Month: February 2008

for some, believing clearly isn’t enough…

Let me start this post by saying that I generally love the UK’s X-factor; after all, they gave me one of the loves of my life, Mr. Shayne Ward. Not only that, they followed him with the amazing Leona Lewis, who’s Bleeding Love is a song that I still have in heavy rotation; months after I initially heard it. However, with all that good, there too can come some bad. Even though I heard that this year’s winner Leon Jackson was to cover When You Believe, the amazing song from the Prince of Egypt that was originally sung by none other than the divas Mariah and Whitney, I had somehow avoided hearing his version, that is, until recently. It came on U-Pop the other day, and I listened, in order to hear the magnificence that the UK had chosen to win X-Factor. Instead of being impressed, I was horrified.

Not only does he clearly lack the same level of talent that Shayne and Leona possess, but his singing voice doesn’t even seem to be at a level higher than amateur. Not to be mean to the poor kid, but seriously, this is just a bad cover of an otherwise great song.

This brings me to my other gripe: Whomever chose When You Believe as the song that the winner would sing is either a sadist, or just an asshole; because if you are going to do a song that Mariah and Whitney did beautifully, the only way to do it successfully, is to do it better (which that, in and of itself, would be a difficult task indeed). Even without the powerhouse divas singing the original, what on earth were they thinking handing this enormous song to an “undiscovered talent”? Wow. To me, this is just a recipe for disaster, and makes a situation that only sheer luck could bail them out of. Unfortunately, the likable, and in my opinion, much more talented brother-sister group Same Difference did NOT win X-Factor, so we cannot know whether or not their version of the song would be superior to Leon’s; but one thing I do know, is that his version is almost un-listenable. But don’t just take my word for it, see (or rather, hear) for yourself.

First, I give you the Mariah and Whitney version; which is in my opinion, a flawless pop song. It is well written, and their voices compliment each other beautifully. Also, need I even mention that it is fucking Mariah and Whitney, which again, begs to question why one would ever try to cover something that big, unless they KNOW for certain they can do it better?

Now, check out Leon’s version of When You Believe (sorry, but the real video can’t be embedded). I can’t believe they went there, to be honest. I guess it is a little like Leona’s version of A Moment Like This (which is quite terrible as well, but she has managed to distance herself from it quite well), if you have heard a superior version of the song several years in advance of some practical nobody doing a sub-par version of it, what is the fucking point of them doing it at all? There are TONS of songs out there he could have covered; so why this one?

Oh well, we can never know what prompts these producers to rehash the same pop trinkets on other shores, but I can hope that future incarnations of shows like X-Factor, and even the dwindling American Idol, can manage to pull out some better songs, suited for the potential winners. If they are going to stick with sending these poor singers out there with rehashed, sub-par covers, can they at least pick some songs that they would be better suited for? Clearly, in this case, that did not happen at all. I just don’t think that we should have more tragedies like this one, littering the airwaves, and making my ears cringe when I hear them. Clearly, believing that you can sing the song better does not mean that you actually can. Poor Leon…

octopus: a MUST see

Yesterday, James and I went to a matinée showing of Steve Yockey’s amazing play, Octopus. I have been very eager to see the show, especially since Steve had sent me the script last year, and when I read it, I was completely moved by it. When he told me it was going to be put on at Actor’s Express, I was delighted for him, and anxious to see it brought to life.

The play deals with issues and consequences that can come from “having a little fun”, and not paying attention to the great monster that is waiting at the bottom of the sea. Octopus expertly uses an interestingly playful, as well as frightful, metaphor in order to tackle intense issues surrounding relationships, and what happens when things suddenly change; even when you promised each other that they wouldn’t.

The show was moving, poignant, gripping, and at times, even laugh out loud funny. I could really feel what the actors were saying, and really identified with many of the main characters. Being gay, and in a relationship myself, it is hard to think about what would happen if something unexpected, and horrible, were to suddenly thrust itself between us. Would we react in the way that those characters did? Hopefully, I will never have to answer that question myself.

Now, I know that I am being cryptic, but honestly, I don’t want to give away the very thing that the play seeks to show you; the message is strong, and really does hit close to home.

It succeeds on every level; it is entertaining, and it really engages you and forces you to think about the consequences of your actions. Just because you get lost in the moment during a random sexual encounter, doesn’t mean that there won’t be massive ramifications to both you and your partner. Steve uses the unseen “monster” to truly hammer home the point that a lack of attention to the truth of consequence is really missing for many young (and old) gay men in today’s dangerous world. He makes a strong statement about how denial and ignorance only make you defenseless in preventing the beast from devouring you, or someone that you love. He goes further to challenge you into seeing that consequences are often not very easy to deal with for either partner, and sometimes, those reactions are devastating in and of themselves. It was masterfully written, and the stage direction and effects are phenomenal.

You must see Octopus. It will move you, and it may even make you want to cry, but it reminds us to be mindful of our actions, and know that there are consequences to everything that we do and say; especially within the concept of a relationship. Being mindful is the key to preventing that monster from devouring us all.

Octopus is playing NOW at Actor’s Express, and on through February 23. Don’t miss it!!!

5SF: february 8

It’s finally Friday, and it’s time for some tunes, right? This week, we have 4 tracks from female singers, and I realize that I seem to prefer female vocalists over anything else, for whatever reason. Also, at least a couple of these tracks are “rare” tracks that are either internet finds, or bonus tracks from international editions of that artist’s CD. Also, this week, we will have two flashback tracks, one from a sort of recent favorite film of mine, and one from a lot further back, so sit tight, and let’s get this party started.

Sara Bareilles – Any Way the Wind Blows

First up today is the amazing and beautiful Sara Bareilles, who readers of this blog know that I totally adore. I have been having such a great time watching her get loads of deserved attention these past couple of months, and have been playing close attention myself to iTunes and the blogs, as they keep offering up new live material for me to devour. The song was apparently a bonus track on an Asian release of Little Voice, and I am so glad that I found it, because like the rest of the record, it is fantastic. I bought tickets to see Sara in March earlier this week, so I felt it fitting to show some more love for the fabulous Ms Bareilles in this week’s five song Friday. Seriously, it is hard not to feature her every week; she is certainly one of my favorite artists.

Sia – The Girl

It seems that people are foaming at the mouth of Sia lately; you can’t walk into a Starbucks without seeing her new CD on display. Also, I have heard that song Day Too Soon all over XM, and quite enjoy her myself. However, I think that this is by far my favorite song from the record, which I like, but just can’t get that into for whatever reason. Also, I can’t help but think of the amazing Nicole Atkins when I hear Sia, because their voices have a very similar quality to them. I am definitely glad to see an out singer getting some attention here in the states, and it seems that there is no end to the great music coming from down under. This is such a fun track, and I just love the blaring horns, don’t you?!

Lily Allen – Mr Blue Sky

Oh Lily! I have adored Lily Allen for quite a while now, and highly regret not hearing her CD before the end of 2006, because it would have surely made my best of 2006 list; it is fantastic. I saw her in concert early last year, and I feel like that was what really got me to fall head over heels with Lily. She is fantastic. When I saw this song offered on one of my regularly read mp3 blogs, I jumped at it, and as it turns out, I fucking LOVE it. I hope that this is a taste of what she will be bringing on her next CD; which I hope she will get out sometime in the near future (I know she is working on a show, but I hope that she has time to record as well). I have said it, but I’ll say it again, I totally adore Lily, and this is a great song to add to her already impressive arsenal of songs in my music collection.

Heart – Crazy On You

First off, is there anything better than that opening guitar sequence? Um… yeah, amazing. I picked Guitar Hero back up this week after a little hiatus, and I am glad that I did, I have been having fun with it all week. I have also been listening to some of my favorite songs from the games (I have 4 in all), and one of my favorites by far is Crazy on You by the AMAZING Heart. Seriously this song is fucking ROCK. I can listen to it on repeat, and it strengthens that part of me that wants to rock out in a band someday. If only I could be 1/10 the badass that Ann Wilson is. Damn. Love this song!

Hedwig and the Angry Inch – Origin Of Love

Finally today, is the amazingly well written Origin of Love from one of my favorite movies of all time, Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I randomly put on the soundtrack earlier in the week, and ended up watching the movie again last night for the first time in ages. I was reminded by how amazing this movie is, and how much I love the music from it. It is such a great movie, and the songs are just fantastic. Even if you aren’t a fan of musicals, I think that anyone would love Hedwig. I had the chance to see it performed a while back, and that made me officially a fanatic of the lady with the feathered bangs. Seriously, what’s not to love? This song is just fucking beautiful; as are many others in the film. NOTE: A word of caution about this video, it is pulled from the movie, and at the VERY beginning, there is some shouting from Hedwig’s mom, so turn down the speaker for a second or two. Also, there is a little cartoon-udity, which I don’t really think is offensive, but if that isn’t your thing, just heads up.

Well, there you go; my five songs for friday. I hope that everyone is having a great afternoon, and as always, let me know what you are jamming to… share and share alike I always say! Have a great weekend!

just like on tv

I have been sitting here this morning, looking through some of the journals and blogs that I regularly follow, and spending time looking through many of those same people’s flickr collections, and I feel like I am watching my favorite program on television. I feel like I am seeing their interesting lives, and I find myself always wanting to know more.

A few of these people have a captivating quality to them, that I would say equates to me having “crushes” on them. It is like your favorite actor/actress that you would totally get with if you had the chance; only it isn’t as palpable as that. It is much more innocent and vague, poignantly less sexual, and often times, more interest driven. Handsome and attractive? Yes, they are, but that is not all that I like about them… there is so much more going on, and a lot of it, I don’t even know about; which is part of the thrill.

They are strangers, they are people that exist inside this little box that I look at day in and day out, and I don’t really know them at all. All I know is what I have seen, that which they choose to share, and I eagerly await new content and evidence that my favorite characters are doing well, and having a great life. I benefit from seeing that they have posted new pictures, or have uploaded new content; I want to know them, even though I really can’t on any level other than “through the internet”. Maybe someday? Who knows, but right now, this is fulfilling enough.

I often wonder, that if I have this type of relationship with the characters that I follow, does anyone follow me? If so, what is it about me that makes them keep coming back for more? Is it what draws me to them, the attraction, the interest, a fascination, and a captivation with life and how it is sometimes so different than my own?

Perhaps it is the anthropologist in me that I constantly seeking more and more, and who enjoys, and is so fulfilled by watching the world around him. More intensely, in this case, watching those in that little box that sits on my desktop, finding pictures, words, instances, and little bits of evidence to suggest that my favorite characters are doing well, and are keeping me company in the little way that they don’t even know that they are. Yes, it truly is intriguing to me what you have to say, and every time you post some pictures, I look forward to seeing how you are doing. I enjoy our time together, and look forward to more.

flashback to pop greatness

So I missed the Superbowl last night because I was caught up in a 7 hour study session for my Anatomy test (yikes!), but I did manage to catch a recap of the FANTASTIC performance Paula Abdul gave before the show via youtube (thanks to discopop for the heads up):

Let me just say this now, THIS performance is how you bring a fucking comeback. Paula has been out of the music scene for over 10 years, and here she is, tearing it up again. Whether or not you were a fan of Paula back in the day, there is no denying that she had a bevy of hits in her hay day, and it is safe to say, that this new song should be a hit for her as well. The song is catchy, and perfect for her. As she says at the end of the video, and I couldn’t agree with her more, the timing definitely was right.

Congratulations, Ms. Abdul, great show. Truth be told, I always knew she had it in her; I love me some Paula Abdul, and I always have. The first CD I ever bought was Paula Abdul: Shut Up and Dance! The Remixes. Embarrassing? Maybe… but there’s no denying that in her prime, the lady definitely had a knack for pop. I am just glad that her comeback single is such a good one. I wonder where she will go with this… a full album? Who knows… all I know, is that if Randy Jackson had this up his sleeve, I hope that she stays with him for the duration. Paula, you are definitely, forever my girl.

5SF: february 1

Welcome to this week’s installment of the five song Friday, everyone! Today is going to feature songs you may be familiar with, songs that you may have heard a while ago and forgotten about, a song that you may hate (as I did when I first heard it), and maybe some songs that you are hearing for the first time. So let’s get to it, shall we?

Yael Naim – New Soul
First up today is a song that is as catchy as hell, from those new Mac Air ads by Paris-born/Israeli-raised singer Yael Naim. The main reason I wanted to feature this song, is because there are many of us that have tivos and DVRs out there that never get the chance to watch commercials, and as such, may miss great songs like this one. Personally, this song was recommended by one of you (my wonderful readers!), who told me that I might like it; and you know what, he was right! I do (thanks for the suggestion, see, I told you I want to know what you are listening to!)! Another reason for posting this one, is because the video is just awesome, and I totally love it. Such a catchy song, and a great video, paired with an Apple endorsement? Yael is going places, people! Who’d of thought before Feist, that we would be looking to Apple for new, great music? Well, now we know that they are onto something!

Candie Payne – One More Chance
In this current era of music, the throwback sound seems to be the “next biggest thing”, with artist after artist streaming that sound of old, and making it new. Such is the case with Ms Candie Payne, who uses those old influences, and Mark Ronson beats, to churn out this fabulous song. I have certainly been enjoying this reemergence of the “throwback sound”, and the more artists that jump on this band wagon that are doing it as well as Candie are, the happier I am destined to be. Also, take note that her look is very “That Girl”-ish, adding to the hip, vintage feel… it’s a great song, and great video.

Linda Kiraly – Can’t Let Go
I was trying to decide between this one and another song for this week, and I watched this video again, and it struck me much harder than it ever has before. This song is fantastic. Linda has a beautiful and powerful voice, and the beat makes for a perfect pop song. The beginning is a little slow (perhaps the reason that I wasn’t hit as hard the first time I heard it), but at 40 seconds into the video when she stomps on those drums, you get to see why you came out to the show. This is her first single from an upcoming album, and I cannot wait to see what else she has up her sleeve. My buddy Stu always has these random acts up his sleeve, and I just love it when he let’s me in on the goods; especially when they are as good as this!

Patrick Wolf – Accident and Emergency
Now, for the ultra-queer Patrick Wolf, who I totally flash on the beginnings of Ziggy Stardust, and queer glam rock when I see him. I will admit this openly, I HATED this song when I first heard it. I don’t know what it was about it, but it was just a huge turn off for me. However, it got into my head, and I gave it another go, and after a few listens, I really like it. The other day when I was waiting for jury duty, I ended up listening to his record, and I really liked a lot of it, whereas previously, I was wondering why so many people were into him. Was he to be another Roisin Murphy for me, I thought? Well looking now, I figure, perhaps not… I am glad that I gave it another go, because it is quite the catchy little hit. I highly recommend you give this more that one listen; it took me several to get into it, but now I quite like it.

The Darkness – I Believe In a Thing Called Love
Last, but certainly not least, is my “blast from the past” track for this week. I have to say, that I still remember the first time I heard this song; it was 3 in the morning, and my tivo started randomly taping an MTV video show (shock and awe! They were showing videos!), and the video for this song came on. I sat there, mesmerized, and completely freaked out at the same time. What the fuck? I thought. After it was over, I rewinded it, and ended up watching it 5 times. I was hooked. I haven’t listened to the Darkness in a while (their debut CD is quite fantastic), and this song came on XM the other day, and I ran home and put it back on my ipod (it was lost when iTunes decided to delete all my playlists a while back). Well, I am glad that I was reacquainted with the fabulousity that is the Darkness… their queer glam metal is pure music gold. I am such a closet metal lover, and this shit is just the type of thing that blows my skirt way up over my head. This is metal that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and in fact, makes fun of itself all at the same time. If only it were on one of the Guitar Heroes… perhaps maybe a future installment will include this gem! I certainly hope so, because this song is fantastic.

Well, there she is, this week’s 5SF is on the books. I hope that everyone found something that they could enjoy. As always, let me know what you are into, it may make a future list! Have a great afternoon, kids!