This has been kind of a weird week. Having my ears pierced has been a pretty big distraction, most importantly, with regards to my sleeping pattern. Even though I find myself a bit sleep deprived, and definitely worrisome about the healing process, I am glad that I got them done. I just hope they heal quickly, because I am honestly tired of tossing and turning all night, because I am not able to sleep on my ears. Weird.
Anyway… today is a bit all over the place. I have two last minute decisions, which is good, because I was having a hard time coming up with 5 songs for today as I have literally been listening to Death Cab For Cutie almost non-stop this week. Their new record is fantastical. Alright… now let’s get to the music we need to be concerned with today, shall we?
Lady GaGa – Just Dance
Rihanna – Take A Bow
P!nk – Nobody Knows

Death Cab for Cutie – Grapevine Fires
After such a glowing endorsement of Death Cab’s new record, I found myself hard pressed to find a favorite song out of the lot. I literally love each track on the record, and each have their own nuances that make me like them. However, for whatever reason, this song stands out just enough, that I wanted to include it this week. If you are a fan of Death Cab’s earlier work, I am curious to hear what you think of the new record. I think that it takes elements of Transatlantacism, and builds on them; without abandoning their trademark Death Cab sound. Perhaps that is why I fell instantly in love with the record (well, that, and the fact that it is simply an amazing album)… either way, let me know what you think, Death Cab fans, won’t you?
Augustana – Fire
Finally, another song that has fire in the title!! That wasn’t a conscious choice. I have been listening to Augustana’s most recent release, and I find myself enjoying it MUCH more than their debut. Perhaps I was put off by their first single (which I was), but I have had more enjoyment with their new record. There are a few ballad-y type songs that stand out to me, and this one just screams at me. I love how his voice waivers when he gets to the chorus, showing some emotion that was strong enough to prevent it from being smoothed out during production. Sometimes it is small flaws that really make something worth listening to. Also, the note that he holds at the end of the song is impressive.
Well, there they are kids, your five songs for this Friday. Hope that you enjoyed each one as much as I did bringing them to you. Hope everyone has a great (and hopefully, it will FEEL long) weekend as well.
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