Month: November 2007

we regret that we must now interupt your regularly scheduled blogpost…

For whatever reason, I have been “in it” again lately.

I actually stayed home sick from work yesterday, and slept until 5:30pm. It still blows my mind that I could sleep all night and all day. I feel like Rip Van Winkle, without the silly long beard. I feel better today, and I am glad that I took the sick time… but it is definitely reflective of how I feel lately.

I am fed up with my classes. My statistics professor apparently would rather trick us, rather than actually quiz us on what we are studying. That is the only explanation that I have for her behavior, and method of asking questions on information that is not covered. Additionally, my absent anatomy teacher is frustrating, but not something I am really complaining about… less fuss if you ask me. I just don’t want trickery on tests; which would be my complaint. Overall, my first semester back in college has been a weird one. It is going to be a long road. I have already registered for next semester, and I hope to god it is much better than this one was.

Speaking of God… apparently, praying for rain the night before the weather service calls for rain makes it rain. Cool. Perhaps I shall pray for the sky to be blue tomorrow, or for air to have oxygen in it. Maybe that’s how we should do all government things… just pray for what we already know is going to happen, and then be like, “See! God is listening! Pray some more, and everything will be right as rain!”. Gah… what a douche you are, Sonny. It is just frustrating that people like him have so much money and power.

Other than the rain, I would like to thank God for my ipod, and just music in general, because without it, I would truly be lost. That, and the fact that my new DVD player plays region 2 DVDs… I am loving Spaced so much right now. Also, I am really looking forward to my 31 days of music in December. I am really enjoying getting my 31 CDs ready for the list, and I hope that everyone will find at least something to enjoy.

Hope you are all well out there in blogland… I’ll see you tomorrow for your 5SF. Take care!

the pipettes @ vinyl atlanta, 11/9/07


The Pipettes were AMAZING. They are such a kooky lot, and they danced and sang their way right into my heart. Seriously, as crazy as I was about them BEFORE the show, I am deeply, deeply in love with them now!!! They blew me away. I was also happy to be so close to the stage, and got to see a really great show.

The whole night was a lot of fun. Even the opening act, Nicole Atkins, was smashing as well. I downloaded her CD, and am enjoying it right now. She is quite the talent as well.

Overall, I am so pleased that I went to see the Pipettes. There is a reason that their debut album is one of my top picks for this year; it is amazing, and so are they. If you get the chance to see them in the future, I highly suggest you do!! These three ladies are amazing!!!

Here’s a LITTLE clip of “Pull Shapes” I managed to get (not great quality, but gives you the idea):

Also, here’s a link to the flickr set with the pictures that I took at the concert. I don’t know how I feel about them, because the quality is a little off, as it was really dark in the venue. I am sure that they are fine though, and I am being too hard on myself, but whatever… I had a fantastic night, so I guess that’s all that really matters!

5SF: november 9

Thank goodness it is Friday… this weekend is a three day weekend! Love it!

Now, here’s your Friday five!

The Pipettes – ABC
First up today, are the fabulous Pipettes. I have featured a video for one of their other songs (Pull Shapes) in the past, and felt the dire need to feature them again today; because I am seeing them in concert tonight!!! That’s right, I will have the pleasure of seeing this amazing trio at Vinyl tonight, and in order to get into the mood, I wanted to feature them as part of today’s line up. Seriously, you guys, this group is fantastic, if you haven’t been listening before now, do yourself a favor and get the Pipettes CD; it’s great! I can’t wait until tonight!

OK Go – Here It Goes Again
I found out about this song sometime at the end of last week on some random website, and after falling instantly in love with the video, I must admit that the song itself is infectious! Not only is the video just a big dose of fun, this song really gets in your head and doesn’t want to leave. No matter, really, because I really like it. I had never heard of OK Go before seeing this video, and I am glad that I found it; the CD is pretty good. If you like this song (and how could you not?), I recommend them.

A Camp – Song For The Leftovers
First of all, imagine my surprise that there was actually a video for an A Camp song! I have been on such a huge Cardigans kick recently, that I jumped at the chance to get something “new” “by them” when I heard that Nina had released a solo project. After downloading A Camp’s CD, I have to say, that I have been enjoying it immensely, and I am becoming further convinced of Nina’s amazing-ness. Seriously, I really, really love her voice, and it has been further solidified that the Cardigans are definitely one of my favorite groups.

Daniel Bedingfield – Nothing Hurts Like Love
I was looking through my CDs the other night with my friend Joey, and I happened to notice my Daniel Bedingfield CD, and thought to myself, self, why don’t you listen to this more often? I played a couple of my favorites from his amazing second album for Joey, and was reminded why I fell for Daniel in the first place. His sister may be enjoying success right now, but I would strongly caution anyone who would write Daniel off as a one (or two) hit wonder… his sophomore album was (is) amazing. I am still surprised that it never officially came out here in the US, but I hope that there are new albums in the future from Mr. Bedingfield… I know I am looking forward to them (hint, hint, Daniel).

Scissor Sisters – She’s My Man
Here’s another band that I thought about after seeing their neglected CD sitting on the shelf… I LOVE the Scissor Sisters, who are also another one of my favorite bands. Not only do they make great music, they put on a fucking amazing show. It is funny how you can love a group so much, and almost completely forget about a CD that you love… but I guess the best part about that, is “rediscovering” it! Low and behold, that is what happened with the Scissor Sisters this week too! Man, there is so much good music in my collection, it is no wonder I forget about stuff I love, right? Either way, here is a great Scissor Sisters song to round out this installment of five song Friday. The video is a little crazy, but I think that it totally fits the band to a tee; they are crazy talented, and put out big time when it comes to performing (hence why they are one of my favorite bands).

There you have it… another five song Friday on the books. Man, there is so much good music out there. As always, let me know what you are listening to folks! This shouldn’t be a one way street!!! Also, coming up, I am going to do 31 days of music for December… a new CD will be featured each day in December!! This is going to be massive… and fun! All of the CDs will be CDs that I loved from 2007 (that is, that were released this year), and will serve as the most massive year end list I have ever done. December is just a few weeks away, so stay tuned!

Have a great weekend!

some wins, a major worry, and a lack of perspective (yet again)

I want to high-five Dennis Kucinich; it does take balls to put forward something like the impeachment of Cheney (especially when we have been calling for it for so long). While it may not actually happen (boo!), I hope that it does; and I won’t forget that Dennis is the guy that got the issue actually going, which is a welcome sign that there are some balls somewhere in the house of Dem.

ENDA passed; which is a great step forward in the protection against being fired simply for being gay or lesbian. I hope that this signals more good things in store for the equalization of rights for all of us. No one should be able to be fired because their boss is a bigot, and now, it seems like they are a little safer. Bravo.

I blogged about it before, but please, don’t forget that there is a gay youth in serious danger of being hanged for being gay in Iran. This cannot happen. I am glad to see that the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission is at least paying some attention now. This is a chilling reminder that gays and lesbians are NOT free in this world, and if one of us is at risk of being murdered because of who we are, we are all at risk. It cannot be allowed to happen, and Iran must not be allowed to conduct serious acts of murder and violence against any human. I certainly feel for this boy and his family. By keeping this topic in the news, we are keeping Iran under the microscope, and hopefully, it will lead to a stay of execution indefinitely.

Finally, I was amused when I read that this is what Bush had to say about the veto override the Senate exercised in the funding of projects to rebuild the areas affected by hurricane Katrina:

“American taxpayers should not be asked to support a pork-barrel system of federal authorization and funding where a project’s merit is an afterthought,” he said.

Wait, WHAT? All of a sudden, Mr. Bush is concerned what WE taxpayers are concerned with when it comes to government spending? Uh, Mr. Bush, you can’t have a blank check for your war on the middle east, and then get all pissy when we want money to rebuild parts of our own nation; it just shows how out of touch with the real situation he really is. Someone, please get this man a large does of perspective; stat. I love how it was “an afterthought”… uh, someone really needs to get him up to speed as to what is going on in the world right now; the man clearly has no idea.

Other than that… I am sure that there is a lot more SHIT going on in the world that is scary and evil, but it almost seems too overwhelming to deal with it all, doesn’t it? I mean, just look at the CRAPPER that the economy is in… we are seriously inching towards being TOTALLY fucked instead of just being fucked. When will the great America turn things around for herself? I just hope that we can.

so I disconnect…

Do you ever have those times in your life where you want to run as far and as fast as you can away from anything, and just be alone?

I am having one of those times right now. I feel almost like I need a vacation from just being me; or from everything for that matter. I love James, my friends, and everyone around me, but I feel completely and utterly overwhelmed; and this isn’t about them… it’s about me.

Part of my stress is that school is proving to be as difficult as I feared, and the stress has taken me to a place I don’t like to be. I hope that next semester is better, because there is no going back from here. If I don’t move forward with the “next phase” of my life, I don’t know what will happen.

I know that this will pass, as it always does, but damn, it fucking hurts when you are in it, you know? If you don’t, good for you.

It would really do me some good to just get some time to myself, and the bad thing is, I don’t see that happening any time soon. Sorry to post such a depressing sentiment, but that’s where I am right now. I hope everyone else, at least, is doing better that I, and even more, I hope that I am doing better very, very soon myself.

remember, remember…

The fifth of November,
the gunpowder, treason, and plot,
I know of no reason
why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot…

The plot of Guy Fawkes is a good reminder that dissent may truly be the most ambitious, yet patriotic form of patriotism (which is paraphrasing the often thought to be Thomas Jefferson, but it actually wasn’t (?), quote). I believe, now more than ever, that it is imperative, given the circumstances of this country, this world, this existence, that we stand up and question what is being done. Things are out of control, and we can’t look the other way any longer.

We can’t let there be a time when recalling the events of this day include a time when no one stood up when they came for the others, and then, inevitably they finally came for us, and no one was left to stand up for us. All accounts of the events in the news indicate that in more ways than one, things are going from bad to worse, and I can’t help but think, “does it have to happen?”. Do we have to just follow? Why aren’t our representatives doing something about this? How bad does it have to get before we make it stop?

Remembering the bravery that it takes to stand up to the government isn’t enough, but it seems that it is all that there is right now. I hope that changes soon. I hope that our words and our actions can bring some accountability to where there is none. I hope that our pressure on our government can shed light on the theft that is occurring right before our eyes. I hope that we won’t be the ones that suffer for the blood money that those at the top are raking in.

This really makes me think; where is V when you need him? I think that I will be watching V for Vendetta tonight… and hoping for some bravery to stand against our ever-increasingly-oppressive government. Want more? Check out this remembering article.

5SF: november 2

Thank goodness it is Friday… it has been “one of those weeks”, if you know what I mean. Time to lull it away with the sweet sounds of music; specifically, the five tracks I have selected for this week’s five song Friday. I hope everyone’s week was better than mine (not that mine was “horrible”, per se), and if not, here’s hoping a jolt from the music offered today will brighten you up in time for the weekend.

This will be the first video free 5SF, so buckle up, because the music is about to begin…

The Cardigans – And Then You Kissed Me
Since I chose the Cardigans as my Monday music suggestion for my flickr group, I thought that I would share one of my all time favorite Cardigans songs from the record Long Gone Before Daylight. The song, And Then You Kissed Me, shows the dark, and very emotionally driven, direction that the Cardigans went with their most recent albums, and in my opinion, marks the most impressive work of their career. This song represents why they are one of my favorite bands. The record from which this song comes from, came after the experimental Gran Turismo, and is probably my favorite Cardigans record of all. If you enjoy this track, be sure to check out the rest of Long Gone Before Daylight, as it has a similar feel. Also, be sure to check out Super Extra Gravity, because it is another great step in that same artistic direction.

Metro Station – Kelsey
This is from Metro Station’s self titled debut, which I discovered when iTunes offered one of their songs (Shake It) as a free download of the week. After listening to that initial track, I figured I would give the record a go, and I was glad that I did; as it is good. This track is probably my favorite from the CD, and really highlights the feel that I got from the group. My first impression of Metro Station, was that they really reminded me of Hellogoodbye and Shiny Toy Guns, two bands I really love, and after listening to the whole CD, I couldn’t have been more correct. If you like Hellogoodbye or Shiny Toy Guns, chances are, Metro Station will be a good listen for you as well; while I must say, they are more like a younger, less experienced Hellogoodbye. While they don’t really nail either band’s sound as well as those bands do (because let’s face it, those are two pretty amazing groups), they do a pretty decent job of creating something pleasant to listen to, with a few tracks being more standout than others (the aforementioned being my favorite). Overall, I am definitely glad to have discovered them, and recommend them to you as well.

Delta Goodrem – Brave Face

Last week, I brought you a track from Delta Goodrem’s newest album, Delta, and even threatened to do a whole 5SF composed of nothing but tracks from her amazing new release; but I opted to steer away from that “Delta-overload” at the last minute (not really, but you get where I am going here). However, I did decide that I had not praised Delta enough, so here is another amazing track from her new self-titled release, Brave Face. I can’t tell you how much I have been enjoying this album; I just hope that Delta shows up in the US at some time in the future; it would be a shame to have this talent stay down under.

Aqualung – Glimmer
I had never heard of Aqualung before my friends Barry and Rebekah invited me to go and see them perform, and after seeing them live, I have to say, I am glad I went. I absolutely love their (it is really Matt Hale with a band, but it seems weird to refer to Aqualung as a singular person, so I will keep with the pronoun game, cool?) sound, and had to get the CD once the show was over. The result, was finding one of the best CDs of 2007; seriously, Memory Man is amazing. With a little bit of a Radiohead feel, Aqualung really delivers, and I am so glad that I was introduced to this amazing band. If you enjoy this song, you should definitely check out their other stuff, as I have all of their music on my ipod, and I can tell you; it is all good stuff.

Smashing Pumpkins – That’s The Way (My Love Is)

Finally today, last but not least, we have a track from the most recent Smashing Pumpkins CD, Zeitgeist. I have to say, I was a little apprehensive when I heard that Smashing Pumpkins were coming back out with new music, especially considering what they released before they bowed out as a band. However, after hearing the first track from this album, I figured I would give it a listen. What I got, was a nice surprise, as much of the album sounds a lot like the Smashing Pumpkins that I fell in love with back in the mid-90s. Hard rocking, guitar driven tracks that really I enjoy. Overall, the album is quite good, and it was nice to see that Billy Corgan still has some of what I fell in love with him for in the beginning. This is one of my favorite tracks from the new album, and I felt it appropriate to put it in this week’s selection because of one of my favorite songs of all time being featured in GHIII, which was released earlier this week (Cherub Rock). Overall, I am glad to see the Pumpkins back and rocking hard…

Well kids, there it is… another 5SF; I hope you enjoyed it. There are some amazingly talented artists represented this week, and I hope that you found something you will enjoy. Let me know, won’t you?!?!

give yourself over to absolute pleasure

That’s exactly what we did last night…

Last night, in celebration of all things ghoulish and devilish for Halloween, we had our somewhat traditional viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. After immensely enjoying the film yet again, I have to say, I don’t know why I don’t watch that movie more often; it is brilliant! What a delightful campy classic, that not only takes you to the edge, it kicks you over! I also never realized how hyper-homosexual it is…

I have to say, though, without Tim Curry, the movie would be nothing; as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, he is completely amazing. He definitely has me shivering with antici…. pation. What I would give to have seen them perform it live… I bet that was a sight to behold.

Other than that, we just relaxed, played some GHIII and Super Smash Bros. Melee, and handed out candy to the very few that ventured out. Out of the handful of groups that we got, only one group of kids were actually dressed up. One group were even well over the age that one should be for trick or treating, however, they still got candy. James and I have learned that it is paramount to be at home and to be giving on this night, as we have had our cars egged in years past because our lights were off. Luckily, this year, we were not a target.

Another Halloween on the books without incident. Now that’s a good thing. I have never been a big fan of the “holiday”, so I doubt you will hear about me dressing up and having a great Halloween, but more power to those that enjoy that sort of thing. I hope everyone had a great night; I know I did!

How did you celebrate your Halloween?

(image of the delicious Frank-N-Furter is not mine… it’s from the internets)