Month: September 2007

britney, 9/11, and kathy griffin – thoughts

So apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought calling Britney fat was going too far; but isn’t it interesting that it came from the same source? Perhaps they realized they struck a cord with the fat comments, especially considering she couldn’t be farther from it. Who knows. Either way, it is in the past now, and we can focus on more important things, now can’t we? (Like waiting for her CD release! LOL)

Or, Like today. 9/11. I don’t need to say anything about what happened on this day, and I don’t think that I will. What I will say, is that I hope that the memory is enough to stir passion in people to end the war in Iraq. I hope the passion extends pity and remorse into a call for change, and a call for action; a call for us to get out of Iraq, a call to stop the destruction, and a call to stop the loss of lives.

I, for one, hope that this day can symbolize something more for America, something more than a memorial; I hope it can symbolize a day that we come together, and understand why peace and freedom are so important. I hope it can be a day that we realize that we are all on this planet together, and somehow, we have to make it work together. In fact, that’s exactly what I want this day to be about, HOPE.

Unrelated side note: First of all, a huge congrats to the well-deserved Emmy for Kathy Griffin! Secondly, I can’t believe that an obvious joke about Jesus is getting so much press and the threat of censorship. Seriously, it was clear she was making a joke (especially so if you have seen her stand up or the show), and obviously the Emmy committee (hee, a rhyme!) totally got that joke. Let it go already… not everyone takes Jesus and religion so seriously, and some even have the ability to make something funny out of something that people clearly take far too seriously. I think even Jesus would laugh at the joke for crying out loud! Most of all, I am appalled that an organization that has a history of violence, molestation, and condemnation could call this joke a form of “hate speech”. Seriously, Catholic church, if you want to talk about “hate speech”, I think that you should listen to some of the things that your organization is saying. Gee whiz.

so… britney’s performance on the VMA’s

… it happened moments ago. Live. For the first time, she has been in the MAJOR spotlight, doing her thing, live… and how did she do?

Well, I think, considering what she has done for the past 4 years in regards to her music career (which was basically nothing), I think she did fine. In fact, considering the pressure that was on her, I think she did better than fine. However, I was kind of surprised to see how nervous she seemed, considering that she has pretty much been a superstar since she was 16.

While I think she could have pulled out a little “more” (ha!), I honestly think that Britney is back. I have been listening to the song she performed tonight, “Gimme More”, ever since it leaked on the net, and I have to say, that I was glad to see that Britney was not only prepared to “bring it”, but she totally nailed it with this song. The song is great, and it is pop at its best. Exactly what we want from Britney… a pop princess; albeit a redneck one, is back to claim her throne.

Gimme More is a great first single. The performance is evidence of a potential great comeback. I, for one, believe It’s gonna happen. It was great to see Britney tonight, and even though she was a bit timid, I think that she totally showed us that there is a reason to continue to watch Ms. Spears…

I can’t wait to see what the record has in store for us. I, for one, have always been a Britney fan, and I don’t give a shit what anyone else says… the girl is pop, and there is a reason people focus on her; she’s got something… what is it? I don’t know, but I know that I have always liked her music, and I am glad to see that she’s still got some more in her. I was also pleased to see the positive words and support that she was getting from all the celebrities on the red carpet; people really want to see her make the comeback that she is totally capable of making… and I think that she will.

I am sure that there will be plenty of haters, based on anything she has done, or did tonight, but everyone should know, that there is not a single hater here at… and just for for the record, Britney, we have always, and continue to LOVE YOU!

And a message to the haters, she’s right you know… it IS Britney, BITCH. So yeah.

UPDATE: Now, say what you want about the performance, I don’t really care if you thought it was flawless or whether you thought it sucked, but this is just completely low brow, and down right shameful: in this “article”, they describe everything “wrong” with Britney’s performance, throwing in the gem, “The paunch in place of Spears’ once-taut belly.”, as another indicator of the performance gone bad. I’m sorry, but, there is one thing that DEFINITELY WASN’T wrong with Britney, and that was her body; she has given birth to two children, and gotten back to a body that many women could only dream of, and the press has the nerve to insult her figure? Fuck you. Fuck you big time. THIS is WHY so many women (and men) have issues with their bodies, and why so many have eating disorders in this country. Statements like this are completely despicable and do so much harm to the self esteem of so many, and for what? All in the name of insult? SHAME, shame, shame.

flashback: first day of 6th grade all over again

I remember starting 6th grade very vividly; it was a new school, and a for me, it meant a whole slew of nervous breakdowns from your not-so typical adolescent. The summer before, I developed an eating disorder because of the level of anxiety I had about going to this new, much bigger school… I was afraid of the future, and unknowingly at the time, afraid of what I would be subjected to within the walls of this new school.

Turns out, the first days would set the stage for what I could come to expect from my fellow peers, which unfortunately remains a vivid memory to this day.

First days of class, teachers go through the roll for the first time, and as with my experience, there was no exception. However, this time, there it was: “Diane Moody. Diane? Is there a Diane in this class?”, the teachers asked, almost as if she were demanding the truth. “Um, that’s Duane.”, I replied, almost muffled by the chuckles from the entire class. “Oh, okay.”, she announced, moving on without a second thought.


Picture me, a pre-teen boy, much less than the “jock” that I clearly needed to be, in order to cover my obvious homosexuality, being called Diane in front of the whole class; naturally, I sunk deep into my chair with a clearly reddened face. I would only hope that this would be the last inference that I was a girl instead of a boy; but sadly I would be wrong. In fact, it sadly set the stage for the rest of my tenure as a student of the public school system. One could wonder if it was that moment that solidified those many taunts into the minds of my fellow classmates. Unfortunately, I would later find out that there was much more than a simple mistake that fueled such a vigorous need, that my classmates continually displayed, to continually tear me down.

Now, cut to this week; arrival in my anatomy lab. The professor announces that the quizzes from the previous week have been graded, and proceeds to call out names of the lucky recipients. And then, just as if time had reversed itself, there it was: “And last but not least: Diane Moody!”.

Lest my ears deceive me? There I was, in the 6th grade again… trying to escape the lifelong battle I have had with others using my homosexuality and lack of “appropriate” masculinity as means to ridicule and demean me; regardless of the fact, that if in this case, it was again, accidental.

Luckily, I am not that 6th grade pre-teen student; I am almost 30 years old now, and I am proud of my sexuality and of who I am.

“That’s actually Duane”, I replied. Quickly apologizing, I silenced his attempts to cover up his mistake, by simply stating, “Don’t worry, it isn’t the first time that I’ve been called Diane.”

With that, I took the power that others had wielded over me for so long, and put it in my back pocket; for good. Something about that really makes me feel better about having gone through what I did; if for no other reason than to finally put it to bed, for good.

where’s the “news”?

Seriously, I want to know where the “news” is… This is the second day in a row that I have gone to CNN, and have found them headlining something that has been circulating on the internet for months now! Not only that, but when you have to link out to a site called “that is not news”, perhaps you should dig a little deeper and find something worth reporting, right?

I am constantly frustrated with people calling the media “liberal”, and constantly highlighting what they call a liberal bias, when it is clear that it isn’t liberal at all; in fact, it isn’t even news anymore!! What is going on? It is sad when you have to rely on “underground” sources to find out what is going on in the world around you; and I, for one, really think that it shouldn’t be that way.

I think that this is one of the main reasons why we were duped as a country into electing these manipulative sickos back into office; people aren’t paying attention, and when they are, they being distracted by things that are being reported in the place of the actual stuff that is news-worthy.

Gah. I am just frustrated with the whole lot of it, really. I mean, I don’t care about republican closet cases; I care about what is going on in the world, and what is going on in our country that really AFFECTS us. Stop with the BS, and give us information that will enlighten us, and shed some perspective on our lives; something that we can use! Is that really too much to ask? I would think not, but apparently, it may be. (and dave, save anything you have to say about Fox “news”… most of what they “report” can only be described as pure fiction).

Another frustration: Senator Isakson sent James and I both letters in the mail describing why he isn’t supporting the hate crimes legislation that is currently circulating up on the hill, and the letter was complete bullshit. First of all, I just wonder why in the world someone would NOT support something such as hate crimes legislation? Isn’t it a good thing to punish people more severely for crimes that are committed out of sheer hate for someone?

Also, the letter was completely contradictory to itself; he stated that he believed in things like “dedication to the safety and well being of all US citizens” and whatnot, yet he doesn’t support actual legislation that would ensure that people are punished for committing the very crimes that would threaten the safety of certain US citizens!?? That doesn’t make sense, Mr Isakson! (maybe it is more of that whole “love the fetus, hate the child mentality that many republicans so blindly embrace).

It just frustrates me that gay and lesbian safety and for that matter, our downright freedom, is so low on so many of these old fucker’s radar; so low that they just shrug their shoulders and vote no, when we try our best to do something about it. This is a fucked up country we live in, especially when you examine who really is “protected”, and step back to see who really should have reason to fear the few nut jobs out there that hate their “kind”. All that considered, I am not surprised it doesn’t make the “news”, though… that again, would be too much, right? To actually get some useful information from the news?

Gah. I’m going to study anatomy… It’ll take my mind off of the fuckery that exists in this country every bleeding day.

so shiny, and so wanted!

So today, Mr. Jobs did it again; introducing the ipod touch… and yes, I want it!!!!!!!

But I think that I might wait… I want more than 16gb, after all. However… an ipod with internet?! Sweet! Also, does it take pictures? That would make it perhaps the most perfect piece of technology ever!!! Seriously though, how many of you are going to bite at this? How many of you are going to wait like me??

The only thing I could see getting me to give in is a moment of weakness… hopefully, I won’t have one of those! (because I KNOW that if I were to cave in and get this one, a better one would come out like 2 months later… that always happens to me!)

Also, I found out today that the glorious Pipettes are coming to ATL!!!! The concert is on October 16, at Vinyl, and I am SOOO there! Is anyone else interested in going? The tickets go on sale Friday, so let me know if you are in! I can’t wait to go and “pull shapes” with these lovely ladies! This is going to be an awesome show!

Hope everyone is having a great hump day!

wait a second…

What do you mean that the weekend is OVER?

That was fast! However, it was a great weekend. Fun times with good friends. That’s how every weekend should be!! Not much else to report here… just plugging along with my Stats homework, wondering what the first Anatomy test will be like, and hoping that I do well in all of my classes from here on out.

I kind of feel a little “in the fog” today, which I hope will pass soon. There’s nothing fun about drifting through the fog, waiting to see what will happen next.

I have started working out again too, and I have to say, I have felt like I have been hit by a train for a few days now. I also can’t wait for that to end…. But I am back to the treadmill tonight! I will make it stick this time!!

welcome Carlito Juarez to the family!

Yesterday, we spent the better part of the day at Ink and Dagger Tattoo Parlour, getting the color added to James’ amazing koi tattoo. I have to say, that Ms. Malia Reynolds completely exceeded my expectations; this tattoo is beautiful!!! She is one of the amazingly talented artists at the shop, and I am so glad that James could get tattooed by her!

James was a trooper, and managed to sit for almost 5 hours!! I have to say, that he really surprised me with that, and I am glad that he got such an amazing tattoo. If only everyone’s first tattoo could be this amazing, right?

Well, I know that is in large part thanks to Malia! As always, if you want to get amazing tattoos, be sure that you head over to Ink and Dagger, over in Decatur, because it is THE place to get tattooed in (or around) Atlanta!

This definitely makes me want ANOTHER ONE!!! HA!

Hope everyone is having a great 3-day weekend!