5SF: april 18

Shazam! I’m glamorous! It’s a beautiful Friday, and a great day for another installment of the lovely 5 song Friday, don’t you think? I am still working on getting up my photos that I took at the Kate Nash concert the other night, which was fantastic. I am sure that I will post something about that this weekend. Also, I am going to see Feist tonight, and I am totally excited!!! I hope to get some fun pictures from her show as well. But enough about that, let’s get to today’s songs, shall we?!

Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart

As a huge fan of Death Cab for Cutie, I have been eagerly anticipating their new album, which comes out next month. However, I was a little taken aback by the 8 minute lead single, I Will Possess Your Heart; which I will admit that I did like, but I couldn’t help be distracted by the 4 minute intro. Well, they released a video for the song, both in long form, and in this featured shorter form, and I have realized that it contains everything I love about Death Cab for Cutie; I was just focusing too much on that 4 minutes. Well, I can say that I am definitely anxious to see what the rest of the album holds, but in the mean time, I am loving this great song.

Gossip – Standing in the Way of Control

I actually heard this song forever ago, and passed over it, because it didn’t initially wow me. The video is almost a fully on assault on the eyes, but this time around, I am not letting that distract me. I actually heard a live version of this song recently, and I was BLOWN AWAY by the amazing Beth Ditto. I now see what everyone is going on about; this lady is amazing. Well, now I am listening, and loving this song. I am a couple of years behind on this one, but coming around is better late than never, I always say.

Morningwood – Nth Degree

I was making a playlist for the gym a couple of nights ago, and while sifting back through old dance songs and singles that I had, I found this amazing gem. I remember when this song came out, that I literally thought I was going to wear it out; and you know what, I think I did. Back when my iTunes decided that it no longer wanted to remember my playlists, and I had to rebuild my entire library, I forgot about some of the great songs that I had, this being one of the more notable selections. This is such a catchy and fun rock track, which is perfect for rolling the windows down, and cranking it up on the way home; which is exactly what I am going to do! I’m glad to have this gem back!

Estelle – American Boy

This is one of those songs that falls into the “one listen didn’t hook me, but now I am clearly paying attention” category. I heard this song some months ago, and was all “eh”, but after seeing the video randomly recently, I was taken by how beautiful both Estelle and her voice are. This is such a slick track, and the baseline really gets you bopping in your seat. Additionally, the hook is brilliant, and really puts this track on repeat in your head. I am glad that I gave Estelle another shot, because I am firmly loving this song right now.

Busta Rhymes ft. Janet – What’s It Gonna Be?

For last week’s featured five song Friday, I found many more tracks than I was expecting, and found myself going back through the music catalogs of not only Aaliyah, but of a few other artists I really enjoy as well; most notably, Janet. After listening to the BRILLIANT album All For You, I was trying to think of other songs that I loved featuring Ms Jackson, and I remembered this song, which I totally felt was extremely underrated. I remember seeing the video on MTV, and thinking the video was weird, but I also remember LOVING this song. While the Busta Rhymes rapping isn’t necessarily my normal style, Janet’s take on the chorus is ethereal and beautiful. The unconventional beat is also a pleasure, considering how contrived some hip hop can be. This is one of those songs that I totally think should have been a bigger hit, but I can at least acknowledge that it was a hit with me. I am glad to have stumbled back onto this track, and I can definitely say that it has been fun sifting through music that I haven’t heard in ages… I have A LOT of great stuff.

Well, there’s your five songs, kids. I am looking forward to this weekend… I hope to break in my new camera (I got the XSi yesterday), and I plan on getting tattooed on Sunday (YES!!!). Stay tuned for updates from the ever-changing world of duane!! Hope everyone has a most excellent afternoon! Gold pants!

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