Month: June 2008

music thoughts

There have been a ton of records coming out lately, and a lot of them have been getting a lot of my attention. Since it is so freaking hot out, there is little to do but stay indoors and play some music, so I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things on this very planet, and let you know what I think about the stuff I have been exposed to recently.

  • The new Death Cab For Cutie record, Narrow Stairs, gets incredibly better with each listen. I don’t quite know how that is possible, considering I really liked it from the first go. It is a contender for best album of the year; however I am still doubtful that it can topple the hold Robyn currently has on that spot.
  • Adele‘s record, 19, came out yesterday. It is brilliant, and you should buy it. A lot of people are going buggy over Duffy, and I hope that Adele steals a bit of that thunder; they are similar in style, but there really is no need to compete, as they are both really good at what they do. (I just prefer Adele’s record, that’s all.)
  • Listening to M83‘s record makes me want to dub them the Shiny Toy Guns of 2008; albeit, their record is definitely a softer, happier record (again, despite the macabre lyrics). It makes me want some new Shiny Toy Guns material, but also makes me happy that there are other bands out there making great electro-pop records.
  • I have listened to the upcoming Coldplay album, Viva La Vida or Death and all His Friends, several times, and dare I say it, but it is really good. In fact, I like it a lot. I never saw that one coming. Viva La Vida is also one of the best songs of 2008 so far. Wow, I never thought I would say any of the preceding, and it refer to Coldplay. 2008 has definitely been a strange year for music so far.
  • Speaking of strange things in music this year, I am taken aback by the number of bands of “yester-year” that are releasing great records; like B-52s, Portishead, and Cyndi Lauper. Also, Alanis Morissette‘s new record, Flavors of Entanglement came out this week, and it has some very good songs on it as well. Here’s the the resurgence of music from people that haven’t put out anything in a while, and them making triumphant comebacks!!! (And no, I didn’t forget about that great “Stamp Your Feet” record from Donna Summer… I am just letting it marinate, that’s all.)
  • Weezer‘s most recently released self titled (Red) album is definitely good as well. I am very happy with it. If you are a fan of theirs, you should like it too, because, well, you said you were a fan, and it is a pretty damn fine Weezer record. Jeez.
  • Last but not least, I have said it before, but I cannot CANNOT get enough of Lady Gaga‘s Just Dance. I really hope her record is as amazing as this song is. JUST DANCE! (I am honey!).

That was fun, wasn’t it? What did you think? Anything I am missing out on?

what do you have against gay people, Katy Perry?

If you don’t know who Katy Perry is, she is the chick that has made a hit out of kissing a girl (even though Jill Sobule did it many years ago, and unlike Perry, didn’t seem to have any issues with it) and then telling the world about it. As much as I wanted to like the song “I Kissed a Girl” (currently #2 on iTunes) by Perry, I initially didn’t feel like it was a good message. She sings about how it feels “wrong”, and even worse, she says that kissing girls isn’t what “good girls do”. However, after looking at the song from a different perspective, I figured that maybe she didn’t mean that at all; in fact, perhaps what good girls don’t do, is cheat on their boyfriends… and in that case, this song is playful, and not grounded in hate at all.

However (and a HUGE however), after checking her out further, and really trying to give her the benefit of the doubt with her “experimentation” with homosexual kissing, I found something that really makes me scratch my head and wonder if there is some problem that Katy has with gay people. She has a song called “Ur So Gay”, which has been called the “ultimate kiss-off” to a boy that was too “full of himself” to give her the time of day. In the song, she describes everything “wrong” with him, building to the conclusion that he must be gay, even though he doesn’t like boys (which, is the actual only ACCURATE use of the word gay… that which is glaringly absent from her song).

While many will see this accurately as a joke, the underlying message is too clear to ignore; Katy sees being gay as wrong, abnormal, and most importantly, as an insult that she uses to make herself feel better for being dissed. What’s wrong with that, some of you may wonder? Well, the underlying message is hate speech, and here again, I can’t believe that we have yet another example of someone using the description of a person’s sexual orientation as a slur of any kind.

Katy dear, this is 2008. We need to stop using gay as an insult; being gay is normal. If you use “gay” as synonym for bad, negative, horrible, stupid, or any of the many other derogatory words it has been used in place of to place insult, then you are propagating and continuing the underlying bigotry that is so fervent in this country. Continuing this form of “hidden” bigotry is just intolerable, and I for one feel like I must continue to speak out against it.

“Artists” like Katy Perry should be confronted with the fact that their “silly, harmless jokes” are grounded in hateful, shameful, and derogatory feelings that only further the bigotry against gay people in this country. It isn’t “cute” or “funny” that she kissed another girl, it is normal; whether or not she can deal with her homosexual feelings is her problem, not ours.

If you don’t see this as a big deal, ask yourself: would it be cute or funny if she wrote a song about how weird it was for her to kiss a black person?? How do you think that would that go over? Additionally, if she were to write a song about how awful a boy was because he was so “stereotypically black”, how would that sound? Well, I know how it would sound, in one word: RACIST. So I want to know why is it okay to apply that same sentiment to gay people?? Clearly, it isn’t, and I honestly can’t believe that this type of message is still put out there; yet here it is.

Shame on you Katy Perry. Grow up. Become more than that stereotypical playground bully. Gain some intelligence (clearly, that is lacking, because being gay means “liking boys” if you are male, and she doesn’t seem to put two and two together in her song) and perspective, and realize that, even in a “joking” manner, that using the term “gay” to insult someone is causing harm to the gay community in perpetuating the very hate and indifference we are fighting so hard to get rid of. I always cling to the hope that people can be better than they are, but it is people like Katy Perry that continually let me down. Unfortunately, there are people out there that are just waiting to gobble this crap up, and morons like Perry are ready to give them more. I have to ask myself, can there truly be a time when we can all stop the name calling, and just see each other as equal? Can their truly be a time when gay people can be treated as the normal people that we are, and not continually insulted and have our lifestyle continually used as a form of degradation? Little things like this really make me wonder if people are truly capable of that at all, unfortunately.

Sigh. Hopefully, she will fade into the distance soon, and people will rightfully forget about her ignorance; even though it is bound to pop up somewhere else.

weekend getaway

This weekend was James’ 30th birthday!!!

So, we went up to a cabin in the middle of NOWHERE about 1 hour from Chattanooga. It was a quaint and cute little place. I surprised James by inviting his mom and dad to come and meet us there on Saturday night.

He had no idea until they knocked on the door. It was hilarious.

We had a great time, went to see Rock City, where I took tons of pictures (stay tuned), and celebrated James’ first steps into a new decade of life.

Overall, it was a great weekend, and I hope that he had a great birthday. Love you James!! Happy Birthday!!

Also turning the big 3-0 this weekend was my best buddy Margaret… I hope you had a great one too girl!! Love ya!!

In fact, I hope everyone had a great weekend, whether you turned 30 or not!

5SF: june 6

I’m running against a deadline today; we are heading up to a secluded cabin for James’ 30th birthday this afternoon, so I am going to try and keep things short and sweet (hence the stripped down post for this week… but it’s about the music anyway, right?!?!). With that, let’s go!

Beth Rowley – Nobody’s Fault But Mine
Wow. I mean seriously. I saw her CD recommended on, and after seeing her compared to Karen Carpenter, I knew I had to have it. I am glad that I snagged it too; this CD is pretty damn good. This song in particular shows her soul influence and makes for a fantastic ballad. I love the bluesy feel, and her old voice really compliments the lament of her realizing she made the mistake, and that she has to live with the consequences. Keep an eye on Beth Rowley, I have a feeling she is going to be pretty big.

M83 – Graveyard Girl
I know what you must be thinking, isn’t this the Cure?? Because I will admit, I got the same vibe! However, this group uses that influence to craft a great and enjoyable song (regardless of the pretty dark and macabre lyrics!!!), along with an album that truly makes you think of driving around in the summertime with the top back. Their album is a lot of fun, and I have been enjoying listening to it… this song is my favorite on the record so far.

Jennifer Hudson – Spotlight
This was a last minute choice on my part, because I didn’t hear this song until the other night. However, I have been a fan of Jennifer’s for a LONG time, and I have eagerly been waiting for her to finally release a record, and if this is what we have to look forward to, the wait has been worthwhile. This is a great mid-tempo R&B track that showcases her voice beautifully. I am eager to see what she has up next for us… Here’s hoping it is more goodness like this track.

Sam Sparro – Black and Gold

The first time I heard this song, I didn’t like it. I don’t know why, but I didn’t. However, I gave it another go after some recommendations, and I have totally turned around! This song is fun, danceable, catchy, and full of energy. Also, is it just me, or does anyone else hear the theme music from Ecco the Dolphin in the beginning??? Perhaps that is one of the other reasons I started loving it after a few listens? Either way, a great track with a definite nod to that 80s glam pop that seems to be coming back with a vengeance lately. Sam Sparro is indeed a great addition to pop, as he is correctly being touted.

Michelle Williams – We Break The Dawn
This song shocked me. This is not what I was expecting from the member of Destiny’s Child that clearly can’t dance (it’s okay Michelle, we still love you girl!). This song is club ready, and is a perfect track to begin the summer. There are a lot of crappy dance-type tracks that come out this time of year, but this one is fresh and fun. I hope that there is more of this up Michelle’s sleeve, because I am definitely paying attention to her now!

There you go, five fresh songs for this week! I hope that you enjoyed them!!! Let me know what you think, and have a great weekend!

morning person

Saying that I am NOT a morning person may be the understatement of the century. If it were up to me, I would get up at noon everyday (and no jokes about how I try to do so as much as possible anyway). I guess that I bring this up, because of how much James IS a morning person.

It’s weird that I ended up partnered with someone who loves mornings, and literally gets out of bed with a chipper step and song. He called me the other day at 7 AM, and starting singing about how this was birthday week… I told him I was sleeping, and that we could discuss it later.

Much later… like several hours after that call; when I was awake, not just awakened.

I guess I have always been this way, and I don’t see myself changing any time soon, but I just wonder how non-morning people like myself make themselves do it… is it drugs? Is it a magic potion brewed by unicorns delivered to you from an enchanted forest? Whatever it is, I want some, because morning time makes me want to put a pillow over my face and go right back to sleep; no matter what.

But that’s normal, right?

the day after sunday always comes again

No matter how much one wishes the weekend would go on for at least one more day; it never seems to. Oh well. Here’s some random shenanigans that are running through my brain; which seems to typify every Monday for whatever reason.

  • Weezer’s new album comes out tomorrow. I am very excited about it, because they are one of my favorite bands. I am listening to it now, and it is definitely different than their previous records, but I think that I will really like it in the end. I always get excited when my favorite bands bring out new records… so far this year, it has been Portishead, Death Cab for Cutie, and now, Weezer; what next!?!?!?
  • I went to the EABF this weekend with Brody and Aimee, and I had a blast. We joked that it was more of a “white wine spritzer” fest for us, because we found ourselves drinking the equivalent; pear ciders galore. Hey, it was hot as fuck, and those damn things are just so tasty and refreshing. I finally tried Purple Haze (I always see it at the store and wonder about it), and it was gross. I am glad I never got any before this weekend. Overall, the day was HOT, but lots of fun. After the festival, Brody and Aimee came over for some Guitar Hero/Rock Band, and some pizza. After that, I tanked (at like 7), and didn’t wake up until 10:30. Sometimes, I think I could literally sleep forever. Either way, it was a kick ass day, and I am glad that I had such a great time with great friends.
  • I think that my ears might be almost healed. If not almost healed, they are definitely getting close. I can’t wait until I get some new jewelery for them!
  • I don’t do as much photography as I want to… I need to figure out how to remedy that; fast. We are going to Chattanooga for James’ thirtieth this weekend, so I am sure that I will be taking lots of nature pictures, so I guess that is something to look forward to with regards to that.
  • The Mole starts tonight, and I am having over some friends that I have known since high school to watch it. I can’t wait, because I LOVED this show back in the day… I just hope that it is just as good post-Anderson Cooper.
  • I felt like I had more than that, but I guess that’s about it. Hmmm… Not a lot going on with me these days, I guess.