Month: September 2008

the presets/cut copy @ masquerade 9-27-08

Last night, we went to see The Presets and Cut Copy at the Masquerade. Both acts were amazing, and it was a fantastic show. I was more excited to see the Presets, because I have really been enjoying their record for many months now. They totally deliver live, and I was very pleased with their show. The lighting was especially amazing.

I wasn’t really that interested in Cut Copy initially, because for whatever reason, their record just hadn’t meshed with me, but I can say that after last night, I will be spending a little more time with it. They were great in their own right, even though they really didn’t harness the lighting to move the crowd as much as the Presets did. I did state several times during their act that they were much better than their record let on, however, so I was pleased to find them great in concert.

Both acts were fantastic, and the vibe at the Masquerade was awesome. People were dancing, and the floor was literally pulsating from the bodies and energy. It was a great concert, and a great night with friends.

5SF: september 26

I’ll start with a newsworthy item: the big news today in pop was the premiere of Britney’s new single Womanizer; yes I have heard it, and yes, it is really quite good. I think that if Britney brings an album as strong as Blackout to us with Circus, I think that the chances of her having a proper comeback are very, very good. Since the song only debuted today, I have five other songs for this week’s 5SF, but perhaps Womanizer will make a future appearance on the 5SF? Only time will tell. Now that we have taken care of business, let’s get to the fantastic five for this week, shall we?

Will Young – Changes
*Swoon*… Alright, where to start about my love for the fabulous Will Young? I really came to know Will through his last CD, which is a mix of fantastic pop and jazz, all marked by his unmistakably beautiful voice. Song after song, I feel deep for that album, and still love it very much today. Well, earlier this summer, I heard that Will would be releasing a new CD this year, and seeing as it has been a good three years since Keep On came out, it goes without saying that I was excited to hear this news. After hearing the lead single, Changes (which I have waited to bring you until it got a proper release, and so I could have the damn mp3 for myself), I can say that Will’s trademark style and swagger are all over this track, and I find myself loving it more and more with each listen. Per usual, he pays a lot of attention to melding heartfelt lyrics with beautiful strings and emotive vocals. This song is fantastic, and only makes me even more giddy for the full release of Will’s upcoming CD, Let It Go… which just happens to be next week!!!!!

Friendly Fires – Jump In The Pool
I have to say, that the first time I heard this song, I couldn’t help but think of the Barry Harris/Pepper Mashay anthem of a similar name, Dive in the Pool; even though it is nothing like it. This song, unlike the aforementioned dance floor filler, harnesses male vocals with maraca style beats, and synthetic electronic backgrounds to make a track that reminds me a bit of the Klaxons, mixed in with some of the edge from the Presets (who I am seeing in concert tomorrow night). The result is a true aural surprise and a real delight; I like this song more every time I play it. I love how they use those undulating beats and rhythms throughout the song, and I especially like how they end it with the beats at the end. I was surprised by how much I instantly liked this song, and I am happy to pass it on to you.

Kings of Leon – Use Somebody
Before last weekend, I had never heard of Kings of Leon, even though they apparently have the number one song in the UK with Sex on Fire right this very minute. Well, I saw them on SNL, and the lead singer’s voice was so interesting (it reminds me a bit of Bo Bice; but without the long-haired, redneck-ness, and with a LOT more edge), that I wanted to check them out; and I am glad I did. While I didn’t fall head of heels for Sex on Fire immediately (it is good, and I do like it), Use Somebody is bursting with emotion, heart, and energy; and it is fantastic. The ache in his voice is almost able to reach out of the speaker and brush against your skin; you can tell he really longs for this person he is singing about. Overall, I have been digging their CD, mainly because of how interesting and flawless the lead singer’s voice sounds, and how they mix that with such a smooth rock sound. I am glad that I gave them a listen, because this song is a great find indeed.

The Killers – Human
I will start by saying that this song really, really surprised me. I haven’t traditionally been a fan of the Killers, mainly because of how much Hot Fuss was overplayed and over hyped. I did love Shadowplay, though, mainly because it was in Guitar Hero. That being said, when Human was released earlier this week, I wasn’t even interested in listening to it, but I did on accident (I was trying to listen to something else, and this was mistakenly linked as that song), and I found myself instantly really, really liking it! I have heard a lot of people kind of dissing on it, because it doesn’t sound like a typical Killers song, but I think that is why I like it so much. I really like it that they can do something that is a little different from their more commercial singles, and with Human, they may have just became part of a “you should really give us another chance” trifecta; first it was Coldplay with Viva La Vida, then it was Keane with Spiralling… and now, the Killers have wowed me with Human. What’s next!?!

Margaret Cho – I Cho Am A Woman
Okay, this song is a little bit silly, but it is a lot sassy at the same time. I was really surprised (maybe that is the theme of today’s music?) that Margaret was going to do a pop album, and I was very apprehensive to hear the first song from it. I have to say that she has released a sassy, sultry, club-ish track; but she adds the “Cho” factor and makes you laugh with a well placed “bitch please” here and there. I am glad that I gave this a listen, because it really has me interested to see what else she has up her beautiful heavily tattooed sleeves. The voice overs just crack me up, and the synth on this track is just hot! She just wants to go crazy like Britney… handcuffed to a stretcher bitch! I love you Margaret!

Alright kids, there’s the goods. Now spill… which ones did you enjoy most? And what are you listening to?? Anything good?

voting based on the actual issues, not ignorance, fear, or willful defiance


I just wrote and incredibly long post about why I can’t understand how people are going to let ignorance get in the way of the facts in voting this election, but apparently, my CPU usage has been exceeded, and when I tried to save it, WP ate it.

Mainly this sudden desire to talk politics again (the frequency of which has been marred by a past of ridiculous conversations with some readers) was sparked by a very ignorant conversation with my mother last night, who proved to me that Americans really only listen to what they want to hear, and then they make decisions based on only those observations. So this morning, I wanted to be sure that I was informed. I went to McCain’s website, and his wikipedia page, and read his stance on the issues. I also read Obama’s stance on those same issues. After I read both stances, and compared them, I really began to think about how our “society” is supposed to work. I can’t imagine that you would want to make things worse off for anyone; because, after all, isn’t this supposed to be a free and just society? Yet, after seeing how flawed many of McCain’s plans are with respect to the average American, as well as considering who he is as more than a candidate, I can’t help but wonder why there are tons of people out there that are willing to ignore injustice that will certainly affect them, just because they see one small feature of something in one candidate (fear?), that makes them choose him over the other.

I have not only read about McCain, but I have also watched how he uses fear and anxiety, much like Bush does. I feel even more like he is disconnected from the average American, and as such, cannot understand why people cling to stupid shit about Obama (like that he was born into a Muslim household, even though he isn’t Muslim now, and why that should matter; and what is wrong with Muslim’s anyway?), true or not, and let that make their decision for them. Vote for whomever you want to; I respect the fact that you are even voting, and I know that most of you have already decided. I know I have, and it isn’t for McCain. There are MANY reasons why not, but the main one, is because when I hear him speak, and I read his stance on the issues, I see more and more how disconnected he is from the general American public, and I don’t feel like he represents me at all; I don’t think he represents the majority of us. I have given him the mic, and now that I have heard what he has to say, I will say that he was unable to scare me into voting for him.

With all of this being said, I will say this: It is paramount that the strong help carry the weak. It is a fundamental trait of a successful society. It has been this way since man first grouped together and settled down on the first farms; and even before then, it was a requirement for us to survive as hunters and gatherers. It has allowed us to grow and flourish on this planet, and it is only through pulling together, and watching each other’s backs, that our problems are going to be solved, and things are going to get better. If we make decisions based solely on being the first one to the top of the ladder, our entire society will suffer; except the ones at the top. Those are the very ones that care more about dollar signs than they care about people and are currently the ones that are taking everything they can, and running the rest of us into the ground.

So again, after reading McCain’s stance on the issues, and judging him based on what he says and does, I can’t help but wonder, why should we hand the reigns over to another guy that shares the same values? I personally just don’t understand that at all. If you don’t see that, that’s something that escapes me, because I really did try to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. It isn’t his fault that he is rich; but what he has said about his plans for our country has definitely indicated that he is not right if we want things to get better for the average Joe/Jane. He has some good ideas, so please don’t think that I think he has all wrong notions, but the bad certainly outweighs the good, and I really hope he doesn’t have the chance on unleash them on this country; I honestly don’t think that our society will survive. We are cannibalizing ourselves, and electing another cannibal as our leader is a really bad idea.

McCain is far beyond what I can even comprehend as what one would call rational or even informed. He doesn’t think beyond a certain point, and even when he is given more information, he ignores it. It is why he still supports a war on Iraq, and it is why he will not answer the call to those screaming for help. If you need more convincing as to how out of touch he is, watch this:

I am just baffled at the willful ignorance he employs, and that of those that support him. I just hope that enough people are paying attention, listening, and finding out for themselves how wrong he is for President, and they get over any issue they have against Obama, and vote for him instead. Since this is a two party system, voting based on principle, history, or made up/incorrect character flaws is not only ignorant, it is dangerous and you will feel the consequences.

As I said, vote for McCain if you must, I respect your decision; just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, and that you are fine with all of the bad that will most likely come with your decision. If you aren’t a member of the upper crust who definitely does benefit from his plans and ways of working our society, can you do me a favor, and tell me, honestly, why you think he is the one to lead?

fall tv thoughts, as of right now

So far, the shows have been coming back, one by one, and I have been setting the tivo to capture all of the action. There are some newbies that are going pretty strong, and some oldies that have my a little lost, so I thought I would punt out a few thoughts here, and see what everyone else is thinking about the fall lineup so far.

First up, we watch Prison Break, even though they are no longer in any kind of prison. Either way, it is a great show, and has come back strong. I am enjoying this season, and since this show has an amazing ability to go batshit crazy at the last second, I can’t wait to see where we will be going with Schofield and Boroughs this season. We also just recently caught up by watching the first season (we started watching in the second season), and it was really awesome; which pretty much got us really amped about this season coming back.

Next, and perhaps the most notable, is the debut of Fringe. Holy shit, this show is fantastic. I have seriously LOVED all three episodes, and really like the way they are building the interweaving plot about “the Pattern”; which is something that J.J. Abrams is very, very good at doing. I really like all of the mysterious elements, and I can tell that this show is definitely going to keep getting better with each new episode. It’s rare when new shows are this good, and I am glad that this one has lived up to the hype. I also must say, that Joshua Jackson has really grown up well; he is fucking HOT. (Just look at this picture… see what I mean? WOW. I think that I am in love.)

Other shows that have come back, like the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and especially Smallville (great season premiere!!) have also been very well done, and have really shown even more potential for another great season. I am looking forward to Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Pushing Daisies, Reaper (PLEASE COME BACK!), Chuck, and Ugly Betty coming back as well. All of these shows kept my interest up until the writers strike, and some of them didn’t get a full season to really deliver the goods; I am REALLY hoping that they all can come back, and really deliver (especially shows like Pushing Daisies and Reaper).

I have to say, that after watching the season premiere of Heroes this week, which I did really enjoy, I was, well, rather lost. I think it is because so much time had passed between the mini season and this premiere, and as a result, I forgot most of what happened last season. Well, worry no more… I picked up season 2 today on DVD, and I am going to give James and myself a crash course before next week. Heroes is one of those shows that just keeps going in different directions, and taking chances… and it leads to great TV.

Other than that, there are only a few shows that I want to watch but for whatever reason never do, like 30 Rock, but I guess I can torrent it or something. We also watch a few reality shows, but most of those are just for info (like how it’s made), or gossip (like the soup); although, I will own up to it, and admit that I am enjoying the most recent cycle of Top Model. Fun stuff, that Tyra, isn’t she?

So, now it’s your turn to spill… What are you all watching? What are you most excited about?

with the flick of a switch…

Our not so fantastic kitchen overhead light cut out a couple of weeks ago, and after buying some new bulbs for it, we discovered that the lamp had crapped out, and needed to be replaced. So, we headed to Lowes this weekend to just get a replacement, when we started to think about options… why not get something better? Why not get something more interesting? So here’s what we came up with:
new lighting, we have it.
It is one of those track kits that you can “easily” bend into “any shape”, and you just add the bulbs that you want. Well, I figured it would probably take about a half an hour to install, but it ended up taking close to 3 hours, and I cursed through most of it. The attachment point was out of whack, and I had to “adjust it” (meaning, screw long ass screws in it), and it took forever just to get the housing up in the ceiling. Then, I had to bend the “easy to bend” track into what I considered to be a bright idea; a swirl. Well, it looks “alright”, but there are parts where it isn’t perfect. Fuck it. It’s up there now. We also had a hell of a time with the dangling bulb in the middle; it just didn’t want to work, and we had to exchange it for another one (which also didn’t want to work, but I twisted its arm, and now it works).

Overall, I am still on the fence about it, mainly because it is so different from our other fixture, but partly because of the fact that the swirl isn’t perfectly bent. It was close to impossible to get it perfect, but I am a perfectionist, so there. What do you think? Do you like it??

It definitely makes the kitchen bright… in fact, it is so bright that I may install a dimmer switch this weekend.

how much further to rock bottom?

Gas is pretty much coming up short here in ATL; it is getting hard to find gas at most of the gas pumps that I have seen around town. It just makes me wonder, just how prepared are we for disaster? I mean, this shortage is because of two hurricanes in the gulf coast… that happened over a week ago. We aren’t talking months, just a handful of days, and we are already out of gas. That is just scary, isn’t it?

Also, our seriously fledgling economy took a MAJOR hit last week, and in a half-assed effort that one can only see as a move to save his rich friends from being held responsible, our own president is trying to shove the tab on the back of already struggling Americans. Nice. I thought that people that said they were Republican but not conservative said so because of “fiscal responsibility” and “less governmental control”? What is going on then? This plan, being put forth BY Republicans is going to cause even further fiscal irresponsibility (which these companies started in the first place) and more governmental control over our money (by making us pick up the tab)? Do you think that saving companies that prey on the American public makes any fucking sense at all? I don’t… and I’m a Democrat. The government never should have been involved in making corporations something that are an entities that exist outside of the rules and regulations of basic business; if a small business makes mistakes, it has to pay for them. However, if you are a corporation, apparently, you can just be excused of that debt, and have the government take it for you (and then quickly put it on the backs of their citizens, or you, me, and every other tax paying American). Why don’t we get a say so in this decision? Isn’t our government supposed to represent us? What do we get to do when it clearly goes against our best interests? The more I read the news, the less I feel like I live in a democratic society; the government makes decisions, and we follow along without any of our needs even being heard. It sounds more like a dictatorship to me, which again, is supposed to be the opposite of the fundamental Republican, or even the financially concerned Libertarian beliefs, right? I may be wrong, but giving 700 billion dollars to these companies to save them just seems like robbing the poor to feed the rich to me. I can bet money that the money will be used to save executive jobs, while the working class will get shit on again. Fuck yeah… I’m proud to be a (probably soon to be starving) American. We get fucked, and the rich get richer… that seems to be the new Republican way.

Sorry for the ranting, I just feel so powerless; I invest money and try to save as much as I can, and things like this come along, where the government allow these companies to take it away, even though they are the ones that made the mistakes! I don’t understand why they have more rights than I do. I don’t think it’s fair, and in fact, I don’t think it should be legal. The only hope that I am clinging to at this point, is that Obama gets elected, and can do something better. Things are only getting worse, and worse, which really does make you wonder where the bottom line actually is. How bad is it going to get?

5SF: september 19

Hello boys and girls… it’s the first post of the new year of five song Friday! I have been pondering the idea of doing a themed 5SF in the near future, so stay tuned for that… Today, I have the usual fare of new songs and stuff that I have been liking; I have to say, that I love autumn… not only does it get cooler, but new music seems to saturate the scene more so than any other time of year. The roster of upcoming releases shows a lot of promise for the rest of this year as well… color me excited.

Kaiser Chiefs – Never Miss a Beat
From the very first time I heard the opening note of Ruby, I was a fan of the Kaiser Chiefs. This British rock and roll set instantly reminded me of the earlier days of Blur and Oasis, and with their previous album Yours Truly, Angry Mob, they showed just how good they are at making quality rock and roll music. After falling in love with YTAM (which made my year end list last year), and when I heard that they would be releasing a new album this year, it goes without saying that I was extremely excited. After hearing Never Miss a Beat, the first single from the album, and after playing it on repeat (it’s catchy!!!), I will say that I definitely have very high hopes that this record will be amongst my favorites of 2008. I cannot wait for the release of the new Kaiser Chiefs… Here’s hoping that it delivers in the way that I know it can.

Does It Offend You, Yeah? – Dawn of the Dead

I have to say, that it is a sound that we have all heard before… but it is a catchy one, no? I really love the intro of the sirens… nice touch. These guys remind me a bit of the Killers mixed with the Cure on this track, but their record is a whole other animal entirely (it is really strange… but in a good way). That being said, this song is a sheer delight, and I have been playing it on repeat… it’s a well crafted rock track. It also has a weird video. Perhaps my favorite part of this song, which is a real surprise in traditional rock and roll, is the use of the steelpan, which, if you have heard it in context, it usually make things sound very Caribbean and “islandy”. However, in this case, it just adds an air of delight to an otherwise perfectly fine track; it’s a very nice surprise. I have to say it though… why isn’t this song called Say So? Regardless of the name, this is definitely a great song.

New Kids on The Block feat. Lady GaGa – Big Girl Now
Hear me out. I will admit that I was never that big of a New Kids fan. I thought Hanging Tough was a bit silly, but I had the tape. Cut to earlier this summer when we heard the news that the New Kids were releasing a new CD. Okay… what can we expect? After hearing the first single Summertime, I was sure that we shouldn’t expect too much; it isn’t very good. Yet, being the lover of all things pop that I am, I couldn’t ignore the whole record because of one dud lead off single. So, I downloaded it, and I saw that Ms. Lady GaGa, diva of all things pop, was on the song Big Girl Now. Needless to say, I was happy to see her name, and I knew that she could bring the pop to the New Kids… and she DOES. This song is catchy and fun… and it has Lady GaGa, who you may or may not know that I have a slight infatuation with… I may have mentioned her once or twice on the blog here before (Jesus release her CD already!!!!). Regardless if the rest of the record is a dud or not (currently, I don’t know, I haven’t really given it a proper listen yet), this song is undeniably HOT.

Sugagbabes – Girls
Another Sugababes record, in just a year?!?! YES PLEASE!!! Their previous record was one of their best to date, and after hearing this horny song (no not that kind of horny!), I am tapping my feet and bobbing my head; all the while, even more excited about a new Sugababes record!! This song didn’t initially hit me, however, so I suggest that you give it a few listens… it is a grower, and it really is a great single. I have to say, though, that I have one major issue with this song… are they saying “here comes the girls?”, because that is what it sounds like. I doubt that is the case, it is probably one of those things that you hear incorrectly in songs (like “when I grow up, I wanna have boobies”), so I will just let that one go with nothing more than a mention. Either way, the Sugababes are back with more fantastic pop… and I am even more excited about the record now!

Joshua Radin – Today
I read that this song was used on Scrubs, because Zach Braff is such a fan of Radin’s music, but I will admit that I only first heard this song last week. Remember the clip of Ellen and Portia’s wedding that I posted about? Well, this is the AMAZINGLY beautiful song that is playing in the background. How beautiful!!! I love that he performed it at their wedding as well… how perfect. Seriously, though, there is nothing bad that I can say about this song; other than it stays in my head, and begs to be played on repeat. It is an extremely beautiful track, and I love it so very, very much. What a wonderful, albeit unexpected discovery. I love finding amazing music like this!!! Thanks Ellen!

Well, that’s all for this week. I hope you found something in the above tracks that you enjoy. Also, let me know what you are listening to… do it!!! Have a great weekend, kids.

viva pinata: pocket paradise… first thoughts

in the mail today...As a MAJOR fan of the Viva Pinata game for XBOX 360 (in fact, it is the reason I got an XBOX instead of a PS3), I was super excited when I heard earlier this year, that they were making a similar version of Viva Pinata for DS. Well, the game is out, and I eagerly got it as quickly as I could (damn pre-order on amazon… I want it now!), and after playing for an hour or so, I am here to sing it’s praises.

First of all, if you are a fan of the original Viva Pinata, you probably have several things that you wanted changed, because I know I did. I thought that a lot of the ways that you navigated your shovel, seeds, and other tools was too complicated (you had to remember where they were to pull them up with just the d-pad, which you tend to forget when you are worried about watering your new banana tree!!!), and the menus to get to people like Lottie at Costalot’s store were just too fumbled. Well, the DS version has taken care of every issue that I had with the XBOX version! I haven’t been playing that long, and already, I am pleased to see that they made these changes. A really, really nice feature, is that in the information screen for each pinata tells you exactly what the pinata needs, not only to romance, but also to make variants of that pinata; something that was annoyingly missing from the original. YAY FOR THAT!

Other notable changes; the annoying Leafos is gone. Sorry, she is sweet and all, but especially in the beginning of the game, she really was a hand-holder, and all I wanted to do was get to making my garden great, and attracting new pinatas. She made such pomp and circumstance about everything, that I got frustrated with her really quickly. Funny thing is, that you could hit her with your shovel if you got annoyed with her (like I did), and she would say, “nuh uh uh!”. If you hit her too many times though she took away the shovel, which pretty much made you powerless. Needless to say, I am glad to see that she isn’t running things in pocket paradise.

Another great surprise, is that they made the pinata’s the front and center main attraction! This is awesome, because they are the reason you are playing the game, and you get your tutorials from them. That was a great touch.

So far, I have set up my garden, and I am actively romancing the new members. I cannot wait to see how my garden grows, and what great pinatas I can bring inside. I don’t know the mechanics of having multiple gardens yet, but I am sure that it will have similar capabilities of the XBOX game, because that feature made it great for organizing your pinatas, and keeping the ones that incessantly fight separated from one another.

Needless to say, I am thrilled that I get to take this amazingly wonderful game with me, and that I can play when I get bored during my travels. The best part about this game, is that every time you do something (plant something, build a building, romance pinatas, etc), that you are bound to get a slightly different garden, and with experience, you can really customize things, and really keep making the game more fun. This is a game that was HIGHLY anticipated for the DS, at least for me, and so far, it has VASTLY exceeded my expectations. If you are a fan of the original game, you must get this new one… Viva Pinata indeed!!!! (there was also a recent release of Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, a new version of the original sim for XBOX, and I will definitely be getting that one at some point… but I am still having a fantastic time with my original gardens, that I don’t want to abandon them just yet!).

HUGE UPDATE!!!!!!: I just got a Taffly (for those of you that had the game, you know that they are annoying, because they eat your flowers, and don’t really give you anything… unless you burn them to evolve them, and then sell them; but that is getting outside of the point…), and they have done the best upgrade ever on an ordinarily useless pinata! When he eats something of a certain color, he produces that color fertilizer!!! No more buying that shit! (literally!) It also appears that the color fertilizer thing is more intuitive this time around as well!!! HUGE YAY for that, because I can’t tell you how frustrating the fertilizer thing was in the original game. Alright, sorry to keep gushing, but this feature is too great not to mention!!!!

existential thoughts

This morning on the way in to work, I think I starting thinking about things, and really started observing everyone around me. We were all on our way somewhere… but why? What was driving us (not the car, I’m not being that literal)?

What drives us, everyday, to stay in the same job, live in the same house, and keep getting back up and going, day after day? I don’t often talk about what I do, but everyone knows that reads this blog, that I am trying to go back to school for nursing; which would certainly mean a change in career at some point. However, this morning, I am thinking to myself; what is driving me?

I thought about this yesterday when I read about the stock market crash, and I really thought about how much money people were losing; money that we are all scraping and saving to put away for that day when we can “finally retire, and start to enjoy life”. Fuck that! I am a realist, and I don’t foresee a time that I will be able to ever afford to supplement the amount of money I make right now with just savings, unless I win the lottery. The only way that I am going to be able to make it, is to work my whole life (which is the story for a lot of people), so retirement is really this “dream” that I am living my whole life for, working so hard for, and I will probably never see it.

So again, I ask myself, “what drives you?”. What is it that keeps you from opening a record store, or having a bakery, or having a website that actually makes money? What drives you to stay on the course you are on, and prevents us from deviating? People have businesses for everything; why not me? I’m not really trying to get an “answer” here, I am just reflecting, and I thought, why not see what other people think about this… what drives YOU? I mean, what makes you go down the path you are on, and what do you think prevents you from changing course, direction, or even stopping right where you currently stand?

Surely, fear cannot be the only thing that drives us… I know that is it in part, but it cannot, it just cannot be it. If it is… I think that I am going to work on having another driving force in my life; overcoming that damn fear.

(side note: I just noticed that this was my 1001th post; interesting.)