Month: July 2007

the wait is over: Sara Bareilles – Little Voice in stores TODAY!!!!

Alright kids, I may still be held up in the bed today, but that will not stop me from shouting my extreme excitement and praise for today’s release of this year’s BEST CD (Seriously, it is amazing), Sara Bareilles‘ delightfully and ironically titled debut, Little Voice.

As I have said many times before, I have been a huge fan of hers for years now, and not only am I completely honored to have met her, but I literally cannot say enough wonderful things about this amazing artist. If you are looking for the next big thing when it comes to music, look no further, because Sara is it. She blends perfect lyrics with pop harmonies that will blow you away. If you take a little bit from each of the following: Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, Vanessa Carlton, and Regina Spektor; and mix it up a bit, polish it, refine it, and make it more sincere and beautiful, you would have Sara Bareilles.

I had the distinct privilege of discovering Sara’s amazing talent and music a few years ago, and I have been hooked ever since. I am elated to see that she is finally out on a major label, and if there is any justice in the world, she is going to be huge. Do yourself a favor, and go out today, and pick up the best album of 2007. Seriously, this is it, you guys… you won’t be sorry. Sara is amazing, and I am so excited to be able to tell you all about her, and better yet, be able to get her new album!!!

where in the world is duane?

The answer: In bed. And, I have been in bed for literally, the entire day; in fact, I am writing this, sitting in bed with my laptop (thank God for that wireless USB adaptor that I bought way back when).

Why have I been in bed all day, you ask? Well, yesterday, I was walking about the house, picking up Sydney’s toys, which were due a good washing, and I leaned down to get one in the kitchen, and upon standing up, found a sharp, shooting pain in my back. It was so intense, I literally fell face first to the floor. After laying there for a few minutes, I felt much better, and made my way back upright; but not totally. I was able to walk comfortably bent over a bit, and as long as I leaned to my right, I was somewhat comfortable.

I went on with some caution, but figured it would be better this morning. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t. I woke up this morning, literally screaming at the top of my lungs in agony. Imagine the worst charlie-horse you have EVER had, multiply it by 10, and then place that in your lower back. Literally, I made my way out of the bed, because I had to pee, and I was seriously contemplating just peeing sitting on the floor, because standing up caused me so much pain. (I did manage to force myself to get up and use the toilet, so don’t get too excited). If I could rate my pain level on a scale of one to ten, this was easily a ten.

The worst part, is that it is still here. I have managed to limp around the house a TINY bit today, but for the most part, I have stayed still in the bed; with the occasional writhing in agony when my back decides it wants to spasm, just because I moved.

I did manage to watch the entire series of Kitchen Confidential, as well as Superman Returns, though, which was something to keep my mind off of the pain. When James got home, he brought me food (didn’t eat all day until he got here, around 6), and he kindly hooked me up with my laptop, and a new movie selection. I wanted to go to the doctor, but I am serious when I say, that the only way I could get there, would be on a stretcher.

I got lots of pain meds, and muscle relaxers from my doc, and I hope that they ease the tension in my back, and manages to stop this awful spasms.

Updates will provided as necessary… hopefully, they will be good updates. Wish me well!