Month: May 2007

way to go Pelosi!

I wonder if it will even affect Bush that she called him out, right there in the open, about his own history of requiring a time table of Clinton (ha ha Mr. Hypocrite!)? I also wonder, if her strong words about how it was Bush disrespecting the troops by vetoing a bill, and not showing one ounce of a possibility of compromising on the need for an exit strategy? I certainly hope that more people listen to great people like Ms. Pelosi, and do the right fucking thing; get us out of Iraq, so that we can focus on the real issue, which is taking care of our country and our people. If we really want to rid the world of terrorists, we should stop putting ourselves in the position of creating them. It’s time to be a little more intelligent people!

If ONE person can substantially say that our presence in Iraq is doing more good than bad; I am challenging you to PROVE IT. It is obvious that our stay is no longer welcome, and we need an exit strategy, or this silly occupation will go on, and more people will unnecessarily die. Unfortunately, more than 3000 soldiers have already given their lives; when will enough be enough?

On a different, yet related note, I think that I have finally figured out the solution that Bush wants for Iraq. If we can’t leave, and we can’t announce a time for exit (because, by his claims, they will just “wait around until we are gone” and stir shit up again) it is obvious to me, that Mr. Bush has only two options: we occupy Iraq forever (in which, proves that he is a liar, saying that he wants democracy there), or, we kill everyone that lives in Iraq, effectively ending the presence of an insurgency. I would think that there have to be other options, and I am personally glad that I have people like Ms. Pelosi on my side. Bush wants this war to go on, even though the overwhelming majority of the people that HE REPRESENTS wants it to stop. What does that say about him? At a minimum, it makes he look like a hardheaded little brat, who just won’t give up until he gets his way; no matter the cost.

I am just happy that he isn’t the only one who gets to make decisions. I hope that the congress and the senate can get what we need; a real plan. A real PLAN!!!!!!!!!!! Rock out Pelosi!

fielding questions in the grocery store

Last night, after the gym, James and I stopped off at the Publix to pick up some necessities (i.e., booze), and I hear this woman behind me say, “excuse me gentlemen”. I usually don’t pay attention to people in places like the grocery store, because chances are, they aren’t talking to you, and you look like an idiot when you give them attention, or answer back. But in this case, she was talking to us, and I sort of half way turned around, and she continued to speak. “Excuse me, you guys look like you might know something about cars, and I need some advice, if you have a moment.”

So let me get this straight, we look like guys that might know something about cars? Is it the sweaty work out clothes we are wearing? Regardless of my inability to reasonably figure out what made us look more like two people to know about cars, we tried to help her with her problem. She needed some oil because her oil light was on, and was unsure what 10W30 vs 10W40 was, and so on. Well, we BSed our way through it (I know what MY car needs, okay!), and sent her happily on her way (don’t worry, it wasn’t all BS, we did tell her the essential, “don’t drive it much, and take it in for a change immediately”).

What I found hilarious about the situation, as did James, was that we were literally surrounded by lots of people when she approached us, and she felt that the only two gay men standing in the Publix were the ones that looked most likely to know about cars. Well, at least we look butch to someone; even if it is only because we were guys, and at the moment she needed “man’s” advice, we happened to be right in front of her. Funny stuff, I tell ya.

Also, Dreamgirls is on DVD today. Needless to say, I am getting that movie, and will be having a little musical fun tonight. Yay Jennifer Hudson!