE the program semester in which I am applying. I knew that I had to take them, but was unclear if I had to take them BEFORE the program started. Oh well, because there is no way I could have done anything about that before this spring anyway, because they have to be taken AT GSU, and I only got in recently for spring. So, I guess I will just take them in the spring, and postpone applying to the program, and instead, apply for fall; which is definitely frustrating, but not the end of the world. Seriously, it just seems like so many hurdles to go back to school; no wonder there is a shortage of nurses. They make it so difficult to do something simple (such as fulfill requirements), and it seems like time has got to be your friend… you need it to get where you can finally get into a program. Also, it is so difficult to work and go back to school… people that do it really know what I am talking about. Thank GOD my job is flexible.

Given this bad-ish news, the good news is that I did apply to KSU, and I don’t know the status of that application. I REALLY hope that I can get in there, which would make it more attractive to go there; I could start next summer. I like the idea of going to another school too, because I have already been to GSU; even though going to GSU is so much closer to my house. Additionally, I am scared shitless about what I am going to do for money during the time that I am school; I have no idea how to supplement my salary without working. I don’t want to take out a shitload of loans, but it seems like that might by my best option as of right now. I wonder how much they let students borrow; especially if they have loads of loans already under their belt? I guess I will find out, and then freak out accordingly. Again, how do people do this?!

I just feel so tied up, and I feel like I am wiggling, and wiggling, but the ropes are only slightly loosening. I just want to get there, and it seems like I have spent over a year of doing nothing but hurrying up to wait more… and all that lies before me is more waiting.

It’s just frustrating. Really, really frustrating. However, I KNOW that I just have to take deep breaths, put a smile on my face, and keep moving. But that doesn’t make it easy to do so. I guess I should just keep repeating that to myself, because days like this, it is really, really hard. Sorry to have a downer of a post, but eh, there it is. I’m dealing, so that’s all I have for you. Maybe something more upbeat will put a real smile on my face soon… here’s hoping.