Month: June 2008

check it: jiingo

A friend I met a few years ago URL through the wonderful blogosphere invited me to be a part of a kick ass new website this weekend. The website, called Jiingo, is a collection of music lovers talking about music; what a great thing to be a part of for a music lover like myself, eh?

I am honored that Shan appreciates my opinions about music and included me as a contributor on the site. I look forward to contributing to Jiingo, and getting suggestions from my fellow Jiingo writers. Check it out!

This weekend was pretty fun, my friend Justin pretty much hung out all weekend, and we had a blast. I am looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend, which happens to also be Pride weekend.

I am apprehensive about Pride, but only because I haven’t been doing well with heat lately. If it is bad, I might skip the parade, and just go to the festival; which has moved to the air conditioned Civic Center. I really, really hope that Pride goes well this year, as I have heard some buzz that the festival pretty much needs to be a success to keep it going (since it was kicked out of Peidmont Park). I know that I will be there to support it, and will give money like I always do; Pride is an awesome celebration, and it would suck if we didn’t have it. Okay, now that I have been talking about it, I am getting all excited for Pride!

5SF: june 27

This is going to be another “themed” five song Friday, because I haven’t really heard too many new things worth mentioning this week (and I have been listening to all of the good stuff from the recent months on repeat). I was trying to figure out what to post this week, when I thought that it might be fun to do a 5SF with songs that really changed how I felt about music; songs from the bands that really got me into loving music in the first place. It’s very difficult to narrow that down, but I thought that I would start with five songs by five bands that I really gravitated towards in high school; which is when I first became obsessed with music. These are songs that totally represent the groups for me, and are songs that totally take me back to that time so many years ago.

I’m sure that some of you will share love for these songs as well…

Blur – There’s No Other Way
Oh Blur… for so long, I have loved thee. I remember when I was introduced to Blur by some of my friends during my junior year, and after one listen to Parklife, I was hooked. However, it would be Leisure that would become the quintessential Blur album for me; and it is still, in my opinion, one of the best albums that I could ever hope to own. My friends and I completely played this album out; that is, if that were possible. Many car trips and times hanging out were accompanied by the soundtrack of early Blur. I love when I haven’t heard this record for a while and then I put it on, because I am always transported back to those summers and great times. I can definitely say without a doubt, that Blur was definitely one of my first “favorite” bands; and given their catalog, remains as such to this day.

Smashing Pumpkins – Rocket

I credit Siamese Dream as being my favorite album of all time. For me, it was what Nevermind was for many others; it was a beginning of a new era of music. The alternative sounds that bled off of this album fully soaked my brain, and I was immersed into the full experience that was the Smashing Pumpkins for many, many years. I long considered them my favorite band of all time, but my interest in them quickly waned when their sound changed so dramatically after Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. However, even after several missteps, there is no denying the brilliance of this record, and I have no problem hanging in the moment that Siamese Dream blasted from my first car’s meek stereo speakers. This album is also credited with the reason that I got into playing guitar; in fact, my first guitar was bought not long after I received this record in my very first BMG shipment.

Weezer – Say It Ain’t So

If you’ve been paying attention, by now, you know that yes, I am a huge fan of Weezer. I am loving their new record, but for me, nothing can top the experience of hearing the Blue Album for the first time; it too was a part of my first BMG shipment (I got 7 pretty slamming albums). Every song on that record can take me right back to my room, where I would jam out to Weezer on my boom box. It has always been one of my favorites, and I am just glad that they have continued to make amazing music, and I have been along for the ride. This is my all time favorite Weezer song, and with good reason; it fucking rules.

The Cardigans – Been It
As with the other bands listed, if you haven’t figured out by now that the Cardigans are one of my favorite groups, then clearly you haven’t been listening to me. This album was primarily purchased because of the fantastic “Lovefool”, but upon receiving it, I was exposed to something so much more than I could have expected. This album is a masterpiece to me. Every song is amazing, and it is one of those records that has definitely stood the test of time. Interestingly enough, the Cardigans have only gotten better with age, so their more recent albums have built upon this (their sophomore release) album’s fantastic music. It was my first Cardigans record, and this song was the one that made me realize that they were more than just a one hit wonder for me… it showed me that I would be a life long fan of this Swedish super group.

Nirvana – In Bloom
Last but certainly not least, is my all time favorite song by the amazing Nirvana. What happened to Kurt Cobain is seriously one of the more tragic incidents to occur to music at the time, as he was clearly a visionary with talent that never got to see it’s full potential. At the time, I wasn’t the “hugest” Nirvana fan, perhaps because of my deep love for the Pumpkins, but I nevertheless appreciated great music when I heard it, and this is certainly it. I still get chills when I hear this song because of how fantastic it is.

Well, it is clear that I was an alternative kid when I was in high school. My musical tastes may have changed some, but I still love each and every one of these songs, and the records that they come from. These songs/albums/groups help shape what I thought was good about music, and helped me appreciate music with a depth that is still very strong in me today. I hope you guys enjoyed this 5SF, and be sure to let me know what songs/albums/artists did the same for you. Loving music is a huge part of my life… and now you have a pretty good idea of where it truly started.

maybe it’s a sign?

Well, I have had a pickle of a time with trying to apply to the accelerated RN program at Perimeter, which has gotten me thinking; MAYBE this is a sign. Maybe I should be just applying to a regular BSN accelerated program; and there are two who’s deadlines are months away. So… that’s what I think I am going to do.

The only thing is, that I will have to do it full time, so I will have to figure out some way to attract a magic money fairy in order to sustain my lifestyle. Shit, maybe I’ll just borrow more money; I ONLY have 40k in student loans right now… what’s 30k more? Either way, it may not be what I planned, but it was originally what I wanted to do, so maybe it’s for the best. Now… here’s hoping I can get in. Jeez… Stress!

Also, I am seriously lusting after this lens (actually using it at lunch DID NOT HELP). I know that I said “for my birthday”, but I really want it now (don’t we all want things right away when we want them?). I am thinking about getting it soon, because I am going to NYC in a couple of weeks, and it would be PERFECT for my trip. It is difficult to justify such a massive expense, but it is worth it, right? Why can’t I win the damn lottery already??!

Ah… the things in life we stress over, right? Oh yeah, and it’s damn hot out too! HA!

music, money, games, etc.

First off, as if Weezer weren’t cool enough already, they are doing this. I love the idea of a band getting together with musician fans, and playing their hits together. If I was better at the guitar, I would totally show up and jam with them. I guess I will have to settle for jamming on the Xbox, because they have songs on Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

James recently pointed out that I had very little tread left on one of my tires, and so I figured it was about time that I take it in get a new one (it has been 30k+ miles since I got my car after all). Well, turns out, I needed two, and after getting two tires, and having them aligned and balanced, my bill came out to $640 and some change. Holy fuck balls that is a lot of money. Jebus! It has also gotten to where it costs no less than $50 to fill my tank… life is expensive, and having a car seems to have become a very MAJOR expense!

In game news, I picked up Guitar Hero On Tour after a month or so of anticipation, and overall, I think that it is an innovative use of the DS. It is a bit awkward at first to play, and it would be nicer if the top screen (which becomes your left screen when turned to play) would bend back more. Other than that, I really don’t have many complaints!! I think that it is really cool that they made it for the DS, and I am looking forward to rocking out on the go. I am seriously a GH junkie; I can’t get enough.

I think that I have decided what I want for my birthday (or really splurge and get this one which I actually think I want more, now)… now to see if James will go for it… (or at least just help me pay for it… LOL)

On a final note, I think that I am addicted to the nachos at Raging Burrito in Decatur. I will be having them for dinner tonight, and I cannot wait. Yumsicle!

the wrong way to act

I have been experiencing what seems like a big “fuck off” from customer service people lately. Perhaps it is because it is hot outside, or maybe something is in the water, but I feel like it has been happening more and more.

Specifically, places like the Kroger at Edgewood, the employees are consistently rude and flat out disrespectful almost every time I shop there. I have had employees run into me without saying excuse me, and have noticed more often than not that they roll their eyes when having to do something for you (such as check out); especially if you ask for something in addition to their normal routine. All in all, it is annoying, and I wish there was more kindness out there, especially in service employees, but again, maybe it is just a reaction to the heat or something that is driving this problem.

Well, none of that applies to the complete freak out that I witnessed last night. Some friends and I went for dinner at Machu Picchu up on Buford highway, and we were excited to be getting together and trying Peruvian food. What followed, however, was one of the WORST dining experiences I have ever had in my entire life.

I won’t go on and on about it, but the long and short of it was this: our food was ordered by number, because the names of the dishes were in a different language. The waiter, when bringing out said dishes, kept asking us “who had the fish”, when most everyone had ordered some variation of fish (or seafood, not even fish); but all were different and all were ordered by number. When we laughed at the confusion, rather than getting angry like some tables do, the waiter flipped his shit and started YELLING at us. Let me reinforce that for you; he was yelling, not just talking louder to get our attention. I have never seen anyone flip the fuck out like that; especially not someone who is supposed to be serving you, and is definitely working for tips. He yelled at us not once, or twice, but a minimum of 3 times. It was almost like an out of body experience, because a few people at the table tried to calm him down, but he just kept getting more and more belligerent.

As I discussed with the table last night, I have waited tables before in my life; all in all I did it for about 5 years. I have taken a mountain of shit from people, and as such, I respect people that work in the service industry more than most. However, I cannot understand what this man thought was okay with his actions, and I was completely taken aback when his “apology” simply put the blame for his yelling on our unwillingness to claim the fish dish that he had no idea what it was or where it went.

All in all, people seem to be getting more and more rude these days, but I have to say, that I haven’t seen anything like this before. Here’s hoping that’s the last of it too. Needless to say, I yelped that experience, and I am sure my fellow foodie group will as well. It’s a shame that he made an ass of himself to a table full of bloggers/yelpers, isn’t it!?

5SF: june 20

I am kind of pissed today, (ha, kind of), because I just found AGAIN, that they didn’t review my application for the nursing program because of my student status remained unchanged (despite the fact I faxed in the request to have it changed over 10 days ago… and I was told that it would take 5 days MAX to change it). Well, for those that wonder why I am such a pessimist when it comes to trying to make changes in my life, this is a good example of why. Things like this are always happening to me, and it appears that they aren’t stopping. Back to the drawing board, I guess… I am just filled with frustration and anger right now.

But don’t worry, that won’t stop me from bringing 5 songs for today… Here they are:

Lesley Roy – I’m Gone, I’m Going
Whoa. This song is a huge, fantastic SURPRISE!!! It has all of the energy and spunk that I love in groups like Paramore; in fact, the blazing guitar riffs, and the high range of the singer borrow a lot from that sound that I love so much. With this song, this “little Irish girl” is showing us that acts like Kelly Clarkson may have to step up their game, because they are no longer alone in this music scene. If there is any justice in this world, this song is going to be HUGE!!!! I love it and I can’t wait to see what Lesley has in store for us next. I have seen some buzz about her on the internets (specifically over at arjan writes), and all of the buzz seems to be the same; this chick is hot! Here’s hoping her album comes out soon, and we get to see what she’s all about! I like what I’ve heard on her myspace, so if that is any indicator, I can tell you I am definitely looking forward to more from Ms. Roy.

The Wombats – Let’s Dance To Joy Division

While I do think this sounds like they lifted this track off of Jack Penate’s record, I have to say that the blaring similarities in style don’t stop me from liking it. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and regardless of how similar their styles are, I think there is room for both of these guys in the music world. Either way, this is a really high energy rock track, and it really makes you want to get up and dance; hell, that is what the song is about! I will admit, that listening to this song does make me want to go back and listen to Jack some more, but I look at it like this… if your style is going to be very similar to someone else’s, at least I am glad that it is similar to someone that I like, right!?!?!

Anouk – Lost
Holy fuck balls. So You Think You Can Dance is in full swing this year, and just like every year I have watched before, there are always a few songs that the kids dance to that take my breath away. This is one of those songs. It is completely beautiful and amazing. Anouk is one of those artists that I have “been meaning to download” forever, but I have never gotten to it for whatever reason. Well, I can definitely guarantee that I am paying attention now… this song is from a CD that she put out in 2004, and it is amazing. I am definitely looking forward to hearing more from Anouk. Also, I am hoping there are more discoveries like this on SYTYCD this year. Wow.

Alanis Morissette – Torch
I briefly mentioned Alanis’ new album, Flavors of Entanglement last week; however, it was before I was able to truly absorb the record. I was (kind of) surprised to find a really decent effort from Alanis, not because I didn’t think she had it in her, but because of how different and ever changing her music has been in the past. Listening to Flavors, she has reminded me of why I liked her so much in the past; she has some great songs in her catalog, and with this record, she only adds to that list. This, so far, is my favorite song on the record. I love the softness of the song, and how her voice is so beautiful on it. I also love the lyrics. I am glad that Alanis is back! (Although, did she really go anywhere?!?!)

Rachael Yamagata – Reason Why
I can’t believe I am FINALLY featuring this song (I’ve been meaning to, but it kept getting pushed off of the list)! After seeing Rachael open for Sara Bareilles a couple of months ago, I have been absolutely smitten with this track, which in my opinion, is her most beautiful, honest, and touching. While some of her other stuff is a bit heavier than I like, this song is so light and beautiful, that you can’t help but love it. Rachael has some new material out now on an EP, and has a new album coming out this year. I can’t wait to hear it, because I really loved her in concert, and I like this album as well. This is one of those acts that not a lot of people know about, and when you hear them, you wonder why, because the talent is so clearly obvious.

Well, there’s your songs, folks. Here’s hoping I can get some resolution with my school situation. Until then, I guess it’s back to the drawing board. It’s weird how the simple things can be so hard sometimes. Oh well… such is life… my life that is. Happy Friday, y’all.


waking up
brushing teeth
taking pills

simple tasks
completed each day

happening so fast
without thought
without drive
without change

simple tasks
distract from the world around
whirring around me

I am caught in slow motion
everything seems at a standstill
or I am moving so quickly
that it only seems to have slowed around

I am too caught in my flow
to notice the simplicity
the beauty
the difference

I am too caught in the flow
to just stop
and live for the moment

and sometimes
that is what scares me most of all

summer ’08 movie checklist

Yesterday, I finally got to see Iron Man, and I have to say, that I was definitely impressed. The story was great, and the special effects were amazing. Also, Robert Downey Jr. was not only likable in the part of Tony Stark, but he was actually debonair and quite attractive. Talk about a role to change how you feel about someone! Anyway, I look forward to owning that one on DVD for sure.

After seeing Iron Man, I felt the desire to make a little list of other movies of interest that I would like to see coming out in the next couple of months; and by the looks of it, there are some potentially enjoyable ones on the horizon! Here’s my list (in no order whatsoever):

  • Wanted (opens June 27th)- Jolie hotness and major action. Looks like it will be pretty awesome.
  • The Dark Knight (opens July 18th)- I loved Batman Begins, and Christian Bale is back in the role of Batman, with Nolan directing again. Also, I can’t wait to see Heath as the joker, the trailers make him look terrifying.
  • Hellboy II: the Golden Army (opens July 11th) – The first Hellboy movie was fantastic, and by the looks of it, this next one is going blow it out of the water. I can’t wait to see what the consistently amazing del Toro has up his sleeve.
  • Mamma Mia! (opens July 18th) – Not only am I jazzed that a musical, filled to the brim with ABBA songs has made it to the silver screen, but Meryl Streep is in it!! Also, it will be interesting to see what Amanda Seyfried can do… she was fun in Mean Girls!
  • Hancock (opens July 2nd) – Looks like a My Super Ex-Girlfriend-ish film; comic book goodness with humor, fun, and special effects. I’m in!
  • Get Smart (opens June 20th)- At this point, is there really any reason to doubt Steve Carrell? He is consistently hilarious, and by the trailers, this looks like another slam dunk.
  • The Mummy: Tomb Of the Dragon Emperor (opens August 1) – Why not?? The other Mummy movies were fun, brainless action eye-candy. Let’s do it again!
  • The Incredible Hulk (out now) – Well, the first Hulk movie SUCKED, and this one looks much better. Plus, a bunch of my fellow comic book geek friends saw it and liked it a lot. Also, Edward Norton is in it; isn’t that enough of a reason?
  • I think that I might wait for DVD for the following: Indiana Jones: TKOTCS, Kung Fu Panda, The Happening, and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.

Anything I’m missing? I generally detest going to the movies, but some of these are going to force me out to the theater. Let me know what you are looking forward to seeing this summer!

5SF: covers edition!

I had a crazy idea this week… why not do a five song Friday of nothing but covers?? Mostly, I was scratching my head trying to figure out what songs to post this week, especially since I have been listening to the same things over and over recently. Well, I flashed on the idea of a covers edition, and I thought, why not?? If you guys like it, I may do it again, but for now, let’s get to these fabulous cover songs, shall we?!?!

Adele – Make You Feel My Love
(covering Bob Dylan)
To be totally honest, Adele was part of my decision to go ahead with the cover version of 5SF this week; her record came out FINALLY in the US this week, and I wanted to feature her to celebrate… but… I have featured her twice already, so I didn’t want to do too much. However, since she covers an AMAZING song on her record, I thought that this would be a perfect way to get some more time with Adele in, right? Right!! This cover of the Bob Dylan song is amazing. Garth Brooks also covered it, and his version is equally amazing; check it out if you haven’t heard it. As for Adele, get her CD already… it’s out now!

Whitley – Hyperballad
(covering Bjork)
This is one of those songs that I randomly heard of a few months back, and for whatever reason, it sifted into the pile of music that I have been ignoring. Well, when I decided to do a covers week, I pulled this one back out, dusted it off, and low and behold, I LOVE IT!!! The original Bjork version is one of my favorite tracks of hers, and this one puts a totally different, but totally effective spin on it!! I love the acoustic nature that Whitley brings to a song that such a unique artist as Bjork penned. Great cover!

Robyn – Since U Been Gone
(covering Kelly Clarkson)
Robyn’s super sweet poptastic cover of this song is just brilliant. It turns it from a pop-rock hit to a synth-driven pop anthem. I am not 100%, but this sounds like it may have been recorded live (which I am guessing because of a few minor glitches in the recording). I snagged this gem from Zeon’s fabulous music blog. I have heard a few covers of this fantastically written song before, but this one is my favorite. Robyn is the shit.

Tia Carrere – Ballroom Blitz
(covering The Sweet)
I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. I remember seeing Wayne’s World, and I was totally captivated by Tia Carrere wailing the shit out of this song, and I thought at the time that it was her song. After I found out it was a cover, I was a bit disappointed, because in my opinion, she FAR exceeds the original. Well, after playing Rockband recently with Brody and Aimee, and after playing this track in the game, I had to download this version, because I freaking love it. This is the perfect example of an awesome cover song; it’s better than the original!

The Cardigans – Iron Man
(covering Black Sabbath)
Now, I couldn’t pass up a chance to shill some love for my favorite band, the Cardigans. This cover of the amazing Black Sabbath song, shows how you can take something in a completely different direction, and still have it work. The sweet saccharine of this version is a STARK contrast to the thrashing guitars and dark vocals from Ozzy in the original track. For me, this song shows one of the many facets of the incredible talent the Cardigans have, and is one of the reasons they continue to be one of my favorites.

As a silly bonus this week, I thought I would include the video for the amazing Alanis Morissette’s version of My Humps, originally by the awful Black Eyed Peas. Her version is hilarious, and so much better than the original. The video is awesome too. I wanted to include it because Ms. Morissette had a CD come out this week as well; which has some pretty great, serious songs on it. This video just gets me laughing, because it shows that Alanis has a serious sense of humor!

Well, there you have it, hope you kids have a great weekend. Let me know what you think of this week’s songs!! Also, if you have any covers that you love, let me know about them; they may make future installments!