Month: April 2008

sara b at the variety p… tonight!

Those of you that know this blog know that I am incredibly excited about seeing the amazing Sara Bareilles perform to a sold out crowd tonight, at the Variety Playhouse. Out of sheer excitement, I have been listening to her most of the day, and the realization that she is my favorite singer is just becoming stronger and stronger each time I think about it. I never get tired of listening to any of her material, and I generally feel great when I am listening to her perform. I even have live stuff of hers on my ipod; which is extremely rare for me, as I am generally not a fan of live recordings. However, the great thing about Sara, is that she sounds equally amazing live, so each recording is just as good as the last.

To me, she is truly the definition of an artist; she shows such an amazing talent in song writing, and effortlessly couples that with beautiful singing and piano playing. It is an understatement to say that I can’t wait for the concert tonight. I am planing on taking my new XSi with me, so I hope to get some great shots of Sara at the show. I think 3/4 of the concert experience to me is taking photos, because I really love to capture the moment on film (or in my case, a digital media storage device). Sure, the music, and the crowd make the show fun, but being able to photograph the artist is the part I really look forward to the most.

Now, I can guess what you are thinking: I know, I know… I go on and on about Sara all of the time, but you know what, she deserves it. Having met her a few times, and seeing how amazing she is both in concert and in person, I really don’t think there are other artists that I have experienced with the same charisma, and humble charm as Sara B has. Well, enough gushing, just know that I am excited about the show. It is going to be so cool to see her headlining a show… I remember the first time I saw her open for Marc Broussard; she really has come a long way in a really short time.

Now, because you know you want them; here’s a few of Sara’s songs to get us all in the mood for the show tonight (even if you aren’t going! which I have to wonder WHY aren’t you?!?!):
Between The Lines
One Sweet Love


So, in a moment of boredom, earlier today I thought of a great idea… look for a potential new theme for this site. During that process, I had another genius idea; upgrade to WordPress 2.5.1!! To be honest, I have no idea what version I was running, but whatever version it was was kind of old, because I haven’t upgraded in a long time; if ever.

So I upgraded. Then the hilarity ensued. I fucked up by not deactivating my plugins, and low and behold, a tag plugin ate the blog. I deleted it, and we are up and running again; but I need to find another plugin I can use for that function (fyi, it was called Ultimate tag warrior). Then, the sidebar was all fucked up. I remember when widgets came on the scene, and being the late adopter I am with some things, I opted to wait it out… that was, until today when it fucked up my shit.

Well, I seem to have fixed it, and I am actually happy that it let’s you do a drop down list of categories and archives… I always thought they made the page look too stuffy. Anyway, I still haven’t found a theme I like (well, other than this one, which is the most beautiful theme I have ever seen… which is rather fitting, I guess, since he invented wordpress), so I might get crazy and try and tweak this one again. Sometimes, I am just never satisfied.


listless on monday… not I!

Well, there seems to be so many thoughts going through my head right now, that I figure it’s time for a good old fashioned Monday list, dig?

Let’s do this!

  • I took my Anatomy lab final last week, and I have my last two finals this week. I can’t tell you how much I want to be done with Anatomy. Seriously, the level of detail in this class is RIDICULOUS, and if you have taken it, you know that there is no reason to take this class other than to fulfill a requirement. I think that is what pisses me off the most about it, is because they are not teaching it to you for you to learn it, they are teaching it to you in order to force you to think whether you really want to do whatever required this class. Seriously, you will never, I repeat NEVER need to know the level of detail that we covered this year in two classes. And if you do, chances are about 99% that your job title will be Anatomist, or Anatomy teacher. So yeah. I can’t wait until these finals are in the bag.
  • I am taking the summer off from classes. I recently came to the realization that I should focus on getting my RN, and then I can get my BSN through an online bridge once I start working as a nurse. This means that I will be applying for the Spring of ’09, which gives me the chance to take Micro in the fall, and still meet the requirements for admission. I really, really hope I can get in, because I want to keep this train moving!
  • There have been some great CDs coming out since the beginning of the year, but tomorrow marks two great releases; both of which are WAY overdue, and one that it is utterly brilliant. Tomorrow, there is a new Portishead CD coming out (the first in 10 years!!!), and after several listens, I can definitely tell you that it is a solid record. It grows on me with each listen. Also, FINALLY, Robyn‘s self titled fourth CD comes out here in the USA; even though it came out way back in 2005 overseas. However, I can guarantee you that I will use every bit of liberty in this new release date, and this CD WILL be on my top CDs of 2008 list, because I have wanted to include it for 2 years now, but couldn’t because it came out in 2005. I swore to myself that if it ever did drop in the US, that it would make this list, because this CD is brilliant (five stars, easy), and has definitely stood the test of time. It is an amazing pop record, and you owe it to yourself to pick it up tomorrow.
  • I have really (much more than I expected) been enjoying Mariah’s new CD as well. It is actually VERY well done. I know that it is supposed to be a continuation of the Emancipation of Mimi, but I definitely think that it surpasses her previous record by leaps and bounds. It is rare that I listen to a hip hop record and really like every song, and with this new release, Mariah may have made a record that does that for me. There are a few songs that I would make minor changes to, but overall, it’s pretty amazing. Good show Mariah! I didn’t see that one coming at all, but then again, that is the best when you get surprised by good music from unexpected places, now isn’t it?
  • Also speaking of music, this week I get to see the amazing Sara Bareilles in concert. I think that it goes without saying that I can’t wait for that!!!!
  • Other than school and music, I guess there isn’t TOO much going on with me. I have come down with a SERIOUS case of anhedonia lately, otherwise known as a case of FUCK IT, which couldn’t have worse timing (finals week!). Things have been up and down at the house, from unexpected water leaks, to having to install kick-proof guards on our doors because the neighbor’s house had the front door kicked in. I am just glad we did it BEFORE something happened at our place… it is much better to spend the $80 up front than have your house broken into (and I am not saying that it means we can’t get broken into, but this makes it almost impossible to kick the door in… I saw the video online… and that is the way they usually break in).
  • Anything else going on… hmm, not sure. If I think of anything, I will update as necessary. Until then, what is going on with you guys??
  • Finally, related to the aforementioned love for Mariah’s newest CD, I think that the following performance (video below), and her reaction during it, make me love her just that much more. As seen on chart rigger, Mariah’s back up singer sang over her during one part of the song (at 3:06), and Mimi bitchily reminded miss thang that she had better “stop singing her part now, baby”. Damn, that was ice cold!! I love it!!! Seriously though, if you don’t want to back up a diva like Mariah, and you think you should be in the lead, why not do it instead of working for her?? She is the diva, not you, so you need to get used to it. It just makes me love Mimi even more, and I glad that I got to see it. Get her Mimi! HAHAHAHAHA!

5SF: april 25

One final down, two to go. This really is a stressful time of year.

On a serious note, today is the National day of Silence, where people in schools across the country don’t speak, in order to bring attention to the fact that gay people are continually harassed verbally, and unfortunately, physically. This year is dedicated to the little boy, Lawrence King, who was murdered because he had a crush on his classmate. It still blows my mind how cruel and unusually hateful can be. I hope that this day, we can respectfully remember those that have been taken from us, and hopefully, these instances of abuse (and worse) can end. Being gay is normal, and in order to make that a reality, we all need to stop calling names, stop making fun, and treat gay people just as we are; normal.

On a less serious note, let’s do the five songs already.

Newton Faulkner – Dream Catch Me
I actually heard this song a long time ago, when my buddy Deb played it for me, but for whatever reason (again), it didn’t gel with me right away. I heard it again on the radio a few months ago, and have really been loving it ever since. I have been meaning to post it for two weeks now, but better late than never, right? Be warned, it is such a catchy song, with a fabulous melody and an infectious chorus, so there is a great chance that it will get stuck in your head after listening. You have been warned. Sometimes, you hear a refreshing, really well done pop song, and I am here to say that this is definitely one of those songs.

Feist – Mushaboom (Postal Service Remix)
After seeing Feist last week in concert, and remembering why I chose her amazing CD The Reminder as my number 2 of 2007, I have been revisiting the record, and feeling the need for more Feist. I went back and downloaded her first CD, and found this really great mix of Mushaboom on the compilation CD she released called Open Season. It’s a great song on it’s own, and I thought she performed it (and all of the others) flawlessly in concert. However, adding that Postal Service treatment to anything makes it instantly better, in my honest opinion. I wish they would release another record all ready!!! Well, at least I have the random collaborations that the did with fabulous artists like Feist to tide me over, I guess. Either way, it was great getting to see Feist, and it has been a great “reminder” of how great of an artist that she truly is.

Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek
First of all, wow. I mean seriously. This is my “blast from the past” song this week, and it is a doosy. I have loved this song immensely from the first moment that I heard it. The rest of this record is amazing, but this is one of those songs that carries emotion so pungently on the tip of each syllable, that is begs to be played over and over again. Imogen Heap’s voice is ethereal and amazing, and with the vocoder letting her use her voice as the instrument that drives this song truly defines her as an unconventional, yet amazingly talented music artist. I really look forward to what’s coming next from Imogen, because if it is anything like this, I know that I am going to LOVE it. *pardon me for a second while I play this song again… yep… amazing.*

Hayden – The Hardest Part

I posted a Hayden song a while back when I first found out that he was opening for Feist. It was the first song of his that I heard, way back when I was in high school, and since that time, I have had the chance to get to know his newest release, In Field and Town much more thoroughly. I can say now, that it is definitely one of the best records released so far in 2008, and if my love for the record continues to grow with each listen as it has, it will probably be amongst my favorites for the year. The harmonies and melody that Hayden plays with are effortless, and insanely beautiful. His raspy voice offers more emotion to these simple, but well crafted songs. Seeing him open for Feist was definitely a treat, and I am extremely glad to have been reintroduced to an artist that I forgot about nearly 10 years ago. This is my favorite song from his new record, and it is one that I could seriously listen to on repeat.

Danity Kane – Pretty Boy

On a final very danceable note, I present this brilliantly produced track from Nate “Danja” Hills. He worked wonders for Britney, as well as others like Katharine McPhee, and he pull out all the stops on this hot track for Danity Kane. Is it me, or is Danja totally the next Darkchild? I hope they release this as their next single, because I would love to see a video for this track. While I haven’t fallen as hard for their sophomore album, this song is definitely getting lots of play from me, it is HOT!! I am hoping that Danja has more of this up his sleeve, and less of that sleeper he did for Madge. This song is just twisted, and the beat is wickedly infectious, whereas the Madonna track is well… boring to me. Oh well, I guess we’ll see!

Well, there’s your five… what do you think?? And music suggestions for me too people!! I need them!

what’s going on with me these days

Basically, I had an “epiphany” yesterday. I put it in quotations, because I have thought about it many times, but it never seemed like such a good idea until yesterday. Basically, I think that I should just focus on getting my RN, and then worrying about the BSN after I am already working in nursing. This way, I can transition quicker, which I REALLY need to do. I am almost terrified of change, but it is so necessary, because I just feel completely lost right now.

This semester is winding down, and I have finals this week and next. I will be so happy to be finished with anatomy, because it is one of the most useless classes ever. The whole point is to weed out those that don’t want it bad enough, and I am just ready to be done with it. I hope that I do well on my lab final, because I completely bombed the midterm, thanks to the distraction of my floors being ripped up that same day.

I was going to write a post about the Kate Nash concert, as well as one about the Feist concert, but it just seems like I don’t have the desire to do very much these days. I had a blast at both shows, and both Kate Nash and Feist were amazing. Also, Hayden opened for Feist, and I was glad to be able to see him after all of these years. All three artists are impressive, and put on great shows.

That’s about it really… just trying to maintain, I guess. Getting out of the bed is harder each day, and if I can come up with a remedy for it; I will market it. Trust me.

tribute to tradition

swallows!, originally uploaded by duanemoodydotcom.

Lori and I went to Ink and Dagger Tattoo Parlour today for the Tribute to Tradition event, where they were doing traditional tattoos for traditional prices. Originally, I had a different idea for what I wanted my swallow to look like, but after seeing this one, I had to have it; I loved it just as it was. Also, the position that Russ suggested was perfect; just on the outside of my knee (think not in front, or back, but on the side!). After getting the first one done on my left leg, I really felt as if I should seize this opportunity while I was there, and get a second one on my right leg in the same spot… so I did!!!

These are the only traditional style tattoos that I have, and I really love them. I have always loved the simple swallow design, and I am totally jazzed that Russ did them for me. I love that I got them where I did (great suggestion by Russ), and I really like that got two matching ones. It wasn’t what I was expecting to get, and it required me to compromise a bit, but in the end, I was happier than I thought I would be to begin with. It was a fun time, and believe it or not, this was not a very painful place to get tattooed. Interesting.

Either way, going back to Ink and Dagger gave me a chance to catch up with Russ, and also led me to set up a consultation for my phoenix half-sleeve; which I am sure I will start soon. Man, tattoos are awesome, and I love them immensely, but they cost a lot of money!

Oh well… everyone has a vice, I guess.

5SF: april 18

Shazam! I’m glamorous! It’s a beautiful Friday, and a great day for another installment of the lovely 5 song Friday, don’t you think? I am still working on getting up my photos that I took at the Kate Nash concert the other night, which was fantastic. I am sure that I will post something about that this weekend. Also, I am going to see Feist tonight, and I am totally excited!!! I hope to get some fun pictures from her show as well. But enough about that, let’s get to today’s songs, shall we?!

Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart
As a huge fan of Death Cab for Cutie, I have been eagerly anticipating their new album, which comes out next month. However, I was a little taken aback by the 8 minute lead single, I Will Possess Your Heart; which I will admit that I did like, but I couldn’t help be distracted by the 4 minute intro. Well, they released a video for the song, both in long form, and in this featured shorter form, and I have realized that it contains everything I love about Death Cab for Cutie; I was just focusing too much on that 4 minutes. Well, I can say that I am definitely anxious to see what the rest of the album holds, but in the mean time, I am loving this great song.

Gossip – Standing in the Way of Control

I actually heard this song forever ago, and passed over it, because it didn’t initially wow me. The video is almost a fully on assault on the eyes, but this time around, I am not letting that distract me. I actually heard a live version of this song recently, and I was BLOWN AWAY by the amazing Beth Ditto. I now see what everyone is going on about; this lady is amazing. Well, now I am listening, and loving this song. I am a couple of years behind on this one, but coming around is better late than never, I always say.

Morningwood – Nth Degree
I was making a playlist for the gym a couple of nights ago, and while sifting back through old dance songs and singles that I had, I found this amazing gem. I remember when this song came out, that I literally thought I was going to wear it out; and you know what, I think I did. Back when my iTunes decided that it no longer wanted to remember my playlists, and I had to rebuild my entire library, I forgot about some of the great songs that I had, this being one of the more notable selections. This is such a catchy and fun rock track, which is perfect for rolling the windows down, and cranking it up on the way home; which is exactly what I am going to do! I’m glad to have this gem back!

Estelle – American Boy
This is one of those songs that falls into the “one listen didn’t hook me, but now I am clearly paying attention” category. I heard this song some months ago, and was all “eh”, but after seeing the video randomly recently, I was taken by how beautiful both Estelle and her voice are. This is such a slick track, and the baseline really gets you bopping in your seat. Additionally, the hook is brilliant, and really puts this track on repeat in your head. I am glad that I gave Estelle another shot, because I am firmly loving this song right now.

Busta Rhymes ft. Janet – What’s It Gonna Be?
For last week’s featured five song Friday, I found many more tracks than I was expecting, and found myself going back through the music catalogs of not only Aaliyah, but of a few other artists I really enjoy as well; most notably, Janet. After listening to the BRILLIANT album All For You, I was trying to think of other songs that I loved featuring Ms Jackson, and I remembered this song, which I totally felt was extremely underrated. I remember seeing the video on MTV, and thinking the video was weird, but I also remember LOVING this song. While the Busta Rhymes rapping isn’t necessarily my normal style, Janet’s take on the chorus is ethereal and beautiful. The unconventional beat is also a pleasure, considering how contrived some hip hop can be. This is one of those songs that I totally think should have been a bigger hit, but I can at least acknowledge that it was a hit with me. I am glad to have stumbled back onto this track, and I can definitely say that it has been fun sifting through music that I haven’t heard in ages… I have A LOT of great stuff.

Well, there’s your five songs, kids. I am looking forward to this weekend… I hope to break in my new camera (I got the XSi yesterday), and I plan on getting tattooed on Sunday (YES!!!). Stay tuned for updates from the ever-changing world of duane!! Hope everyone has a most excellent afternoon! Gold pants!

kate nash tonight at the variety!

As the title so simply states, I am going to see the amazing Kate Nash at the Variety in Little Five Points tonight. I am currently a Variety Playhouse virgin, but I have heard lots of great things about the venue, and I am looking forward to the concert. I think that I am going to try and get their a bit early, as I want to be pretty close to the stage.

In case you have no idea who (or how amazing) Kate Nash is, recall that just four months ago, I named her debut, Made of Bricks, my number 3 CD of 2007 (there are some sound clips you can listen to if you follow that link). I have seen some live shots of her on youtube, and I can definitely tell you that I am very excited to be seeing her tonight live, for the first time.

Here’s hoping that I get lots of great pictures of the show… and maybe I’ll even get to meet Kate; a big here’s hoping on that last part. That would be so awesome!

Just to get me in the mood, and to share the love for Kate, I thought I would post some videos of her greatness…

Here’s her third single, the amazingly catchy Pumpkin Soup:

And of course, I had to post one of the best songs that came out in 2007, Foundations:

If you are planning on being at the show, be sure to say hi! Onward to Kate Nash!

5SF: april 11 – bad movie soundtrack edition!

Today, I decided to switch things up a bit, and do a themed five song Friday for fun. Instead of picking five songs at random, this week, I will be featuring five songs that all come from soundtracks; and more specifically, soundtracks of movies that many wouldn’t consider to be necessarily any “good”. The songs I picked are just five songs that prompted me to go out and buy a soundtrack for that one song, regardless of the lack of desire to see the film. With the exception of two (which I will note… and weren’t really great themselves), I have not seen any of these movies, so if they are among your favorites, try not to take offense; I did buy the soundtrack after all! Also, there will be a bonus song featured this week as an extra soundtrack-song treat!

Now… on with the show!

Aaliyah – Try Again
Movie: Romeo Must Die. Unfortunately, this was one of Aaliyah’s first, and tragically, last movie roles. The movie itself isn’t good by any means, but there are moments when she was allowed to shine (this is the first of two movies on the list that I saw)… however, it was on the soundtrack where her shining is the most notable. Even as a stand alone track, this is a hot hip-hop number, and the production on it is so tight, that not even water could get in. I remember being so excited by the work that Timberland and Missy E were doing back in 2000, because the stuff they were turning out (this included) were off the chain. This is an excellent example of a flawless track gracing an otherwise forgettable movie’s soundtrack; drawing more attention to the film than it may have been given without its inclusion. I remember when I first heard this song, I seriously had to have the soundtrack, and I remember listening to this on repeat. Bringing this one back out of the closet has reminded me of just how damn good this song really is.

Pras, Mya, and ODB – Ghetto Superstar (That is What You Are)
Movie: Bullworth. Don’t deny it… you loved this song at some point in the past. We all did. Even those that resisted found themselves singing along with Mya in the end. Her sweet voice calling you in with that chorus made us swoon. While this song was a massive radio hit, and probably sold TONS of sountracks for Bullworth, I don’t think that it did much for the movie; I know that I had the soundtrack, and never saw the film (and still don’t have any desire to). However, there is no denying this little slice of gold that found itself sitting all alone on a strange soundtrack for an otherwise forgettable film. Even though this song became massively overplayed on the radio, I will admit that it is great hearing it again… it is definitely a fun song!

Michael Jackson – Will You Be There
Movie: Free Willy. Now for the tear-jerker (you know that you cried like a bitch when that whale jumped over that little boy… don’t deny it). This comes from Free Willy, which was actually a favorite movie of mine when I was younger. I can say now, that I really didn’t know good movies back then, because I have seen it since, and it is pretty much as close to a stinker as you can get (regardless if it is enjoyable or not, it is as hokey as it comes)… however, this ballad by Michael Jackson is a beacon of light shining warmly on the film’s soundtrack. I remember that after we saw the movie, and this song started being played on MTV, that I made my aunt take me to Coconuts records, were I bought this soundtrack for $18!!! I wanted it so badly, that it cost me more than 3 weeks’ allowance!! Now, that is dedication (well, it was also for my “favorite” movie at the time). Looking back, the film has definitely lost some of it’s luster, but this song is still a winner. I am not the biggest Michael Jackson fan, but this is one of those songs that I will always love.

Aaliyah – Are You That Somebody?
Movie: Dr. Dolittle. This is the second, extremely notable entry from the amazing, and missed, Aaliyah. She was a breath of fresh air for hip-hop, and honestly, one of the only hip-hop artists that I have gravitated towards. Her voice is so silky, and the production value on her songs were always top notch. It is tragic that she is gone, but she left behind a body of songs that would still be hits if they were released tomorrow; this song especially. The first time I heard this song, I ran out and bought the soundtrack, and I even tried to learn as much of the dance they do in the video as I could. This song is hot, and I am glad to get back in touch with it; and Aaliyah. After doing this little themed 5SF, I have a feeling that I am going to be listening to more Aaliyah again.

Blackstreet, Mya, and Mase – Take Me There
Movie: Rugrats the Movie. First of all, I want to complain for a second… When I came up with this idea, it hinged on this and one other song specifically, so it was one that I felt that I had to include. Well, I thought it would be easy enough to obtain the songs; however, it wasn’t. I literally spent 2 hours trying to get this damn song. Ridiculous. Anyway… This is one of those super-saccharine songs that makes you get up and dance, even though you feel terribly guilty for liking it in the first place. Yes, I bought the Rugrats soundtrack, because this song did not get released as a single (so far as I knew then). The reason I had to search for it last night?? Because I sold the soundtrack a long time ago!! Well… I am glad to have this little jam back, because it really is a fun number; even though it is from a potentially bad movie, and it was definitely the only reason to get the soundtrack. This is also the second track with Mya in it… which shows that she definitely had some cred when it came to soundtrack contributions!

BONUS TRACK!!!! and now for something completely different…
Smashing Pumpkins – Drown
Movie: Singles. I wanted to include this track, because I really wanted to feature a completely different type of great song from a bad movie’s soundtrack. Smashing Pumpkins have always been among my favorite bands, but there was a period where I was borderline obsessed with them. About the time, I became aware that the Pumpkins were on the Singles soundtrack, and such I had to have it… I rushed out and got it right away. They didn’t disappoint either, because Drown is an amazing song, and has some truly fantastic lyrics. I have still never seen Singles, but it just didn’t look like a movie I wanted to see… plus, I had what I really wanted, a new Smashing Pumpkins song, so I was pretty much happy with what I had already gotten. I hope that you have enjoyed the bonus track for this week.

Well, that concludes another five song Friday, but it also concludes the bad movie soundtrack themed five song Friday!! Now, I chose these 5 songs, because I actually did love them enough to go out and get the soundtracks. There are far more bad movie soundtracks that had great songs on them… which ones did you run out and get the soundtracks for?? Let me know! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I hope that you enjoyed the theme this week!