Month: October 2007

omigod, omigod you guys…

This weekend, we were lucky enough to get the chance to see one of the currently playing Broadway shows; Legally Blonde: The Musical… and we didn’t even have to go to New York to see it! MTV aired the entire show on Saturday, and I have to say, it was awesome.

Not only was the musical totally cheesy, campy, silly, and fun, but it was awesome to have the opportunity to see a show that one might not otherwise be able to see (i.e., lack of access to NYC, lack of funds to pay for expensive tickets, etc). I am a big fan of musicals (of the ones that I have seen, that is), and having seen a couple on Broadway, trust me, I get the importance of the quality and presence of the show. However, I always leave the show wishing that it were a movie, or wishing that there was a recording of the show (not just the cast recording), because, of the ones I’ve seen, I enjoyed them so much that I would like to be able to see them again. I have never understood how a show that has such a high budget for production, and rakes in so much money ($100 a seat per night for most new shows), wouldn’t want to to capitalize even more, and bring the show to the masses… especially considering that some Broadway shows barely make back the upfront costs of production!

Sure, they do tours, and have touring casts for certain shows, but those just aren’t the same (trust me, I saw Wicked on Broadway, and I saw it again when it came to Atlanta… TOTALLY different show). Also, you have to be in one of those select cities to get to see the show, which again, plays into that whole concept of access. I just wish that some of the great shows could be recorded like Legally Blonde was this weekend; I can bet that it would make the show way more popular in the long run. I am, however, really glad that a lot of musicals have been adapted into feature length films recently; and super happy that the trend doesn’t seem to be slowing. There have been some EXCELLENT films come out over the past few years, and I hope upon hope that some of my favorites (ahem, Wicked), will follow the same path.

Overall, I loved the concept that MTV had, and I really enjoyed the show. James and I are talking about going to NYC over Christmas (James has family in NJ), and I know that I would REALLY like to see Legally Blonde now that I know what to expect. I personally hope that MTV decides to put the show that they aired on DVD, because I would totally be in line to buy my copy (hint hint, MTV!!).

Other than watching the show with friends, the weekend was pretty relaxing and nice. As I mentioned yesterday, James and I celebrated four years and one month last night, by ordering in some pizza, and just enjoying each other’s company. I am not big on flashy plans and expensive restaurants, personally… I am all about the simple things. (Like musicals on DVD!) I hope that everyone is at least adjusting to the start of a new week… I am personally avoiding the fact that I have an anatomy test this week… grrrr.

four years… and one month

James and I were talking this week about what we wanted to do today, to celebrate our four year anniversary.

It dawned on my just yesterday (!), that in actuality, our four year anniversary was LAST MONTH. So, here’s to four years and one month, since we both somehow forgot that our four year anniversary was actually last month.

I guess we have both been a little busy/distracted, eh? No matter… so long as we have each other. Here’s to many, many more!

spring cleaning and thrifting

Today I went through my closet, and pulled out what amounted to be two huge stacks of clothing that I can’t wear anymore. I am debating on selling some of it on ebay, because most of it is in practically new condition; and a lot of it cost me quite a pretty penny. I haven’t ever sold anything on ebay before, but I think that this would be a good place to get started. Too many designer jeans to just drop them off in a goodwill bin, you know?

Also, after cleaning out my drawers of the clothes that no longer fit, I decided it was way past time to go and get some more “lounge around” shirts. I don’t have many that fit anymore, because I outgrew all of my old thrift store finds, so I thought I would head down to the Value Village for a rummaging.

What’s funny, is that James has never been thrifting. I couldn’t believe that, because practically ALL of my clothes in high school came from thrift stores; I was one of those kids that wore the corduroy jeans and old school velor tops. I had so much vintage clothing; which is crazy, because I don’t have any of it now. I just found it strange that James had never been to a thrift store, when they had been such a staple of past wardrobe procurement processes.

I also realized that I hadn’t been thrifting in YEARS. I have missed it. I had a great time looking through the shirts, and I ended up getting about 12 of them… the best and worst thing about the thrift store, is that there is a bunch of good stuff, but there is twice as much shit that you have to rummage through. Either way, I got some new shirts to lounge around in, and I am happy about that…

Other than that, we are just trying to relax this afternoon… there is a lot more spring cleaning to be done, but I think that I have done enough for one day.

5SF: october 12

It’s that time again! Not only is it great to be at the end of the week, but it’s also time for another great installment of Five Song Friday! Woo hoo! Now, I have been giving some thought to the whole process of how and why I pick the songs that I do each week, and I must say, being limited to only you tube videos is highly frustrating; especially considering that there are many tracks I want to feature that do not have videos! So, I thought of a solution: after today, the five song Fridays will no longer be limited to just you tube videos! I have found a great plug in that will allow me to embed the mp3s right into the post, and I am going to start using them as I see fit (I’ll post a bonus sixth song to show you what I am talking about at the end of this post). Who knows, we might move away from you tube all together!

Also, as a reminder, if you want access to the songs that I have posted up until now, including today’s featured tracks, you have to let me know by comment or email. I will be happy to provide access at that point, but until anyone expresses interest, I will just assume that no one is interested!

Now, let’s get to the music, shall we?

This week, I have been listening a lot to the CDs that I was obsessing over last week (particularly Feist and Annie Lennox), but since there aren’t any “new” videos, I am probably going to focus on posting just some older, or fun stuff that I want to share. Either way, it is going to be a good time, because it doesn’t matter when music is made, so long as it is good, right? Also, it does a good service to bring older stuff back to the surface every now and then; I know that I am bad about forgetting a certain CD, and then being super excited when it is brought back into the spotlight!

Will Young – All Time Love
First up today is a blast from the not-so-distant past: the video for All Time Love by Will Young. I remember the first time that I heard this song, it literally gave me chills it was so good. I still love this song so much every time I hear it, and I honestly think that it is one of my all time favorites. It also got me to give the whole album a second chance (an initial listen wasn’t good), which I was glad that I did, because I really love the whole album. Will Young is a great singer, and I can’t wait for some new stuff from him.

Westlife – Home

Next up is the new single from my favorite boy band, Westlife. I absolutely LOVE this song by Michael Buble, and I have to say, Westlife can definitely turn out a cover of a song; as they did again with this great song. I have been a fan of theirs for years, and can’t wait for their new album. Until then, I will have to gaze into Shane’s beautiful eyes, and just dream that he is coming “home” to me… *swoon*

Kleerup feat. Robyn – With Every Heartbeat
This is an updated video for the amazing single With Every Heartbeat, which should end up in my “singles of the year” list, simply because of how amazing it is. Since she made a splash back in the 90s, she disappeared almost completely in America, but luckily, I rediscovered Robyn earlier this year. I think that acts like her bring the best in pop music, and given songs like this one, as well as her newest release, she has definitely got my attention. I hope that she makes a second splash in the US, because Robyn is definitely amazing.

Alicia Keys – No One

Alicia is one of those artists that truly broke the record set by many artists in the past; which was, if you won the best new artist Grammy, you practically disappeared… but not Alicia. After seeing her perform this song on the VMAs this year, I was in love with the song. I have always been impressed with her amazing voice, and her crazy talent; and this song is no exception. I may have to pick up her new album… Alicia definitely has that same feeling and intensity artists like Mary J have, and I for one, love me a diva.

Annie Lennox – Cold

Last, but certainly not least, is an older track by Annie Lennox. As I said earlier, I am really enjoying her new album, which is fantastic. I have loved Annie Lennox for a long time, and love how unique she is as an artist. Her voice is sheer beauty, and I could just listen for hours to her sing. This song is honestly one of my favorites of all time. The song Cold is from her first solo album Diva, which is about as appropriately titled as it can get; Annie truly is a DIVA.

I hope everyone is having a great Friday, and I hope you enjoyed this week’s five song Friday, I know I did! Again, if you are interested in getting the music, let me know! Finally, here is what songs will look like if they are posted directly, without the video; which again, will be used in instances where I want to share a song and not have to worry about whether it has a video or not (which I am finding to be VERY limiting):
Jennifer Hudson – And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going

Let me know what you think of the “new” music format, and as always, it’s a pleasure exposing people to new (or old and fantastic) music! Have a great weekend!

today’s national coming out day…

A day that represents something important that most gay people will go through; the process of putting everything on the line for the purpose of acceptance and belonging. A day where we that are out can appreciate everything that we went through on that faithful day we when first uttered the words “I’m gay” to another person. A day where we stand proud, and realize how strong we are for coming out of the closet in the first place, and understanding how it is so difficult for those that have not and even more for those that cannot. Today is a day that we get to celebrate being “out”, and relish what it means to truly be who you are for the first time, and for every time.

I have written my “first” coming out story before, but I thought I would include it here, with some edits, since it has been a few years since I first blogged it. While my story of coming out is focused on the first person that I came out to, it doesn’t truly highlight the journey that coming out has been for me, as it is for most. Being out to one quickly became being out to many, and eventually, I was out to everyone, including my family. Even though I have been far, to this day, there are people that have not come out to officially. There are still people from my past whom I have not had the opportunity to tell, who I hope will accept me for who I am, if and when they discover the fact that I am gay. Many people struggle to come out, and I was no different. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I could go back and tell my younger self how much better I would feel once I had finally “taken the plunge”. I think that given the opportunity, I would, but I honestly don’t know what good that would do; I came out when it was time for me to do so, and all I can be thankful for today, is that I had the courage to do it in the first place.

Without too much more sappy-ness, here’s my first (of many) coming out experience. In this story, I was almost “forced” to come out to one of my best friends, all thanks to my urge to catch the debut of a little show called Queer as Folk. I hope that it is a story that is both enjoyable, and inspiring, because sometimes, those little curve balls that life throws us are big signs of change; and as with this case, change for the better.

(note: the story is rather long, so I have cut the entry here to keep the mere sight of the entry manageable; I know that some people freak out when they see an extra long entry.)

music sharing and ridiculousness

So, I spoke briefly on Friday about the girl that was sued by the RIAA who lost, and now owes upwards of $200,000 for downloading and sharing a few songs. Now, while I am do agree that there should be some regulation, and that nothing should just be totally free, I think that this whole war against those that share music has gotten out of hand (as evidenced by this case). In fact, what is forgotten, and I think on purpose for whatever reason, is that most people that download music actually end up buying most of that which they download.

Take me for example. I buy CDs all of the time. Most of those CDs are CDs that I downloaded first, in order to see what they were like. Most of the stuff that I download is stuff that I haven’t heard of, and want to check out. If I get a chance to check out something new, and end up enjoying it, I definitely want to support the artist, and 9 times out of 10, I do.

So is what I am doing helping or hurting the music industry? I would say that it is helping because I am buying the products that are being produced; and most often I am buying the minor artists, and supporting music that would otherwise never be heard. Additionally, many of the smaller artists that I find this way, would never have been discovered without my trying to find them. I also go to concerts of these artists regularly, and support them even more in that manner.

If I relied on the radio for my every music need, I would miss many of the amazing artists that I love today, and I think that not only is that a terrible shame, I think that it clearly shows that the RIAA is not about saving music… they are about their profits.

However, I still contribute to their profits. Willingly. Yet, they still come after those like me, those that love music, and just want to be able to share it with others, in hopes that they will enjoy and support those artists that they might have never heard of; that is, if I didn’t play them that “illegal” mp3.

I think this whole issue is bullshit, and it just makes me angry that big corporations get all angry when they can’t control every single aspect of something. This is especially infuriating with regards to trying to control music that I legitimately pay for… If I bought it, so back off. You got your money, now let me enjoy my CD, or even make a copy for a friend if I choose to do so; I payed for it! In the end, it is clear to me, that the RIAA is always the one that wins, because like I said, most of those suggestions lead to purchases; and most of the profits are never even seen by the artists themselves.

I gave $5 to the save Jammie fund, because I know that if I were in her shoes, I would really be freaking out. I feel sorry for her that the RIAA has chosen so ridiculously to make an example out of her. Asking her to pay a $1 for each song she shared is one thing, but what they are doing is robbery. So, here’s $5 from me, Jammie, I hope that you can raise enough to pay off the bloodsuckers that are on your back.

What do you guys think about sharing music/downloading music? Do you think the whole thing is just another greedy scandal by corporations to make as much money as possible? Or do you really think that artists suffer? What about sharing music is so bad, especially if you are like me, and you almost always go out and buy the CD? Additionally, sharing music was meant to discover new artists, which for me, it totally does… what would happen to the obscure artists if this ability was taken away? How would it effect you?

finally… friday at last! (five new songs too!)

This has been a LONG week… two midterms that are thankfully complete!!! I hope that I did well, but honestly, I don’t even want to think about it right now. I am in full on relaxation mood right now.

And in order to get the relaxation going strong, I bring you your five song Friday selections!!!

This week is a bit all over the place, but you will enjoy the ride; trust me.

The Pipettes: Pull Shapes
First of all, as a HUGE thank you to the Pipettes for FINALLY releasing their AMAZING album here in the states (it came out on Tuesday), I present the Pipettes: Pull Shapes. I can’t believe that it has been so long since I first heard this group, and I am glad I did; it is still in my favorites, and most listened to albums!! I am also totally excited, because a US release totally makes them eligible for my 2007 favorite CD selections (since they were sadly not discovered in time to make my 2006 list). That being said, make sure you check out the rest of what the Pipettes have to offer; they are fantastic. I am going to see them in November, and I can’t wait! Pull Shapes!

The Bird and The Bee: Again and Again

Next, this is pretty much the only video from the amazing group, The Bird and The Bee; who made another one of my favorite CDs so far this year. While this isn’t my FAVORITE song from the record, it really gives you a good feel for their sound, and hopefully, is enough for you to want to hear more. They also released an EP recently that I picked up this week titled, “Please Clap Your Hands”, which shows that they are only going to get better with more releases. I can’t wait to hear more. In the meantime, I am loving the Bird and the Bee, and can’t wait to see what’s next!

Emmy Rossum: Slow Me Down
First of all, Emmy is seriously one of the most beautiful women I think I have ever seen. She is stunning. I knew that she could sing from her performance in the Phantom of the Opera, but I had no idea that as an artist, that this was her style. It has been described to me as Enya meets Imogen Heap, and while I am not the biggest Enya buff, I LOVE Imogen, and I couldn’t agree more with that comparison. I picked up Emmy’s EP on iTunes, and have been enjoying it all week. I LOVE this song, and am seriously listening to it on repeat.

Annie Lennox: Dark Road

As a LONG TIME lover of Annie Lennox, I was super excited to hear that she would be releasing a new CD this fall. When I first heard Dark Road, I was so happy to hear the beauty and unique quality that I have come to expect from this amazing artist. Truly one of the most distinguishable voices, I have loved Annie for a long time, and upon getting her CD this week, I have been reminded why; she is amazing. The CD, entitled Songs of Mass Destruction is fantastic. I love me some Annie Lennox.

Melissa Etheridge: Message To Myself
Last, but certainly not least, I give you the fabulous Melissa Etheridge and her new song, Message to Myself. I have to say, the first time I heard this song, I remembered just how much I love Ms. Etheridge, and I was giddy to hear more. Call it “embracing my inner lesbian”, but I love Melissa, and have been enjoying her new album, Awakening, which dropped last week. If you are a fan of hers, you should definitely pick it up, because it is great. I am glad that she made it through her cancer, and is as strong and amazing as she is on this record.

Well, there you have it! This week’s installment of Five Song Friday! Hope you enjoyed it!! Also, thanks to the internets and the awesome skills of my buddy Garrett, I am going to start offering the mp3s of the songs that I post to my loyal readers!!! Let me know if you are interested, and I will hook you up with DL information! I am not going to post it just yet, mainly because of the horrible, yet realistic, shit going on about sharing music in this country. I am reminded by, and I feel so incredibly sorry for this woman, and fear that many more will be subjected to this nonsense. I can understand asking her to pay for the “stolen” music, but 220,000 is RIDICULOUS. This is obvious injustice, and it makes me weary, so let me know if you are interested via comment. Have a great weekend everyone!