I was riding into work this morning, and I thought, hey, why not do a music suggestion post today; but instead of the usual “listen to this”, why not pick some stuff you can actually listen to… via the magic of you tube! I really haven’t been a big you tube post person in the past, but after posting the brenda home clip the other day, I was seriously questioning why not!
So here it is: the First Five Song Friday! Y’all ain’t ready for this!
The format’s simple: I post 5 you tube clips of songs that I think are totally worthy of you checking out. Usually, it is going to be stuff that I am currently listening to (which can also be found here), and it will always be stuff that you should be checking out. Without further adieu…
Esthero – We R In Need Of A Musical Revolution
Now, I picked this song, not only because it is amazing, but because I was organizing my CDs the other night, and noticed my Esthero CD, and realized I hadn’t listened to it in forever! In fact, I think I never gave it the chance it deserved, because she is quite brilliant, actually. I bought the CD based solely on the genious of this song, and upon finding it the other night, I am giving the rest of the CD the chance it deserved. I can say this… I am liking what I hear, and wondering why I occasionally neglect certain CDs. Weird, really, because it is random, and without reason… yet it still happens. As long as I come back around to it, I guess it doesn’t really matter, right?
Rilo Kiley – Silver Lining
Wow. I have heard about Rilo Kiley before, and was always like “meh, I’ll get to them eventually”, and I never realized that I should have been saying, “hey wait, let me listen!”. This song is amazing. I love everything about it, and ran out and bought the CD because of it. I am enjoying the CD, even though nothing is quite as catching as this song is, but that is because it is pretty damn close to gold. Great form Rilo Kiley!
Peter, Bjorn, and John – Young Kids
Oh how I resisted this song… but no longer. I remember the first time I saw the video, and I was all, “that’s a cute video”, but I honestly didn’t care that much for the song. Cut to earlier this week: I was at Decatur CD, and they were playing the Peter, Bjorn, and John CD because they were performing that night. Unlike the first time I saw the video (seriously, it has been a long time), I was really bopping my head to what I heard. Now, I can’t get enough, the whole CD is a good listen, full of these great beats. Be warned though, this song WILL get stuck in your head. (The beat makes me moist.)
Brandi Carlile – The Story
Oh, Brandi, how I love you. Seriously, this song is her powerhouse, but the whole CD is magnificent. If you are a fan of bands like the Indigo Girls, then you have got to check out Brandi. I absolutely love how she manipulates her voice, and uses it to just pierce you with emotion. The whole album is heartfelt and well crafted. If you like this song, just know that it is pretty much the “hardest” one on the record, as she is a bit more acoustic in her style (again, think Indigo Girls). I personally think it is one of the better albums to come out this year.
Kanye West – Stronger
Ah… Kanye West. Yes, I do think he is a great musician, but he is pretty much a bitch. I mean, how much do you need people to love you and bow before your feet before you stop complaining about all of your fame and fortune? Apparently, Kanye needs more. That aside, he can turn out some great music. Maybe I included this one because the CD came out this week… who knows. I have been listening to his CD all week, and while there are some gems, I don’t think overall it is as solid as his last album. That being said… I like him. And this song is great… but I think that it is great more because of Daft Punk… and I freaked when I heard that he sampled it… I was all “I’m IN!”. (cos I loves me some Daft Punk!)
Hope you guys enjoyed this first installment of a hopefully, sort of regular, music suggestion post. Five song Friday is on! Enjoy the music, and enjoy your weekend! Let me know what you guys think of my suggestions, and hell, make some of your own!
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