5SF: march 14

We have made it through another week, and it’s time for our weekly five song Friday. I am personally glad that it is Friday, because this week has been less than fun (mostly school related stuff). Either way, I am just looking forward to a good weekend, but then again, aren’t we all?

Let’s bring out the jams, shall we? This week has some off the wall bits, where some of the songs are a bit different than my “normal” tastes. Every once and a while, I am struck by a really strange song, and I love it because of its strangeness. Two such songs caught me recently, and I felt it fitting to put them together today. I am also bringing the pop hardcore this week, so strap yourself in, and let’s go!

Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova – This Low
After seeing the quirky, sweet, and romantic movie Once, I was so taken by the music, that I had to snag the sountrack right away; but that wasn’t enough. I found out, that when coming together to make music for the film, Hansard and Irglova (who won an Oscar for their song Falling Slowly from the film) actually wrote more songs, which were released on a separate CD called The Swell Season, which I promptly snagged as well. This song comes from the Swell Season, and is amazing. It is almost like a David Gray track infused with a bit of Damien Rice. I love the whole CD completely, and I am so glad that I finally saw this movie, and got the music. Great stuff, I tell you. If you like this song, make sure to check out the rest…

Jo O’Meara – What Hurts the Most

Today’s “throwback track” is from none other than Ms. Jo O’Meara, who may be better known as the lead singer of the smash pop sensation, S Club 7. While S Club only really had a couple (or maybe only one?) of hits in the US, they were pretty huge overseas, and I would definitely say that I count myself as a fan. I chose this song, because of all the buzz that has been swarming around about Cascada’s version of this song, which I like, but I figured that most people probably haven’t heard this version, and I feel that Jo’s version is far superior. I have her solo album, and it is quite good; I hope that she does more in the future. She is a great singer.

Jesse McCartney – Leavin’

He grew up! That is what I said when I saw this video. I checked out Jesse’s new song, because I was amazed to find out that he actually co-wrote the mega-hit Bleeding Love, which was the best selling single of ’07 in the UK! I really like that song, and actually think it is pretty well written, so I wanted to see what little Jesse was up to these days. Well, I have to say, that I really like the vibe and the beat of this song, and even though I wasn’t a fan before, I am eager to see what he has up his sleeve for his upcoming record. If it is more stuff like this, I will definitely be picking it up.

Hot Chip – Ready for the Floor

Holy shit, this song is soooo freaking catchy. The first time I saw the video, I had a natural WTF reaction (because seriously, these kids are a bit weird), but I was instantly pulled in by the hook in this song. It so catchy and fun to listen to, and really makes me want to get up and dance about. While the repetitive part that starts the song could be left out (IMHO), the rest is fabulous electro that has made me pay attention to a group that I would normally (continue to) ignore (I’ve heard some of their other stuff, and it is not my cup of tea). I will be checking out their most recent album because of this song, but even if I don’t like it, I am in love with this song, and have been listening to it non stop all week!

The Presets – My People

Alright, I will warn you… before you watch this video, realize that the video is really fucking creepy, and totally the stuff of nightmares. Nightmares that you have while you are on psychotropic substances. Regardless of the strange video (which does sort of suit the song), this song is dark, pulsating, and enjoyable. It took a couple of listens, but even after the first listen, there was something about it that made me want to hear this song again. This is a grower, but it is one of those rare ones that really intrigues you at first, because there is something special about it, something that makes you want to investigate further. It reminds me of LCD Soundsystem a bit, but it makes me think of the stuff that I like about them.

So there’s your five songs for this week! I hope that you enjoyed some, or all, of them! As always, let me know what you are listening to, and hey, tell me what you thought of these songs. Perhaps you have suggestions that you want me to check out?? They might make future incarnations of 5SF, so you have to let me know!! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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