Month: June 2007

whatever you want

What’s going on with ya’ll these days? There isn’t much going on that I can see in the way of news, so I guess this is a blog post for the sake of having a blog post.

Feel free to stop in and say hello, give words of wisdom, ask me questions that are burning your brain; whatever you want. This post is open to all of you, as I am pretty devoid of actual contribution today because of the lack of anything going on.

Hope that your day is awesome, and I look forward to hearing from you, or not… it’s up to you!

MIKA @ Center Stage ATL June 16, 2007

Last night, we had the amazing pleasure of seeing the amazing MIKA at Center Stage. It was a sold out show, and MIKA more than delivered.

The show was amazing. MIKA is an amazing performer, and totally has the talent that he displays on his record. I was blown away with how awesome this 23 year old (!!) is. I will definitely keep my eye out for when he is in town again. Great show!

The opening act, Natalia, wasn’t really my style. I could have done without her. Additionally, between her and MIKA, there was this weird round of break dancing, which was kind of out there, and really went on too long. It got annoying.

There was this really odd gentleman who was to our right, up in the seats section, who had staked a claim on a handicapped person’s space, who literally performed routine after routine for the people in the crowd. It was quite entertaining, and made us wonder what he was on; because it was probably some good stuff.

The show was also taped, so that was kind of interesting to have this huge camera boom over our heads and in our faces all night. Perhaps I will be on a DVD some day. Who knows…

Overall, the show was awesome, and it ended (as you can get a feel from this picture), with the performance of Lollipop, with the whole band coming out in furry animal costumes. Once the song got going, these huge balloons filled the arena, and there was even a huge blast of confetti shot into the air. It was pretty amazing.

I guess I really can’t say enough positive things about the concert, and if you weren’t there, you certainly missed out. At least do yourself a favor, if you haven’t already, and check out the amazing MIKA! You won’t be sorry!!!

let’s keep it simple today, okay?

First of all, I wonder why people like this even bother seeing movies like Fantastic Four in the first place? Don’t they know that it is actually supposed to be a total cheese-fest, eye candy movie that is based on a hokie, silly, comic book? I don’t get why people are so disappointed by movies that they know they won’t like… why go see them? With that being said, James and I went and saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and we both really liked it.

I have to say this about the movie: if you share anything in common with the writer of that review, steer clear, because you won’t be able to just sit back and enjoy the show. Additionally, if you didn’t like the first one, again, stay clear, you won’t like this one either. While I didn’t think that it was the best movie ever, it was certainly entertaining, and I had a good time while watching it. The special effects were fun, and the Silver Surfer was amazing. I can’t wait to see what the spin-off franchise has in store for him. All in all, I would totally see it again; and I will get it when it comes out on DVD. I would have to give it between 4 and 5 stars, so I will just give it 4 ; seems fitting, doesn’t it? Again, if you don’t have the ability to just enjoy something for what it is; a special effects driven, silly, comic book, eye-candy film, this movie isn’t for you. With that being said, why waste your time watching it, and then go on to bitch about it? Go see something else. I know that there are plenty of those like me that will see it and will actually enjoy it, and we are the people the movie was made for anyway.

While I was getting the link for F4:RotSS, I totally stumbled on the page of the guy that plays the Silver Surfer, and noticed that they are currently filming Hellboy 2!!!! ROCK! I loved the first one. Can’t wait for that! I love my comic book movies; which probably stems from my rather large comic book collection that I still have from when I was younger… Either way, I love this surge in comic book movies; especially in this day and age with the special effects they can do. Anyone else say Thundercats? Yeah! We can hope, right?

Finally, I noticed that Kelly Clarkson is cancelling her tour, due to poor ticket sales, and I can’t say that I am surprised. Based on what we have heard so far, things don’t look good for our favorite Idol. I have to say, I have tried really hard to get into her new song, and I have even given the album more than a few lessons, and overall, it isn’t what I was expecting from someone who wrote such a beautiful song with Because of You. I know that she wants to “do her own thing”, but I really hope that she does listen to the professionals that are trying to help her have a long career… I don’t want to lose the Kelly that I love! Let’s hope we can put this album behind us and move back into greatly produced pop, okay? I say this, because you know how flawless you are, Kelly, you don’t need to prove anything to us! I’m routing for your Kelly!!! I won’t give up on you just yet, okay!

Hope you all have a great weekend… James and I have the twins 4 year old birthday party tomorrow before we head out to see MIKA at center stage. That is a concert I am totally excited about!!! Expect pictures in the future!!

family values, or neoconservative propaganda?

Yesterday morning, before work, I got a call from a solicitor. When I answered the phone, the lady on the other end asked for the woman of the house. I informed her there was no woman of the house, and that the man of the house was speaking. She then went into her scripted speech about her cause; the Dove Foundation. She asked me questions about whether I was concerned about the “lack” of “family” oriented movies that are being produced by Hollywood. I told her no. Shocked, because she said “oh”, she continues to throw “facts” at me about how many more R rated movies are produced, and how there aren’t enough “family” oriented films being produced at the same rates. She then asked if I was concerned that this gap was so disparate, and asked why I thought it was. I then told her that movies are made to make profits; Hollywood makes movies that will sell, and it is less about family entertainment, and more about profit margins. Again, I got an “oh”. All in all, I listened to her spiel, I was polite, and our call ended with the traditional no three times rule (which is really annoying by the way).

As I got to thinking about the call, and after investigating the foundation, I felt the need to post about it, because I had some thoughts I wanted to express. First of all, I thought it was odd that she would initially ask for the woman of the household. Perhaps this foundation believes that it is the mother, not the father, who has the job of protecting and representing the “family” values that the Dove Foundation so solidly wants? Or maybe she just wanted to talk to a woman, either way, it was something to think about.

After investigating the website, and their justifications for backing one film, and not backing another, I found it to be pretty inconsistent with regards to violence and representations of “family”. Take for instance, they approved Spiderman 3 (which is no doubt, a violent film), but did not approve Pirates of the Caribbean, citing that Pirates was too violent. Now, I don’t see a need for an organization to approve or disapprove a film because of the level of clearly fictionalized violence, because if you are a parent, you should be intelligent enough to know that each of these films holds the potential to be violent, and as such, may be inappropriate for children; especially considering that each of these films are rated PG-13. If you lack this sort of filtering mechanism, well, I don’t really know what to say other than, wow, you are pretty willfully ignorant, so it probably doesn’t matter to you what your kids watch, does it?

But the violence inconsistency wasn’t what got my goat; it was the disapproval for movies that represented anything that wasn’t the judeo-christian “norm” of family (again, with inconsistency). I looked up three films that I thoroughly enjoy and own, all of which are rated PG-13: Best in Show, Rent, and De-Lovely. I picked these films, because I had a hunch that a film that portrayed gays in a positive light would not be approved by the “family”-centered foundation. I was correct. Each film was shot down, and here are some of the descriptions that were used as to why they were not approved:

Best in Show:

Content Description: Sex: picture of gay man in strange outfit, baring his bare bottom; two men kiss briefly; two women, outing their attraction for each other, kiss passionately; one woman has been sexually promiscuous in her past; the discourse coming form the gay couple is peppered with references to homosexuality – three other sexually based dialogues.


RENT As you can tell from the above synopsis, this is NOT a family-friendly film. Like it or not, it is a peek into the underground world of drugs and homosexuality among a group of friends on the streets of New York at the “End of the Millennium.” Don’t let the singing fool you, this is serious stuff. Be prepared to see same-sex kissing, crude and suggestive dancing, cross-dressing, prostitution, drug addiction and withdrawal, and the effects of AIDS. The homosexual lifestyle is portrayed as acceptable and supported by family and friends.

and finally, De-Lovely:

De-Lovely has much to offer both musically and dramatically. And in a day when Christians are faced with pressures to consider homosexuality an acceptable lifestyle, De-Lovely may be worth seeing and discussing simply because it approaches the topic without being terribly graphic. It includes males dancing and kissing as well as implied sexual encounters. The film promotes the claim that homosexuals, like heterosexuals, are simply searching for love in their own way. Unfortunately, appropriate moral commentary is absent from this film, making it impossibel (this was taken from the site, as is) for awarding it the Dove Seal. The film adds crude and profane language.

What I see as something that IS consistent, is a disdain for anything that portrays homosexuals in a positive manner, or anything that shows the acceptance of homosexuality as a part of someones life. That disgusts me, especially because they rest on the laurels of promoting “family” values. This says to me, as a gay man, that I do not represent family values because I am gay and proud of who I am. This says that my friends, who are a lesbian couple with three children, are not a family, because they represent a positive example of a homosexual couple successfully raising children. That is religious propaganda, and should be called out for what it is. If you want to say that you promote family values, then promote happiness, safety, love, compassion, togetherness, and other positive values that would be fitting for any family to strive for. If you want to prevent children from being exposed to these “crude” representations of actual life, that I totally understand, as I would never take my child to see any of these films. BUT, that doesn’t mean that these films don’t contain elements of normalcy, decency, and representations of family, love, happiness, and life. To deny that, and to say that you don’t approve, represents ignorance, and more importantly, participation in a neoconservative propaganda campaign against homosexuality, and frankly, sexuality all together. That is a scary thing, especially considering the rate at which young people are being affected by AIDS these days; ignorance will make it worse.

Finally, I also found it interesting how much praise was given to the story of a father and son, which begins with a pretty jarring representation of mass murder, where the mother and all but the one son are brutally killed (even though it is implied and not explicitly shown). What movie to I speak of? Why, Finding Nemo of course!! What I find disturbing about their strong approval of this film, is that I personally know that there are several children that are traumatized by the beginning scene that I speak of, so much so, that if they would have been taken to see this Dove approved film in the theater, the parents would have been forced to take them outside because of the trauma and crying that would ensue. Forgetting that intensely jarring detail that happens at the beginning of the film seems pretty negligent of this organization, in my opinion.

Perhaps this organization would be better served by trying to make more films that it deems positive, and spend less time trying to denigrate other films that represent alternative facets of society. By doing what they are doing, they are proving that not only are their “values” inconsistent in several cases, but they are taking a positive effort to provide “family safe” entertainment, and hiding it under a religious, neoconservative, hate-filled propaganda campaign. So I say, don’t turn your positive into a negative; if you really want “family safe” entertainment, exercise a level of intelligence when taking your kids to the movies. Unlike what they are saying, there isn’t a lack of “family” movies at all, and damning all the ones that they don’t approve of is distracting from their cause (if that really is their cause).

reconnecting and wow, time flies

It all started yesterday morning; I got several emails and comments from an old friend from college, one who I haven’t seen or spoken to in years. I was so shocked, because this friend was such a close friend, and when I moved away from college, we fell out of touch. I know now, that it was because of several changing aspects of my life (I came out right after college, which was MOST of the reason I just went forward, without looking back) that led to rapid changes, and leaving old friends behind; but that doesn’t mean that I ever forgot about them. And hearing from her was such an amazing surprise.

It was amazing to hear how much things have changed (she got married and has 2 kids!) in the last 7 years, and it really makes you realize how quickly things can shift and change, as well as how quickly time flies. We ended up talking on the phone last night for the first time in years, and it was as if we had seen each other the day before (but with more stories, of course); and it was great! There are very few people in your life that will have an impact on you, and Vanessa definitely had a huge impact on my life (as well as Beth, whom I am looking forward to reconnecting with soon too! Email me!). While I do regret that we lost touch for so long, I must say, that reconnecting is probably the best thing ever, because it clearly highlights that there is no reason for us to lose touch again. We have to hold onto those special connections in our lives, and this is a very good reminder of how important it is to do just that.

I was seriously on cloud nine last night, because it was amazing to reconnect with someone that I am so close to, even though it has been years since we have seen each other. I also makes me reflect on the changes and choices we make in our lives, and it makes me want to stop for a moment and think about how some of those changes have affected me, and my connections with others. I can honestly say that there are very few people in my life that I would truly consider “best” friends (I know that best indicates one, but I have a few, alright!), and I am just in shock that I was lucky enough to reconnect with one of mine. (Thanks Vanessa for contacting me!!) This blog, if it has served no other purpose than to give me room to share my thoughts and opinions, I can definitely say that it has provided an opportunity for me to reconnect with someone very special to me, that I haven’t seen in years.

How awesome is this world that we live in, that even though time, distance, hundreds of miles, several years, and everything in between can separate us for whatever reason, that sometimes, if we are lucky, we can come back to what matters most to us at some point in the future? Thank goodness for the internets!! You have served me well old friend!! And thanks to Vanessa for googleing me! I am just elated to day, ya’ll… That’s all I can say really; I am just happy to have been lucky enough to reconnect with a great friend, and I totally look forward to making sure that we don’t lose touch again!

is there anything else?

So yeah, I felt like I had a while ago, but now I really believe that it has finally happened; I have hit the end of the internet. I have seen everything that I could “stumble upon” (no relation to the site… but maybe I should check that out?), and I only have about 4 or 5 websites that I drift back and forth on throughout my day. Of course, it is the staples like flickr, digg, the news channels, my site, etc; but that’s it. I don’t watch videos on you tube because my computer has no sound and I share an office. Also, I listen to my ipod, so it is silly to watch videos with no sound; so that site’s out. What else is there? Is there something amazing that has new fresh content every day that I need to be seeing? Is there something that I am missing? Because it seems that even the regular bloggers don’t blog everyday, so again, there is a lack of new and fresh stuff. As such, I find myself clicking through flickr throughout the day, over and over again. So, tell me what you guys look at, and what engages you on these internets; because I feel like I am either missing it, or I have already seen it, and that’s all there is to that.

vulture funds? WTF!

I have been reading about the battle to end “vulture funds” today. Vulture funds are funds that shatter the possibility of debt relief, where an investor will buy a defaulted loan from a poor nation, and take them to court, forcing them to pay the loan in full plus interest (even though they couldn’t pay the loan to begin with). What happens at that point, is that these countries that owe the debts, siphon funds off of the aid the government provides to them, and the debt cycle and need for aid only grows. See, it is a catch 22, the money is loaned to them, and they spend it (unfortunately, with a lot of political and governmental corruption involved in that spending), and when they can’t pay it back, the defaulted loan is sold very cheaply to someone who goes to court, and demands that they pay back the full loan with interest (!!!). The problem lies in the fact that these countries are forced to take money that we give them for things like AIDS relief, and use that money to pay off the debt collector (i.e., the vulture), who gets rich in the process, making way more than he invested in the defaulted loan. But why accept the loan, right? Well, these countries are given these loans as a fake promise that they can use this money to step into the 21st century. It is like those low interest, high risk home loans, that allow people to buy houses they can’t afford; they end up defaulting, and losing more than they had before the loan, yet, they are convinced in the beginning that they will be able to get by and improve their lives. It is a vicious cycle.

There is a serious issue here, because this practice, especially with relation to foreign countries and federal funds, is illegal. Currently, there is a call for debt cancellation in these cases, but there are still a few people over here (in the US) getting big bucks from this swindling game. They know these people can’t pay back the debt, yet they force them to with whatever they can come up with; which ends up being the aid we provide in the name of AIDS relief and other federal aid programs.

Even though these people go around buying these loans, and use courts to force these countries to pay back these loans, President Bush can sign a statement locking all federal aid funds into place. This would work to prevent the siphoning of those funds to corrupt government schemes and wealthy debt collectors; but that hasn’t happened yet. I hope that he will, and protect funds like the great AIDS relief that I spoke about a little while back. I can’t believe that people are able to do things like this in the first place, and that the system doesn’t do something to protect those that really need protecting. Until the governments of other nations stop the corruption, and the wealthy vultures stop collecting defaulted debts with interest (debts that the people were never going to be able to pay in the first place), the aid is not going to those that need it, and as such, we aren’t helping the situation at all. That is really depressing, because we really can help, we just have to have a multi-tiered approach, addressing these issues in the process. This is great reporting from Greg Palast, as usual, which is how I found out about all of this. It really makes you wonder what is going on with these uber-wealthy people that literally have no problem taking money from those that simply do not have it, just for the sake of getting richer. When is enough money really enough?

I know that this is going to stir up a few bee’s nests, but I just think that there is a point when you have to say that someone is rich enough, and let that be that. There should be limits on how you can swindle money, and the consequences of your actions should be held accountable. Do I think that people don’t deserve the right to be rich? Of course not! If you are rich, good for you! But, if you gained your wealth by literally taking it out of the hands of the disenfranchised poor, especially in a way that is illegal, or at a bare minimum ethically questionable, should you be allowed to just keep raking it in? I certainly don’t think so. I know that the world isn’t fair, but the least we can do is try to make it more likely to swing in a fair direction. If not, we aren’t really doing anything but making rich people richer, and that certainly is NOT the goal of world wide aid, is it? Perhaps it is just a personal thing, but I don’t think I could sleep at night knowing that I am forcing a foreign government to cough up money that it doesn’t have, just because I could afford to buy their defaulted loan. The government of that country may not suffer (because of corruption, remember), but the people certainly do, and that is something that I couldn’t have on my conscience.

I agree that we should definitely cancel the debts of these poor countries that have suffered from corruption, colonization, and disenfranchisement. Punish those that seek to gain profit from their misfortune, by siphoning funds off of federal aid that we provide them. Or, at a bare minimum, we must prevent them from siphoning off those funds, and make sure that the money goes for what it is supposed to go for. The least we can do, if we aren’t going to stop corruption, is be accountable for the money we are handing out, right?

presumably something for everyone!

Happy Monday kids!!! So, things are a bit all over the place in my brain today, so I thought I would just jot it all down, and put it out there; since I am sure that there is a little something for everyone. Perhaps it will cure your boredom, or at least give you something to think about! Here we go… ready?

  • I have been listening to Muse, Zwan, and a lot of ROCK lately. I am enjoying the hell out of it too; it totally reminds me of my alternative/rock days where Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins were all I listened to. For some reason, people find it odd that I love hard rock, but alas, there it is. To continue that thought, I cannot wait until July 24th; Guitar Hero Encore: Rocking The 80s comes out. I will be at Best Buy that day getting my copy. Want to come over and play? Hopefully, that can calm my intense hunger for Guitar Hero III; which I should probably be saving up for, since I have to get everything for the Wii.
  • This is fantastic news. I am really happy when justice is truly served. This guy didn’t deserve to go to jail for a consensual sex act; no one does. I am happy to see that he is finally free; although, the prosecutors are seeking an appeal. Ugh, leave the kid alone, he has already done 2 years in jail for no reason.
  • This is like my nightmare. I love roller coasters, and have always thoroughly enjoyed them, but this type of thing just scares me. I know it is highly unlikely, but still, I can’t imagine being stuck at the top of Acrophobia at Six Flags over Georgia for that long. I would pass out, piss myself, and probably have an aneurysm while they were trying to save us. That is probably why I don’t ride that one anymore; it is too much for me to handle, and I heard that it actually did get stuck at the top once, and they had to manually lower it. Fuck that. I feel bad for those people, because they are probably ruined on roller coasters now.
  • Here’s the only thing you will hear from me about the whole Paris Hilton thing: Paris, none of us think for a second that you are just “acting” dumb. You are dumb. And rich. And that is the only reason why anyone even pays you any attention. Just do your time for the crime you committed, and move on. I am certainly sick and tired of hearing about you and your grossly over-privileged ass.
  • Apparently, there are drugs in the water in Albania. I mean, that is the only way I can truly understand why these people think that Bush is such a symbol of democracy. Those in Rome had a better idea of exactly who he is; and it is sad that there are still herds of people that are blinded by how awful this man and his presidency truly have been and continue to be. Also, how can people really trust someone who doesn’t bother remembering his position on things? This is someone that we are trusting to keep us safe, and he can’t even remember his position on global affairs and foreign policies. Yikes. I am awe that people still think he is doing a great job; this is just another example of how out of it he really is.
  • This is just creepy, but it is immensely informative. I watched the video for my car, and I was pleased to see that it crashes “well”. One of the biggest selling features for my car was the air bags and the safety features. Any of you that live and drive in Georgia know that you have to be protected from these assholes that love to fly down the road, talking on their cell phones, and not paying attention to anything. It still blows my mind that people don’t take driving more seriously; you are gambling with your life people!
  • There is a whole mess of hotness out there these days; and I am not talking about the weather. I was at the gym the other day, and I noticed John Cena on someone’s TV, and I was reminded at how “DAYUM(!!!!)” he is. While I think the whole wrestling thing is silly, and that movie ‘The Marine’ was pretty bad, he is so fucking hot, that it is almost worth sitting through that crap to see him. What a hunk. *drool* Also, I am totally loving me some Seth Rogen. I have thought he was cute since I saw him in 40 Year Old Virgin, and now that he is all over the place because of his new movie, I am drooling over him heavy. I have to get to the theater and see Knocked Up! Man, I could seriously stare at men all day; I am definitely a visual person. Good thing there are so many hotties to look at!!! Side note: Don’t worry, Jake, you are still my number one, honey!
  • Finally, let’s end on an amazingly HIGH note: Sara Bareilles‘ album, Little Voice, is coming out July 3rd!!!!!!!!!! I am so fucking excited, because as I have said numerous times, I absolutely adore Sara, and have been following her for years. I love her music, and I am so looking forward to her getting more exposure, and hopefully the recognition she deserves. If you haven’t already, go and download her EP in iTunes. You won’t be sorry; she is one of the best singers out there, and you must do yourself a favor and check her out!!! Congrats Sara!!! I will probably blog more about this as we near the release date; as I said, I am super excited about this!

Whew! Did you get all of that!?!?! Have a great afternoon!

john’s housewarming gift

john’s housewarming gift, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

I painted John a painting for a housewarming gift. It looks quite smashing above his bed.

I am glad that he liked it! I will get a better picture of it soon and add it to the paintings page. Till then, enjoy it here, or on flickr!

Hope everyone’s weekend is going well! Last night was John’s housewarming party, and it was a blast; even though we were 1 hour and 45 minutes late because I literally painted up until the deadline. I am just glad I could get it finished!!!

when patriotism becomes something else

Today, when I was driving in to work, I saw a car being towed by a rather large tow truck, and noticed that the tow truck was emblazoned with “patriotic” symbols, such as flags, planes, and other red, white, and blue themed “USA is great”-ness. While I am all for showing your patriotic side, I think that there definitely is a continuum on which people fall with regards to displaying that patriotism; especially we Americans.

I tend to fall on the low end of the continuum, as I don’t have a flag anywhere in my house, on my property, or on my car. I don’t see the need to display the American flag to prove that I am in support of America, our troops, and our freedom. I have no problem with people putting flags, bumper stickers, and those awful “support the troops” ribbons on their cars, houses, and whatever they can find standing still long enough to attach them to; as long as it makes them feel somehow more patriotic for doing so. I do however, think that it is all a bit over board, as I said, I fall on the low end of the continuum, and these people clearly fall more in the middle, with many sitting close to the high end of the continuum.

Now, with that being said, I absolutely despise those people that take the notion of displaying patriotism beyond simply showing support through images of flags, words of support, or even those silly ribbons. (I say silly ribbons, for clarification purposes, because a ribbon on your car saying that you support the troops doesn’t make it any more real, or any more supportive than the rest of us that support them. If you really support them, send them a care package with the money you used to buy that ribbon; it would show more true support.). See, what I didn’t mention when I spoke of the tow truck earlier, was that as I took notice of the patriotic images plastered all over the truck, I started to notice that it went far beyond the simple flag and “we support the troops” display; it had a plane, dropping a bomb, with flumes of smoke and fire, to represent the destruction that we would bring on anyone that fucks with us. Now, in my opinion, that goes beyond patriotism, and clearly turns something that is meant to show that we are proud and supportive of our country and our troops, into something that represents a sadistic mindset where killing and destruction are somehow representative of our support of this country. And I think that is going too far.

If you feel the need to display this form of sadistic extreme “patriotism”, fine, but in my opinion, you have taken something that is supposed to be a positive affirmation of support, and turned it into a sad excuse for you to show your potential for hateful retaliation, under the guise of “support”. If you truly support our country, you don’t have to kill everyone else in the world to do so, so why not focus on the positive? I guess I just can’t understand the need to do that, because I don’t equate patriotism with bombing men, women, and children in the Middle East. We can be proud of who we are, without killing tons of other people in the process, and we can certainly show that we are proud of who we are without representing that pride as a bomb-dropping mural on a tow truck.