Month: October 2007

executing homosexuals doesn’t bother us… so long as it happens elsewhere

This has me upset, outraged, and disturbed.

Less than 24 hours ago, atlmalcontent professed an agreement with my position on gay marriage as an issue, and it is the issue that has gotten me so upset, that brings us to agreement again; in a big way. There is a boy about to be executed for alleged homosexual acts in Iran, and there is an almost chilling silence (or worse (??), only a simple passing mention — which I admit, is at least SOMETHING), coming from the gay rights organizations and gay mouthpieces of the world. How is this possible? I thought that our gay rights organizations like the HRC stood for equalizing and gaining HUMAN rights for gays and lesbians everywhere? Perhaps it is more accurate then, to say that they are focused more on gaining rights for gays and lesbians here in America only? I wish it weren’t the case, but one can only surmise that the apparent silence with regards to this boy’s pending execution, definitely suggests that this is a more accurate mission statement. So I wonder, why aren’t we fighting for every gay and lesbian person in the world; or for that matter, the freedom and equality of everyone? I know that it is important that we focus energy on finding equality for ourselves, but it is clear that we need to widen our focus, because acts against any homosexual as awful as this, are acts against all of us — because it could BE any of us.

Instantly, when I heard about this case, I was reminded of when those two boys were executed in Iran for the very same thing a while back, and how they were very publicly hanged for their “crimes”. That image is still burned in my mind, and thinking of it turns my stomach to knots, and brings tears to my eyes. In addition to that memory, to think that someone was/is going to be hanged for doing something that I take for granted is indeed scarily humbling and intensely frightening. What’s worse, in my mind, is to think that we don’t seem very concerned about the fact that it is happening again. Why aren’t we all up in arms about this case, as we supposedly were before (because really, what was done about it last time?)? Could it be, that we are waiting for the kid to be swinging from the rafters before we give it a passing glance? WTF? Why aren’t the human rights organizations outraged, and calling for action from the government? Those questions are burning me up inside, and because of a lack of attention, I can have no answers.

Even more, part of me shudders to think that it could (at least in some small part) be because the boy is Iranian, and we are currently being drilled by our government to believe that Iranians are our enemies, linking the boy with our concept of an enemy (and therefore, lack of care if he dies(?)). I really hope that isn’t so, but it is swimming in my mind nonetheless. The lack of any concern has me reeling, and looking for any answers, to be quite honest.

The point here is this: there is an awful crime that has happened before about to happen again; and it should not go unchecked. The Iranian government should not be able to commit such heinous acts of violence against anyone, and someone should say something, and at a bare minimum, focus some attention on this situation. This represents the very problem with only focusing on “some” civil liberties in “some” places for “some” people; if you go somewhere else, in the world where you are not protected (or worse, for those that have no choice but to be born gay in those places), and it means that you have done nothing to help the global cause of equality for all gays all over the world. Being safe in America, and able to marry, does not protect gays in other parts of the world; and that is something that should concern us. We should care that gays and lesbians in other countries are KILLED for what we take for granted.

I for one am hoping that something is done, and this CHILD does not have to die. I hope that our gay rights organizations speak up, and show some consideration for what this child is going through; because it could just as easily be one of our own… but again, the fact is, that he IS one of our own. This boy’s struggle for life should really shake us to the core, and make us realize how good we have it here; and challenge us to make it better everywhere… but for whatever reason, it isn’t, and that really bothers me.

Please, do what this post is doing, and direct as much attention as you can to this situation. I heard about this from atlmalcontent, and by voicing our outrage, we are forcing this to be discussed. If one person tells someone else, this can go somewhere; I believe that. Attention to heinous acts of violence like this, can hopefully make changes happen; and it is clear that we are the ones who shine the light on it. Please, don’t remain silent.

My heart goes out to this boy and his family. I can only hope that he is saved. This is a dark, dark day for gay rights worldwide; unfortunately, it has happened before, and will probably happen again. What will it take for us to stand up and unite?

why is gay marriage an issue?

I keep hearing all of this stuff about trying to find each presidential candidate’s position on gay marriage, and I have ask… why is gay marriage an issue that should be the concern of a president? Seriously? The issue is not gay marriage; it is civil rights. Marriage is the word that the use to describe the religious procedure of getting bound to another person for life. The only thing that could make it an issue, is that it is currently recognized by the government as a legal union, and there are privileges that come with its status. However, it is not the issue, and I don’t get why we are so concerned with that word; marriage.

I would happily take a civil union any day; so long as it afforded me EQUAL rights. I don’t give two shits about calling my partnership a “marriage” vs. calling it a “civil union”; so long as we are treated equally under the law of our government. I personally think that should be more of the focus, as this issue will always be used as more of a wedge than anything, and no person in their right mind is going to go up against the juggernaut that is the Christian church. Also, isn’t there supposed to be a separation of church and state? So again, why not stop calling it “gay marriage” as an issue?

I think that if you get married, good for you; you should also have to file for a civil union, which should be the only union the government officially recognizes. Make it standard for everyone, and make it available for gays and lesbians as well. Keep marriage in the churches, take religion out of the equation, and things can be more acceptable for everyone, right? Perhaps this is too simple of a concept, but it boggles my mind that gay marriage is all anyone ever asks about when it comes to gay and lesbian rights and a presidential candidate. (what about gay civil rights of other people throughout the world? I think that should be a huge concern of ours as well; but that is a more lengthy conversation).

I realized this more fully when I was reading what Obama said, and the “reaction” from some of the gays that he was against gay marriage. We don’t need to fight for religious justification; we need to fight for equality. Sure, the fight for gay marriage is a fight for equality, but it isn’t necessarily the same thing; take religious practice out of the picture officially. These church driven people are NEVER going to give us the “right” to take their “sacred” practice (now with a 50+% failure-rate!) for ourselves, so we should just drop the shit already. I am tired of continually giving it back to them so they can wedge it between what’s really important and this dance that we have been stuck in forever. I am for equality; nothing less, nothing more. Doesn’t that sound like a more fruitful fight?

Unrelated link: This is quite fascinating if it is true; apparently, the first AIDS case was in 1969 in the US. This makes me wonder; why didn’t it spread to the epic proportions that it has today? What was the factor that caused it to spread so rapidly in the 1980s that was different 11 years earlier? If this man was the first documented case of AIDS, how many people had it before him; and who infected him? It really turns the notion of epidemiology on its head, because it really did occur in a seemingly singular incident. Weird.

dear Cardigans,

I want to take a second to sincerely apologize, because I have no idea why I always forget how amazing you are as a band. Seriously, my apologies.

I see you on my ipod, and I always pass by you, for whatever reason I cannot identify. However, this morning, I stopped by again, for the first time in a long time, and I was instantly reminded why I love you so much; you guys are amazing. Amazing. Again, my bad.

I am now listening intently, and I hope that we can curb any future instances of this egregious behavior. All my love… I miss you and hope you come out with something new for me soon.

Love you forever,

guitar hero III


Seriously. WOW.

I was lucky enough to have James go at midnight last night and get me a copy of the newest, and possibly most awesome, game, Guitar Hero III. I am glad that I pre-ordered it, because he got to go right to the front of the line, as they checked out the pre-orders first (score!).

I really didn’t think that they could make the game THAT much better and that much more fun, but they totally did. Also, the inclusion of some of my favorite songs has just got me so jumpy. The graphics, interface, and pretty much EVERYTHING has been given the biggest shot of adrenaline; making this game tower over the other three.

I love the controller, as it is so much better and more sensitive than the PS2 ones. It is great that the sound of a missed note comes out of the wii mote, because it is much less distracting than it was when it blasted out of the surround sound before; it is also cool that this feature is unique to the wii (hee hee hee).

I have as yet to have experienced the two player mode or even the online (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) play, but I am sure that I will get my chance for at least the former this afternoon when John comes by for some thrashing.

A serious thumbs up and major high five to anyone and everyone that had anything to do with both this game as well as the entire franchise. I just got Guitar Hero III and I already can’t wait for GHIV. This shit is addictive; and awesome. Now… I gotta go play. Get your copy today!!

UPDATE: I am going to definitively say, that it was worth the entire $90 to play Cherub Rock by the Smashing Pumpkins (actual track!!!), and My Name is Jonas by Weezer (again, actual track!!!), and beat them both with 5 stars on the first try on Medium. Today is a good day.

5SF: october 26

Welcome to another installment of the fabulous Five Song Friday!!! This week, we are all about the ladies! I have always had a thing for female singers, and according to my listening tastes, it is clear they represent the majority; perhaps that hearkens back to a childhood/lifelong obsession with Karen Carpenter?… who knows… but that’s a different story for a different day!

Now, on with the show!

Avril Lavigne – Hot
And that is exactly what this song is… HOT. I have to say, when her CD came out, I really tried to resist liking Girlfriend, because of how obnoxious is can be, but it turns out, that it was more catchy and fun than obnoxious. About the time I fell in love with Girlfriend a couple weeks ago, BAM, Hot hit me right between the ears, and I have been addicted to this song ever since. It is not what I remember about Avirl’s earlier stuff, and I definitely like this direction that she is going. Pop is much more suited to her than the angry little “emo punk” chick that she was (IMHO) trying too hard to be. Keep the look; ditch the attitude… win/win as far as I am concerned. Also, this video is a little treat to my buddy dave, who I know loves the punk/emo girls… as Avirl is looking quite “hot” herself in this video.

Missy Higgins – Where I Stood
Now to switch MAJOR directions, I bring you one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in a long time (man, I say that WAY too much… oh well, right?); Where I Stood, by Missy Higgins. I was watching Smallville last week, and this is the song that they played over a particularly “emotional” moment in the show, and I was like, “I MUST have that song!”. As such, I got Missy’s album, and have been playing this song a lot (as well as the rest of the CD) ever since. Turns out, Missy is pretty huge down under, which is something she has in common with another artist I am featuring this week; Miss Delta Goodrem. I am glad to see some Aussie love coming this way, and hope that this trend increases. If you enjoyed this song, be sure to check out the rest of her CD, which is quite good, by the way.

Now… on with the video-less portion of our show!

Delta Goodrem – Woman
Now is time to make good with my earlier mention of bringing more Australian artists on board this week’s 5SF, and I’m doing so in a big way. This song, Woman, by Delta Goodrem, is off of her newly released, amazing third album, titled simply, Delta. I got the album earlier this week when it was released, and I promise you, it has not left my CD player. In fact, it was really hard not to just feature five songs by Delta this week, because her new album is amazing. If you have never heard of this Aussie beauty, welcome to the show, because you are sure to be impressed. Delta is a very talented musician, and has an amazing voice; which can be easily compared to Celine Dion. Before you launch a protest because I mentioned Celine, realize that Delta isn’t as “cheesy” as Celine, and has more edge to her, and in my opinion, more talent. I have liked Delta for a quite a while, and I am so pleased to hear such amazing music coming from her. This is a must have CD, and one of the best of the year so far. As my buddy Stu mentioned, it is the album Celine WISHES she could make… but she can’t, because Delta did! If you like this song, be sure to get the rest of the album… you won’t be sorry.

Sugababes – Surprise
A few weeks back, I featured About You Now, the lead single off of the Sugababes’ newly released album, Change, and this week, I am going to build on my love for the Sugababes. I am still surprised that this girl group has as yet to break the US market substantially, because they really have got it going on. This song is also from their new release, which I have been slow to get into for whatever reason. It is, however, aptly titled, because when I heard it, I was like, WOW! What a surprise! It is fantastic!!! If you are fan of the Sugababes, you should love this song, because it is easily the best from the new album. The Sugababes prove (yet again) that there is still great pop music being made out there… you just have to go to other countries sometimes to get it! If you enjoy this song, make sure you check out the rest of their new CD, which I am enjoying more and more with each listen!

Britney Spears – Heaven On Earth
As I mentioned yesterday, I am pretty excited about Britney’s new album, and will be picking it up on Tuesday after hearing leaked tracks, like this one; Heaven On Earth. Honestly, this song shows Britney doing what she does best, and that is being a pop diva. Whatever you think about Britney doesn’t really matter, because she really does have the music to back it up; she is, and always will be, a pop princess… and her new album PROVES it… regardless of what is going on in her life, the music is really, really good. Honestly, I am elated that she made so many good decisions with regards to the songs she is releasing on Blackout, and I hope that it gets the attention that it deserves. Seriously, there are people saying that this may be the best record of her career, and I think they may be right. Britney, bravo. You have got major applause from me for this one, and I can’t wait to get the record. If you like Britney, pop, and fun music, you should love this track… if not, then perhaps another one of the songs featured today will work for you! Either way, we all have something to enjoy. I just hope that this record is a solid foot in the right direction for dear old Brit. I am routing for you, girl!

I hope everyone is having a great Friday… thanks for tuning in to another Five Song Friday! I hope that you enjoyed the songs, and as always, if you have suggestions for me, let me know!!! I have been really enjoying this weekly feature here at, and I am sure that I will only get better with time! Have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy the music!

it’s that time of year…

…Where the weather starts to FINALLY cool off. It’s also that time of year where there tends to be a surge of music releases, usually from the heavy hitters; which I always look forward to.

Just recently, we have had great releases from Melissa Etheridge, Annie Lennox, The Pipettes, the Sugababes, Radiohead, among others. I am also certain that there are tons of other great releases out there that I am still waiting to discover; whether they were recent releases or not.

I am also riding high, because just this week, one of my favorite artists from the other side of the world (Australia) released her amazing 3rd album: Delta. I seriously don’t know how Delta Goodrem isn’t huge here, because she is amazing, and given her new album, it is a shame that more people don’t know about this talented singer. I am just glad that I was introduced to her a while back by my buddy Stu… Her new CD is on steady repeat for me right now. Seriously, it is wonderful. She will be featured this week on five song friday, so stay tuned for an introduction to the amazing Delta Goodrem!

There is also so much to look forward to as the rest of year marches on… Not surprisingly, the next release most on the “radar” for me, is Britney’s new CD, which drops Tuesday. While I know there are plenty of people wanting this CD to fail miserably, I have to say, I have heard most of the tracks from the new CD, and, well, I am completely blown away. Britney has done what she needed to do with her music; regardless of what is going on with her life. I for one will be getting it right away, because from what I have heard, it is one of the best pop CDs of the year; and definitely of her career. This new release blows her last CD out of the water. If you like pop music as much as I do, I highly suggest you give it a whirl. If she isn’t your style, then you probably won’t become a fan because of her new stuff… but if she is, you will probably really like what you hear.

Other than that, there are new releases coming from Westlife, Shayne Ward, potentially Girls Aloud, Alicia Keyes, and many others I am sure that I don’t know about yet… But what are you most looking forward to? There have been some amazing releases this year, as evidenced by the growing list of favorites I have, which you can see on my ongoing favorites list page here. I swear, I fell so far out of music just a year or so ago, and coming back in and discovering so much great music to listen to has been amazing. I love exploring new music and new artists, and look forward to the next few months on that life long journey. There really isn’t much in life like experiencing an amazing song, or album. It really is a feeling that can’t be described.

Also, I didn’t really say anything on the main blog, but I have “sort of” gotten into I added a link to my profile on the “more than just a blog” link list, so feel free to go and add me as a friend (or just click here). I have to say, that currently, it doesn’t really represent what I really listen to, so I hope that with time, and with some more “scrobbling”, it will eventually get more in tune with what I am listening to. Either way, another neat web app to play around with, right?

Let me know what you are listening to, and what I should be checking out…. I am always looking for the next music selection!!!

Finally, I am also SUPER EXCITED about the release of Guitar Hero III on Monday. I think that I am going to take the day off and shred all afternoon… I LOVE Guitar Hero, and I can’t wait to get my hands on these new songs. I am also excited to get to play it on the Wii! If you are into GH, we should totally get together and jam!

end of days?

Seriously though… with fire taking it’s toll on the west coast, and drought taking it’s toll here; things are getting eerily like the end of days…

My thoughts are with all those in the west that are being affected by these fires; I hope that the situation is under control soon. Just looking at this map makes me scared. I hope that everyone gets to safety, and that their homes are okay.

As for our drought situation here, it is really good that it is finally raining. We went up to the lake this weekend, and the last public boat dock for Lake Lanier even had two out of the three lanes shut down. I have to say, I wonder why there isn’t more planning and action taken into account when things like water are threatened for a major area, like Atlanta. I mean, it isn’t like we can actually do without water; and I am not talking about watering lawns and stuff. It really makes you realize how lucky we have it to live in a country that takes things like water for granted… that is, until the real threat of it going away is on the horizon!

I hope we can get this situation under control soon… and that gregarious misuse is punished appropriately!!! Thomas hooks us up with the numbers to call if you see water misuse; we need to save in every way we can, right?

Here’s hoping that we can get all of these crazy “end of days” type situations under control soon!

etiquette… not requirement… okay?

Earlier today, I was coming out of the building next to the one that I work, in order to go back over to my office, when I encountered a situation that is normally dictated by etiquette. However, in this case, etiquette was stretched so far, that it broke, which, for whatever reason, tends to be quite common where I work. As such, I was treated like an asshole, when in reality, I did nothing wrong. Someone thought etiquette meant requirement, and voiced her opinion as a result; even though she is sadly mistaken.

Now, let me preface what I am getting ready to say with this: I always hold the door for people when they are close enough to reasonably come in; always. I hold elevators too. I’m a nice guy like that; even though I rarely have the favor of that etiquette being returned to me. It really doesn’t bother me to do it, and as such, I normally do.

Now, back to today’s little incident… When I exited the building, I didn’t hold the door because there was no one around. As such, I just walked out, and even smiled at the girl that I noticed once I was completely outside and about 5 steps away from the door. Instead of smiling back, she said loudly, “Well that’s fine… DON’T hold the door for me.”. Um, excuse me? What the fuck did she just say?!?!

First of all, I thought that basic etiquette implied that I am not required to hold the door, but I that I should, if for no other reason than to be courteous. Second of all, in this particular instance, the woman in question was no where near entering the door when I came out, so for me to have held the door for her, I would have first, had to have seen her (which I couldn’t, because she was far enough away, and to the left of the door, that I couldn’t see her), and second, even if I would have seen her, I would have had to wait for her to walk up to the door, (as I noted, it was about 5 steps outside that I noticed her and nodded appropriately) inconveniencing myself in the name of what I would call severely stretched courtesy… but not requirement.

Again, while I am all for holding the door for people when it is convenient, I think that she was ridiculous in expecting me to hold it for her; and even worse, was a fucking bitch for saying what she did. The weird thing is, that most women that work in my building are like that; which I can say, because there are very few men who will get bitchy if you don’t wait forever to hold the door for them.

I have seen women go so far as to try and quickly jump through a closing door to prevent having to actually touch the physical door, or heaven forbid, hold it open for themselves… all while it shuts on me, who is right behind them. I have also, on MANY occasions, seen women stand in front of a closed door, and give me the look of, “well, aren’t you going to open that for me?”. I also can’t stand when the women that work in my building (who do this WAY more than men, which is why I am picking on the women folks) will stand in front of one of the two doors that you can open, because there is someone coming out of the other, and they are waiting so they won’t have to open the door for themselves. As if these weren’t bad enough, there is even one woman in particular who I happen to see more often than I should, who acts like the doors exceed her physical strength, and as such, I am actually forced to take over the muscling of the door, and open it for her. I just don’t get why these women can’t open a door for themselves, or even hold the door for me; who, has on most occasions, done that very thing for them. Even more, I wonder why I am an asshole when I don’t go out of my way to make every woman-who-works-in-my-building’s life that much more comfortable (even though it inconveniences me); especially when the same common courtesy is RARELY returned to me.

What bugs me about this, is that first of all, this isn’t 1950 anymore, ladies; so you should be able to open a door for yourself, and realize that it is being courteous, and not a requirement, that a man might open it for you. Again, let it be known that I honestly don’t mind holding the door for you, and I will even go out of my way to get the door for anyone most of the time; but when you bitch because I didn’t inconvenience myself to make your entrance into the building an effortless one, please listen up, as I will say this as plainly as I can for you to understand: why not just be a fucking adult and open the fucking door for yourself for a change?. And worse, if you do what that bitch did earlier to day, you should be seriously put in your fucking place, because you are just being an outright bitch, and that goes way beyond any courtesy that you deserved from me in the first place.

If you think that I am being too harsh, realize that I have been entering buildings and opening doors for years for myself, and I am just fine… and you will be too. When I think about these incidents, which usually just result in me rolling my eyes, it makes me want to do what these silly women do. Perhaps I should try standing in front of a closed door, and looking at the person who is walking up behind me in hopes that they will open it for me; or maybe I should jump rapidly through a closing door, only to have it hit me as I barely make it in, all the while it slams in the face of the person behind me; or maybe do my favorite, and act as if the weight of the doors is so massive, that my tiny, frail, child-like arms cannot handle the force required to muscle them open… Maybe, just maybe, that would make me feel a little better about how stupid people act under the guise of the unwritten “rules” of “etiquette” (which, for whatever reason, they believe that I, but not they, are required to follow).

I am pretty sure, though, that it wouldn’t work for me… unlike the women that get by with this shit day in and day out, because I am sure that I would get nasty looks and hateful comments because I am a man, and as such, I am “required” to hold/open/wait for every woman that may want to enter the building. What-the-fuck-ever.

The weird thing, is that my friend Deb, who is just as tall as I am, gets the same thing. Maybe it’s a height thing and not a sex thing? She is obviously a woman, and women do it to her too. Who knows… all I know is that it is time for the sisters to start REALLY doing it for themselves… and realize that I don’t HAVE to get the door for you, I am doing it to be nice. If I don’t do it because I don’t see you, or don’t wait for you because you are far away, be an adult and open the damn door yourself; and save the bitchy comments, okay?


5SF: october 19

Yay! It’s Friday; which means it’s time for your Five Song Friday!

Let’s do this!

Paramore – crushcrushcrush

First up today is the amazing song by the amazing group Paramore, crushcrushcrush. I fell in love with their album after only one listen, and this song remains one of my favorite songs that I have heard all year. This song definitely gets you moving, and keeps the energy up! This is one that you should add to your workout mix, because it will definitely get you pumped. If you like this track, I highly suggest you check out Riot! by Paramore; a fantastic album, and one of my favorites so far from this year!

Rihanna – Please Don’t Stop The Music
I have to say, I really resisted liking Umbrella at first, but now I realize how awesome of a song it really is. Additionally, upon my initial listen to Rihanna’s CD, I was really not that interested in hearing what she had to offer, but after seeing the video for this song, it has definitely given me reason to sit up and take another listen. This song is a great dance song, and really makes me want to get up and do just that; dance! Rihanna definitely has some great singles up her sleeve!

Now , the final three will be in the new format; video-less songs!! (IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE VIDEO-LESS SONG FORMAT: If you are reading this post through a feed-reader, I am pretty sure the songs will not show up; the player I use is an embedded flash player. Come to the site to check out the songs!) I seriously think that I am going to have to switch exclusively to this format eventually, because of the stupidity that record companies continue to exhibit on you tube by disabling embedding on their videos. I mean seriously, what is the big deal? Wouldn’t it make sense for MORE people to see it? What idiots. Either way, here are the rest of your Friday song selections…

Sara Bareilles – Love Song
I have loved Sara for a long time now, and I was super excited when she released her major label debut back in July. The entire CD is perfection, and it leapt back into my top rotation this week when I got an email from Sara, letting me know about the debut of the video for Love Song. While the video isn’t on you tube yet (hence the lack of it being used here), I was compelled to present the song, as I love it so much. Also, if you are curious to see the video, where you get to see how amazingly stunning Sara is, here’s a link. (BTW, this may just be my favorite song of the year!)

Hem – The Part Where You Let Go
This song is actually a song that is featured in an insurance ad, but I never saw the ad before I heard it. I found out about it from an iTunes “feature” where they listed a bunch of songs that were used in ads and stuff; and I am glad that I checked out that feature. Hem’s sound is beautiful and acoustic, and this song is one of those ones that makes you feel warm and happy inside. I can see how it is perfect for the ad, but I am just glad that I went the next step and downloaded it, so I could enjoy the whole song. The EP that this song is from is actually quite excellent as well.

Feist – How My Heart Behaves

I may be laying it on a little thick with Feist, but I swear, the more I listen to her CD, the more I love. Her voice is so amazingly angelic and piercing at the same time, that it really moves me. This song is from the same album as 1234, but this song is by far my favorite on the record. I generally have to listen to this song 2 or 3 times each time I listen to her CD, because it is so beautiful and perfect. I LOVE this song, and it makes me feel amazing. If you want to hear a perfect song, look no further, it is here with Feist’s How My Heart Behaves.

Well, there’s another version of Five Song Friday for you guys! I hope that you enjoy this installment as much as I have! I also hope that everyone has a great weekend, and as always, if you are interested in obtaining these tracks for your very own, YOU HAVE TO LET ME KNOW. Otherwise, jog on, bitches! HA!

Final, unrelated note, this just makes me laugh. You get what you deserve, bigotsassholes.

contraception to be offered to middle school students; and?

So apparently, there is a slight hub-bub about kids being offered contraceptives after an “outbreak” of pregnancies among middle school kids. AND?

Now, regardless of any objection about providing contraceptives for any reason, I want to know why we are not providing them with sex education that is the most effective? Wouldn’t that eliminate the need for this “controversial” take on preventing teenage pregnancy? How come our government still clings to the utter nonsense that is abstinence only education?

If people still think that kids are not having sex, and want to continue with the utter and complete BULLSHIT that is abstinence only education, I seriously think they need to be beaten about the head and shoulders; in hopes that it would knock some fucking sense into them. The time to reform sex education is BEFORE a string of pregnancies; which I might need to remind people that focus on abstinence only education, is caused by having sex. That’s right! Kids are totally doing it, no matter how far you want to go in convincing yourself that they are not.

What really got me worked up in reading this article, is that it mentions that condoms are available, but it doesn’t say to what capacity that they are recommended. Under federal guidelines for sex education, it is my knowledge that they would not be recommended at all, and in some cases, even discouraged, and represented as an ineffective means of preventing pregnancy and STDs. To piggyback on that thought, it really frustrates me that they are so willing to try and prevent pregnancy, without any thought or stance on preventing STD transmission. Sure, having a baby is a big deal, but so is getting HIV! Where’s the concern? (did someone say, love the fetus, hate the child? oh…)

For me, this totally relates to whether girls getting a vaccine for cervical cancer, and how it could be seen as “controversial”. If you can PREVENT a disease by practicing certain things, why wouldn’t you want to encourage those things among the greater population? In all seriousness, to continue to follow this “bury your head in the sand and it will go away” method of treating our nation’s children and their “non” behaviors, is about as backward thinking as it can get. The whole take our government has on childhood sexual education makes me want to fucking scream. Grrrr….