Month: January 2008

never satisfied!

So I saw a blog theme that I liked earlier today, and all it did was put a bee in my bonnet about making changes to mine. Problem is, I only know enough CSS to do the basics, and as such, really don’t know how to edit an open source theme to do what K2 does for me. So that leads me to just being frustrated, and never satisfied with my current theme (which, as you may or may not have noticed, has changed a little over the past few weeks). What does everyone else think about this theme? I like the plaid, but I am not stuck on it. I want something that looks a little less simple; all while maintaining some simplicity. Wow, that sounded way more complicated than I wanted it to. Either way, advice would be welcome at this point.

Also, totally unrelated, but why are people even listening to Mike Huckabee? The man is clearly off his God-fearing rocker, so I can’t help but wonder why this man is constantly given the microphone and allowed to spread his ridiculous ideas. Apparently, he thinks that homosexuality and bestiality are the same thing, on top of his desire to change this country into a theocracy. So then, I ask, who believes this shit? Clearly, not anyone that I would want to run into in my lifetime. I guess he is “entitled” to speak as much as he wants, so long as he can keep coming up with the money to run for office; but it really makes you wonder how people that have this warped of a sense of reality, and this close-minded of a view of society can rise so far in the ranks, you know? Either way, I just wish he would shut up already; we’ve got it… you’re crazy. Thanks. Moving on. How about we pay attention to someone that actually will do something positive for all of us in this country, shall we?

there’s differing music tastes, and then there’s…

Okay, so I may be the only one that doesn’t “get it”, but is M.I.A (and other artists like her… are there any?) serious? I wonder this, because her second CD was recently listed as the number one of the year by Rolling Stone magazine. Seriously? Have they heard it? Because every single thing I have heard from her is truly awful. When I first heard of her a couple of years ago, I seriously thought that it was a farce; I thought that she was doing an act, and sounding like shit was the punchline (or worse: is she making fun of the cultural music that she is so poorly imitating?). I am further convinced that it is all one big joke, by the amazing eye-raping that you get when you go to her website (don’t say I didn’t warn you. ouch!). What freaks me out the most, though, is that regardless of whether or not she is doing this seriously, is that people really see it is something great. I just don’t understand it. Am I missing something?

I wonder this, because my taste in music varies widely; I love folk, pop, rock, jazz, hip hop, dance, and to be quite frank, I would say that I can find something that I like in practically (not really much in the realm of rap) every genera of music. Sure, there is a lot of stuff out there that I don’t like, which is natural, and usually, I can see why someone else might like it, where I do not. That being said, rarely do I think to myself, “now how on earth could ANYONE listen to this, it’s awful!”, when I hear something. Usually, I just think, “well, that’s not for me; it sounds pretty bad to me“. On those rare instances where I do have the first thought, the accompanying music almost always comes from a completely obscure artist, and not from someone that would ever make a end of the year top albums list. Also, said artist that freaks me out by their awfulness, usually has no redeemable songs that would ever make me think otherwise; I try to give everything a chance, and sometimes, more than one chance.

Take LCD Soundsystem for instance. I LOVE that song Tribulations. It is fucking amazing. It blew my mind when I heard it, and I literally played it on repeat like 67 times in a row. However, the rest of the stuff that they have isn’t my cup of tea; in fact, to me, most of it is quite bad. Yet, they tend to be heralded in a similar way that M.I.A. is. However, the praise that is heaped on them makes more sense to me, because of the redemption that comes from that song Tribulations, because I can see the brilliance in it.

M.I.A. has no redemption for me; there is nothing that I have heard from her that could be considered good. In fact, there isn’t anything from her that I even consider to be serious; like I said, I sincerely think the whole thing is a farce. Yet, I know people that love her, and heap praise on her. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

Perhaps, one day, she will come out and say that this whole thing truly is a farce, and will get a big laugh at those that fell so hard for her. If that did happen, that could be my redemption for M.I.A. Until that time comes (which isn’t likely, because she is probably serious), I will still be standing here, scratching my head, wondering how in the hell people consider that good, let alone good music.

Are there any artists out there that make you scratch your head, wondering what in the hell other people hear, when all you hear is a complete offense on the eardrum? I can’t be alone in my thinking here. Thoughts?

the fate of the atlanta park festival(s)

It appears that the drought we experienced this year in Georgia, continually has more and more interesting ways of affecting us; apparently, the city of Atlanta has said NO to having festivals in Piedmont Park this year. This means that there will be no Dogwood Festival, no Peachtree Road race, and no Pride festival, in Piedmont Park in 2008. Also, unless they can find somewhere else to hold these events, they won’t be happening this year at all.

While I understand that the city is concerned about how the park looks, and the aesthetic of having grass and vegetation, I have to wonder, is it worth losing the revenue that each of those festivals bring to the area? I mean, Pride and the Dogwood Festival alone have to be huge money makers for the city, because they literally attract hundreds of thousands of people each. Additionally, the businesses around the park benefit from those festivals; I know that Grady High school gets a major boost of funds by being able to charge for parking, which goes directly to student programs.

Additionally, I wonder about the potential impact of losing the “biggest Pride festival in the south”? How will this impact the gay population in Atlanta, and how will it impact the gay presence in midtown? If Pride is canceled this year, who’s to say they won’t cancel it in the future? It also makes you wonder, if they were looking for a viable excuse to get rid of the festival in the first place, and the drought made for the perfect scapegoat? It just seems a little extreme to cancel all of those festivals over the worry for preserving grass.

How do you feel about the cancellation of these events? I know that I personally am sad to know that something that is as huge as Pride may not happen this year; all because of “new” city ordinances on grass. I know that I, for one, am curious to see how the Atlanta Pride committee will try and make up for this blow to the fate of the festival; I just can’t imagine not having Pride in Atlanta.

Again, it just seems kind of extreme to cancel these festivals because of worry over the growth of grass. After all, what is the point of having a park in the middle of the city if you can’t use it? I for one hope that they can come to some sort of consensus between the city and the festival organizers, because it will be a really dull if Pride doesn’t happen this year. Pride is definitely something I look forward to, and definitely something that I would miss if it doesn’t happen; and even if it happens somewhere else, what will it be like? One thing is for sure, the fate of the festival rests with this decision, and I for one hope that something can be done to save each of these Atlanta institutions.

L5P photo stroll and exploring new music this weekend

bike secured, originally uploaded by duanemoodydotcom.

Yesterday, I finally got my trusty DSLR out and finally took some new pictures. Deb, Tina, and I went down to the always interesting Little Five Points, and I took about 200 pictures. Look for them to pop up slowly on flickr over the next few weeks; I don’t want to run out of new pictures to post by dumping them all on at once!!

I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. I have been listening to new music by Goldfrapp, Sia, and the pop-trashy Marie Picasso. Exploring new music can definitely take you down some interesting avenues. I really like Sia’s new CD, but it really reminds me of Nicole Atkins, only way more mellow. I have to say, that it made me want to listen to Nicole; which I promptly did. Man, music sure can be fun, can’t it?

Anywho… hope everyone’s Sunday goes by very slow… Monday is never a fun time!

5SF: january 11

Sorry for the late post today, kids… I have been in bed all day; called out sick with a head cold. No bother, I am feeling better, and well rested. So let’s get to it then, shall we? Quickly though; today’s my Grandma’s birthday… happy birthday Grandma!

Klaxons – Golden Skans
This is one of those songs that a lot of people instantly loved, and couldn’t get enough of; but not me. I just couldn’t get into it, even after several listens, but recently, I heard it again, and BAM, it was stuck in my head; and this time, I loved it. Sometimes, songs are like that, aren’t they? Well, this one is excellent, and totally reminds me of Blur (so I don’t know why I didn’t like it before…). Either way, this video is amazing: naked boys dressed in only ribbons, jumping about in slow motion, while throwing handfuls of glitter and smashing glass orbs. Now, that’s a damn video. I was late to the show on this one, but now I am dancing in the front row like everyone else. Beware: the course is insanely catchy, and will stay with you!

Stars – Take Me To The Riot
Next up is this amazing song by Stars, a Canadian group that I had never heard of until recently. I saw this video on NewNowNext a couple of weeks back, and it prompted me to check into them further. Upon more listens of this song, I realized how much I loved it, and as such, it has been getting a lot of attention from me. I really love how the guy and the girl’s voices intermingle, and totally make this amazing harmony. I am a sucker for groups that have more than one lead; and when they sing together, it is greatness!! After checking out some of their other songs, I think I have found a new group to pay attention to. Good stuff from our northern neighbor; even if their name is a bit generic, and makes it difficult to find their music. Note: I don’t care for the intro, or background noise in this video; but don’t let it distract from this fantastic song, will you?

Silverchair – Straight Lines
We saw Silverchair a few weeks ago at the 99x Mistletoe Jam, and I was instantly impressed by them as performers; but I remarked that I was not really that into the show, because I didn’t know any of their stuff. That being said, no one was more surprised at how much I LOVE this new song from them. It came on XM the other morning, and I literally had to run to my office and watch the video like 5 times. This song is awesome!!! It was way more “metal-rock” when we saw them in concert, and I remember liking at the show, but I totally love the more polished version. Also, is it me, or did Daniel Johns grow into quite a hottie? He got all half naked at the show, revealing some of that hotness… but I think that is fodder for a different sort of post, now isn’t it? Either way, this song is amazing.

Jack Penate – Torn On The Platform
Here’s another one of those songs that my buddy Deb was all about, and tried to get me into, but at the time, fell on deaf ears. I wasn’t ready. However, this week, I was looking for new music, and his name was mentioned on several of the “similar recommendations” regarding artists I love like Kate Nash and Adele. So, I checked him out, not remembering that I was told about him previously, and was instantly reminded that I have heard of him before. At the same time, I was instantly wondering why I was so resistant? Too much energy? I think that honestly may be it… he is like 5 shots of espresso, really, but it makes it fun, right? Well, this go round, it did; simple, guitar-based energy-rock, done fun, and done well. He also looks like a young Patrick Dempsey, doesn’t he? Either way, it’s clear this kid is having fun, and making good music too; the rest of the CD is just as fun! Also, a huge thanks Deb; I eventually get to the brilliance that you know right away!

Shiny Toy Guns – Rainy Monday
Last but certainly not least today, is a little “blast from the past”. Shiny Toy Guns were on my top CDs of 2006, because of how amazing they are, and I was recently reminded of that brilliance when I heard Rainy Monday on XM. I love when I haven’t heard one of my favorite CDs in a while, and then you hear one of the songs, and it totally gets you back into it; and that’s what happened this week. I saw STG in concert in 2007, and it was one of the best shows I saw all year; these guys are amazingly talented, and make incredible music. I love them! As such, I felt compelled to take a little trip down memory lane, and bring this Friday to a close with the amazing Rainy Monday; one of their best songs!

Well, that does it for this Friday. Hope that everyone has an amazing weekend, and as always, let me know what tracks are tickling your fancy; I’m always on the lookout for new stuff! Who knows, it may make a future edition of 5SF! Take care fellow bloggers!

what to blog?

What is there to blog about?

Not having the list to work on, I find that I am not very interested in blogging about the topics swirling in my head these days. Yet, for the sake of sparking possible conversation, let’s say I did blog these thoughts; what would they be?

  • I find myself wondering, if at some point in the (near) future, if we will have to explain to children what winter means. Seriously, in the South, we don’t really have one anymore, and if the climate keeps going the way that it is, it will be 90 in February at some point. Scary thought, really.
  • Does anyone really care that much about the caucus races? At least in the beginning? Neither party has actually come out and said, “we want X”, so I am just wondering why everyone is so “point happy” right now. It’s going to be a while before anything really worth paying attention to happens, so I guess this is going to be a long year. It really makes you wonder why people are encouraged and allowed to waste so much money on simply campaigning; when it could be used to actually solve the problems they talk incessantly about fixing.
  • Any good music out there lately? I feel like I have hit a wall, and I am not taking in anything right now. Perhaps it was because of the overload from last month’s list. Who knows, the hunger is still there, if anyone has something they want to suggest.
  • School started back this week. I am taking Anatomy II and Abnormal Psychology. I really hope that this semester goes better than the last one did. I got really good grades, but I was really stressed the whole time. Here’s hoping for a better time this time around.
  • Anything I’m missing?

What’s going out there in the internets? Hello? Is this thing on? Sometimes I just feel like no one is listening/reading, and people are just whizzing by, living their daily lives, while I inexplicably fall into the drab mundane routine I have found myself in for the past several years. Here’s to change in 2008… right?

Eh. Whatever…

another scream of praise for Juno

Damn. Juno is a magnificent film. I have been mulling over what I wanted to say about it for a few days now, mostly because of how great my experience was with this movie. I hate when you go to a movie, and leave feeling like, “well, that was okay”. When I left Juno, I felt completely entertained; I knew that I had just seen a movie that I loved. A movie that was funny, silly, sarcastic, well written, and at parts, a full blown tear jerker. All of the actors attached to this film completely excelled, and it really goes to show when you get real talent, both in writing, and in acting, together, you can make something great.

The movie itself is about Juno getting pregnant, and then deciding to give the baby up for adoption. The best, is her balls out attitude about the whole situation, where she clearly puts up the wall to mask her true pain in her decision. The exchange between Ellen Page (who plays Juno) and everyone else in the film is full of humor, but it is also filled with a sense of maturity that you probably wouldn’t see in someone her age. However, it is definitely refreshing, and completely entertaining.

I only have one small gripe with this film. As much praise as I have heard about almost every actor in this picture, I have seen very little said about the amazing performance that Jennifer Garner gave in the movie. I totally echo what my buddy Popmuse said; I am surprised that there was no praise for her, and no nomination for best supporting actress or anything. There are moments in this movie where Jennifer Garner just gives a look, and it completely speaks every layer of emotion that her character is dealing with. It is impressive. She is also responsible for me almost all out crying during this film in several points; her emotion is just so believable. That’s what acting is about, too, isn’t it? Hence, my surprise that she is barely mentioned with regards to her performance. Either way, the film is great, and I am just glad that she was able to do what she did in it; even if there are only a few of us that are truly thankful.

I think that Juno would be my number one movie of 2007; that is, if I had seen it in 2007 (we saw it this past weekend). However, I do have to say that Hot Fuzz definitely would be a direct contender, as it is no secret that I totally love that movie (it’s a personal favorite of mine); and I did see it in 2007, when it came out. Overall, Juno is exactly the type of movie that warms your heart for the wrong reasons, makes you laugh hysterically at awkward situations, and totally rips your heart out of your chest just when you start to think that you have convinced yourself that this is just a movie. Amazing movie going experience, one that deserves a full five out of five stars. I will be buying this on DVD the day it comes out, if anyone wants to come over and experience some movie greatness with me. I have a strong feeling that this movie will easily become a favorite of mine.


5SF: january 4

It’s the first five song friday of the year!!! Make not mistake either, we are starting this year off with a bang. After counting down the best 31 records of the year, I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything to contribute today but a rehash, but alas, I was WRONG. I am here to bring some MASSIVE songs today! I am going to throw a couple that I loved in 2007, but just couldn’t get into the whole record, but now find myself loving on a new level. I also have one from a 2007 record that I am just now getting around to. All of these songs are totally amazing in their own way. You know what, instead of telling you about them, I will just bring them to you!

Tegan and Sara – The Con
First up today is the powerhouse lesbian sister duo, Tegan and Sara. I have never been into them (and please don’t shoot me for saying this, fans of T&S), because I HATE that song Walking with a Ghost. I know that a bunch of people love it, but I am not one of them. However, I do LOVE this song, The Con, which has gotten me to listen to their record, and I am actually quite liking it. I saw the video, and found the song lingering in my head, so I downloaded it, and have liked it more and more with each listen. This might be one of those CDs that would have made my list; had I actually discovered it last year. Oh well, at least we are enjoying it now, right? I will warn you though; this song will get in your head and will not want to leave!

Dragonette – I Get Around

Here is one of those songs that I thoroughly enjoyed in 2007, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t get into the whole album. That being said, I recently listened to it again, and I have remembered how amazing some of Dragonette’s songs are; many of them are even standouts. This song in particular makes me seriously want to put on my dancing shoes and hit a disco; I have got to dance when I hear this. Also, that synth riff is so amazing, that it begs to played LOUD and on repeat. Such a catchy song, and a great one to get you ready for a Friday night on the town.

Adele – Hometown Glory
I can’t wait any longer to bring the MASSIVE amazingness that I hinted at earlier. This incredible song comes from someone who is sure to be the next big thing, 19 year old Adele from the fabulous UK. You can say that you heard it hear first folks; Adele is so incredibly talented, and all of the songs that I have heard from her are AMAZING. Her voice is like a blend of Etta James, Amy Winehouse, and Joss Stone, yet it has a softness and earnest feeling that make her stand out on her own. I watched some of her you tube videos where she is performing live, and this girl must know that she is something; there is such confidence in her voice, that she commands the song even live. I will be buying this CD the SECOND it comes out; because Adele is the next biggest artist coming from the the UK. Move over Amy Winehouse, Adele is here to de-throne you if you can’t get your act together. I will gladly admit that I have been listening to this on repeat.

Radiohead – All I Need
I know that I am not alone in loving this song, because in my opinion, it was the best song on In Rainbows. This is the second song from an album that I really genuinely wanted to get into last year, but for whatever reason, only a couple of songs made a splash for me. This song is quite amazing, and really showcases everything that I have ever liked about Radiohead as a band. It reminds me a lot of the songs that I loved from OK Computer; which happen to be some of my favorite songs by them. This song is truly amazing.

Jonathon Coulton and GLaDOS – Still Alive
Finally today, I bring you the lovable end song from the video game Portal, that I linked to the other day. The reason I wanted to highlight this song, is not only because, again, the game is amazing, but because the song, even by itself, is insanely catchy and fun. I heard it before I had even heard of Portal, and loved it from the first listen. When you find out what she is singing about, you will love it even more, because of the witty (and bitchy) backtalk the AI GLaDOS has the nerve to throw at you after you have defeated the game. There is a lot of buzz about this song on the internets, and I am here to throw one more log on that fire; this song is definitely as good as the hype surrounding it. Just remember, that the cake is a lie!

Well, that’s the first five song Friday of the year, folks, I hope that everyone is enjoying 2008!!! As always, let me know what you are listening to these days; I am always looking for new stuff!!

the cake is a lie

Don’t believe her, the cake is a lie. However, that’s fine with me. I have been playing Portal (from the Orange Box) on Xbox 360, and it is a fantastic game, with cleverly written dialogue from the AI that is there to “assist” you in escaping the lab, named GLaDOS. I haven’t laughed at a game that is clearly trying to kill you before; when you take out the machine-gun wielding robots, they say, “I don’t blame you”. I have heard that it is short (I am taking my time with it), but I hope that they get some downloadable content via Xbox live in the near future; this thing is too good to end!

So yeah, we got an Xbox 360. I have to say, that I never thought myself to be a “gamer” (or gay-mer?), but I am in love with the HD graphics this thing has. I have also shocked myself by really enjoying Halo; which I bought for $10 to see if I would be into it, given the hype. I have to say, I never thought I would like a first person shooter, but Halo is awesome. The back story makes it really interesting. I will be getting Halo 3 when we finish with Halo (unless someone can convince me 3 is worth waiting for to play 2).

Also, Viva Pinata is totally addictive. You have to attract pinatas to your garden, and romance them to make more pinatas. Totally cute, and fun too. Another surprise, actually, as it isn’t the type of game I usually go for. Overall, the Xbox 360 experience has been pretty eye opening, addictive, and fun.

Now I get that wireless internet adapter so I can get online (when it comes back up…)!

Hope everyone is having a great new year so far!